Bernhard Nebel.
The Computational Complexity of Multi-Agent Pathfinding on Directed Graphs.
Artificial Intelligence. 2024.
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While the non-optimizing variant of multi-agent pathfinding on undirected graphs is known to be a polynomial-time problem since almost forty years, a similar result has not been established for directed graphs. In this paper, it will be shown that this problem is NP-complete. For strongly connected directed graphs, however, the problem is polynomial. And both of these results hold even if one allows for synchronous rotations on fully occupied cycles. Interestingly, the results apply also to the so-called motion planning feasibility problem on directed graphs.
Moritz Graf, Thorsten Engesser and Bernhard Nebel.
A Symbolic Sequential Equilibria Solver for Game Theory Explorer (Demo Track).
Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2024).
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We present the first implemented symbolic solver for sequential equilibria in general finite imperfect information games.
Moritz Graf, Thorsten Engesser and Bernhard Nebel.
Symbolic Computation of Sequential Equilibria.
Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2024).
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The sequential equilibrium is a standard solution concept for extensive-form games with imperfect information that includes an explicit representation of the players' beliefs. An assessment consisting of a strategy and a belief is a sequential equilibrium if it satisfies the properties of sequential rationality and consistency.
Our main result is that both properties together can be written as a finite set of polynomial equations and inequalities. The solutions to this system are exactly the sequential equilibria of the game. We construct this system explicitly and describe an implementation that solves it using cylindrical algebraic decomposition. To write consistency as a finite system of equations, we need to compute the extreme directions of a set of polyhedral cones. We propose a modified version of the double description method, optimized for this specific purpose. To the best of our knowledge, our implementation is the first to symbolically solve general finite imperfect information games for sequential equilibria.
Stefano Ardizzoni, Irene Saccani, Luca Consolini, Marco Locatelli and Bernhard Nebel.
An Algorithm with Improved Complexity for Pebble Motion/Multi-Agent Path Finding on Trees.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 79. 2024.
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The pebble motion on trees (PMT) problem consists in finding a feasible sequence of moves that repositions a set of pebbles to assigned target vertices. This problem has been widely studied because, in many cases, the more general Multi-Agent path finding (MAPF) problem on graphs can be reduced to PMT. We propose a simple and easy to implement procedure, which finds solutions of length O(|P|nc + n2), where n is the number of nodes, P is the set of pebbles, and c the maximum length of corridors in the tree. This complexity result is more detailed than the current best known result O(n3), which is equal to our result in the worst case, but does not capture the dependency on c and |P|.
Vaishak Belle, Thomas Bolander, Andreas Herzig and Bernhard Nebel.
Epistemic planning: Perspectives on the special issue.
Artificial Intelligence 316, p. 103842. 2023.
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Epistemic planning is the enrichment of automated planning with epistemic notions such as knowledge and belief. In general, single-agent epistemic planning considers the following problem: given an agent's current state of knowledge, and a desirable state of knowledge, how does it get from one to the other? In multi-agent epistemic planning, the current and desirable states of knowledge might also refer to the states of knowledge of other agents, including higher-order knowledge like ensuring that agent A doesn't get to know that agent B knows P. Single-agent epistemic planning is of central importance in settings where agents need to be able to reason about their own lack of knowledge and, e.g., make plans of how to achieve the required knowledge. Multi-agent epistemic planning is essential for coordination and collaboration among multiple agents, where success can only be expected if agents are able to reason about the knowledge, uncertainty and capabilities of other agents. It is a relatively recent area of research involving several sub-areas of artificial intelligence, such as automated planning, decision-theoretic planning, epistemic logic, strategic reasoning and knowledge representation and reasoning. In
order to achieve formalisms and systems for epistemic planning that are both expressive and practically efficient, it is necessary to combine state of the art from several such sub-areas of artificial intelligence that have so far been considered mostly in separation. Application areas of epistemic planning include mobile service robots, explaining planning, game playing, human-robot interaction and social robotics. For this special issue of AIJ, we invited papers on theory, applications, and implemented systems of epistemic planning. In this document, we summarize the accepted papers whilst recapping the essentials of epistemic planning.
Bernhard Nebel.
The Small Solution Hypothesis for MAPF on Strongly Connected Directed Graphs Is True.
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2023), pp. 304-313.
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The determination of the computational complexity of multi-agent pathfinding on directed graphs has been an open problem for many years. Only recently, it has been established that the problem is NP-hard. Further, it has been proved that it is in NP, provided the short solution hypothesis for strongly connected digraphs holds. In this paper, it is shown that this hypothesis is indeed true, even when one allows for synchronous rotations.
Pascal Bachor, Rolf-David Bergdoll and Bernhard Nebel.
The Multi-Agent Transportation Problem.
Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023), pp. 11525-11532.
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We introduce the multi-agent transportation (MAT) problem,
where agents have to transport containers from their starting
positions to their designated goal positions. Movement takes place
in a common environment where collisions between agents and between
containers must be avoided. In contrast to other frameworks such as
MAPF or MAPD, the agents are allowed to separate from the containers
at any time, which allows for plans in scenarios that might
otherwise be unsolvable and has the potential to reduce the
makespan. We present a complexity analysis establishing
NP-completeness and show how the problem can be reduced to a
sequence of SAT problems when optimizing for makespan. Finally, the
implementation is empirically evaluated relative to input
characteristics, and it is compared to some variants of the MAT
problem and a CBS-based MAPD implementation.
Stefan Borgwardt, Jörg Hoffmann, Alisa Kovtunova, Markus Krötzsch, Bernhard Nebel and Marcel Steinmetz.
Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022).
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David Speck and Jendrik Seipp.
New Refinement Strategies for Cartesian Abstractions.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2022).
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Cartesian counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) yields strong heuristics for optimal classical planning. CEGAR repeatedly finds counterexamples, i.e., abstract plans that fail for the concrete task. Although there are usually many such abstract plans to choose from, the refinement strategy from previous work is to choose an arbitrary optimal one. In this work, we show that an informed refinement strategy is critical in theory and practice. We demonstrate that it is possible to execute all optimal abstract plans in the concrete task simultaneously, and present methods to minimize the time and number of refinement steps until we find a concrete solution. The resulting algorithm solves more tasks than the previous state of the art for Cartesian CEGAR, both during refinement and when used as a heuristic in an A* search.
Julian von Tschammer, Robert Mattmüller and David Speck.
Loopless Top-k Planning.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2022).
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In top-k planning, the objective is to determine a set of k cheapest plans that provide several good alternatives to choose from.
Such a solution set often contains plans that visit at least one state more than once. Depending on the application, plans with
such loops are of little importance because they are dominated by a loopless representative and can prevent more meaningful plans
from being found.
In this paper, we motivate and introduce loopless top-k planning. We show how to enhance the state-of-the-art symbolic top-k planner,
symK, to obtain an efficient, sound and complete algorithm for loopless top-k planning. An empirical evaluation shows that our proposed
approach has a higher k-coverage than a generate-and-test approach that uses an ordinary top-k planner, which we show to be incomplete in
the presence of zero-cost loops.
David Speck.
Symbolic Search for Optimal Planning with Expressive Extensions.
FreiDok plus 2022.
PhD Thesis.
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In classical planning, the goal is to derive a course of actions that allows an intelligent agent to move from any situation it
finds itself in to one that satisfies its goals. Classical planning is considered domain-independent, i.e., it is not limited
to a particular application and can be used to solve different types of reasoning problems. In practice, however, some
properties of a planning problem at hand require an expressive extension of the standard classical planning formalism to
capture and model them. Although the importance of many of these extensions is well known, most planners, especially optimal
planners, do not support these extended planning formalisms. The lack of support not only limits the use of these planners for
certain problems, but even if it is possible to model the problems without these extensions, it often leads to increased effort
in modeling or makes modeling practically impossible as the required problem encoding size increases exponentially.
In this thesis, we propose to use symbolic search for cost-optimal planning for different expressive extensions of classical
planning, all capturing different aspects of the problem. In particular, we study planning with axioms, planning with state-
dependent action costs, oversubscription planning, and top-k planning. For all formalisms, we present complexity and
compilability results, highlighting that it is desirable and even necessary to natively support the corresponding features. We
analyze symbolic heuristic search and show that the search performance does not always benefit from the use of a heuristic and
that the search performance can exponentially deteriorate even under the best possible circumstances, namely the perfect
heuristic. This reinforces that symbolic blind search is the dominant symbolic search strategy nowadays, on par with other
state-of-the-art cost-optimal planning strategies. Based on this observation and the lack of good heuristics for planning
formalisms with expressive extensions, symbolic search turns out to be a strong approach. We introduce symbolic search to
support each of the formalisms individually and in combination, resulting in optimal, sound, and complete planning algorithms
that empirically compare favorably with other approaches.
Stefan Borgwardt, Jörg Hoffmann, Alisa Kovtunova, Markus Krötzsch, Bernhard Nebel and Marcel Steinmetz.
Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies.
Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022).
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State constraints in AI Planning globally restrict the legal environment states. Standard planning languages make closed-domain and closed-world assumptions. Here we address open-world state constraints formalized by planning over a description logic (DL) ontology. Previously, this combination of DL and planning has been investigated for the light-weight DL DL-Lite. Here we propose a novel compilation scheme into standard PDDL with derived predicates, which applies to more expressive DLs and is based on the rewritability of DL queries into Datalog with stratified negation. We also provide a new rewritability result for the DL Horn-ALCHOIQ, which allows us to apply our compilation scheme to quite expressive ontologies. In contrast, we show that in the slight extension Horn-SROIQ no such compilation is possible unless the weak exponential hierarchy collapses. Finally, we show that our approach can outperform previous work on existing benchmarks for planning with DL ontologies, and is feasible on new benchmarks taking advantage of more expressive ontologies.
Roman Barták, Simona Ondrčková, Gregor Behnke and Pascal Bercher.
Correcting Hierarchical Plans by Action Deletion.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2021).
Roman Barták, Simona Ondrčková, Gregor Behnke and Pascal Bercher.
Correcting Hierarchical Plans by Action Deletion.
Proceedings of the Fourth ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning.
Roman Barták, Simona Ondrčková, Gregor Behnke and Pascal Bercher.
On the Verification of Totally-Ordered HTN Plans.
Proceedings of the Fourth ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning, pp. 44-48.
Daniel Höller, Julia Whichlacz, Pascal Bercher and Gregor Behnke.
Compiling HTN Plan Verification Problems into HTN Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the Fourth ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning, pp. 8-15.
Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke, Matthias Kraus, Marvin Schiller, Dietrich Manstetten, Michael Dambier, Michael Dorna, Wolfgang Minker, Birte Glimm and Susanne Biundo.
Do It Yourself, but Not Alone: Companion-Technology for Home Improvement - Bringing a Planning-Based Interactive DIY Assistant to Life.
Künstliche Intelligenz -- Special Issue on NLP and Semantics. 2021.
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We report on the technology transfer project "Do it
yourself, but not alone: Companion-Technology for Home Improvement" that
was carried out by Ulm University in cooperation with Robert Bosch GmbH.
We developed a prototypical assistance system that assists a Do It
Yourself (DIY) handyman in carrying out DIY projects. The assistant,
based on various AI and dialog management capabilities, generates a
sequence of detailed instructions that users may just follow or adapt
according to their individual preferences. It features explanation
capabilities as well as pro-active support based on communication with
the user as well as with the involved tools. We report on the project’s
main achievements, including the findings of various empirical studies
conducted in various development stages of the prototype.
Gregor Behnke.
Block Compression and Invariant Pruning for SAT-based Totally-Ordered HTN Planning.
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021), pp. 25-35.
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Translations into propositional logic are currently one of the most efficient techniques for solving Totally-Ordered HTN planning problems.
The current encodings iterate over the maximum allowed depth of decomposition.
Given this depth, they compute a tree that represents all possible decompositions up to this depth.
Based on this tree, a formula in propositional logic is created.
We show that much of the computed tree is actually useless as it cannot possibly belong to a solution.
We provide a technique for removing (parts of) these useless structures using state invariants.
We further show that is often not necessary to encode all leafs of this tree as separate timesteps, as the prior encodings did.
Instead, we can compress the leafs into blocks and encode all leafs of a block as one timestep.
We show that these changes provide an improvement over the state-of-the-art in HTN planning.
Daniel Höller and Gregor Behnke.
Loop Detection in the PANDA Planning System.
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021), pp. 168-173.
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The International Planning Competition (IPC) in 2020 was the first one for a long time to host tracks on Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning. HyperTensioN, the winner of the tack on totally-ordered problems, comes with an interesting technique: it stores parts of the decomposition path in the state to mark expanded tasks and forces its depth first search to leave recursive structures in the hierarchy. This can be seen as a form of loop detection (LD) -- a technique that is not very common in HTN planning. This might be due to the spirit of encoding enough advice in the model to find plans (so that loop detection is simply not necessary), or because it becomes a computationally hard task in the general (i.e. partially-ordered) setting.
We integrated several approximate and exact techniques for LD into the progression search of the HTN planner PANDA. We test our techniques on the benchmark set of the IPC 2020. Both in the partial ordered and total ordered track, PANDA with LD performs better than the respective winner of the competition.
David Speck, David Borukhson, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Compilability and Expressive Power of State-Dependent Action Costs.
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021), pp. 358-366.
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While state-dependent action costs are practically relevant and have been
studied before, it is still unclear if they are an essential feature of planning
In this paper, we study to what extent state-dependent action costs are an
essential feature by analyzing under which circumstances they can be compiled away.
We give a comprehensive classification for combinations of action cost functions and possible
cost measures for the compilations.
Our theoretical results show that if both task sizes and plan lengths are to be
preserved polynomially, then the boundary between compilability and
non-compilability lies between FP and FPSPACE computable action cost
functions (under a mild assumption on the polynomial hierarchy). Preserving task
sizes polynomially and plan lengths linearly at the same time is impossible.
David Speck, André Biedenkapp, Frank Hutter, Robert Mattmüller and Marius Lindauer.
Learning Heuristic Selection with Dynamic Algorithm Configuration.
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021), pp. 597-605.
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A key challenge in satisficing planning is to use multiple heuristics within
one heuristic search. An aggregation of multiple heuristic estimates, for
example by taking the maximum, has the disadvantage that bad estimates of a
single heuristic can negatively affect the whole search. Since the performance
of a heuristic varies from instance to instance, approaches such as algorithm
selection can be successfully applied. In addition, alternating between
multiple heuristics during the search makes it possible to use all heuristics
equally and improve performance. However, all these approaches ignore the
internal search dynamics of a planning system, which can help to select the
most useful heuristics for the current expansion step. We show that dynamic
algorithm configuration can be used for dynamic heuristic selection which takes
into account the internal search dynamics of a planning system. Furthermore, we
prove that this approach generalizes over existing approaches and that it can
exponentially improve the performance of the heuristic search. To learn dynamic
heuristic selection, we propose an approach based on reinforcement learning and
show empirically that domain-wise learned policies, which take the internal
search dynamics of a planning system into account, can exceed existing
Dominik Drexler, Jendrik Seipp and David Speck.
Subset-Saturated Transition Cost Partitioning.
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021), pp. 131-139.
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Cost partitioning admissibly combines the information from multiple
heuristics for optimal state-space search. One of the strongest cost
partitioning algorithms is saturated cost partitioning. It considers the
heuristics in sequence and assigns to each heuristic the minimal fraction
of the remaining costs that are needed for preserving all heuristic
estimates. Saturated cost partitioning has recently been generalized in
two directions: first, by allowing to use different costs for the
transitions induced by the same operator, and second, by preserving the
heuristic estimates for only a subset of states. In this work, we unify
these two generalizations and show that the resulting subset-saturated
transition cost partitioning algorithm usually yields stronger heuristics
than the two generalizations by themselves.
Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller, Bernhard Nebel and Michael Thielscher.
Game description language and dynamic epistemic logic compared.
Artificial Intelligence 292. 2021.
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Several different frameworks have been proposed to model and reason about knowledge in dynamic multi-agent settings, among them the logic-programming-based game description language GDL-III and dynamic epistemic logic (DEL). GDL-III and DEL have complementary strengths and weaknesses in terms of ease of modeling and simplicity of semantics. In this paper, we formally study the expressiveness of GDL-III vs. DEL. We clarify the commonalities and differences between those languages, demonstrate how to bridge the differences where possible, and identify large fragments of GDL-III and DEL that are equivalent in the sense that they can be used to encode games or planning tasks that admit the same legal action sequences. We prove the latter by providing translations between those fragments of GDL-III and DEL.
Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher and Susanne Biundo.
The PANDA Framework for Hierarchical Planning.
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 2021.
David Speck and Michael Katz.
Symbolic Search for Oversubscription Planning.
Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), pp. 11972-11980.
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The objective of optimal oversubscription planning is to find a plan that
yields an end state with a maximum utility while keeping plan cost under a
certain bound. In practice, the situation occurs whenever a large number of
possible, often competing goals of varying value exist, or the resources are
not sufficient to achieve all goals. In this paper, we investigate the use
of symbolic search for optimal oversubscription planning. Specifically, we
show how to apply symbolic forward search to oversubscription planning tasks
and prove that our approach is sound, complete and optimal. An empirical
analysis shows that our symbolic approach favorably competes with explicit
state-space heuristic search, the current state of the art for
oversubscription planning.
Gregor Behnke and David Speck.
Symbolic Search for Optimal Total-Order HTN Planning.
Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), p. 11744–11754.
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Symbolic search has proven to be a useful approach to optimal classical planning. In Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning, however, there is little work on optimal planning. One reason for this is that in HTN planning, most algorithms are based on heuristic search, and admissible heuristics have to incorporate the structure of the task network in order to be informative. In this paper, we present a novel approach to optimal (totally-ordered) HTN planning, which is based on symbolic search. An empirical analysis shows that our symbolic approach outperforms the current state of the art for optimal totally-ordered HTN planning.
Patrick Caspari, Robert Mattmüller and Tim Schulte.
A Framework to Prove Strong Privacy in Multi-Agent Planning.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning
(DMAP 2020), pp. 32-39.
David Speck, André Biedenkapp, Frank Hutter, Robert Mattmüller and Marius Lindauer.
Learning Heuristic Selection with Dynamic Algorithm Configuration.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Bridging the Gap Between AI Planning and Reinforcement Learning (PRL 2020), p. 61–69.
Superseded by the ICAPS 2021 paper by the same authors.
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A key challenge in satisficing planning is to use multiple heuristics within one
heuristic search. An aggregation of multiple heuristic estimates, for example by
taking the maximum, has the disadvantage that bad estimates of a single heuristic
can negatively affect the whole search. Since the performance
of a heuristic varies from instance to instance, approaches
such as algorithm selection can be successfully applied. In
addition, alternating between multiple heuristics during the
search makes it possible to use all heuristics equally and improve performance.
However, all these approaches ignore the internal search dynamics of a planning
system, which can help to select the most helpful heuristics for the current expansion
step. We show that dynamic algorithm configuration can be used for dynamic heuristic
selection which takes into account the internal search dynamics of a planning system.
Furthermore, we prove that this approach generalizes over existing approaches and that
it can exponentially improve the performance of the heuristic search. To learn dynamic
heuristic selection, we propose an approach based on reinforcement learning and show
empirically that domain-wise learned policies, which take the internal search dynamics
of a planning system into account, can exceed existing approaches in terms of coverage.
Dominik Drexler, David Speck and Robert Mattmüller.
Subset-Saturated Transition Cost Partitioning for Optimal Classical Planning.
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Heuristics and Search for Domain-Independent Planning (HSDIP 2020), p. 23–31.
Superseded by the ICAPS 2021 paper "Subset-Saturated Transition Cost Partitioning".
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Cost partitioning admissibly combines the information from
multiple heuristics for state-space search. We use a greedy
method called saturated cost partitioning that considers the
heuristics in sequence and assigns the minimal fraction of the
remaining costs that it needs to preserve the heuristic estimates.
In this work, we address the problem of using more
expressive transition cost functions with saturated cost partitioning
to obtain stronger heuristics. Our contribution is
subset-saturated transition cost partitioning that combines the
concepts of using transition cost functions and prioritizing
states that look more important during the search. Our empirical
evaluation shows that this approach still causes too much
computational overhead but leads to more informed heuristics.
Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller, Bernhard Nebel and Felicitas Ritter.
Token-based Execution Semantics for Multi-Agent Epistemic Planning.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2020), pp. 351-360.
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Epistemic planning has been employed as a means to achieve implicit coordination in cooperative multi-agent systems where world knowledge is distributed between the agents, and agents plan and act individually. However, recent work has shown that even if all agents act with respect to plans that they consider optimal from their own subjective perspective, infinite executions can occur. In this paper, we analyze the idea of using a single token that can be passed around between the agents and which is used as a prerequisite for acting. We show that introducing such a token to any planning task will prevent the existence of infinite executions. We furthermore analyze the conditions under which solutions to a planning task are preserved under our tokenization.
Matthias Kraus, Marvin Schiller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Michael Dorna, Michael Dambier, Birte Glimm, Susanne Biundo and Wolfgang Minker.
``Was that successful?'' On Integrating Proactive Meta-Dialogue in a DIY-Assistant using Multimodal Cues.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2020).
Lukas Berger, Bernhard Nebel and Marco Ragni.
A Heuristic Agent in Multi-Agent Path Finding Under Destination Uncertainty.
KI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 43rd German Conference on AI,, pp. 259-266.
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Humans are capable of recognizing intentions by solely observing another agent’s actions. Hence, in a cooperative planning task, i.e., where all agents aim for all other agents to reach their respective goals, to some extend communication or a central planning instance are not necessary. In epistemic planning a recent research line investigates multi-agent planning problems (MAPF) with goal uncertainty. In this paper, we propose and analyze a round-based variation of this problem, where each agent moves or waits in each round. We show that simple heuristics from cognition can outperform in some cases an adapted formal approach on computation time and solve some new instances in some cases. Implications are discussed.
Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
HTN Plan Repair via Model Transformation.
Proceedings of the 42+1st Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2020).
Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher and Gregor Behnke.
Delete- and Ordering-Relaxation Heuristics for HTN Planning.
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020).
Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Evaluation of the Moral Permissibility of Action
Artificial Intelligence 287. 2020.
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Research in classical planning so far has been mainly concerned with
generating a satisficing or an optimal plan. However, if such
systems are used to make decisions that are relevant to humans, one
should also consider the ethical consequences generated plans can have.
Traditionally, ethical principles are formulated
in an action-based manner, allowing to judge the execution
of one action. We show how such a judgment can be generalized to
plans. Further, we study the computational complexity of making ethical judgment
about plans.
Bernhard Nebel.
On the Computational Complexity of Multi-Agent Pathfinding on Directed Graphs.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2020), pp. 212-216.
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The determination of the computational complexity of multi-agent
pathfinding on directed graphs has been an open problem for
many years. For undirected graphs, solvability can be decided in
polynomial time, as has been shown already in the eighties. Further,
recently it has been shown that a
special case on directed graphs can be decided in polynomial time. In
this paper, we show that the problem is
NP-hard in the general case. In addition, some upper bounds are
David Speck, Florian Geißer and Robert Mattmüller.
When Perfect is not Good Enough: On the Search Behaviour of Symbolic Heuristic Search.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2020), pp. 263-271.
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Symbolic search has proven to be a competitive approach to cost-optimal
planning, as it compactly represents sets of states by symbolic data
While heuristics for symbolic search exist, symbolic bidirectional
blind search empirically outperforms its heuristic counterpart and is
therefore the dominant search strategy.
This prompts the question of why heuristics do not seem to pay off in symbolic
search. As a first step in answering this question, we investigate the search
behaviour of symbolic heuristic search by means of BDDA*.
Previous work identified the partitioning of state sets
according to their heuristic values as the main bottleneck.
We theoretically and empirically evaluate the search behaviour of BDDA*
and reveal another fundamental problem: we prove that the use of a heuristic
does not always improve the search performance of BDDA*. In general, even
the perfect heuristic can exponentially deteriorate search performance.
Roman Bartak, Simona Ondrckova, Adrien Maillard, Gregor Behnke and Pascal Bercher.
A Novel Parsing-based Approach for Verification of Hierarchical Plans.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2020).
Florian Geißer, David Speck and Thomas Keller.
Trial-based Heuristic Tree Search for MDPs with Factored Action Spaces.
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2020), pp. 38-47.
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MDPs with factored action spaces, i.e. where actions are described as assignments to a set of action variables, allow reasoning over action variables instead of action states, yet most algorithms only consider a grounded action representation. This includes algorithms that are instantiations of the trial-based heuristic tree search (THTS) framework, such as AO* or UCT.
To be able to reason over factored action spaces, we propose a generalisation of THTS where nodes that branch over all applicable actions are replaced with subtrees that consist of nodes that represent the decision for a single action variable. We show that many THTS algorithms retain their theoretical properties under the generalised framework, and show how to approximate any state-action heuristic to a heuristic for partial action assignments. This allows to guide a UCT variant that is able to create exponentially fewer nodes than the same algorithm that considers ground actions. An empirical evaluation on the benchmark set of the probabilistic track of the latest International Planning Competition validates the benefits of the approach.
David Speck, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Symbolic Top-k Planning.
Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), pp. 9967-9974.
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The objective of top-k planning is to determine a set of k different plans with lowest cost for a given planning task. In practice, such a set of best plans can be preferred to a single best plan generated by ordinary optimal planners, as it allows the user to choose between different alternatives and thus take into account preferences that may be difficult to model. In this paper we show that, in general, the decision problem version of top-k planning is PSPACE-complete, as is the decision problem version of ordinary classical planning. This does not hold for polynomially bounded plans for which the decision problem turns out to be PP-hard, while the ordinary case is NP-hard. We present a novel approach to top-k planning, called SYM-K, which is based on symbolic search, and prove that SYM-K is sound and complete. Our empirical analysis shows that SYM-K exceeds the current state of the art for both small and large k.
Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
HTN Planning as Heuristic Progression Search.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, pp. 835-880. 2020.
Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Matthias Kraus, Marvin Schiller, Kristof Mickeleit, Häge Timo, Michael Dorna, Michael Dambier, Wolfgang Minker, Birte Glimm and Susanne Biundo.
New Developments for Robert - Assisting Novice Users Even Better in DIY Projects.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2020), pp. 343-347.
Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Susanne Biundo, Humbert Fiorino, Damien Pellier and Ron Alford.
HDDL - A Language to Describe Hierarchical Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), pp. 6-17.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller, Alexander Schmid, Pascal Bercher and Susanne Biundo.
On Succinct Groundings of HTN Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), pp. 9775-9784.
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Both search-based and translation-based planning systemsusually operate on grounded representations of the problem. Planning models, however, are commonly defined using lifted description languages. Thus, planning systems usually generate a grounded representation of the lifted model as a pre-processing step. For HTN planning models, only one method to ground lifted models has been published so far. In this paper we present a new approach for grounding HTN planning problems that produces smaller groundings in a shorter timespan than the previously published method.
Thorsten Engesser and Tim Miller.
Implicit Coordination Using FOND Planning.
Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20).
To appear.
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Epistemic planning can be used to achieve implicit coordination in cooperative multi-agent settings where knowledge and capabilities are distributed between the agents. In these scenarios, agents plan and act on their own without having to agree on a common plan or protocol beforehand. However, epistemic planning is undecidable in general. In this paper, we show how implicit coordination can be achieved in a simpler, propositional setting by using nondeterminism as a means to allow the agents to take the other agents' perspectives. We identify a decidable fragment of epistemic planning that allows for arbitrary initial state uncertainty and non-determinism, but where actions can never increase the uncertainty of the agents. We show that in this fragment, planning for implicit coordination can be reduced to a version of fully observable nondeterministic (FOND) planning and that it thus has the same computational complexity as FOND planning. We provide a small case study, modeling the problem of multi-agent path finding with destination uncertainty in FOND, to show that our approach can be successfully applied in practice.
Daniel Reifsteck, Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Epistemic Multi-agent Planning Using Monte-Carlo Tree Search.
KI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 42nd German Conference on AI, pp. 277-289.
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Coordination in multi-agent systems with partial and non-uniform observability is a practically challenging problem. We use Monte-Carlo tree search as the basis of an implicitly coordinated epistemic planning algorithm which is capable of using the knowledge distributed among the agents to find solutions in problems even with a large branching factor. We use Dynamic Epistemic Logic to represent the knowledge and the actual situation as a state of the Monte-Carlo tree search, and epistemic planning to formalize the goals and actions of a problem. Further, we describe the required modifications of the Monte-Carlo tree search when searching over epistemic states, and make use of the cooperative card game Hanabi to test our planner on larger problems. We find that the approach scales to games with up to eight cards while maintaining high playing strength.
Sumitra Corraya, Florian Geißer, David Speck and Robert Mattmüller.
An Empirical Study of the Usefulness of State-Dependent Action Costs in Planning.
Proceedings of the 42nd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(KI 2019), pp. 123-130.
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The vast majority of work in planning to date has focused on state-independent action costs. However, if a planning task features state-dependent costs, using a cost model with state-independent costs means either introducing a modeling error, or potentially sacrificing compactness of the model. In this paper, we investigate the conflicting priorities of modeling accuracy and compactness empirically, with a particular focus on the extent of the negative impact of reduced modeling accuracy on (a) the quality of the resulting plans, and (b) the search guidance provided by heuristics that are fed with inaccurate cost models. Our empirical results show that the plan suboptimality introduced by ignoring state-dependent costs can range, depending on the domain, from inexistent to several orders of magnitude. Furthermore, our results show that the impact on heuristic guidance additionally depends strongly on the heuristic that is used, the specifics of how exactly the costs are represented, and whether one is interested in heuristic accuracy, node expansions, or overall runtime savings.
Tim Schulte and Bernhard Nebel.
Trial-based Heuristic Tree-search for Distributed Multi-Agent Planning.
Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2019)
(SoCS 2019).
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We present a novel search scheme for privacy-preserving multi-agent
planning, inspired by UCT search. We compare the presented approach to
classical multi-agent forward search and evaluate it based on benchmarks
from the CoDMAP competition.
Bernhard Nebel, Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller and .
Implicitly Coordinated Multi-Agent Path Finding under Destination Uncertainty: Success Guarantees and Computational Complexity (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), pp. 6372-6374.
Benedict Wright.
Workflow Generation with Planning.
FreiDok plus 2019.
Dissertation Thesis.
Florian Geißer, David Speck and Thomas Keller.
An Analysis of the Probabilistic Track of the IPC 2018.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2019 Workshop on the International Planning Competition (WIPC 2019), pp. 27-35.
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The International Planning Competition 2018 consisted of several tracks on classical, temporal and probabilistic planning. In this paper, we focus on the discrete MDP track of the probabilistic portion of the competition.
We discuss the changes to the input language RDDL, which give rise to new challenges for planning systems, and analyze each of the eight competition domains separately and highlight unique properties. We demonstrate flaws of the used evaluation criterion, the IPC score, and discuss the need for optimal upper bounds. An evaluation of the three top-performers, including their post-competition versions, and a brief analysis of their performance highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the individual approaches.
Bernhard Nebel.
Some Thoughts on Forward Induction in Multi-Agent-Path Finding Under
Destination Uncertainty.
Description Logic, Theory Combination, and All That - Essays Dedicated to Franz Baader on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2019.
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While the notion of implicit coordination helps to design frameworks in which agents can cooperatively act with only minimal communication, it so far lacks exploiting observations made while executing a plan. In this note, we have a look at what can be done in order to overcome this shortcoming, at least in a specialized setting.
Thorsten Engesser and Tim Miller.
Planning for Implicit Coordination using FOND.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS19).
Superseded by the AAAI-20 paper by the same authors.
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Epistemic Planning can be used to achieve implicit coordination in cooperative multi-agent settings where knowledge and capabilities are distributed between the agents. In these scenarios, agents plan and act on their own without having to agree on a common plan or protocol beforehand. However, epistemic planning is undecidable in general. In this paper, we identify a decidable fragment of epistemic planning that allows for arbitrary initial state uncertainty and nondeterminism, but where actions can never increase the uncertainty of the agents. We show that in this fragment, planning with and without implicit coordination can be reduced to fully observable nondeterministic (FOND) planning and that it shares the same omputational complexity. We also provide a small case study, modeling the problem of multi-agent path finding with destination uncertainty in FOND, to show that our compilation approach can be successfully applied in practice.
David Speck, Florian Geißer, Robert Mattmüller and Álvaro Torralba.
Symbolic Planning with Axioms.
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2019), pp. 464-572.
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Axioms are an extension for classical planning models that allow for modeling complex preconditions and goals exponentially more compactly. Although axioms were introduced in planning more than a decade ago, modern planning techniques rarely support axioms, especially in cost-optimal planning. Symbolic search is a popular and competitive optimal planning technique based on the manipulation of sets of states. In this work, we extend symbolic search algorithms to support axioms natively. We analyze different ways of encoding derived variables and axiom rules to evaluate them in a symbolic representation. We prove that all encodings are sound and complete, and empirically show that the presented approach outperforms the previous state of the art in cost-optimal classical planning with axioms.
Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser, Andreas Herzig, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
The Dynamic Logic of Policies and Contingent Planning.
Logics in Artificial Intelligence - 16th European Conference (JELIA-2019), pp. 659-674.
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In classical deterministic planning, solutions to planning tasks are simply sequences of actions, but that is not sufficient for contingent plans in non-deterministic environments. Contingent plans are often expressed through policies that map states to actions. An alternative is to specify contingent plans as programs, e.g. in the syntax of Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL). PDL is a logic for reasoning about programs with sequential composition, test and non-deterministic choice. However, as we show in the paper, none of the existing PDL modalities directly captures the notion of a solution to a planning task under non-determinism. We add a new modality to star-free PDL correctly capturing this notion. We prove the appropriateness of the new modality by showing how to translate back and forth between policies and PDL programs under the new modality. More precisely, we show how a policy solution to a planning task gives rise to a program solution expressed via the new modality, and vice versa. We also provide an axiomatisation of our PDL extension through reduction axioms into standard star-free PDL.
Daniel Kuhner, Lukas D.J. Fiederer, Johannes Aldinger, Felix Burget, Martin Völker, Robin T. Schirrmeister, Chau Do, Joschka Boedecker, Bernhard Nebel, Tonio Ball and Wolfram Burgard.
A service assistant combining autonomous robotics, flexible goal formulation, and deep-learning-based brain–computer interfacing.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 116, pp. 98-113. 2019.
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As autonomous service robots become more affordable and thus available for the general public, there is a growing need for user-friendly interfaces to control these systems. Control interfaces typically get more complicated with increasing complexity of robotic tasks and environments. Traditional control modalities such as touch, speech or gesture are not necessarily suited for all users. While some users can make the effort to familiarize themselves with a robotic system, users with motor disabilities may not be capable of controlling such systems even though they need robotic assistance most. In this paper, we present a novel framework that allows these users to interact with a robotic service assistant in a closed-loop fashion, using only thoughts. The system is composed of several interacting components: a brain–computer interface (BCI) that uses non-invasive neuronal signal recording and co-adaptive deep learning, high-level task planning based on referring expressions, navigation and manipulation planning as well as environmental perception. We extensively evaluate the BCI in various tasks, determine the performance of the goal formulation user interface and investigate its intuitiveness in a user study. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability and robustness of the system in real-world scenarios, considering fetch-and-carry tasks, close human–robot interactions and in presence of unexpected changes. As our results show, the system is capable of adapting to frequent changes in the environment and reliably accomplishes given tasks within a reasonable amount of time. Combined with high-level task planning based on referring expressions and an autonomous robotic system, interesting new perspectives open up for non-invasive BCI-based human–robot interactions.
Bernhard Nebel, Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser and Robert Mattmüller.
Implicitly Coordinated Multi-Agent Path Finding under Destination
Success Guarantees and Computational Complexity.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 64, pp. 497-527. 2019.
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In multi-agent path finding (MAPF), it is usually assumed that planning
is performed centrally and that the destinations of the
agents are common knowledge. We will drop both assumptions and analyze
under which conditions it can be guaranteed that the agents reach their
respective destinations using implicitly coordinated
plans without communication. Furthermore, we will analyze what the computational costs
associated with such a coordination regime are. As it turns out,
guarantees can be given assuming that the agents are of a certain
type. However, the implied
computational costs are quite severe. In the distributed setting, we
either have to solve a sequence of NP-complete problems or have to tolerate
exponentially longer executions. In the setting with destination
uncertainty, bounded plan existence becomes PSPACE-complete.
This clearly demonstrates the value of communicating about plans
before execution starts.
Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Moral Permissibility of Action Plans.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19).
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Research in classical planning so far was mainly concerned with generating a satisficing or an optimal plan. However, if such systems are used to make decisions that are relevant to humans, one should also consider the ethical consequences generated plans can have. We address this challenge by analyzing in how far it is possible to generalize existing approaches of machine ethics to automatic planning systems. Traditionally, ethical principles are formulated in an action-based manner, allowing to judge the execution of one action. We show how such a judgment can be generalized to plans. Further, we study the computational complexity of making ethical judgment about plans.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
Finding Optimal Solutions in HTN Planning - A SAT-based Approach.
Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), pp. 5500-5508.
Gregor Behnke, Marvin Schiller, Matthias Kraus, Pascal Bercher, Mario Schmautz, Michael Dorna, Michael Dambier, Wolfgang Minker, Birte Glimm and Susanne Biundo.
Alice in DIY-Wonderland or: Instructing novice users on how to use tools in DIY projects.
AI Communications, pp. 31-57. 2019.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
Bringing Order to Chaos - A Compact Representation of Partial Order in SAT-based HTN Planning.
Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019), pp. 7520-7529.
Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
On Guiding Search in HTN Planning with Classical Planning Heuristics.
Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019).
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Susanne Biundo, Humbert Fiorino, Damien Pellier and Ron Alford.
Hierarchical Planning in the IPC.
Proceedings of 2019 Workshop on the International Planning Competition (WIPC 2019), pp. 40-47.
Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Susanne Biundo, Humbert Fiorino, Damien Pellier and Ron Alford.
HDDL - A Language to Describe Hierarchical Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the Second ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning, pp. 6-17.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher and Susanne Biundo.
More Succinct Grounding of HTN Planning Problems - Preliminary Results.
Proceedings of the Second ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning, pp. 40-48.
Matthias Kraus, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Marvin Schiller, Susanne Biundo, Birte Glimm and Wolfgang Minker.
A Multimodal Dialogue Framework for Cloud-Based Companion Systems.
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS 2018), pp. 405-410.
Florian Geißer.
On planning with state-dependent action costs.
FreiDok plus 2018.
Dissertation Thesis.
Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Better Eager Than Lazy? How Agent Types Impact the Successfulness of Implicit Coordination.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR18), pp. 445-453.
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Epistemic planning can be used for decision making in multi-agent situations
with distributed knowledge and capabilities.
In recent work, we proposed a new notion of
strong policies with implicit coordination. With this it is possible to solve
planning tasks with joint goals from a single-agent perspective without the
agents having to negotiate about and commit to a joint policy at plan time. We
study how and under which circumstances the decentralized application of those
policies leads to the desired outcome.
Benedict Wright, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Compiling Away Soft Trajectory Constraints in Planning.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth COnference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR18), pp. 474-482.
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Soft goals in planning are optional objectives that should be achieved in the terminal state. However, failing to achieve them does not result in the plan becoming invalid. State trajectory constraints are hard requirements towards the state trajectory of the plan. Soft trajectory constraints are a combination of both: soft preferences on how the hard goals are reached, i. e., optional requirements towards the state trajectory of the plan. Such a soft trajectory constraint may require that some fact should be always true, or should be true at some point during the plan. The quality of a plan is then measured by a metric which adds the sum of all action costs and a penalty for each failed soft trajectory constraint. Keyder and Geffner showed that soft goals can be compiled away. We generalize this approach and illustrate a method of compiling soft trajectory constraints into conditional effects and state-dependent action costs using LTL f and deterministic finite automata. We provide two compilation schemes, with and without reward shaping, by rewarding and penalizing different states in the plan. With this we are able to handle such soft trajectory constraints without the need of altering the search algorithm or heuristics, using classical planners.
Daniel Kuhner, Johannes Aldinger, Felix Burget, Moritz Göbelbecker, Wolfram Burgard and Bernhard Nebel.
Closed-Loop Robot Task Planning Based on Referring Expressions.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), pp. 876-881.
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Increasing the accessibility of autonomous robots also for inexperienced users requires user-friendly and high-level control opportunities of robotic systems. While automated planning is able to decompose a complex task into a sequence of steps which reaches an intended goal, it is difficult to formulate such a goal without knowing the internals of the planning system and the exact capabilities of the robot. This becomes even more important in dynamic environments in which manipulable objects are subject to change. In this paper, we present an adaptive control interface which allows users to specify goals based on an internal world model by incrementally building referring expressions to the objects in the world. We consider fetch-and-carry tasks and automatically deduce potential high-level goals from the world model to make them available to the user. Based on its perceptions our system can react to changes in the environment by adapting the goal formulation within the domain-independent planning system.
Andreas Hertle and Bernhard Nebel.
Efficient Auction Based Coordination for Distributed Multi-Agent Planning in Temporal Domains Using Resource Abstraction.
Proceedings of the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2018).
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Recent advances in mobile robotics and AI promise to revolutionize industrial production.
As autonomous robots are able to solve more complex tasks, the difficulty of integrating various robot skills and coordinating groups of robots increases dramatically.
Domain independent planning promises a possible solution.
For single robot systems a number of successful demonstrations can be found in scientific literature.
However our experiences at the RoboCup Logistics League in 2017 highlighted a severe lack in plan quality when coordinating multiple robots.
In this work we demonstrate how out of the box temporal planning systems can be employed to increase plan quality for temporal multi-robot tasks.
An abstract plan is generated first and sub-tasks in the plan are auctioned off to robots, which in turn employ planning to solve these tasks and compute bids.
We evaluate our approach on two planning domains and find significant improvements in solution coverage and plan quality.
Martin Mose Bentzen, Felix Lindner, Louise Dennis and Michael Fisher.
Moral Permissibility of Actions in Smart Home Systems.
Proceedings of the FLoC 2018 Workshop on Robots, Morality, and Trust through the Verification Lens (Extended Abstract).
Tim Schulte.
Stubborn Sets Pruning for Privacy Preserving Planning.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2018)
(SoCS 2018).
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We adapt a partial-order reduction technique based on stubborn sets to the
setting of privacy-preserving multi-agent planning. We prove that the
presented approach preserves optimality and show experimentally that it can
significantly improve search performance on some domains.
Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller, Bernhard Nebel and Michael Thielscher.
Game Description Language and Dynamic Epistemic Logic Compared.
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018), pp. 1795-1802.
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Several different frameworks have been proposed to model and reason about knowledge in dynamic multi-agent settings, among them the logic-programming-based game description language GDL-III, and dynamic epistemic logic (DEL), based on possible-worlds semantics. GDL-III and DEL have complementary strengths and weaknesses in terms of ease of modeling and simplicity of semantics. In this paper, we formally study the expressiveness of GDL-III vs. DEL. We clarify the commonalities and differences between those languages, demonstrate how to bridge the differences where possible, and identify large fragments of GDL-III and DEL that are equivalent in the sense that they can be used to encode games or planning tasks that admit the same legal action sequences. We prove the latter by providing compilations between those fragments of GDL-III and DEL.
David Speck, Florian Geißer and Robert Mattmüller.
Symbolic Planning with Edge-Valued Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018).
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(technical report with proofs; PDF)
Symbolic representations have attracted significant attention in optimal
planning. Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) form the basis for symbolic search
algorithms. Closely related are Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADDs), used to
represent heuristic functions.
Also, progress was made in dealing with models that take state-dependent
action costs into account. Here, costs are represented as Edge-valued
Multi-valued Decision Diagrams (EVMDDs), which can be exponentially more
compact than the corresponding ADD representation. However, they were not
yet considered for symbolic planning.
In this work, we study EVMDD-based symbolic search for optimal planning. We
define EVMDD-based representations of state sets and transition relations,
and show how to compute the necessary operations required for EVMDD-A*. This
EVMDD-based version of symbolic A* generalizes its BDD variant, and allows
to solve planning tasks with state-dependent action costs.
We prove theoretically that our approach is sound, complete and optimal.
Additionally, we present an empirical analysis comparing EVMDD-A* to BDD-A*
and explicit A* search. Our results underscore the usefulness of symbolic
approaches and the feasibility of dealing with models that go beyond unit
Tim Schulte.
Stubborn Sets Pruning for Privacy Preserving Planning.
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning (DMAP 2018)
(DMAP 2018).
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We adapt a partial-order reduction technique based on stubborn sets to the
setting of privacy-preserving multi-agent planning. We prove that the
presented approach preserves optimality and show experimentally that it can
significantly improve search performance on some domains.
Benedict Wright, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Compiling Away Soft Trajectory Constraints in Planning.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS18), pp. 38-45.
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Soft goals in planning are optional objectives that should be achieved in the terminal state. However, failing to achieve them does not result in the plan becoming invalid. State trajectory constraints are hard requirements towards the state trajectory of the plan. Soft trajectory constraints are a combination of both: soft preferences on how the hard goals are reached, i. e., optional requirements towards the state trajectory of the plan. Such a soft trajectory constraint may require that some fact should be always true, or should be true at some point during the plan. The quality of a plan is then measured by a metric which adds the sum of all action costs and a penalty for each failed soft trajectory constraint. Keyder and Geffner showed that soft goals can be compiled away. We generalize this approach and illustrate a method of compiling soft trajectory constraints into conditional effects and state-dependent action costs using LTL f and deterministic finite automata. We provide two compilation schemes, with and without reward shaping, by rewarding and penalizing different states in the plan. With this we are able to handle such soft trajectory constraints without the need of altering the search algorithm or heuristics, using classical planners.
Max Waters, Bernhard Nebel, Lin Padgham and Sebastian Sardiña.
Plan Relaxation via Action Debinding and Deordering.
Proceedings of International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018), pp. 278-287.
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While seminal work has studied the problem of relaxing the ordering of a plan’s actions, less attention has been given to the problem of relaxing and modifying a plan’s variable bindings. This paper studies the problem of relaxing a plan into a partial plan which specifies which operators must be executed, but need not completely specify their order or variable bindings. While partial plans can provide an agent with additional flexibility and robustness at execution time, many operations over partial plans are intractable. This paper tackles this problem by proposing and empirically evaluating a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm which searches for tractable, flexible partial plans.
Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Moral Permissibility of Action Plans.
Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on EXplainable AI Planning (XAIP).
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Research in classical planning so far was mainly concerned with generating a satisficing or an optimal plan.
However, if such systems are used to make decisions that are relevant to humans, one should also consider
the ethical consequences that generated plans can have. We address this challenge by analyzing in how
far it is possible to generalize existing approaches of machine ethics to automatic planning systems.
Traditionally, ethical principles are formulated in an action-based manner, allowing to judge the execution of
one action. We show how such a judgment can be generalized to plans.
Further, we study the complexity of making ethical judgment about plans.
Florian Geißer and David Speck.
PROST-DD - Utilizing Symbolic Classical Planning in THTS.
The 6th International Probabilistic Planning Competition (IPPC 2018), pp. 13-16.
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We describe PROST-DD, our submission to the International
Probabilistic Planning Competition 2018. Like its predecessor
PROST, which already participated with success at the
previous IPPC, PROST-DD is based on the trial-based heuristic
tree search framework and applies the UCT* algorithm.
The novelty of our submission is the heuristic used to initialize
newly encountered decision nodes. We apply an iterative
symbolic backward planning approach based on the determinized
task. Similarly to the SPUDD approach and recent
work in symbolic planning with state-dependent action costs,
we encode costs and reachability of states in a single decision
diagram. During initialization, these diagrams are then used
to query a state for its estimated expected reward. One benefit
of this heuristic is that we can optionally interweave the
standard heuristic of PROST, the IDS heuristic.
David Speck, Florian Geißer and Robert Mattmüller.
SYMPLE: Symbolic Planning based on EVMDDs.
The 9th International Planning Competition (IPC 2018), pp. 82-85.
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SYMPLE is a classical planner which performs bidirectional
symbolic search. Symbolic search has proven to be a useful
approach to optimal classical planning and is usually based on
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). Our approach is based on
an alternative data structure called Edge-valued Multi-valued
Decision Diagrams (EVMDDs), which have some structural
advantages over BDDs.
Benedict Wright, Oliver Brunner and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Importance of a Research Data Archive.
Proceedings of the eighth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI 2018).
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As research becomes more and more data intensive, managing this data becomes a major challenge in any organization. At university level there is seldom a unified data management system in place. The general approach to storing data in such environments is to deploy network storage. Each member can store their data organized to their own likings in their dedicated location on the network. Additionally, users tend to store data in distributed manner such as on private devices, portable storage, or public and private repositories. Adding to this complexity, it is common for university departments to have high fluctuation of staff, resulting in major loss of information and data on an employee's departure. A common scenario then is that it is known that certain data has already been created via experiments or simulation. However, it can not be retrieved, resulting in a repetition of generation, which is costly and time-consuming. Additionally, as of recent years, publishers and funding agencies insist on storing, sharing, and reusing existing research data. We show how digital preservation can help group leaders and their employees cope with these issues, by introducing our own archival system OntoRAIS.
Robert Mattmüller, Florian Geißer, Benedict Wright and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Relationship Between State-Dependent Action Costs and Conditional Effects in Planning.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2018).
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When planning for tasks that feature both state-dependent action costs and conditional effects using relaxation heuristics, the following problem appears: handling costs and effects separately leads to worse-than-necessary heuristic values, since we may get the more useful effect at the lower cost by choosing different values of a relaxed variable when determining relaxed costs and relaxed active effects.
In this paper, we show how this issue can be avoided by representing state-dependent costs and conditional effects uniformly, both as edge-valued multi-valued decision diagrams (EVMDDs) over different sets of edge values, and then working with their product diagram. We develop a theory of EVMDDs that is general enough to encompass state-dependent action costs, conditional effects, and even their combination.
We define relaxed effect semantics in the presence of state-dependent action costs and conditional effects, and describe how this semantics can be efficiently computed using product EVMDDs. This will form the foundation for informative relaxation heuristics in the setting with state-dependent costs and conditional effects combined.
Marvin Schiller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Matthias Kraus, Michael Dorna, Felix Richter, Susanne Biundo, Birte Glimm and Wolfgang Minker.
Evaluating Knowledge-Based Assistance for DIY.
Proceedings of MCI Workshop ``Digital Companion'', pp. 925-930.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
Tracking Branches in Trees - A Propositional Encoding for solving Partially-Ordered HTN Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2018), pp. 73-80.
Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
X and more Parallelism: Integrating LTL-Next into SAT-based Planning with Trajectory Constraints While Allowing for Even More Parallelism.
Inteligencia Artificial 21(62), pp. 75-90. 2018.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
totSAT - Totally-Ordered Hierarchical Planning through SAT.
Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2018), pp. 6110-6118.
Gregor Behnke, Marvin Schiller, Matthias Kraus, Pascal Bercher, Mario Schmautz, Michael Dorna, Wolfgang Minker, Birte Glimm and Susanne Biundo.
Instructing Novice Users on How to Use Tools in DIY Projects.
Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2018), pp. 5805-5807.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
Tracking Branches in Trees - A Propositional Encoding for solving Partially-Ordered HTN Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the First ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning, pp. 40-47.
Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
HTN Plan Repair Using Unmodified Planning Systems.
Proceedings of the First ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning, pp. 26-30.
Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
X and more Parallelism - Integrating LTL-Next into SAT-based Planning with Trajectory Constraints while Allowing for even more Parallelism.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling Problems (COPLAS 2018), pp. 1-10.
Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher and Susanne Biundo.
Plan and Goal Recognition as HTN Planning.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2018), pp. 466-473.
Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
A Generic Method to Guide HTN Progression Search with Classical Heuristics.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2018), pp. 114-122.
Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
Plan and Goal Recognition as HTN Planning.
Proceedings of the AAAI 2018 Workshop on Activity Plan and Intent Recognition (PAIR 2018), pp. 607-613.
Benedikt Leichtmann, Pascal Bercher, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Susanne Biundo, Verena Nitsch and Martin Baumann.
Towards a Companion System Incorporating Human Planning Behavior - A Qualitative Analysis of Human Strategies.
Proceedings of the 3rd Transdisciplinary Conference on Support Technologies (TCST 2018), pp. 89-98.
Johannes Aldinger and Bernhard Nebel.
Interval Based Relaxation Heuristics for Numeric Planning
with Action Costs.
KI 2017:Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI 2017), pp. 15-28.
Springer International Publishing 2017.
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Many real-world problems can be expressed in terms of states and
actions that modify the world to reach a certain goal. Such
problems can be solved by automated planning. Numeric planning
supports numeric quantities such as resources or physical
properties in addition to the propositional variables from
classical planning. We approach numeric planning with heuristic
search and introduce adaptations of the relaxation heuristics
hmax, hadd and hFF to interval
based relaxation frameworks. In contrast to previous approaches,
the heuristics presented in this paper are not limited to
fragments of numeric planning with instantaneous actions (such as
linear or acyclic numeric planning tasks) and support action
Benedict Wright and Robert Mattmüller.
Automated Data Management Workflow Generation with Ontologies and Planning.
Proceedings of the 30th Workshop on Planen/Scheduling und Konfigurieren/Entwerfen (PUK 2016).
Andreas Hertle and Bernhard Nebel.
Identifying Good Poses When Doing Your Household Chores: Creation and Exploitation of Inverse Surface Reachability Maps.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017).
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In current approaches to combined task and motion planning, usually symbolic planning and sampling based motion-planning are integrated. One problem is here to come up with good samples. We address the problem of identifying useful poses for a robot close to working surfaces such as tables or shelves. Our approach is based on reachability inversion which answers the question: where should the robot be located in order to reach a certain object? We extend the concept from point-based objects to flat polygonal surfaces in order to enable the robot to have a a good grasping position for many objects. Our approach allows to quickly sample multiple distinct poses for the robot from an prior computed distribution. Further we show how sampling from an inverse reachability distribution can be integrated into a CTAMP system.
F. Burget, L.D.J. Fiederer, D.Kuhner, M.Völker, Johannes Aldinger, R.T. Schirrmeister, C.Do, J.Boedecker, Bernhard Nebel, T.Ball and W.Burgard.
Acting Thoughts: Towards a Mobile Robotic Service Assistant for Users with Limited Communication Skills.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR 2017), pp. 385-390.
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As autonomous service robots become more affordable and thus
available also for the general public, there is a growing need
for user friendly interfaces to control the robotic
system. Currently available control modalities typically expect
users to be able to express their desire through either touch,
speech or gesture commands. While this requirement is fulfilled
for the majority of users, paralyzed users may not be able to
use such systems. In this paper, we present a novel framework,
that allows these users to interact with a robotic service
assistant in a closed-loop fashion, using only thoughts. The
brain-computer interface (BCI) system is composed of several
interacting components, i.e., non-invasive neuronal signal
recording and decoding, high-level task planning, motion and
manipulation planning as well as environment perception. In
various experiments, we demonstrate its applicability and
robustness in real world scenarios, considering fetch-and-carry
tasks and tasks involving human-robot interaction. As our
results demonstrate, our system is capable of adapting to
frequent changes in the environment and reliably completing
given tasks within a reasonable amount of time. Combined with
high-level planning and autonomous robotic systems, interesting
new perspectives open up for non-invasive BCI-based human-robot
Robert Mattmüller, Florian Geißer, Benedict Wright and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Relationship Between State-Dependent Action Costs and Conditional Effects in Planning.
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Heuristics and Search for Domain-Independent Planning (HSDIP 2017).
Superseded by the AAAI 2018 paper by the same name.
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When planning for tasks that feature both state-dependent action costs and conditional effects using relaxation heuristics, the following problem appears: handling costs and effects separately leads to worse-than-necessary heuristic values, since we may get the more useful effect at the lower cost by choosing different values of a relaxed variable when determining relaxed costs and relaxed active effects.
In this paper, we show how this issue can be avoided by representing state-dependent costs and conditional effects uniformly, both as edge-valued multi-valued decision diagrams (EVMDDs) over different sets of edge values, and then working with their product diagram. We develop a theory of EVMDDs that is general enough to encompass state-dependent action costs, conditional effects, and even their combination.
We define relaxed effect semantics in the presence of state-dependent action costs and conditional effects, and describe how this semantics can be efficiently computed using product EVMDDs. This will form the foundation for informative relaxation heuristics in the setting with state-dependent costs and conditional effects combined.
Johannes Aldinger and Bernhard Nebel.
Extended Abstract: Interval Based Relaxation Heuristics for Numeric Planning
with Action Costs.
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2017), pp. 155-156.
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We adapt the relaxation heuristics hmax,
hadd and hFF to interval based numeric
relaxation frameworks, combining them with two different
relaxation techniques and with two different search techniques. In
contrast to previous approaches, the heuristics presented here are
not limited to a subset of numeric planning and support action
Thorsten Engesser, Thomas Bolander, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Cooperative Epistemic Multi-Agent Planning for Implicit Coordination.
Ghosh, Sujata and Ramanujam and R. (eds.),
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M 2017), pp. 75-90.
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Epistemic planning can be used for decision making in multi-agent situations with distributed knowledge and capabilities. Recently, Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) has been shown to provide a very natural and expressive framework for epistemic planning. We extend the DEL-based epistemic planning framework to include perspective shifts, allowing us to define new notions of sequential and conditional planning with implicit coordination. With these, it is possible to solve planning tasks with joint goals in a decentralized manner without the agents having to negotiate about and commit to a joint policy at plan time. First we define the central planning notions and sketch the implementation of a planning system built on those notions. Afterwards we provide some case studies in order to evaluate the planner empirically and to show that the concept is useful for multi-agent systems in practice.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
This is a solution! (... but is it though?) - Verifying solutions of hierarchical planning problems.
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2017), pp. 20-28.
Florian Nothdurft, Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke and Wolfgang Minker.
User Involvement in Collaborative Decision-Making Dialog Systems.
Dialogues with Social Robots: Analyses Enablements and Evaluation, pp. 129-141.
Pascal Bercher, Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
An Admissible HTN Planning Heuristic.
Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017), pp. 480-488.
Marvin Schiller, Gregor Behnke, Mario Schmautz, Pascal Bercher, Matthias Kraus, Michael Dorna, Wolfgang Minker, Birte Glimm and Susanne Biundo.
A Paradigm for Coupling Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge in Companion Systems.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT 2017).
Gregor Behnke, Benedikt Leichtmann, Pascal Bercher, Daniel Höller, Verena Nitsch, Martin Baumann and Susanne Biundo.
Help me make a dinner! Challenges when assisting humans in action planning.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT 2017).
Gregor Behnke, Florian Nielsen, Marvin Schiller, Pascal Bercher, Matthias Kraus, Birte Glimm, Wolfgang Minker and Susanne Biundo.
SLOTH - the Interactive Workout Planner.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT 2017).
Pascal Bercher, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
User-Centered Planning.
Companion Technology - A Paradigm Shift in Human-Technology Interaction, pp. 79-100.
Pascal Bercher, Felix Richter, Thilo Hörnle, Thomas Geier, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Florian Nielsen, Frank Honold, Schüssel Felix, Stephan Reuter, Wolfgang Minker, Michael Weber, Klaus Dietmayer and Susanne Biundo.
Advanced User Assistance for Setting Up a Home Theater.
Companion Technology - A Paradigm Shift in Human-Technology Interaction, pp. 485-491.
Gregor Behnke, Florian Nielsen, Marvin Schiller, Denis Ponomaryov, Pascal Bercher, Birte Glimm, Wolfgang Minker and Susanne Biundo.
To Plan for the User Is to Plan With the User - Integrating User Interaction Into the Planning Process.
Companion Technology - A Paradigm Shift in Human-Technology Interaction, pp. 123-144.
Pascal Bercher, Felix Richter, Frank Honold, Florian Nielsen, Felix Schüssel, Thomas Geier, Thilo Hörnle, Stephan Reuter, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Klaus Dietmayer, Wolfgang Minker, Michael Weber and Susanne Biundo.
A Companion-System Architecture for Realizing Individualized and Situation-Adaptive User Assistance.
Technical Report - Ulm University.
Thomas Keller, Florian Pommerening, Jendrik Seipp, Florian Geißer and Robert Mattmüller.
State-dependent Cost Partitionings for Cartesian Abstractions in Classical Planning (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the 39th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2016).
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Abstraction heuristics are a popular method to guide optimal search algorithms in classical planning. Cost partitionings allow to sum heuristic estimates admissibly by partitioning action costs among the abstractions. We introduce state-dependent cost partitionings which take context information of actions into account, and show that an optimal state-dependent cost partitioning dominates its state-independent counterpart. We demonstrate the potential of state-dependent cost partitionings with a state-dependent variant of the recently proposed saturated cost partitioning, and show that it can sometimes improve not only over its state-independent counterpart, but even over the optimal state-independent cost partitioning.
Thomas Keller, Florian Pommerening, Jendrik Seipp, Florian Geißer and Robert Mattmüller.
State-dependent Cost Partitionings for Cartesian Abstractions in Classical Planning.
Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2016).
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Abstraction heuristics are a popular method to guide optimal search algorithms in classical planning. Cost partitionings allow to sum heuristic estimates admissibly by distributing action costs among the heuristics. We introduce state-dependent cost partitionings which take context information of actions into account, and show that an optimal state-dependent cost partitioning dominates its state-independent counterpart. We demonstrate the potential of our idea with a state-dependent variant of the recently proposed saturated cost partitioning, and show that it has the potential to improve not only over its state-independent counterpart, but even over the optimal state-independent cost partitioning. Our empirical results give evidence that ignoring the context of actions in the computation of a cost partitioning leads to a significant loss of information.
Dr. Yusra Alkhazraji and Martin Wehrle.
Sleep Sets Meet Duplicate Elimination.
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2016) (SoCS 2016).
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The sleep sets technique is a path-dependent pruning method for state space search.
In the past, the combination of sleep sets with graph search algorithms that perform
duplicate elimination has often shown to be error-prone. In this paper, we provide
the theoretical basis for the integration of sleep sets with common search algorithms
in AI that perform duplicate elimination. Specifically, we investigate approaches
to safely integrate sleep sets with optimal (best-first) search algorithms.
Based on this theory, we provide an initial step towards integrating sleep sets within
A* and additional state pruning techniques like strong stubborn sets.
Our experiments show slight, yet consistent improvements on the number of generated
search nodes across a large number of standard domains from the international planning competitions.
Tim Schulte and Bernhard Nebel.
Trial-based Heuristic Tree-search for Distributed Multi-Agent Planning.
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2016)
(SoCS 2016).
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We present a novel search scheme for privacy-preserving multi-agent
planning, inspired by UCT search. We compare the presented approach to
classical multi-agent forward search and evaluate it based on benchmarks
from the CoDMAP competition.
Jendrik Seipp, Florian Pommerening, Silvan Sievers, Martin Wehrle, Chris Fawcett and Dr. Yusra Alkhazraji.
Fast Downward Aidos (planner abstract).
the 1st Unsolvability International Planning Competition (IPC 2016).
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This paper describes the three Fast Downward Aidos portfolios we submitted to the Unsolvability International
Planning Competition 2016. All three Aidos variants are implemented in the Fast Downward planning system (Helmert2006).
We use a pool of techniques as a basis for our portfolios, including various techniques already implemented Fast
Downward, as well as three newly developed techniques to prove unsolvability.
We used automatic algorithm configuration to find a good Fast Downward configuration for each of a set of test domains
and used the resulting data to select the components,
their order and their time slices for our three portfolios.
For Aidos 1 and 2 we made this selection manually, resulting in two portfolios
comprised mostly of the three new techniques. Aidos 1 distributes the 30 minutes based on our
experiments, while Aidos 2 distributes the time uniformly.
Aidos 3 contains unmodified configurations from the tuning process
with time slices automatically optimized for the number of solved instances per time. It is based both on the
new and existing Fast Downward components.
The remainder of this planner abstract is organized as follows. First, we describe the three newly developed techniques.
Second, we list the previously existing components of Fast Downward that we have used for configuration.
Third, we describe the benchmarks used for training and test sets. Fourth, we describe the algorithm configuration
process in more detail. Finally, we briefly describe the resulting portfolios.
Florian Geißer, Thomas Keller and Robert Mattmüller.
Abstractions for Planning with State-Dependent Action Costs.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2016).
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Extending the classical planning formalism with state-dependent action
costs (SDAC) allows an up to exponentially more compact task encoding.
Recent work proposed to use edge-valued multi-valued decision diagrams
(EVMDDs) to represent cost functions, which allows to automatically detect
and exhibit structure in cost functions and to make heuristic estimators
accurately reflect SDAC. However, so far only the inadmissible additive
heuristic has been considered in this context. In this paper, we define
informative admissible abstraction heuristics which enable optimal
planning with SDAC. We discuss how abstract cost values can be extracted
from EVMDDs that represent concrete cost functions without adjusting them
to the selected abstraction. Our theoretical analysis shows that this is
efficiently possible for abstractions that are Cartesian or coarser. We
adapt the counterexample-guided abstraction refinement approach to derive
such abstractions. An empirical evaluation of the resulting heuristic
shows that highly accurate values can be computed quickly.
Tim Schulte and Bernhard Nebel.
Trial-based Heuristic Tree-search for Distributed Multi-Agent Planning.
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning (DMAP 2016)
(DMAP 2016).
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We present a novel search scheme for privacy-preserving multi-agent
planning. Inspired by UCT search, the scheme is based on growing an
asynchronous search tree by running repeated trials through the tree. We
describe key differences to classical multi-agent forward search, discuss
theoretical properties of the presented approach, and evaluate it based on
benchmarks from the CoDMAP competition.
Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Better Eager Than Lazy? How Agent Types Impact the Successfulness of Implicit Coordination.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2016 Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning (DMAP 2016).
Superseded by the KR18 paper by the same authors.
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Epistemic planning can be used for decision making in multi-agent
situations with distributed knowledge and capabilities. Recent work
proposed a new notion of strong policies with implicit coordination.
With this it is possible to solve planning tasks with joint goals from
a single-agent perspective without the agents having to negotiate about
and commit to a joint policy at plan time. We study how and under which
circumstances the decentralized application of those policies leads to
the desired outcome.
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher and Susanne Biundo.
Change the Plan - How hard can that be?
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2016), pp. 38-46.
Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher and Susanne Biundo.
Assessing the Expressivity of Planning Formalisms through the Comparison to Formal Languages.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2016), pp. 158-165.
Ron Alford, Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller, Pascal Bercher, Susanne Biundo and David W. Aha.
Bound to Plan: Exploiting Classical Heuristics via Automatic Translations of Tail-Recursive HTN Problems.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2016), pp. 20-28.
Pascal Bercher, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
More than a Name? On Implications of Preconditions and Effects of Compound HTN Planning Tasks.
Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), pp. 225-233.
Johannes Aldinger, Robert Mattmüller and Moritz Göbelbecker.
Complexity Issues of Interval Relaxed Numeric Planning.
KI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence
(KI 2015).
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Automated planning is computationally hard even in its most
basic form as STRIPS planning. We are interested in numeric
planning with instantaneous actions, a problem that is not
decidable in general. Relaxation is an approach to simplifying
complex problems in order to obtain guidance in the original
problem. We present a relaxation approach with intervals for
numeric planning and show that plan existence can be decided
in polynomial time for tasks where dependencies between
numeric effects are acyclic.
David Speck, Manuela Ortlieb and Robert Mattmüller.
Necessary Observations in Nondeterministic Planning.
Proceedings of the 38th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(KI 2015).
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An agent that interacts with a nondeterministic environment can
often only partially observe the surroundings. This necessitates
observations via sensors rendering more information about the
current world state. Sensors can be expensive in many regards
therefore it can be essential to minimize the amount of sensors
an agent requires to solve given tasks. A limitation for sensor
minimization is given by essential sensors which are always
required to solve particular problems. In this paper we present
an efficient algorithm which determines a set of necessary observation
variables. More specifically, we develop a bottom-up algorithm which
computes a set of variables which are always necessary to observe,
in order to always reach a goal state. Our experimental results show
that the knowledge about necessary observation variables can be used
to minimize the number of sensors of an agent.
Florian Geißer, Thomas Keller and Robert Mattmüller.
Delete Relaxations for Planning with State-Dependent Action Costs.
Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015).
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Most work in planning focuses on tasks with state-independent or
even uniform action costs. However, supporting state-dependent
action costs admits a more compact representation of many
tasks. We investigate how to solve such tasks using heuristic
search, with a focus on delete-relaxation heuristics. We first
define a generalization of the additive heuristic to such tasks
and then discuss different ways of computing it via compilations
to tasks with state-independent action costs and more directly
by modifying the relaxed planning graph. We evaluate these
approaches theoretically and present an implementation of the
generalized additive heuristic for planning with state-dependent
action costs. To our knowledge, this gives rise to the first
approach able to handle even the hardest instances of the
combinatorial Academic Advising domain from the International
Probabilistic Planning Competition (IPPC) 2014.
Florian Geißer, Thomas Keller and Robert Mattmüller.
Delete Relaxations for Planning with State-Dependent Action Costs.
Proceedings of the 8th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2015).
Extended abstract of the IJCAI 2015 paper by the same name.
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Supporting state-dependent action costs in planning admits a
more compact representation of many tasks. We generalize the
additive heuristic and compute it by embedding decision-diagram
representations of action cost functions into the RPG. We give a
theoretical evaluation and present an implementation of the
generalized additive heuristic. This allows us to handle even
the hardest instances of the combinatorial Academic Advising
domain from the IPPC 2014.
Johannes Aldinger, Robert Mattmüller and Moritz Göbelbecker.
Complexity Issues of Interval Relaxed Numeric Planning.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2015 Workshop on Heuristic and Search for Domain-Independent Planning (HSDIP 2015).
Superseded by the KI 2015 paper of the same name..
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Automated planning is a hard problem even in its most basic form
as STRIPS planning. We are interested in numeric planning tasks
with instantaneous actions, a problem which is not even
decidable in general. Relaxation is an approach to simplifying
complex problems in order to obtain guidance in the original
problem. In this paper we present a relaxation approach with
intervals for numeric planning and discuss the arising
complexity issues.
Thorsten Engesser, Thomas Bolander, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Cooperative Epistemic Multi-Agent Planning With Implicit Coordination.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2015 Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning (DMAP 2015).
Superseded by the M4M 2017 paper by the same authors.
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Epistemic Planning has been used to achieve ontic and epistemic
control in multi-agent situations. We extend the formalism to
include perspective shifts, allowing us to define a class of
cooperative problems in which both action planning and execution
is done in a purely distributed fashion, meaning coordination is
only allowed implicitly by means of the available epistemic
actions. While this approach can be fruitfully applied to model
reasoning in some simple social situations, we also provide some
benchmark applications to show that the concept is useful for
multi-agent systems in practice.
Jonas Thiem, Robert Mattmüller and Manuela Ortlieb.
Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement for POND Planning.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2015 Workshop on Model Checking and Automated Planning (MOCHAP 2015).
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Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) allows to
gradually refine a problem definition until the required detail
for a solution is present. We propose the use of CEGAR to
demonstrate unsolvability of a planning problem while avoiding a
search through the whole state space. This allows a sensor
minimization algorithm for partially observable
non-deterministic (POND) planning problems to determine the
definitive unsolvability notably faster, which is a necessary
part of current approaches of computing the minimal sensor
variable set. We determine from our empirical results that while
the presented algorithm causes some slowdown for solvable
problems, the unsolvability is determined at a much greater
speed with this novel approach.
Dominik Winterer, Robert Mattmüller and Martin Wehrle.
Stubborn Sets for Fully Observable Nondeterministic Planning.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2015 Workshop on Model Checking and Automated Planning (MOCHAP 2015).
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The stubborn set method is a state-space reduction technique,
originally introduced in model checking and then transfered to
classical planning. It was shown that stubborn sets
significantly improve the performance of optimal deterministic
planners by considering only a subset of applicable operators in
a state. Fully observable nondeterministic planning (FOND)
extends the formalism of classical planning by nondeterministic
operators. We show that stubborn sets are also beneficial for
FOND problems. We introduce nondeterministic stubborn sets,
stubborn sets which preserve strong cyclic plans. We follow two
approaches: Fast Incremental Planning with stubborn sets from
classical planning and LAO* search with nondeterministic
stubborn sets. Our experiments show that both approaches
increase coverage and decrease node generations when compared to
their respective baselines.
Thomas Keller and Florian Geißer.
Better Be Lucky Than Good: Exceeding Expectations in MDP Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI
AAAI Press 2015.
Erratum: On page 7, we mention that the results at IPPC
would have differed by "-0.09", "+0.04" and "+0.05", which should
read "-0.009", "+0.004" and "+0.005" instead.
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We introduce the MDP-Evaluation Stopping Problem, the
optimization problem faced by participants of the International
Probabilistic Planning Competition 2014 that focus on their own
performance. It can be constructed as a meta-MDP where actions
correspond to the application of a policy on a base-MDP, which
is intractable in practice. Our theoretical analysis reveals
that there are tractable special cases where the problem can be
reduced to an optimal stopping problem. We derive approximate
strategies of high quality by relaxing the general problem to an
optimal stopping problem, and show both theoretically and
experimentally that it not only pays off to pursue luck in the
execution of the optimal policy, but that there are even cases
where it is better to be lucky than good as the execution of a
suboptimal base policy is part of an optimal strategy in the
Gregor Behnke, Daniel Höller and Susanne Biundo.
On the Complexity of HTN Plan Verification and Its Implications for Plan Recognition.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2015), pp. 25-33.
Gregor Behnke, Denis Ponomaryov, Marvin Schiller, Ber\-cher Pascal, Florian Nothdurft, Birte Glimm and Susanne Biundo.
Coherence Across Components in Cognitive Systems - One Ontology to Rule Them All.
Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015), pp. 1442-1449.
Florian Nothdurft, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Susanne Biundo and Wolfgang Minker.
The Interplay of User-Centered Dialog Systems and AI Planning.
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2015), pp. 344-353.
Pascal Bercher, Felix Richter, Thilo Hörnle, Thomas Geier, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Florian Nothdurft, Frank Honold, Wolfgang Minker, Michael Weber and Susanne Biundo.
A Planning-based Assistance System for Setting Up a Home Theater.
Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2015), pp. 4264-4265.
Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher, Susanne Biundo, Birte Glimm, Denis Ponomaryov and Marvin Schiller.
Integrating Ontologies and Planning for Cognitive Systems.
Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2015), pp. 338-360.
Pascal Bercher, Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke and Susanne Biundo.
User-Centered Planning - A Discussion on Planning in the Presence of Human Users.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Companion Technology (ISCT 2015), pp. 79-82.
Gregor Behnke, Marvin Schiller, Denis Ponomaryov, Florian Nothdurft, Ber\-cher Pascal, Wolfgang Minker, Birte Glimm and Susanne Biundo.
A Unified Knowledge Base for Companion-Systems - A Case Study in Mixed-Initiative Planning.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Companion Technology (ISCT 2015), pp. 43-48.
Armin Hornung, Sebastian Boettcher, Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle, Jonas Schlagenhauf and Maren Bennewitz.
Mobile Manipulation in Cluttered Environments with Humanoids: Itegrated Perception, Task Planning, and Action Execution.
Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS).
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To autonomously carry out complex mobile manipulation tasks, a robot control system has to integrate several components for perception, world modeling, action planning and replanning, navigation, and manipulation. In this paper, we present a modular framework that is based on the Temporal Fast Downward Planner and supports external modules to control the robot. This allows to tightly integrate individual sub-systems with the high-level symbolic planner and enables a humanoid robot to solve challenging mobile manipulation tasks. In the work presented here, we address mobile manipulation with humanoids in cluttered environments, particularly the task of collecting objects and delivering them to designated places in a home-like environment while clearing obstacles out of the way. We implemented our system for a Nao humanoid tidying up a room, i.e., the robot has to collect items scattered on the floor, move obstacles out of its way, and deliver the objects to designated target locations. Despite the limited sensing and motion capabilities of the low-cost platform, the experiments show that our approach results in reliable task execution by applying monitoring actions to verify object and robot states.
Tim Schulte and Thomas Keller.
Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Classical Planning.
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2014)
(SoCS 2014).
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Successful heuristic search planners for satisficing planning like FF or LAMA
are usually based on one or more best first search techniques. Recent research
has led to planners like Arvand, Roamer or Probe, where novel techniques like
Monte-Carlo Random Walks extend the traditional exploitation-focused best first
search by an exploration component. The UCT algorithm balances these
contradictory incentives and has shown tremendous success in related areas of
sequential decision making but has never been applied to classical planning
yet. We make up for this shortcoming by applying the Trial-based Heuristic Tree
Search framework to classical planning. We show how to model the best first
search techniques Weighted A* and Greedy Best First Search with only three
ingredients: action selection, initialization and backup function. Then we use
THTS to derive four versions of the UCT algorithm that differ in the used
backup functions. The experimental evaluation shows that our main algorithm,
GreedyUCT*, outperforms all other algorithms presented in this paper,
both in terms of coverage and quality.
Johannes Löhr, Martin Wehrle, Maria Fox and Bernhard Nebel.
Symbolic Domain Predictive Control.
Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2014), pp. 2315-2321.
AAAI Press 2014.
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(Online; DOI)
Planning-based methods to guide switched hybrid systems from an initial state into a desired goal region opens an interesting field for control. The idea of the Domain Predictive Control (DPC) approach is to generate input signals affecting both the numerical states and the modes of the system by stringing together atomic actions to a logically consistent plan. However, the existing DPC approach is restricted in the sense that a discrete and pre-defined input signal is required for each action. In this paper, we extend the approach to deal with symbolic states. This allows for the propagation of reachable regions of the state space emerging from actions with inputs that can be arbitrarily chosen within specified input bounds. This symbolic extension enables the applicability of DPC to systems with bounded inputs sets and increases its robustness due to the implicitly reduced search space. Moreover, precise numeric goal states instead of goal regions become reachable.
Robert Mattmüller, Manuela Ortlieb and Erik Wacker.
Minimizing Necessary Observations for Nondeterministic Planning.
Proceedings of the 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014).
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Autonomous agents interact with their environments via sensors and actuators.
Motivated by the observation that sensors can be expensive, in this paper we
are concerned with the problem of minimizing the amount of sensors an agent
needs in order to successfully plan and act in a partially observable
nondeterministic environment. More specifically, we present a simple greedy
top-down algorithm in the space of observation variables that returns an
inclusion minimal set of state variables sufficient to observe in order to
find a plan. We enhance the algorithm by reusing plans from earlier iterations
and by the use of functional dependencies between variables that allows the
values of some variables to be inferred from those of other variables. Our
experimental evaluation on a number of benchmark problems shows promising
results regarding runtime, numbers of sensors and plan quality.
Andreas Hertle, Christian Dornhege, Thomas Keller, Robert Mattmüller, Manuela Ortlieb and Bernhard Nebel.
An Experimental Comparison of Classical, FOND and Probabilistic Planning.
Proceedings of the 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014), pp. 297-308.
Springer 2014.
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Domain-independent planning in general is broadly applicable to a wide range of tasks.
Many formalisms exist that allow to describe different aspects of realistic problems.
Which one is best is not clear as usually more expressiveness comes with a cost in
planning time. Under the assumption that hard guarantees are not required, users are
faced with a decision between multiple approaches. In this work we study the effect of
nondeterministic action outcomes. As a generic model we use a probabilistic description
in the form of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). We define abstracting translations
into a classical planning formalism and fully observable nondeterministic (FOND)
planning. Our goal is to give insight into how state-of-the-art systems perform on
different MDP planning domains. We evaluate those MDPs by running state-of-the-art
planning systems on the abstracted formalisms.
Dr. Yusra Alkhazraji, Michael Katz, Robert Mattmüller, Florian Pommerening, Alexander Shleyfman and Martin Wehrle.
Metis: Arming Fast Downward with Pruning and Incremental Computation (planner abstract).
the 8th International Planning Competition (IPC 2014) (deterministic track).
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Metis is a sequential optimal planner that implements three
components on top of the Fast Downward planning system (Helmert 2006). The planner performs an A ∗ search
using the following three major components:
• an admissible incremental LM-cut heuristic (Pommeren-
ing and Helmert 2013),
• a symmetry based pruning technique (Domshlak, Katz,
and Shleyfman 2012), and
• a partial order reduction based pruning technique based
on strong stubborn sets (Wehrle and Helmert 2012).
Each of those techniques was extended to support conditional effects. In addition, Metis features a flexible invocation of partial order reduction based pruning. In what follows, we describe each of these components in detail.
Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke, Pascal Bercher and Susanne Biundo.
Language Classification of Hierarchical Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014), pp. 447-452.
Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle and Bernhard Nebel.
Lazy Evaluation and Subsumption Caching for Search-Based Integrated Task and Motion Planning.
Proceedings of the IROS workshop on AI-based robotics.
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State of the art classical planning systems can efficiently solve large symbolic problem instances. Applying classical planning techniques to robotics is possible by in- tegrating geometric reasoning in the planning process. The problems that are solvable in this way are significantly smaller than purely logical formulations as many costly geometric calculations are requested by a planner. Therefore we aim to avoid those calculations while preserving correctness.
We address this problem with efficient caching techniques. Subsumption caching avoids costly computations by caching geometric queries and beyond answering the same queries also considers less or more constrained ones. Additionally, we describe a lazy evaluation technique that pushes applicability checks for successor states performing geometric queries to a later point. As we are interested in the performance of our planner not as a standalone component, but as part of an intelligent robotic system, we evaluate those techniques embedded in an integrated system during real-world mobile manipulation experiments.
Tim Niemueller, Nichola Abdo, Andreas Hertle, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Wolfram Burgard and Bernhard Nebel.
Towards Deliberative Active Perception using Persistent Memory.
Proceedings of the IROS workshop on AI-based robotics.
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Task coordination for autonomous mobile service robots typically involves a substantial amount of background knowledge and explicit action sequences to acquire the relevant information nowadays. We strive for a system which, given a task, is capable of reasoning about task-relevant knowledge to automatically determine whether that knowledge is sufficient. If missing or uncertain, the robot shall decide autonomously on the actions to gain or improve that knowledge. In this paper we present our baseline system implementing the foundations for these capabilities. The robot has to analyze a tabletop scene and increase its object type confidence. It plans motions to observe the scene from multiple perspectives, combines the acquired data, and performs a recognition step on the merged input.
Alper Aydemir, Andrzej Pronobis, Moritz Göbelbecker and Patric Jensfelt.
Active Visual Object Search in Unknown Environments Using Uncertain Semantics.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (4), pp. 986-1002. 2013.
Manuela Ortlieb and Robert Mattmüller.
Pattern-Database Heuristics for Partially Observable Nondeterministic Planning.
Proceedings of the 36th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2013).
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Heuristic search is the dominant approach to classical
planning. However, many realistic problems violate classical
assumptions such as determinism of action outcomes or full
observability. In this paper, we investigate how - and how
successfully - a particular classical technique, namely informed search
using an abstraction heuristic, can be transferred to
nondeterministic planning under partial observability. Specifically,
we explore pattern-database heuristics with automatically generated
patterns in the context of informed progression search for strong
cyclic planning under partial observability. To that end, we discuss
projections and how belief states can be heuristically assessed
either directly or by going back to the contained world states, and
empirically evaluate the resulting heuristics internally and
compared to a delete-relaxation and a blind approach.
From our experiments we can conclude that in terms of
guidance, it is preferable to represent both nondeterminism and
partial observability in the abstraction (instead of relaxing them),
and that the resulting abstraction heuristics significantly
outperform both blind search and a delete-relaxation approach where
nondeterminism and partial observability are also relaxed.
Bernhard Nebel.
Automatic Planning: Making Autonomous Behavior Possible.
43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik, Informatik
angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt, INFORMATIK 2013.
Springer 2013.
Bernhard Nebel, Christian Dornhege and Andreas Hertle.
How Much Does a Household Robot Need To Know In Order To Tidy
Up Your Home?
AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems.
AAAI Press 2013.
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Although planning for the tasks a household robot has to perform appears to be easy, there exists the problem that the robot is usually uncertain about the state of the household when starting to plan. For example, when getting the order of tidying up the kitchen, the robot does not know what objects it will have to put away and whether there are actually any objects that need to be put away. Furthermore, while sensing operations can provide more information about the environment, things can go wrong when executing an action.
In this paper, we try to identify conditions under which classical planning can be used in a replanning loop in order to solve the planning problem in nondeterminis- tic partially observable open domains. In particular, we will define completeness and soundness of replanning with respect to nondeterministic planning and we will identify a PSPACE-checkable condition that guarantees soundness.
Johannes Aldinger and Johannes Löhr.
Planning for Agile Earth Observation Satellites.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2013
Workshop on Planning in Continuous Domains (PCD), pp. 9-17.
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Agile Earth observation satellites are satellites orbiting
Earth with the purpose to gather information of the Earth's
surface by slewing the satellite toward regions of
interest. Constraints arise not only from dynamical and
kinematic aspects of the satellite and its sensors. Regions of
interest change over time and bad weather can conceal
important observation targets. This results in a constant
need to replan the satellite's tasks and raises the desire to
automatize this planning process. We consider the Earth
observation problem with the help of the module extension of
the numerical planning system Temporal Fast Downward. Complex
satellite slew maneuvers are calculated within modules,
while the planner selects and schedules the regions to be
scanned. First results encourage deeper research in this
area so that forthcoming satellite space missions can draw on
automated planning to improve the performance of agile Earth
observation tasks.
Martin Wehrle, Malte Helmert, Dr. Yusra Alkhazraji and Robert Mattmüller.
The Relative Pruning Power of Strong Stubborn Sets and Expansion Core.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS13).
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In the last years, pruning techniques based on partial order reduction have
found increasing attention in the planning community. One recent result is
that the expansion core method is a special case of the strong stubborn sets
method proposed in model checking. However, it is still an open question if
there exist efficiently computable strong stubborn sets with strictly
higher pruning power than expansion core. In this paper, we prove that the
pruning power of strong stubborn sets is strictly higher than the pruning
power of expansion core even for a straight-forward instantiation of strong
stubborn sets. This instantiation is as efficiently computable as expansion
core. Hence, our theoretical results suggest that strong stubborn sets should
be preferred to expansion core. Our empirical evaluation on all optimal
benchmarks from the international planning competitions up to 2011 supports
the theoretical results.
Christian Dornhege and Andreas Hertle.
Integrated Symbolic Planning in the Tidyup-Robot Project.
AAAI Spring Symposium - Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI II.
AAAI Press 2013.
Kai M. Wurm, Christian Dornhege, Cyrill Stachniss, Bernhard Nebel and Wolfram Burgard.
Coordinating Heterogeneous Teams of Robots using Temporal Symbolic Planning.
Autonomous Robots. 2013.
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(Online; DOI)
The efficient coordination of a team of heterogeneous robots is an important requirement for exploration, rescue, and disaster recovery missions. In this paper, we present a novel approach to target assignment for heterogeneous teams of robots. It goes beyond existing target assignment algorithms in that it explicitly takes symbolic actions into account. Such actions include the deployment and retrieval of other robots or manipulation tasks. Our method integrates a temporal planning approach with a traditional cost-based planner. The proposed approach was implemented and evaluated in two distinct settings. First, we coordinated teams of marsupial robots. Such robots are able to deploy and pickup smaller robots. Second, we simulated a disaster scenario where the task is to clear blockades and reach certain critical locations in the environment. A similar setting was also investigated using a team of real robots. The results show that our approach outperforms ad-hoc extensions of state-of-the-art cost-based coordination methods and that the approach is able to efficiently coordinate teams of heterogeneous robots and to consider symbolic actions.
Stefan Wölfl (ed.).
Poster and Demo Track of the 35th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2012), September 24-27, 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Dr. Yusra Alkhazraji, Martin Wehrle, Robert Mattmüller and Malte Helmert.
A Stubborn Set Algorithm for Optimal Planning.
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012).
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We adapt a partial order reduction technique based on stubborn
sets, originally proposed for detecting dead ends in Petri Nets,
to the setting of optimal planning. We demonstrate that stubborn
sets can provide significant state space reductions on standard
planning benchmarks, outperforming the expansion core method.
Patrick Eyerich.
Preferring Properly: Increasing Coverage while Maintaining
Quality in Anytime Temporal Planning.
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012).
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Temporal Fast Downward (TFD) is a successful temporal planning
system that is capable of dealing with numerical values. Rather
than decoupling action selection from scheduling, it searches
directly in the space of time-stamped states, an approach that
has shown to produce plans of high quality at the price of
coverage. To increase coverage, TFD incorporates deferred
evaluation and preferred operators, two search techniques that
usually decrease the number of heuristic calculations by a large
amount. However, the current definition of preferred operators
offers only limited guidance in problems where heuristic
estimates are weak or where subgoals require the execution of
mutex operators. In this paper, we present novel methods for
refinement of this definition and show how to combine the
diverse strengths of different sets of preferred operators using
a restarting procedure incorporated into a multi-queue
best-first search. These techniques improve TFD's coverage
drastically and preserve the average solution quality, leading
to a system that solves more problems than each of the
competitors of the temporal satisficing track of IPC 2011 and
clearly outperforms all of them in terms of IPC score.
Silvan Sievers, Manuela Ortlieb and Malte Helmert.
Efficient Implementation of Pattern Database Heuristics for Classical Planning.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2012), pp. 105-111.
AAAI Press 2012.
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Despite their general success in the heuristic search community, pattern database (PDB)
heuristics have, until very recently, not been used by the most successful classical
planning systems.
We describe a new efficient implementation of pattern database heuristics within the
Fast Downward planner. A planning system using this implementation is competitive with
the state of the art in optimal planning, significantly improving over results from
the previous best PDB heuristic implementation in planning.
Patrick Eyerich.
Preferring Properly: Increasing Coverage while Maintaining
Quality in Anytime Temporal Planning.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-12 Workshop on Heuristics and
Search for Domain Independent Planning (HSDIP
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Temporal Fast Downward (TFD) is a successful temporal planning
system that is capable of dealing with numerical values. Rather
than decoupling action selection from scheduling, it searches
directly in the space of time-stamped states, an approach that
has shown to produce plans of high quality at the price of
coverage. To increase coverage, TFD incorporates deferred
evaluation and preferred operators, two search techniques that
usually decrease the number of heuristic calculations by a large
amount. However, the current definition of preferred operators
offers only limited guidance in problems where heuristic
estimates are weak or where subgoals require the execution of
mutex operators. In this paper, we present novel methods for
refinement of this definition and show how to combine the
diverse strengths of different sets of preferred operators using
a restarting procedure incorporated into a multi-queue
best-first search. These techniques improve TFD's coverage
drastically and preserve the average solution quality, leading
to a system that solves more problems than each of the
competitors of the temporal satisficing track of IPC 2011 and
clearly outperforms all of them in terms of IPC score.
Andreas Hertle, Christian Dornhege, Thomas Keller and Bernhard Nebel.
Planning with Semantic Attachments: An Object-Oriented View.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI).
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In recent years, domain-independent planning has been applied to
a rising number of real-world applications. Usually, the
description language of choice is PDDL. However, PDDL is not
suited to model all challenges imposed by real-world
applications. Dornhege et al. proposed semantic attachments to
allow the computation of Boolean fluents by external processes
called modules during planning. To acquire state information
from the planning system a module developer must perform manual
requests through a callback interface which is both
inefficient and error-prone.
In this paper, we present the Object-oriented Planning Language
OPL, which incorporates the structure and advantages of modern
object-oriented programming languages. We demonstrate how a
domain-specific module interface that allows to directly access
the planner state using object member functions is automatically
gen- erated from an OPL planning task. The generated
domain-specific interface allows for a safe and less error-prone
implementation of modules. We show experimentally that this
interface is more efficient than the PDDL-based module interface
of TFD/M.
Bernhard Nebel.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 45-47.
Springer 2012.
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Each practically meaningful service robot has a set of skills such as sensing and interpreting its environment, manipulating objects, moving around or communicating with humans. However, even if all these skills are implemented, there is still the problem of applying the right skill - or the right combination of skills - at the right point in time. One way to address this issue is to employ an action planner.
Paul-Gerhard Plöger, Kai Pervölz, Christoph Mies, Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Component Based Architecture for an Intelligent Mobile Manipulator.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 19-42.
Springer 2012.
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We describe the development of an architecture for the DESIRE technology demonstrator based on principles of classical component based software engineering. The architecture is directly derived from the project requirements and resides on the concept of an Autonomous Component utilizing a smart feedback value called WishLists. This return type is able to provide expert advice about the reasons of occurring failures and give hints for possible recovery strategies. This is of key importance to advance towards robustness. The integration of an AI task planner allows the realization of higher flexibility, dependability and capability during task execution and may resolve conflicts between occurring WishLists. Furthermore the necessity of a central system-state model (Eigenmodel), which represents the current state and configuration of the whole system at runtime, is explained and illustrated. We conclude with some lessons learned.
Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Proactive Continual Planning -- Deliberately Interleaving Planning and Execution in Dynamic Environments.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 65-75.
Springer 2012.
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In order to behave intelligently, artificial agents must be able to deliberatively plan their future actions. Unfortunately, realistic agent environments are usually highly dynamic and only partially observable, which makes planning computationally hard. For most practical purposes this rules out planning techniques that account for all possible contingencies in the planning process. However, many agent environments permit an alternative approach, namely continual planning, i. e. the interleaving of planning with acting and sensing.
This article presents a principled approach to continual planning that describes why and when an agent should switch between planning and acting. The resulting continual planning algorithm enables agents to deliberately postpone parts of their planning process and instead actively gather missing information that is relevant for the later refinement of the plan. To this end, the algorithm explictly reasons about the knowledge (or lack thereof) of an agent and its sensory capabilities. In order to enable proactive information gathering we introduce the concept of assertions into our planning language, i.e. abstract actions that can substitute yet unformed subplans in early planning phases.
To study our continual planning approach empirically we have developed MAPSIM, a simulation environment that automatically builds multiagent simulations from planning domain descriptions. In MAPSIM, agents can thus not only plan, but also execute their plans, perceive their environment, and interact with each other.While obviously such a simulation does not capture many aspect of a physical robot environment, it can be used for rapid prototyping of planning models for such environments.
Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Continual Multiagent Planning.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 77-97.
Springer 2012.
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In this article, we extend the Continual Planning approach presented in the preceding article to multiagent settings. In principle, the presence of other agents increases the dynamics and uncertainty of an environment. As a result, planning in such domains becomes computationally much harder. We argue, however, that collaborative agents can overcome this complexity by proactively striving to exchange knowledge and collaborating on subproblems. The article gives an overview about the planning language MAPL that enables agents to explicitly reason about their own and others’ sensory and communicative capabilities, their beliefs and mutual beliefs, and about the necessary conditions for joint behaviour. Based on this, we describe the Continual Collaborative Planning algorithm (CCP), a distributed algorithm for autonomous agents planning and acting in multiagent worlds. We then present empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our approach in a prototypical highly-dynamic multiagent system. Finally we discuss in depth several possible applications, e.g. the use of CCP in Human-Robot Interaction and in a robot able to extend its domain knowledge on-the-fly, i.e. while acting in the environment.
Christian Dornhege, Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller, Sebastian Trüg, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Semantic Attachments for Domain-Independent Planning Systems.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 99-115.
Springer 2012.
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Solving real-world problems using symbolic planning often requires a simplified formulation of the original problem, since certain subproblems cannot be represented at all or only in a way leading to inefficiency. For example, manipulation planning may appear as a subproblem in a robotic planning context or a packing problem can be part of a logistics task. In this paper we propose an extension of PDDL for specifying semantic attachments. This allows the evaluation of grounded predicates as well as the change of fluents by externally specified functions. Furthermore, we describe a general schema of integrating semantic attachments into a forward-chaining planner and report on our experience of adding this extension to the planners FF and Temporal Fast Downward. Finally, we present some preliminary experiments using semantic attachments.
Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich and Bernhard Nebel.
Task Planning for an Autonomous Service Robot.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 117-124.
Springer 2012.
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In the DESIRE project, an autonomous robot capable of performing service tasks in a typical kitchen environment has been developed. The overall system consists of various loosely coupled subcomponents providing particular features like manipulating objects or recognizing and interacting with humans. To bring all these subcomponents together to act as monolithic system, a high-performance planning system has been implemented. In this paper, we present this system’s basic architecture and some advanced extensions necessary to cope with the various challenges arising in dynamic and uncertain environments like those a real world service robot is usually faced with.
Jens Claßen, Gabriele Röger, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Bernhard Nebel.
PLATAS – Integrating Planning and the Action Language Golog.
KI – Künstliche Intelligenz 26, pp. 61-67. 2012.
(Authors' preprint. The final publication is available at
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Action programming languages like Golog allow to define complex
behaviors for agents on the basis of action representations in terms of
expressive (first-order) logical formalisms, making them suitable for
realistic scenarios of agents with only partial world knowledge. Often
these scenarios include sub-tasks that require sequential planning.
While in principle it is possible to express and execute such planning
sub-tasks directly in Golog, the system can performance-wise not
compete with state-of-the-art planners. In this paper, we report on our
efforts to integrate efficient planning and expressive action
programming in the Platas project. The theoretical foundation is laid
by a mapping between the planning language Pddl and the Situation
Calculus, which is underlying Golog, together with a study of how these
formalisms relate in terms of expressivity. The practical benefit is
demonstrated by an evaluation of embedding a Pddl planner into Golog,
showing a drastic increase in performance while retaining the full
expressiveness of Golog.
Alper Aydemir, Moritz Göbelbecker, Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö and Patric Jensfelt.
Plan-based Object Search and Exploration Using Semantic Spatial Knowledge in the Real World.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR 2011).
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In this paper we present a principled planner based
approach to the active visual object search problem in unknown
environments. We make use of a hierarchical planner that combines
the strength of decision theory and heuristics. Furthermore, our
object search approach leverages on the conceptual spatial
knowledge in the form of object cooccurences and semantic place
categorisation. A hierarchical model for representing object
locations is presented with which the planner is able to perform
indirect search. Finally we present real world experiments to show
the feasibility of the approach.
Moritz Göbelbecker, Charles Gretton and Richard W. Dearden.
A Switching Planner for Combined Task and Observation Planning.
Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2011).
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From an automated planning perspective the problem of
practical mobile robot control in realistic environments poses many
important and contrary challenges. On the one hand, the planning
process must be lightweight, robust, and timely. Over the lifetime of
the robot it must always respond quickly with new plans that
accommodate exogenous events, changing objectives, and the underlying
unpredictability of the environment. On the other hand, in order to
promote efficient behaviours the planning process must perform
computationally expensive reasoning about contingencies and possible
revisions of subjective beliefs according to quantitatively modelled
uncertainty in acting and sensing. Towards addressing these
challenges, we develop a continual planning approach that switches
between using a fast satisficing ``classical'' planner, to decide on
the overall strategy, and decision-theoretic planning to solve small
abstract subproblems where deeper consideration of the sensing model
is both practical, and can significantly impact overall
performance. We evaluate our approach in large problems from a
realistic robot exploration domain.
Moritz Göbelbecker, Alper Aydemir, Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö and Patric Jensfelt.
A Planning Approach to Active Visual Search in Large Environments.
Proceedings of the AAAI-11 Workshop on Automated Action Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots (PAMR).
Workshop version of the ECMR11 paper "Plan-based Object Search and Exploration Using Semantic Spatial Knowledge in the Real World".
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In this paper we present a principled planner based
approach to the active visual object search problem in unknown
environments. We make use of a hierarchical planner that combines
the strength of decision theory and heuristics. Furthermore, our
object search approach leverages on the conceptual spatial
knowledge in the form of object co-occurrences and semantic place
categorisation. A hierarchical model for representing object
locations is presented with which the planner is able to perform
indirect search. Finally we present real world experiments to show
the feasibility of the approach.
Raz Nissim, Jörg Hoffmann and Malte Helmert.
Computing Perfect Heuristics in Polynomial Time:
On Bisimulation and Merge-and-Shrink Abstractions in Optimal
Proceedings of the
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI 2011), pp. 1983-1990.
Erratum: In Section 7, we introduce greedy bisimulation
as only respecting the bisimulation property for transitions
(s, l, s') where sd(s) <= sd(s'). The implementation
we evaluate in Section 8 is actually even more greedy than that,
only respecting transitions where sd(s) < sd(s').
Using the definition from Section 7 leads to a strategy that
behaves very similarly to the strategies using regular (non-greedy)
bisimulation on these benchmarks..
(Show abstract)
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A* with admissible heuristics is a very successful approach to
optimal planning. But how to derive such heuristics
automatically? Merge-and-shrink abstraction (M&S) is a
general approach to heuristic design whose key advantage is
its capability to make very fine-grained choices in defining
abstractions. However, little is known about how to actually
make these choices. We address this via the well-known notion
of bisimulation. When aggregating only bisimilar
states, M&s yields a perfect heuristic. Alas,
bisimulations are exponentially large even in trivial
domains. We show how to apply label reduction -- not
distinguishing between certain groups of operators -- without
incurring any information loss, while potentially reducing
bisimulation size exponentially. In several benchmark domains,
the resulting algorithm computes perfect heuristics in
polynomial time. Empirically, we show that approximating
variants of this algorithm improve the state of the art in
M&S heuristics. In particular, a hybrid of two such
variants is competitive with the leading heuristic LM-cut.
Moritz Göbelbecker, Charles Gretton and Richard W. Dearden.
A Switching Planner for Combined Task and Observation Planning.
Electronic Proceedings of the Workshop on Decision Making in Partially Observable, Uncertain Worlds: Exploring Insights from Multiple Communities at the Twenty-Second International Join Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DMPOUW 2011).
Workshop version of the AAAI11 paper of the same title..
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From an automated planning perspective the problem of
practical mobile robot control in realistic environments poses many
important and contrary challenges. On the one hand, the planning
process must be lightweight, robust, and timely. Over the lifetime of
the robot it must always respond quickly with new plans that
accommodate exogenous events, changing objectives, and the underlying
unpredictability of the environment. On the other hand, in order to
promote efficient behaviours the planning process must perform
computationally expensive reasoning about contingencies and possible
revisions of subjective beliefs according to quantitatively modelled
uncertainty in acting and sensing. Towards addressing these
challenges, we develop a continual planning approach that switches
between using a fast satisficing ``classical'' planner, to decide on
the overall strategy, and decision-theoretic planning to solve small
abstract subproblems where deeper consideration of the sensing model
is both practical, and can significantly impact overall
performance. We evaluate our approach in large problems from a
realistic robot exploration domain.
Marc Hanheide, Charles Gretton, Richard Dearden, Nick Hawes, Jeremy Wyatt, Andrzej Pronobis, Alper Aydemir, Moritz Göbelbecker and Hendrik Zender.
Exploiting Probabilistic Knowledge under Uncertain Sensing for Efficient Robot Behaviour.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011).
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Robots must perform tasks efficiently and reliably
while acting under uncertainty. One way to achieve efficiency is to
give the robot common-sense knowledge about the structure of the
world. Reliable robot behaviour can be achieved by modelling the
uncertainty in the world probabilistically. We present a robot system
that combines these two approaches and demonstrate the improvements in
efficiency and reliability that result. Our first contribution is a
probabilistic relational model integrating common-sense knowledge
about the world in general, with observations of a particular
environment. Our second contribution is a continual planning system
which is able to plan in the large problems posed by that model, by
automatically switching between decision-theoretic and classical
procedures. We evaluate our system on object search tasks in two
different real-world indoor environments. By reasoning about the
trade-offs between possible courses of action with different
informational effects, and exploiting the cues and general structures
of those environments, our robot is able to consistently demonstrate
efficient and reliable goal-directed behaviour.
Thomas Keller and Patrick Eyerich.
A Polynomial All Outcome Determinization for Probabilistic
Fahiem Bacchus, Carmel Domshlak, Stefan Edelkamp and Malte Helmert (eds.),
Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2011), pp. 331-334.
AAAI Press 2011.
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Most predominant approaches in probabilistic planning utilize
techniques from the more thoroughly investigated field of
classical planning by determinizing the problem at hand. In
this paper, we present a method to map probabilistic operators
to an equivalent set of probabilistic operators in a novel
normal form, requiring polynomial time and space. From this,
we directly derive a determinization which can be used for,
\eg, replanning strategies incorporating a classical planning
system. Unlike previously described all outcome
determinizations, the number of deterministic operators is not
exponentially but polynomially bounded in the number of
parallel probabilistic effects, enabling the use of more
sophisticated determinization-based techniques in the future.
Carmel Domshlak, Malte Helmert, Erez Karpas, Emil Keyder, Silvia Richter, Gabriele Röger, Jendrik Seipp and Matthias Westphal.
BJOLP: The Big Joint Optimal Landmarks Planner
(planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Deterministic Part, pp. 91-95.
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BJOLP, The Big Joint Optimal Landmarks Planner uses landmarks
to derive an admissible heuristic, which is then used to guide
a search for a cost-optimal plan. In this paper we review
landmarks and describe how they can be used to derive an
admissible heuristic. We conclude with presenting the BJOLP
Silvia Richter, Matthias Westphal and Malte Helmert.
LAMA 2008 and 2011 (planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Deterministic Part, pp. 50-54.
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LAMA is a propositional planning system based on heuristic
search with landmarks. This paper describes two versions of
LAMA that were entered into the 2011 International Planning
Competition: the original LAMA as developed for the 2008
competition and a new re-implementation of LAMA that uses the
latest version of the Fast Downward Planning Framework.
Landmarks are propositions that must be true in every solution
of a planning task. LAMA uses a heuristic derived from
landmarks in conjunction with the well-known FF
heuristic. LAMA builds on the Fast Downward Planning System
using non-binary (but finite domain) state variables and
multi-heuristic search. A weighted A* search is used with
iteratively decreasing weights, so that the planner continues
to search for plans of better quality until the search is
terminated. LAMA combines cost-to-goal and distance-to-goal
estimates with the aim of finding good solutions using
reasonable runtime.
Malte Helmert and Carmel Domshlak.
LM-Cut: Optimal Planning with the Landmark-Cut Heuristic
(planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Deterministic Part, pp. 103-105.
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The LM-Cut planner uses the landmark-cut heuristic, introduced
by the authors in 2009, within a standard A* progression
search framework to find optimal sequential plans for
STRIPS-style planning tasks. This short paper recapitulates
the main ideas surrounding the landmark-cut heuristic and
provides pointers for further reading.
Raz Nissim, Jörg Hoffmann and Malte Helmert.
The Merge-and-Shrink Planner: Bisimulation-based
Abstraction for Optimal Planning (planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Deterministic Part, pp. 106-107.
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Merge-and-shrink abstraction is a general approach to
heuristic design whose key advantage is its capability to make
very fine-grained choices in defining abstractions. The
Merge-and-shrink planner uses two different strategies for
making these choices, both based on the well-known notion of
bisimulation. The resulting heuristics are used in two
sequential runs of A* search.
Carmel Domshlak, Malte Helmert, Erez Karpas and Shaul Markovitch.
The SelMax Planner: Online Learning for Speeding up Optimal
Planning (planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Deterministic Part, pp. 108-112.
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The SelMax planner combines two state-of-the-art admissible
heuristics using an online learning approach. In this paper we
describe the online learning approach employed by SelMax,
briefly review the Fast Downward framework, and describe the
SelMax planner.
Malte Helmert, Gabriele Röger, Jendrik Seipp, Erez Karpas, Jörg Hoffmann, Emil Keyder, Raz Nissim, Silvia Richter and Matthias Westphal.
Fast Downward Stone Soup (planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Deterministic Part, pp. 38-45.
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Fast Downward Stone Soup is a sequential portfolio planner
that uses various heuristics and search algorithms that have
been implemented in the Fast Downward planning system.
We present a simple general method for concocting "planner
soups", sequential portfolios of planning algorithms, and
describe the actual recipes used for Fast Downward Stone Soup
in the sequential optimization and sequential satisficing
tracks of IPC 2011.
Chris Fawcett, Malte Helmert, Holger Hoos, Erez Karpas, Gabriele Röger and Jendrik Seipp.
FD-Autotune: Automated Configuration of Fast Downward
(planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Deterministic Part, pp. 31-37.
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The FD-Autotune submissions for the IPC-2011 sequential tracks
consist of three instantiations of the latest, highly
parametric version of the Fast Downward Planning
Framework. These instantiations have been automatically
configured for performance on a wide range of planning
domains, using the well-known ParamILS configurator. Two of
the instantiations were entered into the sequential
satisficing track and one into the sequential optimising
track. We describe how the extremely large configuration space
of Fast Downward was restricted to a subspace that, although
still very large, can be managed by state-of-the-art automated
configuration procedures, and how ParamILS was then used to
obtain performance-optimised configurations.
Chris Fawcett, Malte Helmert, Holger Hoos, Erez Karpas, Gabriele Röger and Jendrik Seipp.
FD-Autotune: Domain-Specific Configuration using Fast Downward
(planner abstract).
International Planning Competition (IPC 2011), Planning and
Learning Part.
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The FD-Autotune learning planning system is based on the idea
of domain-specific configuration of the latest, highly
parametric version of the Fast Downward Planning Framework by
means of a generic automated algorithm configuration
procedure. We describe how the extremely large configuration
space of Fast Downward was restricted to a subspace that,
although still very large, can be managed by state-of-the-art
automated configuration procedures. FD-Autotune uses the
well-known ParamILS configurator and was realised using the
recently developed HAL experimentation environment.
Malte Helmert, Gabriele Röger and Erez Karpas.
Fast Downward Stone Soup: A Baseline for Building Planner Portfolios.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2011
Workshop on Planning and Learning (PAL), pp. 28-35.
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Fast Downward Stone Soup is a sequential portfolio planner that
uses various heuristics and search algorithms that
have been implemented in the Fast Downward planning system.
We present a simple general method for concocting "planner
soups", sequential portfolios of planning algorithms, and
describe the actual recipes used for Fast Downward Stone Soup
in the sequential optimization and sequential satisficing
tracks of IPC 2011.
This paper is, first and foremost, a planner description.
Fast Downward Stone Soup was entered into the sequential
(non-learning) tracks of IPC 2011. Due to time constraints, we
did not enter it into the learning competition at IPC
2011. However, we believe that the approach might still be of
interest to the planning and learning community, as it
represents a baseline against which other, more sophisticated
portfolio learners can be usefully compared.
Chris Fawcett, Malte Helmert, Holger Hoos, Erez Karpas, Gabriele Röger and Jendrik Seipp.
FD-Autotune: Domain-Specific Configuration using Fast Downward.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2011
Workshop on Planning and Learning (PAL), pp. 13-20.
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In this work, we present the FD-Autotune learning planning
system, which is based on the idea of domain-specific
configuration of the latest, highly parametric version of the
Fast Downward Planning Framework by means of a generic
automated algorithm configuration procedure. We describe how
the extremely large configuration space of Fast Downward was
restricted to a subspace that, although still very large, can
be managed by a state-of-the-art automated configuration
procedure. Additionally, we give preliminary results obtained
from applying our approach to the nine domains of the IPC-2011
learning track, using the well-known ParamILS configurator
and the recently developed HAL experimentation environment.
Raz Nissim, Jörg Hoffmann and Malte Helmert.
Computing Perfect Heuristics in Polynomial Time:
On Bisimulation and Merge-and-Shrink Abstractions in Optimal
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2011
Workshop on Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning (HDIP), pp. 5-13.
Superseded by the IJCAI 2011 paper by the same name.
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A* with admissible heuristics is a very successful approach to
optimal planning. But how to derive such heuristics
automatically? Merge-and-shrink abstraction (M&S) is a
general approach to heuristic design whose key advantage is
its capability to make very fine-grained choices in defining
abstractions. However, little is known about how to actually
make these choices. We address this via the well-known notion
of bisimulation. When aggregating only bisimilar
states, M&s yields a perfect heuristic. Alas,
bisimulations are exponentially large even in trivial
domains. We show how to apply label reduction -- not
distinguishing between certain groups of operators -- without
incurring any information loss, while potentially reducing
bisimulation size exponentially. In several benchmark domains,
the resulting algorithm computes perfect heuristics in
polynomial time. Empirically, we show that approximating
variants of this algorithm improve the state of the art in
M&S heuristics. In particular, a hybrid of two such
variants is competitive with the leading heuristic LM-cut.
Jendrik Seipp and Malte Helmert.
Fluent Merging for Classical Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2011
Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS), pp. 47-53.
Note: This version of the paper fixes two mistakes
(in Def. 2 and in the text after Def. 3) that are present in the
version of the paper that is linked from the workshop
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Fluent merging is a reformulation technique for classical
planning problems that can be applied automatically or
semi-automatically. The reformulation strives to transform a
planning task into a representation that allows a planning
algorithm to find solutions more efficiently or to find
solutions of better quality. This work introduces different
approaches for fluent merging and evaluates them within a
state-of-the-art planning system.
J. Benton, Patrick Eyerich and Subbarao Kambhampati.
Enhancing Search for Satisficing Temporal Planning with
Objective-driven Decisions.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2011
Workshop on Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning, pp. 59-65.
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Heuristic best-first search techniques have recently enjoyed
ever-increasing scalability in finding satisficing solutions
to a variety of automated planning problems, and temporal
planning is no different. Unfortunately, achieving efficient
computational performance often comes at the price of clear
guidance toward solution of high quality. This fact is sharp
in the case of many best-first search temporal planners, who
often use a node evaluation function that is mismatched with
the objective function, reducing the likelihood that plans
returned will have a short makespan but increasing search
performance. To help mitigate matters, we introduce a method
that works to progress search on actions declared ``useful''
according to makespan, even when the original search may
ignore the makespan value of search nodes. We study this
method and show that it increases over all plan quality in
most of the benchmark domains from the temporal track of the
2008 International Planning Competition.
Fahiem Bacchus, Carmel Domshlak, Stefan Edelkamp and Malte Helmert (eds.).
Proceedings of the
21st International
Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2011).
AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, USA 2011.
Matthias Westphal, Christian Dornhege, Stefan Wölfl, Marc Gissler and Bernhard Nebel.
Guiding the Generation of Manipulation Plans by Qualitative Spatial Reasoning.
Spatial Cognition & Computation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 11 (1), pp. 75-102. 2011.
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(Online; DOI)
Manipulation planning is a complex task for robots with a manipulator arm that need to grasp objects in the environment, specifically under narrow spatial conditions restricting the workspace of the robot. A popular approach for generating motion plans is probabilistic roadmap planning. However, the sampling strategy of such planners is usually unguided, and hence may lead to motion plans that seem counterintuitive for a human observer. In this article we present an approach that generates heuristics for the probabilistic sampling strategy from spatial plans that abstract from concrete metric data. These spatial plans describe a free trajectory in the workspace of the robot on a purely qualitative level, i.e., by employing spatial relations from formalisms considered in the domain of Qualitative Spatial and Tem- poral Reasoning. We discuss how such formalisms and constraint-based reasoning methods can be applied to approximate geometrically feasible motions. The paper is completed by an evaluation of a hybrid planning system in different spatial settings showing that run-times are notably improved when an abstract plan is considered as a guidance heuristic.
D. Skočaj, M. Kristan, A. Leonardis, M. Mahnič, A. Vrečko, M. Janíček, G.-J. M. Kruijff, P. Lison, M. Zillich, C. Gretton, M. Hanheide and Moritz Göbelbecker.
A system approach to interactive learning of visual concepts.
Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (EPIROB 2010).
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In this work we present a system and underlying
mechanisms for continuous learning of visual concepts in dialogue
with a human.
Kai M. Wurm, Christian Dornhege, Patrick Eyerich, Cyrill Stachniss, Bernhard Nebel and Wolfram Burgard.
Coordinated Exploration with Marsupial Teams of Robots using Temporal Symbolic Planning.
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010).
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The problem of autonomously exploring an environment with a team
of robots received considerable attention in the past. However,
there are relatively few approaches to coordinate teams of
robots that are able to deploy and retrieve other
robots. Efficiently coordinating the exploration with such
marsupial robots requires advanced planning mechanisms that are
able to consider symbolic deployment and retrieval actions. In
this paper, we propose a novel approach for coordinating the
exploration with marsupial robot teams. Our method integrates a
temporal symbolic planner that explicitly considers deployment
and retrieval actions with a traditional cost-based assignment
procedure. Our approach has been implemented and evaluated in
several simulated environments and with varying team sizes. The
results demonstrate that our proposed method is able to
coordinate marsupial teams of robots to efficiently explore
unknown environments.
Silvia Richter and Matthias Westphal.
The LAMA Planner: Guiding Cost-Based Anytime Planning with Landmarks.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 39, pp. 127-177. 2010.
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LAMA is a classical planning system based on heuristic forward search. Its core feature is
the use of a pseudo-heuristic derived from landmarks, propositional formulas that must be true
in every solution of a planning task. LAMA builds on the Fast Downward planning system, using
finite-domain rather than binary state variables and multi-heuristic search. The latter is employed to
combine the landmark heuristic with a variant of the well-known FF heuristic. Both heuristics are
cost-sensitive, focusing on high-quality solutions in the case where actions have non-uniform cost.
A weighted A∗ search is used with iteratively decreasing weights, so that the planner continues to
search for plans of better quality until the search is terminated.
LAMA showed best performance among all planners in the sequential satisficing track of the
International Planning Competition 2008. In this paper we present the system in detail and investigate
which features of LAMA are crucial for its performance. We present individual results for
some of the domains used at the competition, demonstrating good and bad cases for the techniques
implemented in LAMA. Overall, we find that using landmarks improves performance, whereas the
incorporation of action costs into the heuristic estimators proves not to be beneficial. We show that
in some domains a search that ignores cost solves far more problems, raising the question of how
to deal with action costs more effectively in the future. The iterated weighted A∗ search greatly
improves results, and shows synergy effects with the use of landmarks.
Blai Bonet and Malte Helmert.
Strengthening Landmark Heuristics via Hitting Sets.
Helder Coelho, Rudi Studer and Michael Wooldridge (eds.),
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI
2010), pp. 329-334.
IOS Press 2010.
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(technical report with proofs; PDF)
(slides of Blai's ECAI 2010 presentation; PDF)
(slides of Malte's SS 2010 group seminar presentation; PDF)
The landmark cut heuristic is perhaps the strongest known
polytime admissible approximation of the optimal delete
relaxation heuristic h+. Equipped with
this heuristic, a best-first search was able to optimally
solve 40% more benchmark problems than the winners of the
sequential optimization track of IPC 2008. We show that this
heuristic can be understood as a simple relaxation of a
hitting set problem, and that stronger heuristics can be
obtained by considering stronger relaxations. Based on
these findings, we propose a simple polytime method for
obtaining heuristics stronger than landmark cut, and
evaluate them over benchmark problems. We also show that
hitting sets can be used to characterize
h+ and thus provide a fresh and novel
insight for better comprehension of the delete relaxation.
Emil Keyder, Silvia Richter and Malte Helmert.
Sound and Complete Landmarks for And/Or Graphs.
Helder Coelho, Rudi Studer and Michael Wooldridge (eds.),
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI
2010), pp. 335-340.
IOS Press 2010.
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Landmarks for a planning problem are subgoals that are
necessarily made true at some point in the execution of any
plan. Since verifying that a fact is a landmark is
PSPACE-complete, earlier approaches have focused on finding
landmarks for the delete relaxation Π+.
Furthermore, some of these approaches have approximated
this set of landmarks, although it has been shown that the
complete set of causal delete-relaxation landmarks can
be identified in polynomial time by a simple procedure over
the relaxed planning graph. Here, we give a declarative
characterisation of this set of landmarks and show that the
procedure computes the landmarks described by our
characterisation. Building on this, we observe that the
procedure can be applied to any delete-relaxation problem and
take advantage of a recent compilation of the
m-relaxation of a problem into a problem with no delete
effects to extract landmarks that take into account delete
effects in the original problem. We demonstrate that this
approach finds strictly more causal landmarks than previous
approaches and discuss the relationship between increased
computational effort and experimental performance, using these
landmarks in a recently proposed admissible landmark-counting
Malte Helmert.
Lessons Learned from Benchmarking in the Automated Planning
Proceedings of the
ECAI 2010
Workshop on Benchmarking Intelligent (Multi-) Robot Systems.
Christian Dornhege, Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Integrating Task and Motion Planning Using Semantic Attachments.
24th AAAI Workshop: Bridging the Gap Between Task and Motion Planning.
AAAI Press 2010.
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Solving real-world problems using symbolic planning often requires a simplified formulation of the original problem, since certain subproblems cannot be represented at all or only in a way leading to inefficiency. For example, manipulation planning may appear as a subproblem in a robotic planning context or a packing problem can be part of a logistics task. In this paper we propose an extension of PDDL for specifying semantic attachments. This allows the evaluation of grounded predicates, the change of fluents and the calculation of durations by externally specified functions. Furthermore, we describe a general schema of integrating semantic attachments into forward-chaining planning systems and report on our experience of adding this extension to the planner Temporal Fast Downward. Finally, we present some preliminary experiments using semantic attachments.
Marc Hanheide, Nick Hawes, Jeremy Wyatt, Moritz Göbelbecker, Michael Brenner, Kristoffer Sjöö, Alper Aydemir, Patric Jensfelt, Hendrik Zender and Geert-Jan Kruijff.
A Framework for Goal Generation and Management.
Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Goal-Directed Autonomy.
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Goal-directed behaviour is often viewed as an
essential char- acteristic of an intelligent system, but
mechanisms to generate and manage goals are often overlooked. This
paper addresses this by presenting a framework for autonomous goal
gener- ation and selection. The framework has been implemented as
part of an intelligent mobile robot capable of exploring unknown
space and determining the category of rooms au- tonomously. We
demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by comparing the
performance of two versions of our inte- grated system: one with
the framework, the other without. This investigation leads us
conclude that such a framework is desirable for an integrated
intelligent system because it re- duces the complexity of the
problems that must be solved by other behaviour-generation
mechanisms, it makes goal- directed behaviour more robust in the
face of a dynamic and unpredictable environments, and it provides
an entry point for domain-specific knowledge in a more general
Michael Brenner.
Creating Dynamic Story Plots with Continual Multiagent Planning.
Maria Fox and David Poole (eds.),
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI
2010), pp. 1517-1522.
AAAI Press 2010.
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An AI system that is to create a story (autonomously or in
interaction with human users) requires capabilities from many
subfields of AI in order to create characters that themselves
appear to act intelligently and believably in a coherent story
world. Specifically, the system must be able to reason about
the physical actions and verbal interactions of the characters
as well as their perceptions of the world. Furthermore it must
make the characters act believably--i.e. in a goal-directed
yet emotionally plausible fashion. Finally, it must cope with
(and embrace!) the dynamics of a multiagent environment where
beliefs, sentiments, and goals may change during the course of
a story and where plans are thwarted, adapted and dropped all
the time. In this paper, we describe a representational and
algorithmic framework for modelling such dynamic story worlds,
Continual Multiagent Planning. It combines continual planning
(i.e. an integrated approach to planning and execution) with a
rich description language for modelling epistemic and
affective states, desires and intentions, sensing and
communication. Analysing story examples generated by our
implemented system we show the benefits of such an integrated
approach for dynamic plot generation.
Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller and Malte Helmert.
High-Quality Policies for the Canadian Traveler's Problem.
Maria Fox and David Poole (eds.),
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI
2010), pp. 51-58.
AAAI Press 2010.
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We consider the stochastic variant of the Canadian
Traveler's Problem, a path planning problem where adverse
weather can cause some roads to be untraversable. The agent
does not initially know which roads can be used. However, it
knows a probability distribution for the weather, and it can
observe the status of roads incident to its location. The
objective is to find a policy with low expected travel cost.
We introduce and compare several algorithms for the
stochastic CTP. Unlike the optimistic approach most
commonly considered in the literature, the new approaches we
propose take uncertainty into account explicitly. We show
that this property enables them to generate policies of much
higher quality than the optimistic one, both theoretically
and experimentally.
Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller and Malte Helmert.
High-Quality Policies for the Canadian Traveler's Problem
(Extended Abstract).
Ariel Felner and Nathan Sturtevant (eds.),
Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Combinatorial
Search (SoCS 2010), pp. 147-148.
AAAI Press 2010.
Extended abstract of the AAAI paper by the same name.
Michael Brenner.
Dynamic Plot Generation by Continual Multiagent Planning (extended abstract).
Proceedings of the 9th Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2010).
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We describe how, by modelling plot generation as a Continual
Multiagent Planning process, dynamic stories can be generated in
which characters not only inteleave perception, action and
interaction, but in which also beliefs and motivations may change
repeatedly, thus driving the plot forward.
J. Benton, Kartik Talamadupula, Patrick Eyerich, Robert Mattmüller and Subbarao Kambhampati.
G-value Plateaus: A Challenge for Planning.
Ronen Brafman, Héctor Geffner, Jörg Hoffmann and Henry Kautz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2010), pp. 259-262.
AAAI Press 2010.
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Recent years have seen the development of several scalable
planners, many of which follow the string of successes found
in using heuristic, best-first search methods. While this
provides positive reinforcement for continuing work along
these lines, fundamental problems arise when handling
objectives whose value does not change with each search
operation. An extreme case of this occurs when handling the
objective of generating a temporal plan with short
makespan. Typically used heuristic search methods assume
strictly positive edge costs for their guarantees on
completeness and optimality to hold, while the usual
"fattening" and "advance time" steps of heuristic search
algorithms for temporal planning have the potential for
zero-cost edges, resulting in "g-value plateaus". In this
paper we point out some underlying difficulties with using
modern heuristic search methods for optimizing makespan and
discuss how the presence of these problems contributes to the
poor performance of makespan-optimizing heuristic search
planners. To further illustrate this, we show empirical
results on recent benchmarks using a planner made with
makespan optimization in mind.
Moritz Göbelbecker, Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Coming Up with Good Excuses: What To Do When No Plan Can be Found.
Ronen Brafman, Héctor Geffner, Jörg Hoffmann and Henry Kautz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2010), pp. 81-88.
AAAI Press 2010.
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When using a planner-based agent architecture, many things can
go wrong. First and foremost, an agent might fail to execute
one of the planned actions for some reasons. Even more
annoying, however, is a situation where the agent is
incompetent, i.e., unable to come up with a plan. This
might be due to the fact that there are principal reasons that
prohibit a successful plan or simply because the task's
description is incomplete or incorrect. In either case, an
explanation for such a failure would be very helpful. We will
address this problem and provide a formalization of coming
up with excuses for not being able to find a plan. Based
on that, we will present an algorithm that is able to find
excuses and demonstrate that such excuses can be found in
practical settings in reasonable time.
Malte Helmert and Hauke Lasinger.
The Scanalyzer Domain: Greenhouse Logistics as a Planning Problem.
Ronen Brafman, Héctor Geffner, Jörg Hoffmann and Henry Kautz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2010), pp. 234-237.
AAAI Press 2010.
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We introduce the Scanalyzer planning domain, a domain for
classical planning which models the problem of automatic
greenhouse logistic management.
At its mathematical core, the Scanalyzer domain is a
permutation problem with striking similarities to common
search benchmarks such as Rubik's Cube or TopSpin. At the same
time, it is also a real application domain, and efficient
algorithms for the problem are of considerable practical
The Scanalyzer domain was used as a benchmark for sequential
planners at the last International Planning Competition. The
competition results show that domain-independent automated
planners can find solutions of comparable quality to those
generated by specialized algorithms developed by domain
experts, while being considerably more flexible.
Robert Mattmüller, Manuela Ortlieb, Malte Helmert and Pascal Bercher.
Pattern Database Heuristics for Fully Observable Nondeterministic Planning.
Ronen Brafman, Héctor Geffner, Jörg Hoffmann and Henry Kautz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2010), pp. 105-112.
AAAI Press 2010.
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(slides; PDF)
When planning in an uncertain environment, one is often
interested in finding a contingent plan that prescribes
appropriate actions for all possible states that may be
encountered during the execution of the plan. We consider the
problem of finding strong and strong cyclic plans for fully
observable nondeterministic (FOND) planning problems. The
algorithm we choose is LAO*, an informed explicit state search
algorithm. We investigate the use of pattern database (PDB)
heuristics to guide LAO* towards goal states. To obtain a
fully domain-independent planning system, we use an automatic
pattern selection procedure that performs local search in the
space of pattern collections. The evaluation of our system on
the FOND benchmarks of the Uncertainty Part of the
International Planning Competition 2008 shows that our
approach is competitive with symbolic regression search in
terms of problem coverage and speed.
Gabriele Röger and Malte Helmert.
The More, the Merrier: Combining Heuristic Estimators for
Satisficing Planning.
Ronen Brafman, Héctor Geffner, Jörg Hoffmann and Henry Kautz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2010), pp. 246-249.
AAAI Press 2010.
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(technical report; PDF)
We empirically examine several ways of exploiting the
information of multiple heuristics in a satisficing best-first
search algorithm, comparing their performance in terms of
coverage, plan quality, speed, and search guidance. Our
results indicate that using multiple heuristics for
satisficing search is indeed useful. Among the combination
methods we consider, the best results are obtained by the
alternation method of the "Fast Diagonally Downward"
Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller and Malte Helmert.
High-Quality Policies for the Canadian Traveler's Problem.
Proceedings of the
Workshop on Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty.
Superseded by the AAAI 2010 paper by the same name.
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We consider the stochastic variant of the Canadian
Traveler's Problem, a path planning problem where adverse
weather can cause some roads to be untraversable. The agent
does not initially know which roads can be used. However, it
knows a probability distribution for the weather, and it can
observe the status of roads incident to its location. The
objective is to find a policy with low expected travel cost.
We introduce and compare several algorithms for the
stochastic CTP. Unlike the optimistic approach most
commonly considered in the literature, the new approaches we
propose take uncertainty into account explicitly. We show
that this property enables them to generate policies of much
higher quality than the optimistic one, both theoretically
and experimentally.
Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller and Bernhard Nebel.
Combining Action and Motion Planning via Semantic Attachments.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Combining Action and Motion Planning at ICAPS 2010
(CAMP 2010), p. 19.
Extended Abstract.
Nick Hawes, Marc Hanheide, Kristoffer Sjöö, Alper Aydemir, Patric Jensfelt, Moritz Göbelbecker, Michael Brenner, Hendrik Zender, Pierre Lison, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayov, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and Michael Zillich.
Dora The Explorer: A Motivated Robot.
Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010).
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Dora the Explorer is a mobile robot with a sense of
curios- ity and a drive to explore its world. Given an incomplete
tour of an indoor environment, Dora is driven by internal
motivations to probe the gaps in her spatial knowledge. She
actively explores regions of space which she hasn't previously
visited but which she expects will lead her to further unex-
plored space. She will also attempt to determine the cate- gories
of rooms through active visual search for functionally important
objects, and through ontology-driven inference on the results of
this search.
Michael Brenner, Christian Plagemann, Bernhard Nebel, Wolfram Burgard and Nick Hawes.
Planning and Failure Detection.
Henrik Iskov Christensen, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and Jeremy L. Wyatt (eds.),
Cognitive Systems, pp. 223-264.
Springer 2010.
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The capacity for planful behavior is one of the major characteristics of an intelligent agent. When acting in realistic environments, however, reasoning about how to achieve one’s goals is complicated significantly, both by the limited perceptions of the agent and the high dynamics of the environment, especially when other intelligent agents are present. Fortunately, when acting continuously in such an environment, agents can actively try to reduce their uncertainties, for example by deliberative exploration, cooperation with others, and monitoring of failures.
Christian Dornhege, Marc Gissler, Matthias Teschner and Bernhard Nebel.
Integrating Symbolic and Geometric Planning for Mobile Manipulation.
IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics
(SSRR 2009).
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Mobile manipulation requires to solve multiple subproblems.
One is planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces, that we approach in this work.
We decompose the manipulation problem into a symbolic and a geometric part.
The symbolic part is implemented as a classical symbolic planner that
tightly integrates a geometric planner enabling us to efficiently generate correct
A probabilistic roadmap planner constitutes the geometric part.
During the computation of the roadmap we utilize proximity queries to determine non-colliding configurations and to verify collision-free paths between configurations accurately and efficiently.
We demonstrate experiments in two scenarios, one of these being the manipulator dexterity test scenario that was
used in NIST's response robot evaluation in Disaster City.
Christian Dornhege, Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller, Sebastian Trüg, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Semantic Attachments for Domain-Independent Planning Systems.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2009), pp. 114-121.
AAAI Press 2009.
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Solving real-world problems using symbolic planning often
requires a simplified formulation of the original problem,
since certain subproblems cannot be represented at all or only
in a way leading to inefficiency. For example, manipulation
planning may appear as a subproblem in a robotic planning
context or a packing problem can be part of a logistics
task. In this paper we propose an extension of PDDL for
specifying semantic attachments. This allows the evaluation of
grounded predicates as well as the change of fluents by
externally specified functions. Furthermore, we describe a
general schema of integrating semantic attachments into a
forward-chaining planner and report on our experience of
adding this extension to the planners FF and Temporal Fast
Downward. Finally, we present some preliminary experiments
using semantic attachments.
Patrick Eyerich, Robert Mattmüller and Gabriele Röger.
Using the Context-enhanced Additive Heuristic for Temporal and Numeric Planning.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2009), pp. 130-137.
AAAI Press 2009.
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Planning systems for real-world applications need the ability
to handle concurrency and numeric fluents. Nevertheless, the
predominant approach to cope with concurrency followed by the
most successful participants in the latest International
Planning Competitions (IPC) is still to find a sequential plan
that is rescheduled in a post-processing step. We present
Temporal Fast Downward (TFD), a planning system for temporal
problems that is capable of finding low-makespan plans by
performing a heuristic search in a temporal search space. We
show how the context-enhanced additive heuristic can be
successfully used for temporal planning and how it can be
extended to numeric fluents. TFD often produces plans of high
quality and, evaluated according to the rating scheme of the
last IPC, outperforms all state-of-the-art temporal planning
Dunbo Cai, Jörg Hoffmann and Malte Helmert.
Enhancing the Context-Enhanced Additive Heuristic with Precedence Constraints.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2009), pp. 50-57.
AAAI Press 2009.
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Recently, Helmert and Geffner proposed the context-enhanced
additive heuristic, where fact costs are evaluated relative to
context states that arise from achieving first a pivot
condition of each operator. As Helmert and Geffner pointed
out, the method can be generalized to consider contexts
arising from arbitrary precedence constraints over operator
conditions instead. Herein, we provide such a
generalization. We extend Helmert and Geffner's equations, and
discuss a number of design choices that arise. Drawing on
previous work on goal orderings, we design a family of methods
for automatically generating precedence constraints. We run
large-scale experiments, showing that the technique can help
significantly, depending on the choice of precedence
constraints. We shed some light on this by profiling the
behavior of all possible precedence constraints, using a
sampling technique.
Malte Helmert and Carmel Domshlak.
Landmarks, Critical Paths and Abstractions: What's the Difference Anyway?
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2009), pp. 162-169.
AAAI Press 2009.
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(Dagstuhl abstract; PDF)
Current heuristic estimators for classical domain-independent
planning are usually based on one of four ideas: delete
relaxations, critical paths, abstractions,
and, most recently, landmarks. Previously, these
different ideas for deriving heuristic functions were largely
We prove that admissible heuristics based on these ideas are
in fact very closely related. Exploiting this relationship, we
introduce a new admissible heuristic called the landmark
cut heuristic, which compares favourably with the state of
the art in terms of heuristic accuracy and overall
Silvia Richter and Malte Helmert.
Preferred Operators and Deferred Evaluation in Satisficing Planning.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2009), pp. 273-280.
AAAI Press 2009.
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Heuristic forward search is the dominant approach to
satisficing planning to date. Most successful planning
systems, however, go beyond plain heuristic search by
employing various search-enhancement techniques. One example
is the use of helpful actions or preferred operators,
providing information which may complement heuristic values.
A second example is deferred heuristic evaluation, a search
variant which can reduce the number of costly node
evaluations. Despite the wide-spread use of these
search-enhancement techniques however, we note that few
results have been published examining their usefulness. In
particular, while various ways of using, and possibly
combining, these techniques are conceivable, no work to date
has studied the performance of such variations. In this
paper, we address this gap by examining the use of preferred
operators and deferred evaluation in a variety of settings
within best-first search. In particular, our findings are
consistent with and help explain the good performance of the
winners of the satisficing tracks at IPC 2004 and 2008.
Christoph Betz and Malte Helmert.
Planning with h+ in Theory and Practice.
Proceedings of the
Workshop on Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning
at ICAPS 2009.
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Many heuristic estimators for classical planning are based on
the so-called delete relaxation, which ignores negative
effects of planning operators. Ideally, such heuristics would
compute the actual goal distance in the delete relaxation,
i.e., the cost of an optimal relaxed plan, denoted by
h+. However, current delete relaxation heuristics only provide
(often inadmissible) estimates to h+ because computing the
correct value is an NP-hard problem.
In this work, we consider the approach of planning with the
actual h+ heuristic from a theoretical and computational
perspective. In particular, we provide domain-dependent
complexity results that classify some standard benchmark
domains into ones where h+ can be computed efficiently and
ones where computing h+ is NP-hard. Moreover, we study
domain-dependent implementations of h+ which show that
the h+ heuristic provides very informative heuristic estimates
compared to other state-of-the-art heuristics.
Gabriele Röger and Malte Helmert.
Combining Heuristic Estimators for Satisficing Planning.
Proceedings of the
Workshop on Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning
at ICAPS 2009.
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The problem of effectively combining multiple heuristic
estimators has been studied extensively in the context of
optimal planning, but not in the context of satisficing
planning. To narrow this gap, we empirically examine several
ways of exploiting the information of multiple heuristics in a
satisficing best-first search algorithm, comparing their
performance in terms of coverage, plan quality and
runtime. Our empirical results indicate that using multiple
heuristics for satisficing search is indeed useful and that
the best results are not obtained by the most obvious
combination methods.
Christoph Betz and Malte Helmert.
Planning with h+ in Theory and Practice.
Bärbel Mertsching, Marcus Hund and Zaheer Aziz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI 2009), pp. 9-16.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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Many heuristic estimators for classical planning are based on
the so-called delete relaxation, which ignores negative
effects of planning operators. Ideally, such heuristics would
compute the actual goal distance in the delete relaxation,
i.e., the cost of an optimal relaxed plan, denoted by
h+. However, current delete relaxation heuristics only provide
(often inadmissible) estimates to h+ because computing the
correct value is an NP-hard problem.
In this work, we consider the approach of planning with the
actual h+ heuristic from a theoretical and computational
perspective. In particular, we provide domain-dependent
complexity results that classify some standard benchmark
domains into ones where h+ can be computed efficiently and
ones where computing h+ is NP-hard. Moreover, we study
domain-dependent implementations of h+ which show that
the h+ heuristic provides very informative heuristic estimates
compared to other state-of-the-art heuristics.
Pascal Bercher and Robert Mattmüller.
Solving Non-deterministic Planning Problems with
Pattern Database Heuristics.
B. Mertsching, M. Hund and Z. Aziz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI 2009), pp. 57-64.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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Non-determinism arises naturally in many real-world
applications of action planning. Strong plans for this type of
problems can be found using AO* search guided by an
appropriate heuristic function. Most domain-independent
heuristics considered in this context so far are based on the
idea of ignoring delete lists and do not properly take the
non-determinism into account. Therefore, we investigate the
applicability of pattern database (PDB) heuristics to
non-deterministic planning. PDB heuristics have emerged as
rather informative in a deterministic context. Our empirical
results suggest that PDB heuristics can also perform
reasonably well in non-deterministic planning. Additionally,
we present a generalization of the pattern additivity
criterion known from classical planning to the
non-deterministic setting.
Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Continual Planning and Acting in Dynamic Multiagent Environments.
Journal of Autonomous Agents
and Multiagent Systems 19 (3), pp. 297-331. 2009.
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In order to behave intelligently, artificial agents must be able
to deliberatively plan their future actions. Unfortunately,
realistic agent environments are usually highly dynamic and only
partially observable, which makes planning computationally hard. For
most practical purposes this rules out planning techniques that
account for all possible contingencies in the planning process.
However, many agent environments permit an alternative approach,
namely continual planning, i.e. the interleaving of planning with
acting and sensing.
This paper presents a new principled approach to continual
planning that describes why and when an agent should switch between
planning and acting. The resulting continual planning algorithm
enables agents to deliberately postpone parts of their planning
process and instead actively gather missing information that is
relevant for the later refinement of the plan. To this end, the
algorithm explictly reasons about the knowledge (or lack thereof) of
an agent and its sensory capabilities. These concepts are modelled
in the planning language MAPL. Since in many environments the major
reason for dynamism is the behaviour of other agents, MAPL can also
model multiagent environments, common knowledge among agents, and
communicative actions between them. For Continual Planning, MAPL
introduces the concept of of assertions, abstract actions that
substitute yet unformed subplans.
To evaluate our continual planning approach empirically we have
developed MAPSIM, a simulation environment that automatically builds
multiagent simulations from formal MAPL domains. Thus, agents can
not only plan, but also execute their plans, perceive their
environment, and interact with each other. Our experiments show
that, using continual planning techniques, deliberate action planning
can be used efficiently even in complex multiagent environments.
Martin Wehrle and Malte Helmert.
The Causal Graph Revisited for Directed Model
Jens Palsberg and Zhendong Su (eds.),
Proceedings of the 16th International Static Analysis Symposium
(SAS 2009), pp. 86-101.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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(Dagstuhl abstract; PDF)
Directed model checking is a well-established technique to
tackle the state explosion problem when the aim is to find
error states in large systems. In this approach, the state
space traversal is guided through a function that estimates
the distance to nearest error states. States with lower
estimates are preferably expanded during the
search. Obviously, the challenge is to develop distance
functions that are efficiently computable on the one hand and
as informative as possible on the other hand. In this paper,
we introduce the causal graph structure to the context
of directed model checking. Based on causal graph analysis, we
first adapt a distance estimation function from AI planning to
directed model checking. Furthermore, we investigate an
abstraction that is guaranteed to preserve error states. The
experimental evaluation shows the practical potential of these
Malte Helmert.
Research Statement: Heuristic Search for Domain-Independent
2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Search
Jörg Hoffmann, Piergiorgio Bertoli, Malte Helmert and Marco Pistore.
Message-Based Web Service Composition, Integrity
Constraints, and Planning under Uncertainty: A New
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 35, pp. 49-117. 2009.
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Thanks to recent advances, AI Planning has become the
underlying technique for several applications. Figuring
prominently among these is automated Web Service Composition
(WSC) at the "capability" level, where services are
described in terms of preconditions and effects over
ontological concepts. A key issue in addressing WSC as
planning is that ontologies are not only formal vocabularies;
they also axiomatize the possible relationships between
concepts. Such axioms correspond to what has been termed
"integrity constraints" in the actions and change
literature, and applying a web service is essentially a belief
update operation. The reasoning required for belief update is
known to be harder than reasoning in the ontology itself. The
support for belief update is severely limited in current
planning tools.
Our first contribution consists in identifying an interesting
special case of WSC which is both significant and more
tractable. The special case, which we term forward
effects, is characterized by the fact that every
ramification of a web service application involves at least
one new constant generated as output by the web service. We
show that, in this setting, the reasoning required for belief
update simplifies to standard reasoning in the ontology
itself. This relates to, and extends, current notions of
"message-based" WSC, where the need for belief update is
removed by a strong (often implicit or informal) assumption of
"locality" of the individual messages. We clarify the
computational properties of the forward effects case, and
point out a strong relation to standard notions of planning
under uncertainty, suggesting that effective tools for the
latter can be successfully adapted to address the former.
Furthermore, we identify a significant sub-case, named
strictly forward effects, where an actual compilation
into planning under uncertainty exists. This enables us to
exploit off-the-shelf planning tools to solve message-based
WSC in a general form that involves powerful ontologies, and
requires reasoning about partial matches between concepts. We
provide empirical evidence that this approach may be quite
effective, using Conformant-FF as the underlying planner.
Geert-Jan Kruijff and Michael Brenner.
Phrasing Questions.
AAAI Spring Symposium on Agents that Learn from Human Teachers.
Malte Helmert.
Concise finite-domain representations for PDDL planning
Artificial Intelligence 173, pp. 503-535. 2009.
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We introduce an efficient method for translating planning
tasks specified in the standard PDDL formalism into a concise
grounded representation that uses finite-domain state
variables instead of the straight-forward propositional
Translation is performed in four stages. Firstly, we transform
the input task into an equivalent normal form expressed in a
restricted fragment of PDDL. Secondly, we synthesize
invariants of the planning task that identify groups of
mutually exclusive propositions which can be represented by a
single finite-domain variable. Thirdly, we perform an
efficient relaxed reachability analysis using logic
programming techniques to obtain a grounded representation of
the input. Finally, we combine the results of the third and
fourth stage to generate the final grounded finite-domain
The presented approach has originally been implemented as part
of the Fast Downward planning system for the 4th International
Planning Competition (IPC4). Since then, it has been used in a
number of other contexts with considerable success, and the
use of concise finite-domain representations has become a
common feature of state-of-the-art planners.
Michael Brenner.
Continual Collaborative Planning for Mixed-Initiative Action and
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS
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Multiagent environments are often highly dynamic and only
partially observable which makes deliberative action planning
computationally hard. In many such environments, however, agents can
take a more proactive approach and suspend planning for partial plan
execution, especially for active information gathering and
interaction with others. This paper presents a new algorithm for
Continual Collaborative Planning (CCP) that enables agents to
deliberately interleave planning, acting, perception and
communication. Our implementation of CCP has been evaluated with
MAPSIM, a tool that automatically generates multiagent simulations
from formal multiagent planning (MAP) domains. For different such
simulations, we show how CCP leads to collaborative planning and
acting and, despite minimal linguistic capabilities, to fairly
natural dialogues between agents.
Michael Brenner and Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova.
A Continual Multiagent Planning Approach to Situated
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of
Dialogue (LonDial
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Situated dialogue is usually tightly integrated with behavior
planning, physical action and perception. This paper presents an
algorithmic framework, Continual Collaborative Planning (CCP), for
modeling this kind of integrated behavior and shows how CCP agents
naturally blend physical and communicative actions. For experiments
with conversational CCP agents we have developed MAPSIM, a software
environment that can generate multiagent simulations from formal
multiagent planning problems automatically. MAPSIM permits comparison
of CCP-based dialogue strategies on a wide range of domains and
problems without domain-specific programming. Despite their
linguistic capabilities being limited MAPSIM agents can already
engage in fairly realistic situated dialogues. Our ongoing work is
taking this approach from simulation to real human-robot interaction.
Geert-Jan Kruijff, Michael Brenner and Nick Hawes.
Continual Planning for Cross-Modal Situated Clarification in
Human-Robot Interaction.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robots and
Human Interactive Communication
(RO-MAN 2008).
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Current robots do not fully understand the world they are
situated in, including what humans talk to them about. A fundamental
problem in robotics is thus how a robot can clarify such a lack of
understanding. This paper addresses the question of how a robot can
create a plan for resolving a need for clarification. This paper
characterizes situated clarification as an information need which may
arise in any sensory-motoric modality interpreting the situated
context of the robot, or any deliberative modality referring to that
context. The paper then focuses on how, once a clarification need has
been identified, the robot can create a plan in which one or more
modalities are involved in resolving it. Modalities are involved on
the basis of the types of information they can provide. These
information types are identified in the ontologies the modalities use
to interconnect their content with content of other modalities
("information fusion"). We take a continual approach to planning and
execution monitoring. This provides the abiltity to re-plan depending
on modality availability and success in resolving (part of) a
clarification need. We illustrate our implementation of this approach
with several examples from our system.
Paul Plöger, Kai Pervölz, Christoph Mies, Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
The DESIRE Service Robotics Initiative.
Künstliche Intelligenz 08 (4), pp. 29-32. 2008.
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We present some advanced hardware units and an appropriate
component based SW architecture for DESIRE. As an example we
describe the integration of a enhanced AI task planner which
allows for higher flexibility and dependability during complex
task execution.
Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Complexity of Planning Operator Subsumption.
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
2008), pp. 518-527.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Formal action models play a central role in several subfields of
AI because they are used to model application domains, e.g., in
automated planning. However, there are hitherto no automated
methods for relating such domain models to each other, in
particular for checking whether one is a specialization or
generalization of the other. In this paper, we introduce two kinds
of subsumption relations between operators, both of which are
suitable for modeling and verifying hierarchies between actions
and operators: applicability subsumption considers an action to be
more general than another if the latter can be replaced by the
first at each point in each sound sequence of actions; abstraction
subsumption exploits relations between actions from an ontological
point of view. For both kinds of subsumption, we prove complexity
results for verifying operator subsumption in three important
subclasses: The problems are NP-complete when the expressiveness
of the operators is restricted to the well-known basic STRIPS
formalism, Sigma_p_2-complete when we admit boolean logical operators
and undecidable when the full power of the planning language ADL
is permitted.
Gabriele Röger, Malte Helmert and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Relative Expressiveness of ADL and Golog: The Last
Piece in the Puzzle.
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
2008), pp. 544-550.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Integrating agent programming languages and efficient action
planning is a promising approach because it combines the
expressive power of languages such as Golog with the possibility
of searching for plans efficiently. In order to integrate a
Golog interpreter with a planner, one has to understand,
however, which part of the expressiveness of Golog can be
captured by the planning language. Using Nebel's compilation
framework, we identify a maximal fragment of basic action
theories, the formalism Golog is based on, that is
expressively equivalent to the ADL subset of PDDL. As we will
show, almost all features that permit to specify incomplete
information in basic action theories cannot be compiled to ADL.
Jussi Rintanen, Bernhard Nebel, J. Christopher Beck and Eric Hansen (eds.).
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2008).
AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California USA 2008.
Martin Wehrle, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Andreas Podelski.
Useless Actions are Useful.
Jussi Rintanen, Bernhard Nebel, J. Christopher Beck and Eric Hansen (eds.),
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2008), pp. 388-395.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Planning as heuristic search is a powerful approach to solving
domain independent planning problems. In recent years, various
successful heuristics and planners like FF, LPG, Fast Downward
or SGPlan have been proposed in this context. However, as
heuristics only estimate the distance to goal states, a
general problem of heuristic search is the existence of
plateaus in the search space topology which can cause the
search process to degenerate. Additional techniques like
helpful actions or preferred operators that evaluate the
"usefulness" of actions are often successful strategies to
support the search in such situations.
In this paper, we introduce a general method to evaluate the
usefulness of actions. We propose a technique to enhance
heuristic search by identifying "useless" actions that are
not needed to find optimal plans. In contrast to helpful
actions or preferred operators that are specific to the FF
and Causal Graph heuristic, respectively, our method can be
combined with arbitrary heuristics. We show that this
technique often yields significant performance improvements.
Malte Helmert and Héctor Geffner.
Unifying the Causal Graph and Additive Heuristics.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2008), pp. 140-147.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Many current heuristics for domain-independent planning, such
as Bonet and Geffner's additive heuristic and Hoffmann
and Nebel's FF heuristic, are based on delete
relaxations. They estimate the goal distance of a search state
by approximating the solution cost in a relaxed task where
negative consequences of operator applications are
ignored. Helmert's causal graph heuristic, on the other
hand, approximates goal distances by solving a hierarchy of
"local" planning problems that only involve a single state
variable and the variables it depends on directly.
Superficially, the causal graph heuristic appears quite
unrelated to heuristics based on delete relaxation. In this
contribution, we show that the opposite is true. Using a
novel, declarative formulation of the causal graph heuristic,
we show that the causal graph heuristic is the additive
heuristic plus context. Unlike the original heuristic, our
formulation does not require the causal graph to be acyclic,
and thus leads to a proper generalization of both the causal
graph and additive heuristics. Empirical results show that the
new heuristic is significantly better informed than both
Helmert's original causal graph heuristic and the additive
heuristic and outperforms them across a wide range of standard
Jens Claßen, Viktor Engelmann, Gerhard Lakeymeyer and Gabriele Röger.
Integrating Golog and Planning: An Empirical Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
(NMR 2008), pp. 10-18.
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The Golog family of action languages has proven to be
a useful means for the high-level control of autonomous
agents, such as mobile robots. In particular, the IndiGolog
variant, where programs are executed in an online
manner, is applicable in realistic scenarios where
agents possess only incomplete knowledge about the
state of the world, have to use sensors to gather necessary
information at runtime and need to react to spontaneous,
exogenous events that happen unpredictably
due to a dynamic environment. Often, the specification
of such an agent’s program also involves that certain
subgoals have to be solved by means of planning. IndiGolog
supports this in principle by providing a variety
of lookahead mechanisms, but when it comes to
pure, sequential planning, these usually cannot compete
with modern state-of-the-art planning systems, most of
which being based on the Planning Domain Definition
Language PDDL. Previous theoretical results provide
insights on the semantical compatibility between
Golog and PDDL and how they compare in terms of expressiveness.
In this paper, we complement these results
with an empirical evaluation that shows that equipping
IndiGolog with a PDDL planner (FF in our case) pays
off in terms of the runtime performance of the overall
system. For that matter, we study a number of example
application domains and compare the needed computation
times for varying problem sizes and difficulties.
Pascal Bercher and Robert Mattmüller.
A Planning Graph Heuristic for Forward-Chaining Adversarial Planning.
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI
2008), pp. 921-922.
IOS Press 2008.
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In contrast to classical planning, in adversarial planning, the
planning agent has to face an adversary trying to prevent him from reaching
his goals. In this paper, we investigate a forward-chaining approach to
adversarial planning based on the AO* algorithm. The exploration of the
underlying AND/OR graph is guided by a heuristic evaluation function,
inspired by the relaxed planning graph heuristic used in the FF
planner. Unlike FF, our heuristic uses an adversarial planning graph with
distinct proposition and action layers for the protagonist and antagonist.
First results suggest that in certain planning
domains, our approach yields results competitive with the state of the art.
Malte Helmert, Patrik Haslum and Jörg Hoffmann.
Explicit-State Abstraction: A New Method for Generating
Heuristic Functions.
Proceedings of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
2008), pp. 1547-1550.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Many AI problems can be recast as finding an optimal path in a
discrete state space. An abstraction defines an admissible
heuristic function as the distances in a smaller state space
where arbitrary sets of states are "aggregated" into single
states. A special case are pattern database (PDB) heuristics,
which aggregate states iff they agree on the state variables
inside the pattern. Explicit-state abstraction is more flexible,
explicitly aggregating selected pairs of states in a process
that interleaves composition of abstractions with abstraction of
the composites. The increased flexibility gains expressive
power: sometimes, the real cost function can be represented
concisely as an explicit-state abstraction, but not as a
PDB. Explicit-state abstraction has been applied to planning and
model checking, with highly promising empirical results.
Malte Helmert and Gabriele Röger.
How Good is Almost Perfect?
Proceedings of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI 2008), pp. 944-949.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Heuristic search using algorithms such as A* and IDA* is the
prevalent method for obtaining optimal sequential solutions for
classical planning tasks. Theoretical analyses of these
classical search algorithms, such as the well-known results of
Pohl, Gaschnig and Pearl, suggest that such heuristic search
algorithms can obtain better than exponential scaling behaviour,
provided that the heuristics are accurate enough.
Here, we show that for a number of common planning benchmark
domains, including ones that admit optimal solution in
polynomial time, general search algorithms such as A* must
necessarily explore an exponential number of search
nodes even under the optimistic assumption of almost
perfect heuristic estimators, whose heuristic error is
bounded by a small additive constant.
Our results shed some light on the comparatively bad performance
of optimal heuristic search approaches in "simple" domains such
as GRIPPER. They suggest that in many domains, further
improvements in run-time require changes to other parts of the
planning algorithm than the heuristic estimator.
Malte Helmert and Robert Mattmüller.
Accuracy of Admissible Heuristic Functions in Selected Planning Domains.
Proceedings of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI 2008), pp. 938-943.
AAAI Press 2008.
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The efficiency of optimal planning algorithms based on heuristic
search crucially depends on the accuracy of the heuristic
function used to guide the search. Often, we are interested in
domain-independent heuristics for planning. In order to assess the
limitations of domain-independent heuristic planning, it appears
interesting to analyse the (in)accuracy of common
domain-independent planning heuristics in the IPC benchmark
domains. For a selection of these domains, we analytically
investigate the accuracy of the h+
heuristic, the hm family of heuristics, and
certain (additive) pattern database heuristics, compared to the
perfect heuristic h*. Whereas
h+ and additive pattern database heuristics
usually return cost estimates proportional to the true cost,
non-additive hm and non-additive
pattern-database heuristics can yield results underestimating
the true cost by arbitrarily large factors.
Silvia Richter, Malte Helmert and Matthias Westphal.
Landmarks Revisited.
Proceedings of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI 2008), pp. 975-982.
AAAI Press 2008.
Note: After publication, we found a bug in our implementation
that affects the results in the columns "CG heuristic/local" and
"blind heuristic/local" of Table 1. The version of the paper available
for download here corrects these errors.
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Landmarks for propositional planning tasks are variable
assignments that must occur at some point in every solution
plan. We propose a novel approach for using landmarks in
planning by deriving a pseudo-heuristic and combining it with
other heuristics in a search framework. The incorporation of
landmark information is shown to improve success rates and
solution qualities of a heuristic planner. We furthermore show
how additional landmarks and orderings can be found using the
information present in multi-valued state variable
representations of planning tasks. Compared to previously
published approaches, our landmark extraction algorithm provides
stronger guarantees of correctness for the generated landmark
orderings, and our novel use of landmarks during search solves
more planning tasks and delivers considerably better solutions.
Malte Helmert.
Understanding Planning Tasks: Domain Complexity and Heuristic
Volume 4929 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 2008.
(Springer Online)
Malte Helmert, Patrik Haslum and Jörg Hoffmann.
Flexible Abstraction Heuristics for Optimal Sequential
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference
on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2007), pp. 176-183.
AAAI Press 2007.
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We describe an approach to deriving consistent heuristics for
automated planning, based on explicit search in abstract state
spaces. The key to managing complexity is interleaving
composition of abstractions over different sets of state
variables with abstraction of the partial composites.
The approach is very general and can be instantiated in many
different ways by following different abstraction
strategies. In particular, the technique subsumes
planning with pattern databases as a special case.
Moreover, with suitable abstraction strategies it is possible to
derive perfect heuristics in a number of classical benchmark
domains, thus allowing their optimal solution in polynomial
To evaluate the practical usefulness of the approach, we perform
empirical experiments with one particular abstraction strategy.
Our results show that the approach is competitive with the state
of the art.
Malte Helmert and Gabriele Röger.
How Good is Almost Perfect?
Proceedings of the
Workshop on Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning: Progress,
Ideas, Limitations, Challenges.
Superseded by the AAAI 2008 paper by the same name.
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Heuristic search using algorithms such as A* and IDA* is the
prevalent method for obtaining optimal sequential solutions for
classical planning tasks. Theoretical analyses of these
classical search algorithms, such as the well-known results of
Pohl, Gaschnig and Pearl, suggest that such heuristic search
algorithms can obtain better than exponential scaling behaviour,
provided that the heuristics are accurate enough.
Here, we show that for a number of common planning benchmark
domains, including ones that admit optimal solution in
polynomial time, general search algorithms such as A* must
necessarily explore an exponential number of search
nodes even under the optimistic assumption of almost
perfect heuristic estimators, whose heuristic error is
bounded by a small additive constant.
Our results shed some light on the comparatively bad performance
of optimal heuristic search approaches in "simple" domains such
as GRIPPER. They suggest that in many domains, further
improvements in run-time require changes to other parts of the
planning algorithm than the heuristic estimator.
Malte Helmert and Robert Mattmüller.
On the Accuracy of Admissible Heuristic Functions in
Selected Planning Domains.
Proceedings of the
Workshop on Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning: Progress,
Ideas, Limitations, Challenges.
Superseded by the AAAI 2008 paper by the same name.
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The efficiency of optimal planning algorithms based on heuristic
search crucially depends on the accuracy of the heuristic
function used to guide the search. Often, we are interested in
domain-independent heuristics for planning. In assessing the
limitations of domain-independent heuristic planning, it appears
interesting to analyse the (in)accuracy of common
domain-independent planning heuristics in the IPC benchmark
domains. For a selection of these domains, we analytically
investigate the accuracy of the h+
heuristic, the hk family of heuristics, and
certain (additive) pattern database heuristics, compared to the
optimal heuristic h*. Whereas
h+ and additive pattern database heuristics
usually return cost estimates proportional to the true cost,
non-additive hk and non-additive
pattern-database heuristics can yield results underestimating
the true cost by arbitrarily large factors.
Michael Brenner.
Situation-Aware Interpretation, Planning and Execution of User Commands by Autonomous Robots.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robots and
Human Interactive Communication
(ROMAN 2007).
Jeju, Korea 2007.
Gabriele Röger and Bernhard Nebel.
Expressiveness of ADL and Golog:
Functions Make a Difference.
Proceedings of the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI 2007), pp. 1051-1056.
AAAI Press 2007.
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The main focus in the area of action languages, such as
GOLOG, was put on expressive power, while the development
in the area of action planning was focused on efficient
plan generation. An integration of GOLOG and planning languages
would provide great advantages. A user could constrain
a systems behavior on a high level using GOLOG,
while the actual low-level actions are planned by an efficient
planning system. First endeavors have been made by Eyerich
et al. by identifying a subset of the situation calculus (which
is the basis of GOLOG) with the same expressiveness as the
ADL fragment of PDDL. However, it was not proven that the
identified restrictions define a maximum subset. The most
severe restriction appears to be that functions are limited to
constants. We will show that this restriction is indeed necessary
in most cases.
Patrik Haslum, Adi Botea, Malte Helmert, Blai Bonet and Sven Koenig.
Domain-Independent Construction of Pattern Database
Heuristics for Cost-Optimal Planning.
Proceedings of the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI 2007), pp. 1007-1012.
AAAI Press 2007.
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Heuristic search is a leading approach to domain-independent
planning. For cost-optimal planning, however, existing
admissible heuristics are generally too weak to effectively
guide the search. Pattern database heuristics (PDBs), which are
based on abstractions of the search space, are currently one of
the most promising approaches to developing better admissible
heuristics. The informedness of PDB heuristics depends crucially
on the selection of appropriate abstractions (patterns).
Although PDBs have been applied to many search problems,
including planning, there are not many insights into how to
select good patterns, even manually. What constitutes a good
pattern depends on the problem domain, making the task even more
difficult for domain-independent planning, where the process
needs to be completely automatic and general. We present a novel
way of constructing good patterns automatically from the
specification of planning problem instances. We demonstrate that
this allows a domain-independent planner to solve planning
problems optimally in some very challenging domains, including a
STRIPS formulation of the Sokoban puzzle.
Geert-Jan Kruijff and Michael Brenner.
Modelling Spatio-Temporal Comprehension in Situated Human-Robot Dialogue as Reasoning About Intentions and Plans.
AAAI Spring Symposium on Intentions.
Jens Claßen, Patrick Eyerich, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Bernhard Nebel.
Towards an Integration of Golog and Planning.
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2007), pp. 1846-1851.
AAAI Press 2007.
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The action language Golog has been applied successfully
to the control of robots, among other
things. Perhaps its greatest advantage is that a
user can write programs which constrain the search
for an executable plan in a xible manner. However,
when general planning is needed, Golog supports
this only in principle, but does not measure
up with state-of-the-art planners. In this paper we
propose an integration of Golog and planning in the
sense that planning problems, formulated as part of
a Golog program, are solved by a modern planner
during the execution of the program. Here we focus
on the ADL subset of the plan language PDDL.
First we show that the semantics of ADL can be
understood as progression in the situation calculus,
which underlies Golog, thus providing us with a
correct embedding of ADL within Golog. We then
show how Golog can be integrated with an existing
ADL planner for closed-world initial databases and
compare the performance of the resulting system
with the original Golog.
Robert Mattmüller and Jussi Rintanen.
Planning for Temporally Extended Goals as Propositional Satisfiability.
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI 2007), pp. 1966-1971.
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Planning for temporally extended goals (TEGs) expressed as formulae of
Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL) is a proper generalization of classical
planning, not only allowing to specify properties of a goal state but of
the whole plan execution. Additionally, LTL formulae can be used to represent
domain-specific control knowledge to speed up planning. In this paper we
extend SAT-based planning for LTL goals (akin to bounded LTL model-checking
in verification) to partially ordered plans, thus significantly increasing
planning efficiency compared to purely sequential SAT planning. We consider
a very relaxed notion of partial ordering and show how planning for LTL
goals (without the next-time operator) can be translated into a SAT problem
and solved very efficiently. The results extend the practical applicability of
SAT-based planning to a wider class of planning problems. In addition, they
could be applied to solving problems in bounded LTL model-checking more
Patrick Eyerich, Bernhard Nebel, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Jens Classen.
Golog and PDDL: What is the Relative Expressiveness?
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots (PCAR 2006), pp. 93-104.
University of Western Australia Press 2006.
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Action formalisms such as GOLOG or FLUX have been developed
primarily for representing and reasoning about change in a logical framework.
For this reason, expressivity was the main goal in the development of these formalisms.
In another line of research, efficiency of planning methods was the topmost
goal resulting in the basic STRIPS language, which has only moderate expressivity.
The planning language PDDL developed since 1998 is an extension
of basic STRIPS with many expressive features. Now the interesting question is
how PDDL compares to GOLOG or other action languages from an expressivity
point of view. We will show that a GOLOG fragment, which we call Restricted
Basic Action Theories, is as expressive as the ADL fragment of PDDL. To prove
this equivalence we use the compilation framework. From a practical point of
view, this result can be used for employing efficient planners inside a GOLOG
Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Continual Planning and Acting in Dynamic Multiagent Environments.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots.
Perth, Australia 2006.
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In highly dynamic environments, e.g. multiagent systems, finding optimal action plans is practically impossible since individual agents lack important knowledge at planning time or this knowledge has become obsolete when a plan is executed. It is often more practical in such environments to enable agents to ac- tively extend their knowledge as part of their plans and then revise their decisions in light of these update. In this paper, we describe a new principled approach to Continual Planning, i.e. the integration of Planning, Execution and Monitoring. The algorithm deliberately postpones parts of the planning process to later stages in an agent’s plan-act-monitor cycle and automatically determines when to switch back to refining or revising a partly executed plan.
To evaluate our (and others’) Continual Planning techniques we have developed a simulation environment where formal MA Planning domains are not only used by planning agents but also as the basis of the simulation model such that agents can not only plan, but execute actions and perceive their environment. Our experiments show that, using continual planning techniques, deliberate action planning can be used efficiently even in complex multiagent environments.
Malte Helmert, Robert Mattmüller and Gabriele Röger.
Approximation Properties of Planning Benchmarks.
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI 2006), pp. 585-589.
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For many classical planning domains, the computational complexity of
non-optimal and optimal planning is known. However, little is known
about the area in between the two extremes of finding some plan
and finding optimal plans. In this contribution, we provide a
complete classification of the propositional domains from the first four
International Planning Competitions with respect to the approximation
classes PO, PTAS, APX, poly-APX, and NPO.
Malte Helmert.
New Complexity Results for Classical Planning Benchmarks.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2006), pp. 52-61.
AAAI Press 2006.
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The 3rd and 4th International Planning Competitions have
enriched the set of benchmarks for classical propositional
planning by a number of novel and interesting planning domains.
Although they are commonly used for the purpose of evaluating
planner performance, the planning domains themselves have not
yet been studied in depth. In this contribution, we prove
complexity results for the decision problems related to finding
some plan, finding an optimal sequential
plan, and finding an optimal parallel plan in
these planning domains. Our results also provide some insights
into the question why planning is hard for some of the
domains under consideration.
Malte Helmert.
The Fast Downward Planning System.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 26, pp. 191-246. 2006.
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Fast Downward is a classical planning system based on heuristic
search. It can deal with general deterministic planning problems
encoded in the propositional fragment of PDDL2.2, including
advanced features like ADL conditions and effects and derived
predicates (axioms). Like other well-known planners such as HSP
and FF, Fast Downward is a progression planner, searching the
space of world states of a planning task in the forward
direction. However, unlike other PDDL planning systems, Fast
Downward does not use the propositional PDDL representation of a
planning task directly. Instead, the input is first translated
into an alternative representation called multi-valued
planning tasks, which makes many of the implicit constraints
of a propositional planning task explicit. Exploiting this
alternative representation, Fast Downward uses hierarchical
decompositions of planning tasks for computing its heuristic
function, called the causal graph heuristic, which is
very different from traditional HSP-like heuristics based on
ignoring negative interactionse of operators.
In this article, we give a full account of Fast Downward's
approach to solving multi-valued planning tasks. We extend our
earlier discussion of the causal graph heuristic to tasks
involving axioms and conditional effects and present some novel
techniques for search control that are used within Fast
Downward's best-first search algorithm: preferred
operators transfer the idea of helpful actions from local
search to global best-first search, deferred evaluation
of heuristic functions mitigates the negative effect of large
branching factors on search performance, and multi-heuristic
best-first search combines several heuristic evaluation
functions within a single search algorithm in an orthogonal way.
We also describe efficient data structures for fast state
expansion (successor generators and axiom
evaluators) and present a new non-heuristic search algorithm
called focused iterative-broadening search, which
utilizes the information encoded in causal graphs in a novel
Fast Downward has proven remarkably successful: It won the
"classical" (i.e., propositional, non-optimising) track of the
4th International Planning Competition at ICAPS 2004, following
in the footsteps of planners such as FF and LPG. Our experiments
show that it also performs very well on the benchmarks of the
earlier planning competitions and provide some insights about
the usefulness of the new search enhancements.
Sylvie Thiebaux, Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel.
In Defense of PDDL Axioms.
Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2), pp. 38-69. 2005.
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There is controversy as to whether explicit support for PDDL-like axioms and derived predicates
is needed for planners to handle real-world domains effectively. Many researchers
have deplored the lack of precise semantics for such axioms, while others have argued that
it might be best to compile them away. We propose an adequate semantics for PDDL axioms
and show that they are an essential feature by proving that it is impossible to compile
them away if we restrict the growth of plans and domain descriptions to be polynomial.
These results suggest that adding a reasonable implementation to handle axioms inside the
planner is beneficial for the performance. Our experiments confirm this suggestion.
Michael Brenner.
Planning for Multiagent Environments: From Individual Perceptions to Coordinated Execution.
Workshop on Multiagent Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2005).
Monterey, USA 2005.
Jussi Rintanen.
Conditional planning in the discrete belief space.
Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI 2005).
Markus Büttner and Jussi Rintanen.
Satisfiability Planning with Constraints on the Number of Operators.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference of Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2005).
Monterey, Califonia, USA 2005.
Jussi Rintanen, Keijo Heljanko and Ilkka Niemelä.
Parallel encodings of classical planning as satisfiability.
J. J. Alferes and J. Leite (eds.),
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
(JELIA 2004), pp. 307-319.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
Sebastian Trüg, Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel.
Applying Automatic Planning Techniques to Airport
Ground-Traffic Control: A Feasibility Study.
S. Biundo, T. Frühwirth and G. Palm (eds.),
KI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 183-197.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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Planning techniques have matured as demonstrated by the performance of automatic planning systems at recent international competitions. Nowadays it seems feasible to apply planning systems to real-world problems. In order to get an idea of what the performance difference between special-purpose techniques and automated planning techniques is, we applied these techniques to the airport traffic control problem and compared it with a special purpose tool. In addition to a perfomance assessment, this exercise also resulted in a domain model of the airport traffic control domain. which was used as a benchmark in the 4th International Planning Competition.
Bernhard Nebel.
Formal Methods in Robotics.
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 9th European Conference (JELIA 2004), p. 4.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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(Online; DOI)
AI research in robotics started out with the hypothesis that logical modelling and reasoning plays a key role. This assumption was seriously questioned by behaviour-based and “Nouvelle AI” approaches. The credo by this school of thinking is that explicit modelling of the environment and reasoning about it is too brittle and computationally too expensive. Instead a purely reactive approach is favoured.
Bernhard Nebel and Yulia Babovitch-Lierler.
When Are Behaviour Networks Well-Behaved?
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), pp. 672-676.
IOS Press 2004.
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Agents operating in the real world have to deal with a
constantly changing and only partially predictable environment and
are nevertheless expected to choose reasonable actions quickly. This
problem is addressed by a number of action-selection mechanisms.
Behaviour networks as proposed by Maes are one such mechanism,
which is quite popular. In general, it seems not possible to predict
when behaviour networks are well-behaved. However, they perform
quite well in the robotic soccer context. In this paper, we analyse the
reason for this success by identifying conditions that make behaviour
networks goal converging, i.e., force them to reach the goals regardless
of the details of the action selection scheme. In terms of STRIPS
domains one could talk of self-solving planning domains.
Jussi Rintanen.
Evaluation strategies for planning as satisfiability.
R. Lopez de Mantaras and L. Saitta (eds.),
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), pp. 682-687.
IOS Press 2004.
Jussi Rintanen.
Distance estimates for planning in the discrete belief space.
Proceedings of the 19th National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI 2004), pp. 525-530.
AAAI Press 2004.
Jörg Hoffmann, Julie Porteous and Laura Sebastia.
Ordered Landmarks in Planning.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 22, pp. 215-278. 2004.
Malte Helmert.
A Planning Heuristic Based on Causal Graph Analysis.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2004), pp. 161-170.
AAAI Press 2004.
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In recent years, heuristic search methods for classical planning
have achieved remarkable results. Their most successful
representative, the FF algorithm, performs well over a wide
spectrum of planning domains and still sets the state of the art
for STRIPS planning. However, there are some planning domains in
which algorithms like FF and HSP perform poorly because their
relaxation method of ignoring the "delete lists" of
STRIPS operators loses too much vital information.
Planning domains which have many dead ends in the search space
are especially problematic in this regard. In some domains, dead
ends are readily found by the human observer yet remain
undetected by all propositional planning systems we are aware
of. We believe that this is partly because the STRIPS
representation obscures the important causal structure
of the domain, which is evident to humans.
In this paper, we propose translating STRIPS problems to a
planning formalism with multi-valued state variables in order to
expose this underlying causal structure. Moreover, we show how
this structure can be exploited by an algorithm for detecting
dead ends in the search space and by a planning heuristic based
on hierarchical problem decomposition.
Our experiments show excellent overall performance on the
benchmarks from the international planning competitions.
Ronen Brafman and Jörg Hoffmann.
Conformant Planning via Heuristic Forward Search: A New
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2004), pp. 355-364.
AAAI Press 2004.
Jussi Rintanen.
Complexity of planning with partial observability.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS
2004), pp. 345-354.
AAAI Press 2004.
Jussi Rintanen.
Phase transitions in classical planning: An experimental study.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS
2004), pp. 101-110.
AAAI Press 2004.
Michael Brenner.
Multiagent Planning with Partially Ordered Temporal Plans.
Proceedings of IJCAI'03.
Acapulco, Mexico 2003.
Jörg Hoffmann.
Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning: A Local Search Approach.
Volume 2854 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2003.
(Springer Online)
(extended abstract; PS.GZ)
Michael Brenner.
A Multiagent Planning Language.
Workshop on PDDL (ICAPS 2003).
Trento, Italy 2003.
Malte Helmert.
Complexity results for standard benchmark domains in planning.
Artificial Intelligence 143 (2), pp. 219-262. 2003.
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The efficiency of AI planning systems is usually evaluated
empirically. For the validity of conclusions drawn from such
empirical data, the problem set used for evaluation is of
critical importance. In planning, this problem set usually, or
at least often, consists of tasks from the various planning
domains used in the first two international planning
competitions, hosted at the 1998 and 2000 AIPS conferences. It
is thus surprising that comparatively little is known about the
properties of these benchmark domains, with the exception of
BLOCKSWORLD, which has been studied extensively by
several research groups.
In this contribution, we try to remedy this fact by providing a
map of the computational complexity of non-optimal and optimal
planning for the set of domains used in the competitions. We
identify a common transportation theme shared by the
majority of the benchmarks and use this observation to define
and analyze a general transportation problem that generalizes
planning in several classical domains such as
then apply the results of that analysis to the actual
transportation domains from the competitions. We next examine
the remaining benchmarks, which do not exhibit a strong
transportation feature, namely SCHEDULE and
Relating the results of our analysis to
empirical work on the behavior of the recently very successful
FF planning system, we observe that our theoretical
results coincide well with data obtained from empirical
Ronen Brafman and Jörg Hoffmann.
Conformant Planning via Heuristic Forward Search.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Planning under Uncertainty
and Incomplete Information at ICAPS'03.
Trento, Italy 2003.
Stefan Edelkamp and Jörg Hoffmann.
Quo Vadis, IPC-4? - Proposals for the Classical Part of the
4th International Planning Competition.
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Competition at ICAPS'03.
Trento, Italy 2003.
Jörg Hoffmann.
The Metric-FF Planning System: Translating "Ignoring
Delete Lists" to Numeric State Variables.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Special issue on the 3rd International Planning Competition. 2003.
Jörg Hoffmann and Hector Geffner.
Branching Matters: Alternative Branching in Graphplan.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling.
Trento, Italy 2003.
Jussi Rintanen.
Complexity of planning with partial observability.
Proceedings of the ICAPS'03 workshop on Planning under
Jussi Rintanen.
Symmetry reduction for SAT representations of transition systems.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2003).
AAAI Press 2003.
Jussi Rintanen.
Expressive equivalence of formalisms for planning with sensing.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2003).
AAAI Press 2003.
Sylvie Thiebaux, Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel.
In Defense of PDDL Axioms.
Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence.
Acapulco, Mexico 2003.
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There is controversy
as to whether explicit support for PDDL-like axioms and derived
predicates is needed for planners to handle real-world domains
effectively. Many researchers have deplored the lack of precise
semantics for such axioms, while others have argued that they are a
non-essential feature which is best compiled away. We propose an
adequate semantics for PDDL axioms and show that they are an essential
feature by proving that it is impossible to compile them away if we
restrict the growth of plans and domain descriptions to be polynomial.
These results suggest that adding a reasonable implementation to
handle axioms inside the planner is beneficial for the performance.
Our experiments confirm this suggestion.
Malte Helmert.
Decidability and Undecidability Results for Planning with
Numerical State Variables.
M. Ghallab, J. Hertzberg and P. Traverso (eds.),
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling
(AIPS 2002), pp. 303-312.
AAAI Press 2002.
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These days, propositional planning can be considered a quite
well-understood problem. Good algorithms are known that will
solve a wealth of very different and sometimes challenging
planning tasks, and theoretical computational properties of both
general STRIPS-style planning and the best-known benchmark
problems have been established.
However, propositional planning has a major drawback: The
formalism is too weak to allow for the easy encoding of many
genuinely interesting planning problems, specifically those
involving numbers. A recent effort to enhance the PDDL planning
language to cope with (among other additions) numerical state
variables, to be used at the third international planning
competition, has increased interest in these issues.
In this contribution, we analyze "STRIPS with numbers" from a
theoretical point of view. Specifically, we show that the
introduction of numerical state variables makes the planning
problem undecidable in the general case and many restrictions
thereof and identify special cases for which we can provide
decidability results.
Jörg Hoffmann.
Local Search Topology in Planning Benchmarks: A Theoretical Analysis.
M. Ghallab, J. Hertzberg and P. Traverso (eds.),
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling (AIPS
AAAI Press 2002.
Jörg Hoffmann.
Extending FF to Numerical State Variables.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Lyon, France 2002.
Jussi Rintanen.
Backward plan construction under partial observability.
M. Ghallab, J. Hertzberg and P. Traverso (eds.),
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling (AIPS
AAAI Press 2002.
Stefan Edelkamp and Malte Helmert.
The Model Checking Integrated Planning System (MIPS).
AI Magazine 22 (3), pp. 67-71. 2001.
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MIPS was the first general planning system based on model
checking methods. It can handle the STRIPS subset of the PDDL
language and some additional features from ADL, namely negative
preconditions and (universal) conditional effects. At the AIPS
2000 conference, MIPS was one of five planning systems to
be awarded for "Distinguished Performance" in the fully
automated track.
This short paper gives a brief introduction to BDDs and explains
the basic planning algorithm employed by MIPS, using a
simple logistics problem as an example.
Malte Helmert.
On the Complexity of Planning in Transportation Domains.
A. Cesta and D. Borrajo (eds.),
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Planning
(ECP 2001), pp. 349-360.
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The efficiency of AI planning systems is usually evaluated
empirically. Some benchmark problems are of particular
importance in this context, especially the ones used in the
competitions of the 1998 and 2000 AIPS conferences. Many of
these benchmarks share a common theme of transporting
portables, making use of mobiles traversing a
map of locations and roads.
In this contribution, we embed these benchmarks into a
well-structured hierarchy of transportation problems
and study the computational complexity of optimal and
non-optimal planning in this family of domains. We identify the
key domain features that make transportation tasks hard and try
to shed some light on the recent success of planning systems
based on heuristic local search, as observed in the AIPS 2000
Wolfgang Hatzack and Bernhard Nebel.
Solving the Operational Traffic Control Problem.
A. Cesta and D. Borrajo (eds.),
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Planning
(ECP 2001).
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The operational traffic control problem comes up in a number of different
contexts. It involves the coordinated movement of a set of vehicles and has
by and large the flavor of a scheduling problem. In trying to apply
scheduling techniques to the problem, one notes that this is a job-shop
scheduling problem with blocking, a type of scheduling problem that is quite
unusual. In particular, we will highlight a condition necessary to
guarantee that job-shop schedules can be executed in the presences of the
blocking constraint. Based on the insight that the traffic problem is a
scheduling problem, we can derive the computational complexity of the
operational traffic control problem and can design some algorithms to deal
with this problem. In particular, we will specify a very simple method that
works well in fast-time simulation contexts.
Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel.
RIFO revisited: Detecting Relaxed Irrelevance.
A. Cesta and D. Borrajo (eds.),
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Planning
(ECP 2001).
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RIFO, as has been proposed by Nebel et al., is a method
that can automatically detect irrelevant information in planning tasks. The
idea is to remove such irrelevant information as a preprocess to planning.
While RIFO has been shown to be useful in a number of domains, its main
disadvantage is that it is not completeness preserving. Furthermore, the
preprocess often takes more running time than nowadays stateoftheart
planners, like FF, need for solving the entire planning task.
We introduce the notion of relaxed irrelevance, concerning actions which are
never needed within the relaxation that heuristic planners like FF and HSP
use for computing their heuristic values. The idea is to speed up the heuris
tic functions by reducing the action sets considered within the relaxation.
Starting from a sufficient condition for relaxed irrelevance, we introduce
two preprocessing methods for filtering action sets. The first preprocessing
method is proven to be completenesspreserving, and is empirically shown to
terminate fast on most of our testing examples. The second method is fast on
all our testing examples, and is empirically safe. Both methods have drastic
pruning impacts in some domains, speeding up FF's heuristic function, and
in effect the planning process.
Julie Porteous, Laura Sebastia and Jörg Hoffmann.
On the Extraction, Ordering, and Usage of Landmarks in Planning.
A. Cesta and D. Borrajo (eds.),
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Planning
(ECP 2001).
Michael Brenner.
A Formal Model for Planning with Time and Resources in Concurrent Domains.
Workshop on Planning with Resources (IJCAI 2001).
Seattle, Washington, USA 2001.
Jörg Hoffmann.
FF: The Fast-Forward Planning System.
AI Magazine 22 (3), pp. 57-62. 2001.
Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel.
The FF Planning System: Fast Plan Generation Through
Heuristic Search.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 14, pp. 253-302. 2001.
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We describe and evaluate the algorithmic techniques that are used in
the FF planning system. Like the HSP system, FF relies on forward
state space search, using a heuristic that estimates goal
distances by ignoring delete lists. Unlike HSP's heuristic, our
method does not assume facts to be independent. We introduce a
novel search strategy that combines hill-climbing with systematic
search, and we show how other powerful heuristic information can
be extracted and used to prune the search space. FF was the most
successful automatic planner at the recent AIPS-2000 planning
competition. We review the results of the competition, give data
for other benchmark domains, and investigate the reasons for the
runtime performance of FF compared to HSP.
Jörg Hoffmann.
Local Search Topology in Planning Benchmarks: An Empirical
Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence.
Seattle, Washington, USA 2001.
Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel.
What makes the difference between HSP and FF?
IJCAI Workshop on Empirical AI.
Seattle 2001.
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The HSP and FF systems are state-of-the-art domain independent planners. FF can historically be seen as a successor of HSP. It is based on the same ideas like HSP, but differs from its predecessor in a number of details. FF outperforms HSP in many planning domains. We have carried out a large scale experiment where we ran all configurations of FF's new techniques on a sizeable set of planning tasks. We describe the experimental design, and present our findings. The results give a clear picture of what the most important reasons are for FF's performance advantage over HSP.
Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel.
Towards Thorough Empirical Methods for AI Planning.
IJCAI Workshop on Empirical AI.
Seattle 2001.
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Empirical investigations in the area of AI planning have been focused on a comparatively small set of benchmark tasks. Trying to design larger scale experiments for well-founded empirical reasoning in that area, one encounters a number of severe problems. While some of these problems are inherent to the field, others have plainly been ignored. In our own work, we have made some first steps towards addressing these problems.
Jussi Rintanen.
Complexity of probabilistic planning under average rewards.
Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001).
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, California 2001.
Jussi Rintanen and Jörg Hoffmann.
An overview of recent algorithms for AI planning.
Künstliche Intelligenz Heft 2/01, pp. 5-11. 2001.
Jörg Hoffmann.
A Heuristic for Domain Independent Planning and its Use in an
Enforced Hill-climbing Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on New Results in
Planning, Scheduling and Design
(PuK 2000)
at ECAI 2000, pp. 62-67.
Berlin, Germany 2000.
Jana Koehler and Jörg Hoffmann.
On the Instantation of ADL Operators Involving Arbitrary
First-Order Formulas.
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on New Results in
Planning, Scheduling and Design
(PuK 2000)
at ECAI 2000, pp. 74-82.
Berlin, Germany 2000.
Jörg Hoffmann.
A Heuristic for Domain Independent Planning and its Use in an
Enforced Hill-climbing Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems.
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 2000.
Jana Koehler and Jörg Hoffmann.
On Reasonable and Forced Goal Orderings and their Use in an
Agenda-Driven Planning Algorithm.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 12, pp. 338-386. 2000.
Bernhard Nebel.
On the Compilability and Expressive Power of Propositional
Planning Formalisms.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 12, pp. 271-315. 2000.
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The recent approaches of extending the GRAPHPLAN algorithm to handle more
expressive planning formalisms raise the question of what the formal meaning
of ``expressive power'' is. We formalize the intuition that expressive power
is a measure of how concisely planning domains and plans can be expressed in
a particular formalism by introducing the notion of ``compilation schemes''
between planning formalisms. Using this notion, we analyze the
expressiveness of a large family of propositional planning formalisms,
ranging from basic STRIPS to a formalism with conditional effects,
partial state specifications, and propositional formulae in the
preconditions. One of the results is that conditional effects cannot be
compiled away if plan size should grow only linearly but can be compiled
away if we allow for polynomial growth of the resulting plans. This result
confirms that the recently proposed extensions to the GRAPHPLAN algorithm
concerning conditional effects are optimal with respect to the
``compilability'' framework. Another result is that general propositional
formulae cannot be compiled into conditional effects if the plan size should
be preserved linearly. This implies that allowing general propositional
formulae in preconditions and effect conditions adds another level of
difficulty in generating a plan.
Bernhard Nebel.
On the Expressive Power of Planning Formalisms: Conditional
Effects and Boolean Preconditions in the STRIPS Formalism.
J. Minker (ed.),
Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence, pp. 469-490.
Kluwer, Dordrecht 2000.
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The notion of ``expressive power'' is often used in the literature on
planning. However, it is usually only used in an informal way. In this
paper, we will formalize this notion using the ``compilability framework''
and analyze the expressive power of some variants of STRIPS allowing for
conditional effects and arbitrary Boolean formulae in preconditions. One
interesting consequence of this analysis is that we are able to confirm a
conjecture by Bäckström that preconditions in conjunctive normal form
add to the expressive power of propositional STRIPS. Further, we will show
that STRIPS with conditional effects is incomparable to STRIPS with
Boolean formulae as preconditions. Finally, we show that preconditions in
conjunctive normal form do not add any expressive power once we have
conditional effects.
Jussi Rintanen.
An Iterative Algorithm for Synthesizing Invariants.
Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence / 12th Innovative Applications of AI Conference.
AAAI Press 2000.
Jussi Rintanen.
Incorporation of Temporal Logic Control into Plan Operators.
W. Horn (ed.),
ECAI 2000. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence.
IOS Press, Amsterdam 2000.
Jana Koehler and Jörg Hoffmann.
Planning with Goal Agendas.
Proceedings des 13. Workshops Planen und Konfigurieren
(PuK 1999)
auf der 10. Tagung Expertensysteme
Würzburg, Germany 1999.
Jörg Hoffmann and Jana Koehler.
A new Method to Query and Index Sets.
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 1999).
Stockholm, Sweden 1999.
(extended technical report; PS.GZ)
Bernhard Nebel.
Compilation Schemes: A Theoretical Tool for Assessing the
Expressive Power of Planning Formalisms.
KI-99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.
Springer-Verlag, Bonn 1999.
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The recent approaches of extending the GRAPHPLAN algorithm to handle more
expressive planning formalisms raise the question of what the formal meaning
of ``expressive power'' is. We formalize the intuition that expressive power
is a measure of how concisely planning domains and plans can be expressed in
a particular formalism by introducing the notion of ``compilation schemes''
between planning formalisms. Using this notion, we analyze the expressive
power of a large family of propositional planning formalisms and show, e.g.,
that Gazen and Knoblock's approach to compiling conditional
effects away is optimal.
Bernhard Nebel.
What is the Expressive Power of Disjunctive
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Planning
(ECP 1999).
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While there seems to be a general consensus about the expressive power of a
number of language features in planning formalisms, one can find many
different statements about the expressive power of disjunctive
preconditions. Using the ``compilability framework,'' we show that
preconditions in conjunctive normal form add to the expressive power of
propositional STRIPS, which confirms a conjecture by Bäckström.
Further, we show that preconditions in conjunctive
normal form do not add any expressive power once we have conditional
Bernhard Nebel.
Die Ausdrucksstärke von Planungsformalismen: Eine formale
Künstliche Intelligenz Heft 3/99, pp. 12-19. 1999.
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(preliminary version; PDF)
Die Ausdrucksstärke von Planungsformalismen wird in vielen Arbeiten im
Gebiet der Handlungsplanung thematisiert, ohne daß der Begriff jedoch
formal fundiert wird. Insbesondere im Kontext des von Blum und Furst
entwickeltem Graphplan-Algorithmus gewinnt dieses Thema Relevanz, da viele
Forschungsarbeiten sich mit dem Problem auseinandersetzen, ob und wie der
Graphplan-Algorithmus erweitert werden kann, um ausdrucksstarke Formalismen
zu behandeln. In diesem Papier wird eine Methode zur Messung der relativen
Ausdrucksstä;rke von Planungsformalismen vorgestellt, das auf Ideen aus dem
Gebiet der Wissenskompilation beruht. Die Intuition ist dabei, daß ein
Formalismus so mächtig wie ein zweiter Formalismus ist, falls sich alle
Domänenbeschreibungen des zweiten Formalismus "einfach" innerhalb des
ersten Formalismus ausdrücken lassen und die resultierenden Pl"ane nicht zu
stark aufgebläht werden. Diese intuitive Charakterisierung der relativen
Ausdrucksstärke wird mit Hilfe von sogenannten "Kompilationsschemata"
formalisiert, und darauf aufbauend werden propositionale Planungsformalismen
entsprechend ihrer Ausdrucksstärke klassifiziert.
Jana Koehler.
Solving Complex Planning Tasks Through Extraction of
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-98).
Jana Koehler.
Planning under Resource Constraints.
Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI'98).
Yannis Dimopoulos, Bernhard Nebel and Jana Koehler.
Encoding planning problems in non-monotonic logic programs.
Proc. European Conference on Planning 1997 (ECP-97), pp. 169-181.
Springer-Verlag 1997.
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In this paper we study a framework for encoding planning problems in logic
programs with negation as failure. In contrast to other research work
that focuses on the representional adequacy of nonmontonic logic programming
as a language for describing theories of action and change, here we are
concerned with more practical issues. Namely, we examine the effectiveness
of an existing implementation of the stable models semantics called
"Smodels" in solving a series of hard planning problems.
We discuss representational issues and point out factors
that can influence the performance of the method.
It turns out that for careful and compact encodings,
the performance of the method in a number of different domains,
is comparable to that of planners like GRAPHPLAN and SATPLAN.
Jana Koehler, Bernhard Nebel, Jörg Hoffmann and Yannis Dimopoulos.
Extending Planning Graphs to an ADL Subset.
Proc. European Conference on Planning 1997
(ECP-97), pp. 273-285.
Springer-Verlag 1997.
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We describe an extension of GRAPHPLAN to a subset of ADL that allows conditional and
universally quantified effects in operators in such a way that almost all interesting properties of the
original Graphplan algorithm are preserved.
Bernhard Nebel, Yannis Dimopoulos and Jana Koehler.
Ignoring Irrelevant Facts and Operators in Plan Generation.
Proc. European Conference on Planning 1997
(ECP-97), pp. 338-350.
Springer-Verlag 1997.
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It is traditional wisdom that one should start from the goals when
generating a plan in order to focus the plan generation process
on potentially relevant actions. The GRAPHPLAN system,
however, which is the most efficient planning system nowadays,
builds a ``planning graph'' in a forward-chaining manner.
Although this strategy seems to work
well, it may possibly lead to problems if the planning task
description contains irrelevant information. Although some irrelevant
information can be filtered out by GRAPHPLAN, most cases of
irrelevance are not noticed.
In this paper, we analyze the effects arising from ``irrelevant''
information to planning task descriptions for different types of
planners. Based on that, we propose a family of heuristics that select
relevant information by minimizing the number of initial facts
that are used when approximating a plan by backchaining from the
goals ignoring any conflicts. These heuristics, although not
solution-preserving, turn
out to be very useful for guiding the planning process, as shown by
applying the heuristics to a large number of examples from the
Vaishak Belle, Thomas Bolander, Andreas Herzig and Bernhard Nebel.
Epistemic planning: Perspectives on the special issue.
Artificial Intelligence 316, p. 103842. 2023.
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(Online; DOI)
Epistemic planning is the enrichment of automated planning with epistemic notions such as knowledge and belief. In general, single-agent epistemic planning considers the following problem: given an agent's current state of knowledge, and a desirable state of knowledge, how does it get from one to the other? In multi-agent epistemic planning, the current and desirable states of knowledge might also refer to the states of knowledge of other agents, including higher-order knowledge like ensuring that agent A doesn't get to know that agent B knows P. Single-agent epistemic planning is of central importance in settings where agents need to be able to reason about their own lack of knowledge and, e.g., make plans of how to achieve the required knowledge. Multi-agent epistemic planning is essential for coordination and collaboration among multiple agents, where success can only be expected if agents are able to reason about the knowledge, uncertainty and capabilities of other agents. It is a relatively recent area of research involving several sub-areas of artificial intelligence, such as automated planning, decision-theoretic planning, epistemic logic, strategic reasoning and knowledge representation and reasoning. In
order to achieve formalisms and systems for epistemic planning that are both expressive and practically efficient, it is necessary to combine state of the art from several such sub-areas of artificial intelligence that have so far been considered mostly in separation. Application areas of epistemic planning include mobile service robots, explaining planning, game playing, human-robot interaction and social robotics. For this special issue of AIJ, we invited papers on theory, applications, and implemented systems of epistemic planning. In this document, we summarize the accepted papers whilst recapping the essentials of epistemic planning.
Stefan Borgwardt, Jörg Hoffmann, Alisa Kovtunova, Markus Krötzsch, Bernhard Nebel and Marcel Steinmetz.
Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022).
(Online; PDF)
David Speck and Jendrik Seipp.
New Refinement Strategies for Cartesian Abstractions.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2022).
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Cartesian counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) yields strong heuristics for optimal classical planning. CEGAR repeatedly finds counterexamples, i.e., abstract plans that fail for the concrete task. Although there are usually many such abstract plans to choose from, the refinement strategy from previous work is to choose an arbitrary optimal one. In this work, we show that an informed refinement strategy is critical in theory and practice. We demonstrate that it is possible to execute all optimal abstract plans in the concrete task simultaneously, and present methods to minimize the time and number of refinement steps until we find a concrete solution. The resulting algorithm solves more tasks than the previous state of the art for Cartesian CEGAR, both during refinement and when used as a heuristic in an A* search.
Stefan Borgwardt, Jörg Hoffmann, Alisa Kovtunova, Markus Krötzsch, Bernhard Nebel and Marcel Steinmetz.
Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies.
Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022).
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(Online; DOI)
State constraints in AI Planning globally restrict the legal environment states. Standard planning languages make closed-domain and closed-world assumptions. Here we address open-world state constraints formalized by planning over a description logic (DL) ontology. Previously, this combination of DL and planning has been investigated for the light-weight DL DL-Lite. Here we propose a novel compilation scheme into standard PDDL with derived predicates, which applies to more expressive DLs and is based on the rewritability of DL queries into Datalog with stratified negation. We also provide a new rewritability result for the DL Horn-ALCHOIQ, which allows us to apply our compilation scheme to quite expressive ontologies. In contrast, we show that in the slight extension Horn-SROIQ no such compilation is possible unless the weak exponential hierarchy collapses. Finally, we show that our approach can outperform previous work on existing benchmarks for planning with DL ontologies, and is feasible on new benchmarks taking advantage of more expressive ontologies.
Klaus René Garcia Rosas, Martin Zimmer and Bernhard Nebel.
Deep Learning vs. Classical Model-Based Fault Detection in Industrial Heating-Cooling Systems.
32nd International Workshop on Principle of Diagnosis DX-2021).
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Faults in heating-cooling systems can often be observed by changes in temperature. Such faults can be detected and identified by modeling thermo-dynamic behavior. In classical models, physical equations with fixed or trainable parameters are used to model this behavior. They are limited in non-linear complexity and the number of parameters to be estimated. They also usually require the involvement of expert knowledge. In this paper, a deep learning approach is presented for modeling thermodynamic behavior without explicitly modeling the physical properties. The modeled artificial neural network (ANN) can predict the tem- perature based on other influencing variables. A comparison with a mathematical-physical model (MM) shows that the ANN can reproduce temperature changes similarly good when sufficiently data is available. With increasing prediction windows, the ANN even outperformed the MM model for most states. Both models can detect certain heating faults by comparing the measured and predicted temperatures. Finally, we demonstrate the diagnostic capabilities of our methods by injecting a fault into the system.
David Speck, David Borukhson, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Compilability and Expressive Power of State-Dependent Action Costs.
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021), pp. 358-366.
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While state-dependent action costs are practically relevant and have been
studied before, it is still unclear if they are an essential feature of planning
In this paper, we study to what extent state-dependent action costs are an
essential feature by analyzing under which circumstances they can be compiled away.
We give a comprehensive classification for combinations of action cost functions and possible
cost measures for the compilations.
Our theoretical results show that if both task sizes and plan lengths are to be
preserved polynomially, then the boundary between compilability and
non-compilability lies between FP and FPSPACE computable action cost
functions (under a mild assumption on the polynomial hierarchy). Preserving task
sizes polynomially and plan lengths linearly at the same time is impossible.
Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller, Bernhard Nebel and Michael Thielscher.
Game description language and dynamic epistemic logic compared.
Artificial Intelligence 292. 2021.
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Several different frameworks have been proposed to model and reason about knowledge in dynamic multi-agent settings, among them the logic-programming-based game description language GDL-III and dynamic epistemic logic (DEL). GDL-III and DEL have complementary strengths and weaknesses in terms of ease of modeling and simplicity of semantics. In this paper, we formally study the expressiveness of GDL-III vs. DEL. We clarify the commonalities and differences between those languages, demonstrate how to bridge the differences where possible, and identify large fragments of GDL-III and DEL that are equivalent in the sense that they can be used to encode games or planning tasks that admit the same legal action sequences. We prove the latter by providing translations between those fragments of GDL-III and DEL.
Bernhard Nebel and Stefan Wölfl.
Wissensrepräsentation und -verarbeitung.
Günther Görz, Ute Schmid and Tanya Braun (eds.),
Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, 6. Auflage, pp. 27-56.
De Gruyter 2020.
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Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller, Bernhard Nebel and Felicitas Ritter.
Token-based Execution Semantics for Multi-Agent Epistemic Planning.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2020), pp. 351-360.
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Epistemic planning has been employed as a means to achieve implicit coordination in cooperative multi-agent systems where world knowledge is distributed between the agents, and agents plan and act individually. However, recent work has shown that even if all agents act with respect to plans that they consider optimal from their own subjective perspective, infinite executions can occur. In this paper, we analyze the idea of using a single token that can be passed around between the agents and which is used as a prerequisite for acting. We show that introducing such a token to any planning task will prevent the existence of infinite executions. We furthermore analyze the conditions under which solutions to a planning task are preserved under our tokenization.
Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Evaluation of the Moral Permissibility of Action
Artificial Intelligence 287. 2020.
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Research in classical planning so far has been mainly concerned with
generating a satisficing or an optimal plan. However, if such
systems are used to make decisions that are relevant to humans, one
should also consider the ethical consequences generated plans can have.
Traditionally, ethical principles are formulated
in an action-based manner, allowing to judge the execution
of one action. We show how such a judgment can be generalized to
plans. Further, we study the computational complexity of making ethical judgment
about plans.
Thorsten Engesser and Tim Miller.
Implicit Coordination Using FOND Planning.
Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20).
To appear.
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Epistemic planning can be used to achieve implicit coordination in cooperative multi-agent settings where knowledge and capabilities are distributed between the agents. In these scenarios, agents plan and act on their own without having to agree on a common plan or protocol beforehand. However, epistemic planning is undecidable in general. In this paper, we show how implicit coordination can be achieved in a simpler, propositional setting by using nondeterminism as a means to allow the agents to take the other agents' perspectives. We identify a decidable fragment of epistemic planning that allows for arbitrary initial state uncertainty and non-determinism, but where actions can never increase the uncertainty of the agents. We show that in this fragment, planning for implicit coordination can be reduced to a version of fully observable nondeterministic (FOND) planning and that it thus has the same computational complexity as FOND planning. We provide a small case study, modeling the problem of multi-agent path finding with destination uncertainty in FOND, to show that our approach can be successfully applied in practice.
Felix Lindner, Barbara Kuhnert, Laura Wächter and Katrin Möllney.
Perception of Creative Responses to Moral Dilemmas by a Conversational Robot.
Proc. ICSR 2019.
Felix Lindner and Katrin Möllney.
Extracting Reasons for Moral Judgments under Various Ethical Principles.
Proceedings of KI 2019.
Bernhard Nebel, Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller and .
Implicitly Coordinated Multi-Agent Path Finding under Destination Uncertainty: Success Guarantees and Computational Complexity (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), pp. 6372-6374.
Bernhard Nebel.
Some Thoughts on Forward Induction in Multi-Agent-Path Finding Under
Destination Uncertainty.
Description Logic, Theory Combination, and All That - Essays Dedicated to Franz Baader on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2019.
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While the notion of implicit coordination helps to design frameworks in which agents can cooperatively act with only minimal communication, it so far lacks exploiting observations made while executing a plan. In this note, we have a look at what can be done in order to overcome this shortcoming, at least in a specialized setting.
Thorsten Engesser and Tim Miller.
Planning for Implicit Coordination using FOND.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS19).
Superseded by the AAAI-20 paper by the same authors.
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Epistemic Planning can be used to achieve implicit coordination in cooperative multi-agent settings where knowledge and capabilities are distributed between the agents. In these scenarios, agents plan and act on their own without having to agree on a common plan or protocol beforehand. However, epistemic planning is undecidable in general. In this paper, we identify a decidable fragment of epistemic planning that allows for arbitrary initial state uncertainty and nondeterminism, but where actions can never increase the uncertainty of the agents. We show that in this fragment, planning with and without implicit coordination can be reduced to fully observable nondeterministic (FOND) planning and that it shares the same omputational complexity. We also provide a small case study, modeling the problem of multi-agent path finding with destination uncertainty in FOND, to show that our compilation approach can be successfully applied in practice.
Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser, Andreas Herzig, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
The Dynamic Logic of Policies and Contingent Planning.
Logics in Artificial Intelligence - 16th European Conference (JELIA-2019), pp. 659-674.
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In classical deterministic planning, solutions to planning tasks are simply sequences of actions, but that is not sufficient for contingent plans in non-deterministic environments. Contingent plans are often expressed through policies that map states to actions. An alternative is to specify contingent plans as programs, e.g. in the syntax of Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL). PDL is a logic for reasoning about programs with sequential composition, test and non-deterministic choice. However, as we show in the paper, none of the existing PDL modalities directly captures the notion of a solution to a planning task under non-determinism. We add a new modality to star-free PDL correctly capturing this notion. We prove the appropriateness of the new modality by showing how to translate back and forth between policies and PDL programs under the new modality. More precisely, we show how a policy solution to a planning task gives rise to a program solution expressed via the new modality, and vice versa. We also provide an axiomatisation of our PDL extension through reduction axioms into standard star-free PDL.
Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller and Bernhard Nebel.
Better Eager Than Lazy? How Agent Types Impact the Successfulness of Implicit Coordination.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR18), pp. 445-453.
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Epistemic planning can be used for decision making in multi-agent situations
with distributed knowledge and capabilities.
In recent work, we proposed a new notion of
strong policies with implicit coordination. With this it is possible to solve
planning tasks with joint goals from a single-agent perspective without the
agents having to negotiate about and commit to a joint policy at plan time. We
study how and under which circumstances the decentralized application of those
policies leads to the desired outcome.
Thorsten Engesser, Robert Mattmüller, Bernhard Nebel and Michael Thielscher.
Game Description Language and Dynamic Epistemic Logic Compared.
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018), pp. 1795-1802.
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Several different frameworks have been proposed to model and reason about knowledge in dynamic multi-agent settings, among them the logic-programming-based game description language GDL-III, and dynamic epistemic logic (DEL), based on possible-worlds semantics. GDL-III and DEL have complementary strengths and weaknesses in terms of ease of modeling and simplicity of semantics. In this paper, we formally study the expressiveness of GDL-III vs. DEL. We clarify the commonalities and differences between those languages, demonstrate how to bridge the differences where possible, and identify large fragments of GDL-III and DEL that are equivalent in the sense that they can be used to encode games or planning tasks that admit the same legal action sequences. We prove the latter by providing compilations between those fragments of GDL-III and DEL.
Felix Lindner and Martin Mose Bentzen.
A Formalization of Kant's Second Formulation of the Categorical Imperative.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems (DEON).
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We present a formalization and computational implementation of the second formulation of Kant's categorical imperative. This ethical principle requires an agent to never treat someone merely as a means but always also as an end. Here we interpret this principle in terms of how persons are causally affected by actions. We introduce Kantian causal agency models in which moral patients, actions, goals, and causal influence are represented, and we show how to formalize several readings of Kant's categorical imperative that correspond to Kant's concept of strict and wide duties towards oneself and others. Stricter versions handle cases where an action directly causally affects oneself or others, whereas the wide version maximizes the number of persons being treated as an end. We discuss limitations of our formalization by pointing to one of Kant's cases that the machinery cannot handle in a satisfying way.
Felix Lindner and Carola Eschenbach.
An Affordance-Based Conceptual Framework for Spatial Behavior of Social Robots.
Raul Hakli and Johanna Seibt (eds.),
Sociality and Normativity for Robots --- Philosophical Inquiries into Human-Robot Interactions.
Springer International Publishing 2017.
Matthias Hengel, Stefan Wölfl and Bernhard Nebel.
Reasoning about general TBoxes with spatial and temporal constraints: Implementation and optimizations.
Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2016).
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In many applications a reasonable representation of conceptual
knowledge requires the possibility to express spatial or temporal
relations between domain entities. A feasible approach to this is to
consider spatial or temporal constraint systems on concrete domains.
Indeed, Lutz and Milicic (2007) showed that for the description logic
ALC(C) with ω-admissible constraint systems, concept satsifiability
with respect to general TBoxes can be decided by an extension of a
standard ALC tableau algorithm. In this paper we report on a study in
which this tableau method was implemented, optimized, and evaluated.
Marco Ragni, Thomas Barkowsky, Bernhard Nebel and Christian Freksa.
Cognitive Space and Spatial Cognition: The SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition.
KI 30 (1), pp. 83-88. 2016.
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Space and time are two of the most fundamental categories any human, animal, or other cognitive agent such as an autonomous robot has to deal with. They need to perceive their environments, make sense of their perceptions, and make interactions as embodied entities with other agents and their environment. The theoretical foundations and practical implications have been investigated from a cognitive perspective (i.e., from an information processing point of view) within the Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition (http://www.sfbtr8.spatial-cognition.de) over the past 12 years jointly by the Universities of Bremen and Freiburg. The research covered fundamental questions: what are the specific requirements of reasoning about space and time, for acting in space, and for any form of interaction including communication in spatio-temporal domains? It has been a success story in all research lines from foundational research to applications of spatial cognition in robotics, interaction and communication. The SFB/TR 8 actually shaped a new research field by extending a previous subfield of cognitive science with its own interdisciplinary techniques.
Matthias Westphal, Stefan Wölfl, Bernhard Nebel and Jochen Renz.
On qualitative route descriptions: Representation, agent models, and computational complexity.
Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (2), pp. 177-201. 2015.
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The generation of route descriptions is a fundamental task of
navigation systems. A particular problem in this context is to identify
routes that can easily be described and processed by users. In this
work, we present a framework for representing route networks with the
qualitative information necessary to evaluate and optimize route
descriptions with regard to ambiguities in them. We identify different
agent models that differ in how agents are assumed to process route
descriptions while navigating through route networks and discuss which
agent models can be translated into PDL programs. Further, we analyze
the computational complexity of matching route descriptions and paths
in route networks in dependency of the agent model. Finally, we
empirically evaluate the influence of the agent model on the
optimization and the processing of route instructions.
Christian Freksa, Bernhard Nebel, Mary Hegarty and Thomas Barkowsky (eds.).
Spatial Cognition {IX} - International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2014.
Springer, Bremen, Germany 2014.
Bernhard Nebel and Stefan Wölfl.
Wissensrepräsentation und -verarbeitung.
Günther Görz, Josef Schneeberger and Ute Schmid (eds.),
Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, pp. 105-128.
Oldenbourg Verlag München 2014.
Stefan Wölfl (ed.).
Poster and Demo Track of the 35th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2012), September 24-27, 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Matthias Westphal and Julien Hué.
Nogoods in Qualitative Constraint-based Reasoning.
KI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI 2012), pp. 180-192.
Springer-Verlag 2012.
(Authors' preprint. The final publication is available at
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The prevalent method of increasing reasoning efficiency in the domain
of qualitative constraint-based spatial and temporal reasoning is to
use domain splitting based on so-called tractable subclasses.
In this paper we analyze the application of nogood learning with
restarts in combination with domain splitting.
Previous results on nogood recording in the constraint satisfaction field
feature learnt nogoods as a global constraint that allows for enforcing
generalized arc consistency. We present an extension of such a technique
capable of handling domain splitting, evaluate its benefits for
qualitative constraint-based reasoning, and compare it with alternative
Anthony G. Cohn, Jochen Renz and Stefan Wölfl (eds.).
Proceedings of the IJCAI-2011 Workshop on Benchmarks and Applications of Spatial Reasoning,
Barcelona, Spain, July 17, 2011.
Matthias Westphal and Jochen Renz.
Evaluating and Minimizing Ambiguities in Qualitative Route Instructions.
ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic
Information Systems (ACM-GIS 2011).
ACM 2011.
Manuel Bodirsky and Stefan Wölfl.
RCC8 is Polynomial on Networks of Bounded Treewidth.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI 2011), pp. 756-761.
AAAI Press 2011.
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We construct an homogeneous (and ω-categorical)
representation of the relation algebra RCC8, which is one of the
fundamental formalisms for spatial reasoning. As a consequence we
obtain that the network consistency problem for RCC8 can be solved
in polynomial time for networks of bounded treewidth.
Matthias Westphal, Stefan Wölfl, Bernhard Nebel and Jochen Renz.
On Qualitative Route Descriptions: Representation and
Computational Complexity.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI 2011), pp. 1120-1125.
AAAI Press 2011.
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The generation of route descriptions is a fundamental
task of navigation systems. A particular problem in this context
is to identify routes that can easily be described and processed
by users. In this work, we present a framework for representing
route networks with the qualitative information necessary to
evaluate and optimize route descriptions with regard to
ambiguities in them. We identify different agent models that
differ in how agents are assumed to process route descriptions
while navigating through route networks. Further, we analyze the
computational complexity of matching route descriptions and paths
in route networks in dependency of the agent model. Finally we
empirically evaluate the influence of the agent model on the
optimization and the processing of route instructions.
Antje Krumnack, Leandra Bucher, Jelica Nejasmic, Bernhard Nebel and Markus Knauff.
A model for relational reasoning as verbal reasoning.
Cognitive Systems Research 12 (3-4), pp. 377-392. 2011.
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Deductive reasoning is an essential part of complex cognition. It occurs whenever human beings (or machines) draw conclusions that go beyond what is explicitly provided. Reasoning about spatial relations is an excellent testbed for the assessment of competing reasoning theories. In the present paper we show that such competing theories are often less diverse than one might think. We introduce an approach for how relational reasoning can be conceived as verbal reasoning. We describe a theory of how humans construct a one-dimensional mental representation given spatial relations. In this construction process objects are inserted in a dynamic structure called a “queue” which provides an implicit direction. The spatial interpretation of this direction can theoretically be chosen freely. This implies that choices in the process of constructing a mental representation influence the result of deductive spatial reasoning. To derive the precise rules for the construction process we employ the assumption that humans try to minimize their cognitive effort, and two cost measures are compared to judge the efficiency of the construction process. From this we deduce how the queue should be constructed. We discuss empirical evidence for this approach and provide algorithms for a computational implementation of the construction and reasoning process.
Bernhard Nebel and Christian Freksa.
AI Approaches to Cognitive Systems – The Example of Spatial Cognition.
Informatik-Spektrum 34 (5), pp. 462-468. 2011.
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Cognitive abilities can be studied by observing and inter- preting natural systems or by developing artificial systems that interact with their environments in intelligent ways. Cognitive systems research connects both approaches. Typically, human requirements are in the fo- cus of interest and systems are developed to interact with humans in as natural ways as possible. To achieve this goal, a deep understanding of human cognition is required. The present paper focuses on spatial cog- nition, i.e. the ability of perceiving and conceiving spatial environments and solving spatial tasks intelligently. It discusses artificial intelligence approaches to spatial cognition for supporting human activities.
Mehul Bhatt, Hans Guesgen, Stefan Wölfl and Shyamanta Hazarika.
Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning: Emerging Applications, Trends, and Directions.
Spatial Cognition & Computation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 11 (1), pp. 1-14. 2011.
Matthias Westphal, Christian Dornhege, Stefan Wölfl, Marc Gissler and Bernhard Nebel.
Guiding the Generation of Manipulation Plans by Qualitative Spatial Reasoning.
Spatial Cognition & Computation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 11 (1), pp. 75-102. 2011.
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Manipulation planning is a complex task for robots with a manipulator arm that need to grasp objects in the environment, specifically under narrow spatial conditions restricting the workspace of the robot. A popular approach for generating motion plans is probabilistic roadmap planning. However, the sampling strategy of such planners is usually unguided, and hence may lead to motion plans that seem counterintuitive for a human observer. In this article we present an approach that generates heuristics for the probabilistic sampling strategy from spatial plans that abstract from concrete metric data. These spatial plans describe a free trajectory in the workspace of the robot on a purely qualitative level, i.e., by employing spatial relations from formalisms considered in the domain of Qualitative Spatial and Tem- poral Reasoning. We discuss how such formalisms and constraint-based reasoning methods can be applied to approximate geometrically feasible motions. The paper is completed by an evaluation of a hybrid planning system in different spatial settings showing that run-times are notably improved when an abstract plan is considered as a guidance heuristic.
Jochen Renz and Stefan Wölfl.
A Qualitative Representation of Route Networks.
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI
2010), pp. 1091-1092.
IOS Press 2010.
Matthias Westphal, Stefan Wölfl and Jason Jingshi Li.
Restarts and Nogood Recording in Qualitative Constraint-based Reasoning.
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI
2010), pp. 1093-1094.
IOS Press 2010.
Also, see the follow up paper at KI 2012: Nogoods in Qualitative Constaint-based Reasoning.
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This paper introduces restart and nogood recording techniques in the
domain of qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning.
Nogoods and restarts can be applied orthogonally to usual
methods for solving qualitative constraint satisfaction problems.
In particular, we propose a more general definition of nogoods
that allows for exploiting information about nogoods and tractable
subclasses during backtracking search.
First evaluations of the proposed techniques show promising results.
Christian Freksa, Holger Schultheis, Kerstin Schill, Thora Tenbrink, Thomas Barkowsky, Christoph Hölscher and Bernhard Nebel.
Spatial Cognition: Reasoning, Action, Interaction.
Künstliche Intelligenz 24 (4). 2010.
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The pebble motion on trees (PMT) problem consists in finding a feasible sequence of moves that repositions a set of pebbles to assigned target vertices. This problem has been widely studied because, in many cases, the more general Multi-Agent path finding (MAPF) problem on graphs can be reduced to PMT.
We propose a simple and easy to implement procedure, which finds solutions of length O(knc + n^2), where n is the number of nodes, k is the number of pebbles, and c the maximum length of corridors in the tree. This complexity result is more detailed than the current best known result O(n^3), which is equal to our result in the worst case, but does not capture the dependency on c and k.
Florian Pommerening, Stefan Wölfl and Matthias Westphal.
Right-of-Way Rules as Use Case for Integrating GOLOG and Qualitative Reasoning.
Bärbel Mertsching, Marcus Hund and Muhammad Zaheer Aziz (eds.),
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI 2009), pp. 468-475.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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Agents interacting in a dynamically changing spatial environment often
need to access the same spatial resources. A typical example is
given by moving vehicles that meet at an intersection in a street
network. In such situations right-of-way rules regulate the
actions the vehicles involved may perform.
For this application scenario we show how the Golog framework for
reasoning about action and change can be enhanced by external
reasoning services that implement techniques known from the domain of
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning.
Bernhard Nebel and Jochen Renz.
A fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for spatio-temporal calendar management.
Proceedings of the 21th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009), pp. 879--884.
AAAI Press 2009.
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Calendar management tools assist users with coordinating their daily life. Different tasks have to be scheduled according to the user preferences. In many cases, tasks are at different locations and travel times have to be considered.
Therefore, these kinds of calendar management problems can be regarded as spatio-temporal optimisation problems and are often variants of traveling salesman problems (TSP) or vehicle routing problems. While standard TSPs require a solution to include all tasks, prize-collecting TSPs are more suited for calendar management problems as they require a solution that optimises the total sum of ``prizes'' we assigned to tasks at different locations. If we now add time windows that limit when tasks can occur, these prize-collecting TSPs with time windows (TW-TSP) are excellent abstractions of spatio-temporal optimisation problems such as calendar management. Due to the inherent complexity of TW-TSPs, the existing literature considers mainly approximation algorithms or special cases.
We present a novel algorithm for TW-TSPs that enables us to find the optimal solution to TW-TSP problems occurring in real-world calendar management applications efficiently. Our algorithm is a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm that depends on the maximal number of tasks that can be re-visited from some other task, a parameter which is small in the application scenario we consider.
Matthias Westphal and Stefan Wölfl.
Qualitative CSP, finite CSP, and SAT: Comparing methods for qualitative constraint-based reasoning.
Proceedings of the 21th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009).
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Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning (QSR) is concerned with
constraint-based formalisms for representing, and reasoning with,
spatial and temporal information over infinite domains. Within the
community it has been a widely accepted assumption that genuine
qualitative reasoning methods outperform other reasoning methods
that are applicable to encodings of qualitative CSP instances.
Recently this assumption has been tackled by several authors, who
proposed to encode qualitative CSP instances as finite CSP or SAT
instances. In this paper we report on the results of a broad empirical
study in which we compared the performance of several reasoners on
instances from different qualitative formalisms.
Our results show that for small-sized qualitative
calculi (e.g. Allen's interval algebra and RCC-8) a state-of-the-art
implementation of QSR methods currently gives the most efficient
performance. However, on recently suggested large-size calculi, e.g.
OPRA_4, finite CSP encodings provide a considerable performance gain.
These results confirm a conjecture by Bessière stating that
support-based constraint propagation algorithms provide better
performance for large-sized qualitative calculi.
Stefan Wölfl and Matthias Westphal.
On combinations of binary qualitative constraint calculi.
Proceedings of the 21th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009).
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Qualitative constraint calculi are representation formalisms that
allow for efficient reasoning about spatial and temporal information.
Many of the calculi discussed in the field of Qualitative Spatial
and Temporal Reasoning can be defined as combinations of other, simpler
and more compact formalisms. On the other hand, existing calculi can
be combined to a new formalism in which one can represent, and reason
about, different aspects of a domain at the same time. For example,
Gerevini and Renz presented a loose combination of the region
connection calculus RCC-8 and the point algebra: the resulting
formalism integrates topological and qualitative size relations between
spatially extended objects. In this paper we compare the approach by
Gerevini and Renz to a method that generates a new qualitative
calculus by exploiting the semantic interdependencies between the
component calculi.
We will compare these two methods and analyze some formal
relationships between a combined calculus and its components. The
paper is completed by an empirical case study in which the reasoning
performance of the suggested methods is compared on random test
Bernhard Nebel and Stefan Wölfl.
Benchmarking of Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning Systems.
AAAI Technical Report SS-09-02.
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Over the past 25 years the domain of qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning has evolved to an established subfield of AI. Qualitative reasoning aims at the development of formalisms that are close to conceptual schematas used by humans for reasoning about their physical environment, in particular, about temporal and spatial information. Application fields of qualitative reasoning include human-machine interaction, high-level agent control, geographic information systems, spatial planning, ontological reasoning, and cognitive modeling.
To foster real-world applications, representation and reasoning methods used in qualitative reasoning need to be tested against evaluation criteria adapted from other AI fields and cognitive science. The aim of the symposium was to boost the development of well-founded and widely accepted evaluation standards and practical benchmark problems. This includes the measures to compare different qualitative formalisms in terms of cognitive adequacy, expressiveness, and computational efficiency; the development of a domain and problem specification language for benchmarking purposes; the identification of significant benchmark domains and problem instances based on natural use cases, as well as the creation of a problem repository; and the measures to evaluate the performance of implemented reasoning systems. The symposium fostered the benchmarking idea in the qualitative reasoning domain, contributed to identify a graded set of challenges for future research, and pushed the development of qualitative reasoning methods and systems towards application-relevant problems.
Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Complexity of Planning Operator Subsumption.
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
2008), pp. 518-527.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Formal action models play a central role in several subfields of
AI because they are used to model application domains, e.g., in
automated planning. However, there are hitherto no automated
methods for relating such domain models to each other, in
particular for checking whether one is a specialization or
generalization of the other. In this paper, we introduce two kinds
of subsumption relations between operators, both of which are
suitable for modeling and verifying hierarchies between actions
and operators: applicability subsumption considers an action to be
more general than another if the latter can be replaced by the
first at each point in each sound sequence of actions; abstraction
subsumption exploits relations between actions from an ontological
point of view. For both kinds of subsumption, we prove complexity
results for verifying operator subsumption in three important
subclasses: The problems are NP-complete when the expressiveness
of the operators is restricted to the well-known basic STRIPS
formalism, Sigma_p_2-complete when we admit boolean logical operators
and undecidable when the full power of the planning language ADL
is permitted.
Gabriele Röger, Malte Helmert and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Relative Expressiveness of ADL and Golog: The Last
Piece in the Puzzle.
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
2008), pp. 544-550.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Integrating agent programming languages and efficient action
planning is a promising approach because it combines the
expressive power of languages such as Golog with the possibility
of searching for plans efficiently. In order to integrate a
Golog interpreter with a planner, one has to understand,
however, which part of the expressiveness of Golog can be
captured by the planning language. Using Nebel's compilation
framework, we identify a maximal fragment of basic action
theories, the formalism Golog is based on, that is
expressively equivalent to the ADL subset of PDDL. As we will
show, almost all features that permit to specify incomplete
information in basic action theories cannot be compiled to ADL.
Jens Claßen, Viktor Engelmann, Gerhard Lakeymeyer and Gabriele Röger.
Integrating Golog and Planning: An Empirical Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
(NMR 2008), pp. 10-18.
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The Golog family of action languages has proven to be
a useful means for the high-level control of autonomous
agents, such as mobile robots. In particular, the IndiGolog
variant, where programs are executed in an online
manner, is applicable in realistic scenarios where
agents possess only incomplete knowledge about the
state of the world, have to use sensors to gather necessary
information at runtime and need to react to spontaneous,
exogenous events that happen unpredictably
due to a dynamic environment. Often, the specification
of such an agent’s program also involves that certain
subgoals have to be solved by means of planning. IndiGolog
supports this in principle by providing a variety
of lookahead mechanisms, but when it comes to
pure, sequential planning, these usually cannot compete
with modern state-of-the-art planning systems, most of
which being based on the Planning Domain Definition
Language PDDL. Previous theoretical results provide
insights on the semantical compatibility between
Golog and PDDL and how they compare in terms of expressiveness.
In this paper, we complement these results
with an empirical evaluation that shows that equipping
IndiGolog with a PDDL planner (FF in our case) pays
off in terms of the runtime performance of the overall
system. For that matter, we study a number of example
application domains and compare the needed computation
times for varying problem sizes and difficulties.
Christian Freksa, Nora Newcombe, Peter Gärdenfors and Stefan Wölfl (eds.).
Spatial Cognition VI: Learning, Reasoning, and Talking
about Space, International Conference Spatial Cognition 2008 (SC '08),
Freiburg, Germany, September 15-19, 2008.
Volume 5248 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Springer 2008.
Diedrich Wolter, Frank Dylla, Stefan Wölfl, Jan Oliver Wallgrün, Lutz Frommberger, Bernhard Nebel and Christian Freksa.
SailAway: Spatial Cognition in Sea Navigation.
Künstliche Intelligenz 08 (1), pp. 28-30. 2008.
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Pedestrians, bicyclists, car drivers, boat and airplane pilots, as well as other cognitive agents participating in public traffic must respect rules in order to avoid dangerous situations and to ensure a smooth flow of traffic. The SailAway project investigates traffic and related navigational rules from a formal and computational point of view. The aim is to enable artificial cognitive agents to act in compliance with such rules. Traffic rules, which are expressed in natural language, usually subsume distinct, but similar situations and actions under more abstract spatial or temporal concepts and relations. In this paper we describe an approach to representing rules that exploits this qualitative nature of natural language descriptions used in traffic laws. Based on this approach we present methods that enable an agent to determine actions that are rule-compliant with respect to its current spatial situation. Finally we present the prototype of a control system of boats in sea navigation that implements exactly these methods.
Frank Dylla, Diedrich Wolter, Lutz Frommberger, Christian
Freksa, Stefan Wölfl and Bernhard Nebel.
Qualitative Methoden zur Steuerung von Agenten - SailAway:
Raumkognition zur Steuerung von Schiffen.
Industrie Management 4. 2008.
Marco Ragni and Stefan Wölfl.
Reasoning about topological
and positional information in dynamic settings.
Proceedings of the Twenty-First International FLAIRS Conference
(2008), pp. 606-611.
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Typical application fields of spatial and spatio-temporal
representation formalisms and reasoning techniques include
geographic information systems (GIS), mobile assistance systems
for route finding, layout descriptions, and navigation tasks of
robots interacting with humans. Often these formalisms focus on
specific spatial aspects in that they use either topological or
positional relations. In this paper we propose a formalism
which allows for representing topological and positional
relations between disks in the plane. Although this formalism
employs a rather abstract representation of objects as disks, it
provides an interesting test-bed for investigating typical
problems that arise when topological and positional information
about objects are combined, or when such combined formalisms are
used to represent continuous changes in the considered
application scenario.
Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel.
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning using Constraint Calculi.
M. Aiello, I. Pratt-Hartmann and J. van Benthem (eds.),
Handbook of Spatial Logics, pp. 161-215.
Springer-Verlag 2007.
(Online; DOI)
Marco Ragni, Stefan Schleipen and Felix Steffenhagen.
Solving proportional analogies: A computational model.
Proceedings of AnICA 2007.
Marco Ragni.
Deductive Spatial Reasoning: A Computational and Cognitive Perspective.
KI Themenheft Spatial Reasoning. 2007.
Marco Ragni, Bolormaa Tseden and Markus Knauff.
Cross cultural similarities in topological reasoning.
COSIT 2007.
Springer 2007.
Stefan Schleipen, Marco Ragni and Thomas Fangmeier.
Negation in Spatial Reasoning: A Computational Approach.
Proceedings of the 30th Annual German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI 2007), pp. 175-189.
Reinhard Moratz and Marco Ragni.
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning about Relative Point Position.
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 2007.
Marco Ragni, Thomas Fangmeier and Stefan Schleipen.
What about negation in spatial reasoning?
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Conference (CogSci 2007).
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 2007.
Marco Ragni and Felix Steffenhagen.
Qualitative spatial reasoning: A cognitive and computational approach.
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Conference (CogSci 2007).
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 2007.
Stefan Wölfl, Till Mossakowski and Lutz Schröder.
Qualitative constraint calculi: Heterogeneous verification of composition tables.
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2007), pp. 665-670.
AAAI Press 2007.
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In the domain of qualitative constraint reasoning, a subfield
of AI which has evolved in the past 25 years, a large number of
calculi for efficient reasoning about spatial and temporal
entities has been developed. Reasoning techniques developed for
these constraint calculi typically rely on so-called composition
tables of the calculus at hand, which allow for replacing
semantic reasoning by symbolic operations. Often these
composition tables are developed in a quite informal, pictorial
manner--a method which seems to be error-prone. In view of
possible safety critical applications of qualitative calculi,
however, it is desirable to formally verify these composition
tables. In general, the verification of composition tables is a
tedious task, in particular in cases where the semantics of the
calculus depends on higher-order constructs such as sets. In
this paper we address this problem by presenting a heterogeneous
proof method that allows for combining a higher-order proof
assistance system (such as Isabelle) with an automatic (first
order) reasoner (such as SPASS or VAMPIRE). The benefit of this
method is that the number of proof obligations that is to be
proven interactively with a semi-automatic reasoner can be
minimized to an acceptable level.
Diedrich Wolter, Frank Dylla, Lutz Frommberger, Jan Oliver Wallgrün, Bernhard Nebel and Stefan Wölfl.
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning for Rule Compliant Agent Navigation.
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2007), pp. 673-674.
AAAI Press 2007.
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Artificial agents participating in public traffic must respect rules that regulate traffic. Rule sets are commonly formulated in natural language using purely qualitative terms. We present a case study on how to realize rule compliant agent control in the domain of sea navigation by using qualitative spatial reasoning techniques.
Frank Dylla, Lutz Frommberger, Jan Oliver Wallgrün, Diedrich Wolter, Bernhard Nebel and Stefan Wölfl.
SailAway: Formalizing navigation rules.
Proceedings of the Artificial and Ambient Intelligence Symposium
on Spatial Reasoning and Communication (AISB 2007).
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Agents that have to solve navigational tasks need to consider
aspects that go far beyond single-agent goal-directed
deliberation: What an agent does in a specific situation often
interferes with what other agents do at the same time. In order
to avoid conflicts or even collisions, situations in space are
governed by laws, rules, and agreements between the involved
agents. For this reason, artificial agents interacting with
humans must be able to process such rule sets, which are usually
formulated in natural language. In this paper we present a case
study on how to formalize navigation rules in the domain of sea
navigation. We present an approach that uses qualitative
representations of navigation rules. Qualitative spatial
reasoning methods can be applied to distinguish permissible
actions in the set of all possible actions. We argue that an
agent’s spatial representation can be modeled on a qualitative
level in a natural way and that this also empowers sophisticated
high-level agent control.
Gabriele Röger and Bernhard Nebel.
Expressiveness of ADL and Golog:
Functions Make a Difference.
Proceedings of the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI 2007), pp. 1051-1056.
AAAI Press 2007.
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The main focus in the area of action languages, such as
GOLOG, was put on expressive power, while the development
in the area of action planning was focused on efficient
plan generation. An integration of GOLOG and planning languages
would provide great advantages. A user could constrain
a systems behavior on a high level using GOLOG,
while the actual low-level actions are planned by an efficient
planning system. First endeavors have been made by Eyerich
et al. by identifying a subset of the situation calculus (which
is the basis of GOLOG) with the same expressiveness as the
ADL fragment of PDDL. However, it was not proven that the
identified restrictions define a maximum subset. The most
severe restriction appears to be that functions are limited to
constants. We will show that this restriction is indeed necessary
in most cases.
Marco Ragni and Felix Steffenhagen.
A cognitive computational model for spatial reasoning.
AAAI Spring Symposium 2007.
AAAI Press 2007.
Sanjiang Li and Bernhard Nebel.
Qualitative spatial representation and reasoning: A Hierarchical approach.
The Computer Journal, pp. 391-402. 2007.
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(Online; DOI)
The ability to reason in space is crucial for agents in order to make
informed decisions. Current high-level qualitative approaches to spatial
reasoning has serious decisionsciencies in not recting the hierarchical nature of spatial data and human spatial cognition. This paper proposes a
framework for hierarchical representation and reasoning about topological information, where a continuous model of space is approximated by
a collection of discrete sub-models, and spatial information is hierarchically represented in discrete sub-models in a rough set manner. The work
is based on the GRCC theory, where continuous and discrete models of
space are coped in a uni-ulmed way. Reasoning issues such as determining
the mereological (part-whole) relations between two rough regions are also
discussed. Moreover, we consider an important problem that is closely related to map generalization in cartography and Geographical Information
Science. Given a spatial considerguration at a spatialner level, we show how to construct a configuration at a coarser level while preserving the mereological
Jens Claßen, Patrick Eyerich, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Bernhard Nebel.
Towards an Integration of Golog and Planning.
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2007), pp. 1846-1851.
AAAI Press 2007.
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The action language Golog has been applied successfully
to the control of robots, among other
things. Perhaps its greatest advantage is that a
user can write programs which constrain the search
for an executable plan in a xible manner. However,
when general planning is needed, Golog supports
this only in principle, but does not measure
up with state-of-the-art planners. In this paper we
propose an integration of Golog and planning in the
sense that planning problems, formulated as part of
a Golog program, are solved by a modern planner
during the execution of the program. Here we focus
on the ADL subset of the plan language PDDL.
First we show that the semantics of ADL can be
understood as progression in the situation calculus,
which underlies Golog, thus providing us with a
correct embedding of ADL within Golog. We then
show how Golog can be integrated with an existing
ADL planner for closed-world initial databases and
compare the performance of the resulting system
with the original Golog.
Stefan Wölfl and Till Mossakowski.
Qualitative Constraint Calculi - Application and
Integration, Workshop
at KI 2006, Bremen, Germany, June 14, 2006, Workshop
Marco Ragni.
Reasoning in Dynamic Environments.
Qualitative Constraint Calculi - Application and Integration, Workshop at KI 2006.
Patrick Eyerich, Bernhard Nebel, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Jens Classen.
Golog and PDDL: What is the Relative Expressiveness?
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots (PCAR 2006), pp. 93-104.
University of Western Australia Press 2006.
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Action formalisms such as GOLOG or FLUX have been developed
primarily for representing and reasoning about change in a logical framework.
For this reason, expressivity was the main goal in the development of these formalisms.
In another line of research, efficiency of planning methods was the topmost
goal resulting in the basic STRIPS language, which has only moderate expressivity.
The planning language PDDL developed since 1998 is an extension
of basic STRIPS with many expressive features. Now the interesting question is
how PDDL compares to GOLOG or other action languages from an expressivity
point of view. We will show that a GOLOG fragment, which we call Restricted
Basic Action Theories, is as expressive as the ADL fragment of PDDL. To prove
this equivalence we use the compilation framework. From a practical point of
view, this result can be used for employing efficient planners inside a GOLOG
Marco Ragni, Thomas Fangmeier, Lara Webber and Markus Knauff.
Preferred mental models: How and why they are so important in human reasoning with spatial relations.
Proceedings of the Spatial Cognition V Conference.
Jona Boeddinghaus, Marco Ragni, Markus Knauff and Bernhard Nebel.
Simulating spatial reasoning using ACT-R.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Cognitive Modeling
(ICCM 2006).
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We present an ACT-R model of spatial reasoning based on
the SRM model (Spatial Reasoning by Models). This model
maps spatial working memory to a two-dimensional array and
uses a spatial focus to place objects in the array, manipulate
the position of objects, and inspect the array to find spatial
relations that are not given in the premises. Since the SRM
explains many experimental findings only on a qualitative
level, we implemented it into an ACT-R model. Not only does
the model show some well-known effects in spatial reasoning
and offers a good insight into the processes in the SRM
model, but in addition it also allows us to predict reasoning
times. The Model is accessible through a Java interface,
which can be found and run from the following website
Marco Ragni, Thomas Fangmeier, Lara Webber and Markus Knauff.
Complexity in Spatial Reasoning.
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Cognitive Science Conference (CogSci-06).
Marco Ragni and Stefan Wölfl.
Temporalizing Cardinal Directions: From Constraint Satisfaction to Planning.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Representation Conference (KR 2006).
Marco Ragni and Felix Steffenhagen.
An implementation of the SRM-model.
Technical Report of the Spatial Cognition Conference Poster Session.
University Bremen 2006.
Marco Ragni, Markus Knauff and Bernhard Nebel.
A Computational Model for Spatial Reasoning with Mental Models.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Cognitive Science Conference (CogSci-05).
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We propose a computational model for spatial reasoning by
means of mental models. Our SRM model (Spatial Reasoning
by Models) maps spatial working memory to a twodimensional
array and uses a spatial focus that places objects
in the array, manipulates the position of objects, and inspects
the array to find spatial relations that are not given in the
premises. The SRM model results in a computational
complexity measure that relies on the number of operations in
the array and the number of relations that must be handled.
The performance of the SRM model is compared to the
performance of human subjects reported in the literature and
in our own study.
Marco Ragni and Alexander Scivos.
Dependency Calculus: Reasoning in a General Point Algebra.
KI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 28th Annual German Conference on AI.
(KI 2005).
Marco Ragni and Stefan Wölfl.
Temporalizing Spatial Calculi: On Generalized Neighborhood
Proceedings of the 28th Annual German Conference on AI (KI 2005), pp. 64-78.
Marco Ragni and Alexander Scivos.
Dependency Calculus: Reasoning in a General Point Relation Algebra.
Poster Proceedings of the 19th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2005).
Stefan Wölfl and Till Mossakowski.
CASL specifications of qualitative calculi.
Spatial Information Theory: Cognitive and Computational Foundations, Proceedings of COSIT'05, pp. 200-217.
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In AI a large number of calculi for efficient reasoning about
spatial and temporal entities have been developed. The most
prominent temporal calculi are the point algebra of linear time
and Allen's interval calculus. Examples of spatial calculi
include mereotopological calculi, Frank's cardinal direction
calculus, Freksa's double cross calculus, Egenhofer and
Franzosa's intersection calculi, and Randell, Cui, and Cohn's
region connection calculi. These calculi are designed for
modeling specific aspects of space or time, respectively, to the
effect that the class of intended models may vary widely with
the calculus at hand. But from a formal point of view these
calculi are often closely related to each other. For example,
the spatial region connection calculus RCC5 may be considered a
coarsening of Allen's (temporal) interval calculus. And vice
versa, intervals can be used to represent spatial objects that
feature an internal direction. The central question of this
paper is how these calculi as well as their mutual dependencies
can be axiomatized by algebraic specifications. This question
will be investigated within the framework of the Common
Algebraic Specification Language (CASL), a specification
language developed by the Common Framework Initiative for
algebraic specification and development (COFI). We explain
scope and expressiveness of CASL by discussing the
specifications of some of the calculi mentioned before.
Stefan Wölfl.
Events in branching time.
Studia Logica 79 (2), pp. 255-282. 2005.
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The concept of event is one of the key notions of many
theories dealing with causality or agency. In this paper we
study different approaches to events that share the basic
assumption that events can be analyzed fruitfully in
branching-time structures. The terminological framework
developed thereby may be helpful for further analyses in the
fields of causality and agency and also in those fields of
computational semantics, where similar concepts are considered.
Marco Ragni and Stefan Wölfl.
Branching Allen: Reasoning with Intervals in Branching Time.
Spatial Cognition IV: Reasoning, Action, Interaction,
International Conference Spatial Cognition 2004, 2004.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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Allen’s interval calculus is one of the most prominent
formalisms in the domain of qualitative spatial and temporal
reasoning. Applications of this calculus, however, are
restricted to domains that deal with linear flows of time. But
how the fundamental ideas of Allen’s calculus can be extended to
other, weaker structures than linear orders has gained only
little attention in the literature. In this paper we will
investigate intervals in branching flows of time, which are of
special interest for temporal reasoning, since they allow for
representing indeterministic aspects of systems, scenarios,
planning tasks, etc. As well, branching time models, i. e.,
treelike non-linear structures, do have interesting applications
in the field of spatial reasoning, for example, for modeling
traffic networks. In a first step we discuss interval relations
for branching time, thereby comprising various sources from the
literature. Then, in a second step, we present some new
complexity results concerning constraint satisfaction problems
of interval relations in branching time.
Marco Ragni.
Temporalizing Spatial Calculi.
Proceedings of the KRR-WS of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI 2004).
Marco Ragni.
An Arrangement Calculus, Its Complexity and Algorithmic Properties.
KI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 26th Annual German Conference on AI
(KI 2003).
Marco Ragni.
An Arrangement Calculus.
Proceedings of the WS on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Christian Freksa, Markus Knauff, Bernd Krieg-Brückner, Bernhard Nebel and Thomas Barkowsky (eds.).
Spatial Cognition IV.
Volume 3343 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2004.
Alexander Scivos and Bernhard Nebel.
The Finest of Its Class: The Natural Point-Based Ternary Calculus LR for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning.
Spatial Cognition IV, pp. 283-303.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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(Online; DOI)
In this paper, a ternary qualitative calculus LR for spatial reasoning is presented that distinguishes between left and right. A theory is outlined for ternary point-based calculi in which all the relations are invariant when all points are mapped by rotations, scalings, or translations (RST relations). For this purpose, we develop methods to determine arbitrary transformations and compositions of RST relations. We pose two criteria which we call practical and natural. ‘Practical’ means that the relation system should be closed under transformations, compositions and intersections and have a finite base that is jointly exhaustive and pairwise disjoint. This implies that the well-known path consistency algorithm can be used to conclude implicit knowledge. ‘Natural’ calculi are close to our natural way of thinking because the base relations and their complements are connected. The main result of the paper is the identification of a maximally refined calculus amongst the practical natural RST calculi, which turns out to be very similar to Ligozat’s flip-flop calculus. From that it follows, e.g., that there is no finite refinement of the TPCC calculus by Moratz et al that is closed under transformations, composition, and intersection.
Stefan Wölfl.
Qualitative action theory: A comparison of the semantics of
Alternating-time Temporal Logic and the Kutschera-Belnap approach
to agency.
J. J. Alferes and J. Leite (eds.),
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
(JELIA 2004).
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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Qualitative action theory deals with purely qualitative
descriptions and formal representations of agency, i.e., agents
and their possibilities for intervening in the causal flow of
events. This means that, contrary to game theory, qualitative
action theory abstains from any metric evaluation of the
outcomes of actions. In this paper we present and compare two
qualitative approaches to action theory that have been discussed
in the literature. The first one coming from philosophical
action theory is the Kutschera-Belnap approach, which is the
semantic basis of so-called Stit-logics. The second approach is
the semantics of Alur, Henzinger, and Kupferman's
Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL). In computer science, ATL
has been introduced as an extension of Computational Tree Logic
(CTL) to allow for modeling systems that interact with their
environment. Surprisingly, although both approaches are very
close in spirit, a systematic analysis of the mutual
dependencies between these approaches does not exist. The paper
aims at bringing together these two research streams, which seem
to have been developed independently in philosophy and computer
science. In particular, we will investigate the assumptions with
which both approaches may be considered equivalent. Finally,
further research on this topic promises interesting results that
translate between the approaches presented here.
Bernhard Nebel.
Formal Methods in Robotics.
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 9th European Conference (JELIA 2004), p. 4.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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(Online; DOI)
AI research in robotics started out with the hypothesis that logical modelling and reasoning plays a key role. This assumption was seriously questioned by behaviour-based and “Nouvelle AI” approaches. The credo by this school of thinking is that explicit modelling of the environment and reasoning about it is too brittle and computationally too expensive. Instead a purely reactive approach is favoured.
Christian Köhler, Artur Ottlik, Hans-Hellmut Nagel and Bernhard Nebel.
Qualitative Reasoning Feeding Back into Quantitative
Model-Based Tracking.
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), pp. 1041-1042.
IOS Press 2004.
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(technical report; PDF)
Tracking vehicles in image sequences of innercity road
traffic scenes still constitutes a challenging task. Even if a-priori
knowledge about the 3D shape of vehicles, of background structure
and vehicle motion is provided, (partial) occlusion and dense vehicle
queues easily can cause initialization and tracking failures. Improving
the tracking approach requires numerous and time-consuming
experiments. Yet, these difficulties can be eased considerably by endowing
the system with a part of the qualitative knowledge, that a
human observer uses in order to judge the results. In the case reported
here, a system for qualitative reasoning has been coupled with
a quantitative model-based tracking system in order to explore the
feedback from qualitative reasoning into the geometric tracking subsystem.
Christian Köhler.
Selecting Ghosts and Queues from a Car Trackers Output using
a Spatio-Temporal Query Language.
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2004), pp. 619-624.
Washington, D.C., USA 2004.
Jussi Rintanen.
Phase transitions in classical planning: An experimental study.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2004), pp. 710-719.
AAAI Press 2004.
Reinhard Moratz, Bernhard Nebel and Cristian Freksa.
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning about Relative Position: The
Tradeoff between Strong Formal Properties and Successful Reasoning
about Route Graphs.
Spatial Cognition III, Routes and Navigation, Human
Memory and Learning, Spatial Representation and Spatial
Learning, pp. 385-400.
Springer-Verlag 2003.
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(Online; DOI)
Qualitative knowledge about relative orientation can be expressed in form of ternary point relations. In this paper we present a calculus based on ternary relations. It utilises finer distinctions than previously published calculi. It permits differentiations which are useful in realistic application scenarios that cannot directly be dealt with in coarser calculi. There is a price to pay for the advanced options: useful mathematical results for coarser calculi do not hold for the new calculus. This tradeoff is demonstrated by a direct comparison of the new calculus with the flip-flop calculus.
Christian Köhler.
The Occlusion Calculus.
Proceedings Workshop on Cognitive Vision.
Zürich, Switzerland 2002.
Bernhard Nebel.
The Philosophical Soccer Player.
Proceedings of the Eights International Conference on Principles and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-02), p. 631.
Yannis Dimopoulos, Bernhard Nebel and Francesca Toni.
On the Computational Complexity of Assumption-based
Argumentation for Default Reasoning.
Artificial Intelligence 141 (1-2), pp. 57-78. 2002.
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Bondarenko et al. have recently proposed
an abstract framework for default reasoning. Besides capturing most
existing formalisms and proving that their standard semantics all
coincide, the framework extends these formalisms by generalising the
semantics of admissible and preferred arguments, originally proposed
for logic programming only. In this paper we analyse the
computational complexity of credulous and sceptical reasoning under
the semantics of admissible and preferred arguments for (the
propositional variant of) the instances of the abstract framework
capturing theorist, circumscription, logic programming, default logic,
and autoepistemic logic. Although the new semantics have been tacitly
assumed to mitigate the computational hardness of default reasoning
under the standard semantics of stable extensions, we show that in
many cases reasoning under the admissibility and preferability
semantics is computationally harder than under the standard semantics.
In particular, in the case of autoepistemic logic, sceptical reasoning
under preferred arguments is located at the fourth level of the
polynomial hierarchy, whereas the same form of reasoning under stable
extensions is located at the second level.
Alfonso Gerevini and Bernhard Nebel.
Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Reasoning with RCC-8 and Allen's
Interval Calculus: Computational Complexity.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI'02).
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There exist a number of qualitative constraint calculi
that are used to
represent and reason about temporal or spatial configurations. However,
there are only very few approaches aiming to create a spatio-temporal
constraint calculus. Similar to Bennett et al., we start with the
spatial calculus RCC-8 and Allen's interval calculus in order to
construct a qualitative spatio-temporal calculus. As we will show, the basic
calculus is NP-complete, even if we only permit base relations. When
adding the restriction that the size of the spatial regions persists over
time, or that changes are continuous, the calculus becomes more useful, but
the satisfiability problem appears to be much harder. Nevertheless, we are
able to show that satisfiability is still in NP.
Bernhard Nebel and Alexander Scivos.
Formal Properties of Constraint Calculi for Qualitative
Spatial Reasoning.
Künstliche Intelligenz Heft 4/02, pp. 14-18. 2002.
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In the previous two decades, a number of qualitative constraint
calculi have been developed, which are used to represent and reason
about spatial configurations. A common property of almost all of
these calculi is that reasoning in them can be understood as solving
a binary constraint satisfaction problem over infinite domains. The
main algorithmic method that is used is constraint propagation in
the form of the path-consistency method. This approach can be
applied to a wide range of different aspects of spatial reasoning.
We describe how to make use of this representation and reasoning
technique and point out the possible problems one might encounter.
Reinhard Moratz and Bernhard Nebel.
Sichtweisen der kognitiven Robotik.
Künstliche Intelligenz 15 (3), p. 71. 2001.
Bernhard Nebel.
Logics for Knowledge Representation.
N. J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes (eds.),
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral
Kluwer, Dordrecht 2001.
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Knowledge representation and reasoning plays a central role in
Artificial Intelligence, and formal logic has become the prevalent
formal tool in this area. We give a brief historical sketch of the
development of the field and describe what interesting developments
the last two decades have brought in terms of new logical
formalisms. In particular, we argue that the important point about
using logic is not so much which particular logic used, but that the
logic method is used to understand knowledge and reasoning.
Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel.
Efficient Methods for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 15, pp. 289-318. 2001.
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The theoretical properties of qualitative spatial reasoning in the
RCC-8 framework have been analyzed extensively. However, no empirical
investigation has been made yet. Our experiments show that the
adaption of the algorithms used for qualitative temporal reasoning can
solve large RCC-8 instances, even if they are in the phase transition
region -- provided that one uses the maximal tractable subsets of RCC-8
that have been identified by us. In particular, we demonstrate that
the orthogonal combination of heuristic methods is successful in
solving almost all apparently hard instances in the phase transition
region up to a certain size in reasonable time.
Jussi Rintanen.
Partial implicit unfolding in the Davis-Putnam procedure for
quantified Boolean formulae.
R. Nieuwenhuis and A. Voronkov (eds.),
International Conference on Logic for Programming,
Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR01), pp. 362-376.
Springer-Verlag 2001.
Alexander Scivos and Bernhard Nebel.
Double-Crossing: Decidability and Computational Complexity of
a Qualitative Calculus for Navigation.
Proc. COSIT-2001.
Springer-Verlag 2001.
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The Double Cross calculus has been proposed for the purpose of
navigation based on qualitative information about spatial configurations.
Up until now, however, no results about algorithmic properties of this
calculus are known. First, we explore the possibility of applying constraint
propagation techniques to solve the reasoning problem in this calculus. For
this purpose, we have to generalize the known techniques for binary
relations because the Double Cross calculus is based on ternary relations.
We will show, however, that such a generalization leads to problems. The
Double Cross calculus is not closed under composition and permutation.
Further, as we will show, there exists no finite refinement of the base
relations with such a closure property. Finally, we show that determining
satisfiability of constraint systems over Double Cross relations is NP-hard,
even if only the base relations of the Double Cross calculus are used. On
the positive side, however, we show that the reasoning problem is solvable
Mathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson and Jochen Renz.
Refinements and Independence: A Simple Method for Identifying
Tractable Disjunctive Constraints.
Sixth International Conference on Principles and Practice
of Constraint Programming (CP'00).
Singapore 2000.
Yannis Dimopoulos, Bernhard Nebel and Francesca Toni.
Finding Admissible and Preferred Arguments Can be Very
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
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Bondarenko et al. have recently proposed an extension of the
argumentation-theoretic semantics of admissible and
preferred arguments, originally proposed for logic programming only,
to a number of other nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms. In this paper
we analyse the computational complexity of credulous and
sceptical reasoning under the semantics of admissible and preferred
arguments for (the propositional variant of) some well-known
frameworks for nonmonotonic reasoning, i.e. Theorist, Circumscription
and Autoepistemic Logic. While the new semantics have been assumed to
mitigate the computational problems of nonmonotonic reasoning under
the standard semantics of stable extensions, we show that in
many cases reasoning under the new semantics is computationally harder
than under the standard semantics. In particular, for Autoepistemic
Logic, the sceptical reasoning problem under the semantics of
preferred arguments is located at the fourth level of the polynomial
hierarchy, two levels above the same problem under the standard
semantics. In some cases, however, reasoning under the new semantics
becomes easier - reducing to reasoning in the monotonic logics
underlying the nonmonotonic frameworks.
Reinhard Moratz, Jochen Renz and Diedrich Wolter.
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning about Line Segments.
14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Berlin, Germany 2000.
Bernhard Nebel.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - The Theoretical Side of AI.
14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Proceedings (ECAI 2000), p. 763.
Berlin, Germany 2000.
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Representing knowledge and reasoning with it is at the heart of most AI
systems. Nevertheless, the field of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
(KR&R) does not seem to have much impact on practical work in AI. I will
try to point out the reasons for the discrepancy and I will argue that KR&R
can be understood as Theoretical Artifical Intelligence. Further, I point
out a number of fruitful applications of KR&R techniques.
Jochen Renz, Reinhold Rauh and Markus Knauff.
Towards Cognitive Adequacy of Topological Spatial Relations.
C. Freksa, W. Brauer, C. Habel and K. F. Wender (eds.),
Spatial Cognition II - Integrating abstract theories,
empirical studies, formal models, and practical
Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2000.
Yannis Dimopoulos, Bernhard Nebel and Francesca Toni.
Preferred Arguments are Harder to Compute than Stable
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 1999).
Stockholm, Sweden 1999.
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Based on an abstract framework for nonmonotonic reasoning, Bondarenko et
al. have extended the logic programming semantics of admissible
and preferred arguments to other nonmonotonic formalisms such as
circumscription, auto-epistemic logic and default logic. Although the new
semantics have been tacitly assumed to mitigate the computational problems
of nonmonotonic reasoning under the standard semantics of stable
extensions, it seems questionable whether they improve
the worst-case behaviour. As a matter of fact, we show that credulous
reasoning under the new semantics in propositional logic programming
and propositional default logic has the same computational
complexity as under the standard semantics. Furthermore, sceptical
reasoning under the admissibility semantics is easier -
since it is trivialised to monotonic reasoning. Finally,
sceptical reasoning under the preferability semantics is
harder than under the standard semantics.
Christoph Dornheim.
Graph Embedding with Topological Cycle-Constraints.
J. Kratochvil (ed.),
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Graph Drawing
(GD 1999).
Stirin, Czech Republic 1999.
Hans Jürgen Ohlbach and Jana Koehler.
Modal Logics, Description Logics and Arithmetic Reasoning.
Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2), pp. 1-31. 1999.
Jochen Renz.
Maximal Tractable Fragments of the Region Connection
Calculus: A Complete Analysis.
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 1999).
Stockholm, Sweden 1999.
Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Complexity of Qualitative Spatial Reasoning: A Maximal
Tractable Fragment of the Region Connection Calculus.
Artificial Intelligence 108 (1-2), pp. 95-149. 1999.
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The computational properties of qualitative spatial reasoning have been
investigated to some degree. However, the question for the boundary between
polynomial and NP-hard reasoning problems has not been addressed yet. In
this paper we explore this boundary in the ``Region Connection Calculus''
RCC-8. We extend Bennett's encoding of RCC-8 in modal logic. Based on
this encoding, we prove that reasoning is NP-complete in general and
identify a maximal tractable subset of the relations in RCC-8 that
contains all base relations. Further, we show that for this subset
path-consistency is sufficient for deciding consistency.
Bernhard Nebel.
Qualitative Temporal Reasoning: Theory and Practice (Abstract).
5th Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME '98), p. 60.
IEEE Computer Society 1998.
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The theory of qualititative temporal reasoning has evolved considerably in the last 15 years. We now know large tractable subsets of the interval algebra and have efficient inference algorithms for the full algebra. However, there are not many applications that make use of these results. I first sketch the development of the theory of qualitative temporal reasoning and then report on two applications of the qualitative interval algebra. The first application is an abstract, academic one in cognitive science using the theoretical findings in order to design experiments for testing hypotheses about the construction of mental models. The second application is in the area of document interpretation using a two-dimensional version of the interval algebra.
Christoph Dornheim.
Undecidability of Plane Polygonal Mereotopology.
A. G. Cohn, L. Schubert and S. C. Shapiro (eds.),
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (KR'98).
Trento, Italy 1998.
Alfonso Gerevini and Jochen Renz.
Combining Topological and Qualitative Size Constraints for
Spatial Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
(slightly revised; PS.GZ)
Bernhard Nebel.
How Hard is it to Revise a Belief Base?
D. Dubois and H. Prade (eds.),
Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty
Management Systems, pp. 77-145.
Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 1998.
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If a new piece of
information contradicts our previously held beliefs, we have to revise
our beliefs. This problem of belief revision arises in a number of
areas in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, e.g., in
updating logical database, in hypothetical reasoning, and in machine
learning. Most of the research in this area is influenced by work in
philosophical logic, in particular by Gärdenfors and his colleagues,
who developed the theory of belief revision. Here we will focus on the
computational aspects of this theory, surveying results that address
the issue of the computational complexity of belief revision.
Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel.
Efficient Methods for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning.
Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI'98).
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(C programs used for the evaluation; TAR.GZ)
(hard instances; TAR.GZ)
The theoretical properties of qualitative spatial reasoning in the
RCC-8 framework have been analyzed extensively. However, no empirical
investigation has been made yet. Our experiments show that the
adaption of
the algorithms used for qualitative temporal reasoning can solve large
RCC-8 instances, even if they are in the phase
region - provided that one uses the maximal tractable subset of RCC-8
has been identified by us. In particular, we demonstrate that the
combination of heuristic methods is successful in solving almost all
apparently hard instances in the phase transition region up to a
certain size in reasonable time.
Jochen Renz.
A Canonical Model of the Region Connection Calculus.
A.G. Cohn, L. Schubert and S.C. Shapiro (eds.),
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (KR'98).
Trento, Italy 1998.
Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel.
Spatial Reasoning with Topological Information.
C. Freksa, C. Habel and K. F. Wender (eds.),
Spatial Cognition - An interdisciplinary approach to
representation and processing of spatial knowledge, pp. 351-372.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998.
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This chapter summarizes our ongoing research on topological spatial
relationship using the Region Connection Calculus. We are addressing
different questions and problems that arise when using this calculus
including representational issues, e.g., how can regions be
represented and what is the required dimension of the applied space,
computational issues, e.g., how hard is it to reason with the calculus
and are there efficient algorithms, and cognitive issues, i.e, is the
calculus cognitively adequate.
Markus Knauff, Reinhold Rauh and Jochen Renz.
A Cognitive Assessment of Topological Spatial Relations:
Results from an Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'97).
Bernhard Nebel.
Solving Hard Qualitative Temporal Reasoning Problems:
Evaluating the Efficiency of Using the ORD-Horn Class.
CONSTRAINTS 1 (3), pp. 175-190. 1997.
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(C programs used for the evaluation; TAR.GZ)
While the worst-case computational properties of Allen's calculus for
qualitative temporal reasoning have been analyzed quite extensively,
the determination of the empirical efficiency of algorithms for
solving the consistency problem in this calculus has received only
little research attention. In this paper, we will demonstrate that
using the ORD-Horn class in Ladkin and Reinefeld's backtracking
algorithm leads to performance improvements when deciding consistency
of hard instances in Allen's calculus. For this purpose, we prove that
Ladkin and Reinefeld's algorithm is complete when using the ORD-Horn
class, we identify phase transition regions of the reasoning problem,
and compare the improvements of ORD-Horn with other heuristic methods
when applied to instances in the phase transition region. Finally, we
give evidence that combining search methods orthogonally can
dramatically improve the performance of the backtracking algorithm.
Hans Jürgen Ohlbach and Jana Koehler.
Role Hierarchies and Number Restrictions.
Proc. Int. Workshop on Description Logics '97
(extended technical report; PS.GZ)
Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Complexity of Qualitative Spatial Reasoning: A Maximal
Tractable Fragment of the Region Connection Calculus.
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'97), pp. 522-527.
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The computational properties of qualitative spatial reasoning have been
investigated to some degree. However, the question for the boundary between
polynomial and NP-hard reasoning problems has not been addressed yet. In
this paper we explore this boundary in the "Region Connection Calculus"
RCC-8. We extend Bennett's encoding of RCC-8 in modal logic. Based on
this encoding, we prove that reasoning is NP-complete in general and
identify a maximal tractable subset of the relations in RCC-8 that
contains all base relations. Further, we show that for this subset
path-consistency is sufficient for deciding consistency.
Bernhard Nebel.
Solving Hard Qualitative Temporal Reasoning Problems:
Evaluating the Efficiency of Using the ORD-Horn Class.
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI'96).
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While the worst-case computational properties of Allen's calculus for
qualitative temporal reasoning have been analyzed quite extensively,
the determination of the empirical efficiency of algorithms for
solving the consistency problem in this calculus has received only
little research attention. In this paper, we will demonstrate that
using the ORD-Horn class in Ladkin and Reinefeld's backtracking
algorithm leads to performance improvements when deciding consistency
of hard instances in Allen's calculus. For this purpose, we prove that
Ladkin and Reinefeld's algorithm is complete when using the ORD-Horn
class, we identify phase transition regions of the reasoning problem,
and compare the improvements of ORD-Horn with other heuristic methods
when applied to instances in the phase transition region. Finally, we
give evidence that combining search methods orthogonally can
dramatically improve the performance of the backtracking algorithm.
Ulrich Furbach, Hans-Jürgen Bürckert, Joachim Hertzberg, Bernhard Nebel, Gerhard Brewka, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Torsten Schaub and Frank Puppe.
Ist die Wissensrepräsentation tot?
Künstliche Intelligenz 9 (5), pp. 18-26. 1995.
Franz Baader, Philipp Hanschke, Bernhard Hollunder, Bernhard Nebel and Werner Nutt.
"Third International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'92)" - Tagungsbericht.
Künstliche Intelligenz 7 (3), pp. 24-25. 1993.
Bernhard Hollunder and Bernhard Nebel.
Second International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'91).
Künstliche Intelligenz 6 (3), pp. 52-53. 1992.
Lin Padgham and Bernhard Nebel.
Combining Classification and Nonmonotonic Inheritance Reasoning: A First Step.
Issues in Description Logics: Users Meet Developers, AAAI Fall Symposium 1992, pp. 64-71.
AAAI Press 1992.
Jürgen Müller, Franz Baader, Bernhard Nebel, Werner Nutt and Gert Smolka:.
Tutorial on Reasoning and Representation with Concept Languages.
10th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-90), p. 681.
Springer 1990.
Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Bernd Owsnicki-Klewe, Alfred Kobsa, Nicola Guarino, Robert M. MacGregor, William S. Mark, Deborah L. McGuinness, Bernhard Nebel, Albrecht Schmiedel and John Yen.
Term Subsumption Languages in Knowledge Representation.
AI Magazine 11 (2). 1990.
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(Online; DOI)
The Workshop on Term Subsumption Languages in Knowledge Representa- tion was held 18–20 October 1989 at the Inn at Thorn Hill, located in the White Mountain region of New Hamp- shire. The workshop was organized by Peter F. Patel-Schneider of AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Marc Vilain of MITRE, Bedford, Massachusetts; Ramesh S. Patil of the Massachusetts Institute of Technolo- gy (MIT); and Bill Mark of the Lock- heed AI Center, Menlo Park, California. Support was provided by the Ameri- can Association for Artificial Intelli- gence and AT&T Bell Laboratories.
This workshop was the latest in a series in this area. Previous workshops have had a slightly narrower focus, being explicitly concerned with KL- One, the first knowledge representa- tion system based on a term subsump- tion language (TSL), or its successor, NIKL. Two of these workshops were held in 1981 (Schmolze and Brach- man 1982) and 1986 (Moore 1986).
The workshop brought together 34 researchers and students in the field from the United States, Germany, Austria, Italy, Canada, and Korea. Its primary goal was to review the field after about 10 years of work, exchange ideas, and set up research directions for the future.
Felix Lindner, Barbara Kuhnert, Laura Wächter and Katrin Möllney.
Perception of Creative Responses to Moral Dilemmas by a Conversational Robot.
Proc. ICSR 2019.
Hanna Stellmach and Felix Lindner.
Perception of an Uncertain Ethical Reasoning Robot.
Journal of Interactive Media 18(1). 2019.
Daniel Kuhner, Lukas D.J. Fiederer, Johannes Aldinger, Felix Burget, Martin Völker, Robin T. Schirrmeister, Chau Do, Joschka Boedecker, Bernhard Nebel, Tonio Ball and Wolfram Burgard.
A service assistant combining autonomous robotics, flexible goal formulation, and deep-learning-based brain–computer interfacing.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 116, pp. 98-113. 2019.
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(Online; DOI)
As autonomous service robots become more affordable and thus available for the general public, there is a growing need for user-friendly interfaces to control these systems. Control interfaces typically get more complicated with increasing complexity of robotic tasks and environments. Traditional control modalities such as touch, speech or gesture are not necessarily suited for all users. While some users can make the effort to familiarize themselves with a robotic system, users with motor disabilities may not be capable of controlling such systems even though they need robotic assistance most. In this paper, we present a novel framework that allows these users to interact with a robotic service assistant in a closed-loop fashion, using only thoughts. The system is composed of several interacting components: a brain–computer interface (BCI) that uses non-invasive neuronal signal recording and co-adaptive deep learning, high-level task planning based on referring expressions, navigation and manipulation planning as well as environmental perception. We extensively evaluate the BCI in various tasks, determine the performance of the goal formulation user interface and investigate its intuitiveness in a user study. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability and robustness of the system in real-world scenarios, considering fetch-and-carry tasks, close human–robot interactions and in presence of unexpected changes. As our results show, the system is capable of adapting to frequent changes in the environment and reliably accomplishes given tasks within a reasonable amount of time. Combined with high-level task planning based on referring expressions and an autonomous robotic system, interesting new perspectives open up for non-invasive BCI-based human–robot interactions.
Bernhard Nebel, Thomas Bolander, Thorsten Engesser and Robert Mattmüller.
Implicitly Coordinated Multi-Agent Path Finding under Destination
Success Guarantees and Computational Complexity.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 64, pp. 497-527. 2019.
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In multi-agent path finding (MAPF), it is usually assumed that planning
is performed centrally and that the destinations of the
agents are common knowledge. We will drop both assumptions and analyze
under which conditions it can be guaranteed that the agents reach their
respective destinations using implicitly coordinated
plans without communication. Furthermore, we will analyze what the computational costs
associated with such a coordination regime are. As it turns out,
guarantees can be given assuming that the agents are of a certain
type. However, the implied
computational costs are quite severe. In the distributed setting, we
either have to solve a sequence of NP-complete problems or have to tolerate
exponentially longer executions. In the setting with destination
uncertainty, bounded plan existence becomes PSPACE-complete.
This clearly demonstrates the value of communicating about plans
before execution starts.
Daniel Kuhner, Johannes Aldinger, Felix Burget, Moritz Göbelbecker, Wolfram Burgard and Bernhard Nebel.
Closed-Loop Robot Task Planning Based on Referring Expressions.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), pp. 876-881.
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Increasing the accessibility of autonomous robots also for inexperienced users requires user-friendly and high-level control opportunities of robotic systems. While automated planning is able to decompose a complex task into a sequence of steps which reaches an intended goal, it is difficult to formulate such a goal without knowing the internals of the planning system and the exact capabilities of the robot. This becomes even more important in dynamic environments in which manipulable objects are subject to change. In this paper, we present an adaptive control interface which allows users to specify goals based on an internal world model by incrementally building referring expressions to the objects in the world. We consider fetch-and-carry tasks and automatically deduce potential high-level goals from the world model to make them available to the user. Based on its perceptions our system can react to changes in the environment by adapting the goal formulation within the domain-independent planning system.
Andreas Hertle and Bernhard Nebel.
Efficient Auction Based Coordination for Distributed Multi-Agent Planning in Temporal Domains Using Resource Abstraction.
Proceedings of the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2018).
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Recent advances in mobile robotics and AI promise to revolutionize industrial production.
As autonomous robots are able to solve more complex tasks, the difficulty of integrating various robot skills and coordinating groups of robots increases dramatically.
Domain independent planning promises a possible solution.
For single robot systems a number of successful demonstrations can be found in scientific literature.
However our experiences at the RoboCup Logistics League in 2017 highlighted a severe lack in plan quality when coordinating multiple robots.
In this work we demonstrate how out of the box temporal planning systems can be employed to increase plan quality for temporal multi-robot tasks.
An abstract plan is generated first and sub-tasks in the plan are auctioned off to robots, which in turn employ planning to solve these tasks and compute bids.
We evaluate our approach on two planning domains and find significant improvements in solution coverage and plan quality.
Laura Wächter and Felix Lindner.
An Explorative Comparison of Blame Attributions to Companion Robots Across Various Moral Dilemmas.
Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2018).
Hanna Stellmach and Felix Lindner.
Perception of an Uncertain Ethical Reasoning Robot: A Pilot Study.
Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2018.
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The study investigates the effect of uncertainty expressed by a robot facing a moral dilemma.
Participants (N = 80) were shown a video of a robot explaining a moral dilemma and the
decision it makes. The robot either expressed certainty or uncertainty about its decision.
Participants rated how much blame the robot deserves for its action, the moral wrongness
of the action, and their impression of the robot in terms of four scale dimensions measuring
social perception. The results suggest that participants that were not familiar with the moral
dilemma assign more blame to the robot for the same action when it expresses uncertainty,
while expressed uncertainty has less effect on moral wrongness judgments. There was no
significant effect of expressed uncertainty on participants’ impression of the robot. We discuss
implications of this result for the design of social robots.
Glenda Hannibal and Felix Lindner.
Transdisciplinary Reflections on Social Robotics in Academia and Beyond.
Proceedings of Robo-Philosophy 2018.
Andreas Hertle and Bernhard Nebel.
Identifying Good Poses When Doing Your Household Chores: Creation and Exploitation of Inverse Surface Reachability Maps.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017).
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In current approaches to combined task and motion planning, usually symbolic planning and sampling based motion-planning are integrated. One problem is here to come up with good samples. We address the problem of identifying useful poses for a robot close to working surfaces such as tables or shelves. Our approach is based on reachability inversion which answers the question: where should the robot be located in order to reach a certain object? We extend the concept from point-based objects to flat polygonal surfaces in order to enable the robot to have a a good grasping position for many objects. Our approach allows to quickly sample multiple distinct poses for the robot from an prior computed distribution. Further we show how sampling from an inverse reachability distribution can be integrated into a CTAMP system.
F. Burget, L.D.J. Fiederer, D.Kuhner, M.Völker, Johannes Aldinger, R.T. Schirrmeister, C.Do, J.Boedecker, Bernhard Nebel, T.Ball and W.Burgard.
Acting Thoughts: Towards a Mobile Robotic Service Assistant for Users with Limited Communication Skills.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR 2017), pp. 385-390.
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As autonomous service robots become more affordable and thus
available also for the general public, there is a growing need
for user friendly interfaces to control the robotic
system. Currently available control modalities typically expect
users to be able to express their desire through either touch,
speech or gesture commands. While this requirement is fulfilled
for the majority of users, paralyzed users may not be able to
use such systems. In this paper, we present a novel framework,
that allows these users to interact with a robotic service
assistant in a closed-loop fashion, using only thoughts. The
brain-computer interface (BCI) system is composed of several
interacting components, i.e., non-invasive neuronal signal
recording and decoding, high-level task planning, motion and
manipulation planning as well as environment perception. In
various experiments, we demonstrate its applicability and
robustness in real world scenarios, considering fetch-and-carry
tasks and tasks involving human-robot interaction. As our
results demonstrate, our system is capable of adapting to
frequent changes in the environment and reliably completing
given tasks within a reasonable amount of time. Combined with
high-level planning and autonomous robotic systems, interesting
new perspectives open up for non-invasive BCI-based human-robot
Felix Lindner, Martin Mose Bentzen and Bernhard Nebel.
The HERA Approach to Morally Competent Robots.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017).
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To address the requirement for autonomous moral decision making, we introduce a software library for modeling hybrid ethical reasoning agents (short: HERA). The goal of the HERA project is to provide theoretically well-founded and practically usable logic-based machine ethics tools for implementation in robots. The novelty is that HERA implements multiple ethical principles like utilitarianism, the principle of double effect, and a Pareto-inspired principle. These principles can be used to automatically assess moral situations represented in a format we call causal agency models. We discuss how to model moral situations using our approach, and how it can cope with uncertainty about moral values. Finally, we briefly outline the architecture of our robot IMMANUEL, which implements HERA and is able to explain ethical decisions to humans.
Barbara Kuhnert, Marco Ragni and Felix Lindner.
The Gap between Human's Attitute towards Robots in General and Human's Expectation of an Ideal Everyday Life Robot.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017).
Felix Lindner, Laura Wächter and Martin Mose Bentzen.
Discussions About Lying with an Ethical Reasoning Robot.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017).
Felix Lindner and Carola Eschenbach.
An Affordance-Based Conceptual Framework for Spatial Behavior of Social Robots.
Raul Hakli and Johanna Seibt (eds.),
Sociality and Normativity for Robots --- Philosophical Inquiries into Human-Robot Interactions.
Springer International Publishing 2017.
David Speck, Christian Dornhege and Wolfram Burgard.
Shakey 2016 - How Much Does it Take to Redo Shakey the Robot?
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2 (2), pp. 1203-1209. 2017.
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(PDF; Online)
Shakey the robot was one of the first autonomous
robots that showed impressive capabilities of navigation and mobile
manipulation. Since then, robotics research has made great
progress, showing more and more capable robotic systems for a
large variety of application domains and tasks. In this letter, we
look back on decades of research by rebuilding Shakey with modern
robotics technology in the open-source Shakey 2016 system.
Hereby, we demonstrate the impact of research by showing that
ideas from the original Shakey are still alive in state-of-the-art systems,
while robotics in general has improved to deliver more robust
and more capable software and hardware. Our Shakey 2016 system
has been implemented on real robots and leverages mostly
open-source software. We experimentally evaluate the system in
real-world scenarios on a PR2 robot and a Turtlebot-based robot
and particularly investigate the development effort. The experiments
documented in this letter demonstrate that results from
robotics research are readily available for building complex robots
such as Shakey within a short amount of time and little effort.
Felix Lindner and Martin Mose Bentzen.
The Hybrid Ethical Reasoning Agent IMMANUEL.
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2017), Late-Breaking Report.
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We introduce a novel software library that supports the implementation of hybrid
ethical reasoning agents (HERA). The objective is to make moral principles available
to robot programming. At its current stage, HERA can assess the moral permissibility
of actions according to the principle of double effect, utilitarianism, and the do-no-harm
principle. We present the prototype robot IMMANUEL based on HERA. The robot will
be used to conduct research on joint moral reasoning in human-robot interaction.
Felix Lindner.
How To Count Multiple Personal-Space Intrusions in Social Robot Navigation.
Proceedings of the Robo-Philosophy Conference 2016.
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One aspect of social robot navigation is to avoid personal space intrusions. Computationally, this can be achieved by
introducing social costs into a robot's path planner's objective function. This article tackles the normative question
of how robots should aggregate social costs incurred by multiple personal-space intrusions. Of particular interest is the
question whether numbers should count, i.e., whether a robot ought to intrude into one person's personal space in
order to aboid intruding into multiple personal spaces. This work proposes four different modes of aggregation of the
costs of intrusions into personal space, discusses some of the philosophical arguments, and presents results from a
pilot study.
Felix Lindner.
A Model of a Robot's Will Based on Higher-Order Desires.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016).
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Autonomous robots implement decision making capacities on several layers of abstraction. Put in terms of desires, decision making
evaluates desires to eventually commit to some most rational one. Drawing on the philosophical literature on volition and agency,
this work introduces a conceptual model that enables robots to reason about which desires they want to want to realize, i.e., higher-order
desires. As a result, six jointly exhaustive and pairwise disjoint types of choices are defined. Technical evaluation shows how
to add a robot's will to its rational decision-making capacity. This guarantees that informed choices are possible even in cases
rational decision making alone is indecisive. Further applications to modeling personality traits for human-robot interaction are discussed.
Dali Sun, Florian Geißer and Bernhard Nebel.
Towards Effective Localization in Dynamic Environments.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016).
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Localization in dynamic environments is still a challenging problem in robotics – especially if rapid and large changes
occur irregularly. Inspired by SLAM algorithms, our Bayesian approach to this so-called dynamic localization problem
divides it into a localization problem and a mapping problem, respectively. To tackle the localization problem we use
a particle filter, coupled with a distance filter and a scan matching method, which achieves a more robust localization
against dynamic obstacles. For the mapping problem we use an extended sensor model which results in an effective and precise
map update effect. We compare our approach against other localization methods and evaluate the impact the map update effect
has on the localization in dynamic environments.
Felix Lindner.
A Social Robot's Knowledge About Territories in Public Space.
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Public Space Human-Robot Interaction (PubRob 2016).
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Human territoriality is a microsocial phenomenon that displays the strong interrelations between action and space.
Actions are spatially located, and because spaces that afford certain activities are rare, humans claim portions of space
and restrict space access to particular agents. Thereby, they create territories. In public spaces, territories are
usually short-term yet bravely defended: E.g., the table in a restaurant, the place in a queue at the checkout, the seat in the train.
This abstract sketches a formal theory of territory. Its aim is to enable social robots to consider existing territories during decision making
and planning both in order to avoid intrusions of others' territories and to claim territories for their own benefit.
Christian Dornhege, Alexander Kleiner, Andreas Hertle and Andreas Kolling.
Multirobot Coverage Search in Three Dimensions.
Journal of Field Robotics 33 (4), pp. 537-558. 2016.
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Searching for objects and observing parts of a known environment efficiently is a fundamental problem in
many real-world robotic applications, e.g., household robots searching for objects, inspection robots searching
for leaking pipelines, and rescue robots searching for survivors after a disaster. We consider the problem of
identifying and planning sequences of sensor locations from which robot sensors can observe and cover complex
three-dimensional (3D) environments while traveling only short distances. Our approach is based on sampling
and ranking a large number of sensor locations for a 3D environment represented by an OctoMap. The visible
area from these sensor locations induces a minimal partition of the 3D environment that we exploit for planning
sequences of sensor locations with short travel times efficiently. We present multiple planning algorithms
designed for single robots and for multirobot teams. These algorithms include variants that are greedy, optimal,
or based on decomposing the planning problem into a set cover and traveling salesman problem. We evaluated
and compared these algorithms empirically in simulation and real-world robot experiments with up to four
robots. Our results demonstrate that, despite the intractability of the overall problem, computing and executing
effective solutions for multirobot coverage search in real 3D environments is feasible and ready for real-world
Armin Hornung, Sebastian Boettcher, Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle, Jonas Schlagenhauf and Maren Bennewitz.
Mobile Manipulation in Cluttered Environments with Humanoids: Itegrated Perception, Task Planning, and Action Execution.
Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS).
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To autonomously carry out complex mobile manipulation tasks, a robot control system has to integrate several components for perception, world modeling, action planning and replanning, navigation, and manipulation. In this paper, we present a modular framework that is based on the Temporal Fast Downward Planner and supports external modules to control the robot. This allows to tightly integrate individual sub-systems with the high-level symbolic planner and enables a humanoid robot to solve challenging mobile manipulation tasks. In the work presented here, we address mobile manipulation with humanoids in cluttered environments, particularly the task of collecting objects and delivering them to designated places in a home-like environment while clearing obstacles out of the way. We implemented our system for a Nao humanoid tidying up a room, i.e., the robot has to collect items scattered on the floor, move obstacles out of its way, and deliver the objects to designated target locations. Despite the limited sensing and motion capabilities of the low-cost platform, the experiments show that our approach results in reliable task execution by applying monitoring actions to verify object and robot states.
Nicolas Riesterer, Christian Becker-Asano, Julien Hué, Christian Dornhege and Bernhard Nebel.
The Hybrid Agent MARCO.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, pp. 80-81.
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We present MARCO, a hybrid, chess playing agent equipped with a custom-built robotic arm and a virtual agent’s face displaying emotions. MARCO was built to investigate the hypothesis that hybrid agents capable of displaying emotions make playing chess more personal and enjoyable. In addition, we aim to explore means of achieving emotional contagion between man and machine.
Christian Becker-Asano, Kai Oliver Arras and Bernhard Nebel.
Robotic Tele-presence with DARYL in the Wild.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Confernce on Human-Agent Interaction, pp. 91-95.
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This paper describes the results of a qualitative analysis of questionnaire data collected during a public exhibition of our robotic tele-presence system. In Summer 2013 the mildly humanized robot DARYL could be tried out by the general public during our University’s science fair in the city center. People were given the chance to communicate through the robot with their peers and to perceive the world through the “eyes” and “ears” of the robot by means of a head-mounted display with attached headphones. An operator’s voice was instanta- neously transmitted to the robot’s location and his or her head movements were tracked to enable direct, intuitive control of the robot’s head movements. Twenty-seven people were interviewed in a structured way about their impressions and opinions after having either operated or interacted with the tele-operated robot. A careful analysis of the acquired data reveals a rather positive evaluation of the tele-presence system and interesting opinions about suitable application areas. These findings may guide designers of robotic tele-presence systems, a research area of increasing popularity.
Christian Becker-Asano, Eduardo Meneses, Nicolas Riesterer, Julien Hué, Christian Dornhege and Bernhard Nebel.
The Hybrid Agent MARCO: A Multimodal Autonomous Robotic Chess Opponent.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Confernce on Human-Agent Interaction, pp. 173-176.
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We present MARCO, a hybrid, chess playing agent equipped with a custom-built robotic arm and a virtual agent’s face displaying emotions. MARCO was built to investigate the hypothesis that hybrid agents capable of displaying emo- tions make playing chess more personal and enjoyable. In addition, we aim to explore means of achieving emotional contagion between man and machine.
Dali Sun, Alexander Kleiner and Bernhard Nebel.
Behavior-based Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-14), pp. 1668-1673.
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Autonomous robot teams that simultaneously disatch transportation tasks are playing a more and more important role in the industry. In this paper we consider the multi-robot motion planning problem in large robot teams and present a decoupled approach by combining decentralized path planning methods and swarm technologies. Instead of a central coordination, a proper behavior which is directly selected according to the context is used by the robot to keep cooperating with others and to resolve path collisions. We show experimentally that the quality of solutions and the scalability of our method are significantly better than those of conventional decoupled path planning methods. Furthermore, compared to conventional swarm approaches, our method can be widely applied in large-scale environments.
Christian Becker-Asano, Severin Gustorff, Kai Oliver Arras and Bernhard Nebel.
On the Effect of Operator Modality on Social and Spatial Presence during Teleoperation of a Human-Like Robot.
Third Interantional Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction at AISB50.
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With an increasing availability of affordable and effective robotic telepresence systems, key questions in the design of such systems arise, in particular when they aim at untrained users. Previous research regarding telepresence systems has focused on the (mobile) robotic platforms themselves or the differences between virtual as compared to physical representations thereof. The design space of the operator interface, i.e., the operator modality, with its potential impact on presence, however, has not been explored systematically.
This paper reports results of an empirical study investigating how two different operator modalities impact the perceived spatial and social presence of operators in dyadic remote multi-modal interaction. The robot Daryl, used as telepresence medium in our study, features three degrees of freedom in its head unit as well as a stereo camera system. This enabled the transmission of a stereo, first-person perspective, which was used by the operator in combination with a head-mounted display whose movements were tracked to drive the robot’s head. Compared to a previously realized console-based operator interface, our results show significantly higher spatial as well as social presence for the head-mounted display modality while no significant difference in task performance was found. We conclude that for robotic telepresence platforms with mobile head units and stereo camera systems it seems advisable to use a head-mounted display as part of the teleoperation interface in order to provide operators with a particularly immersive remote presence experience.
Christian Becker-Asano, Felix Ruzzoli, Christoph Hölscher and Bernhard Nebel.
A Multi-Agent System based on Unity 4 for Virtual Perception and Wayfinding.
Transportation Research Procedia 2, pp. 425-455. 2014.
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We developed a multi-agent system that is based on the game engine Unity 4 and allows simulating three-dimensional (3D) way- finding behavior of up to 600 airport passengers at a simulation rate of 60 Hz on an average gaming PC. Virtual 3D perception algorithms are implemented so that the agents dynamically check their respective surroundings for visible signs. Each sign is annotated with the direction of one or more exits and with meta-information such as its readability. Thus, based on findings derived from cognitive science experiments, the agents are modeled to sometimes misinterpret this information. Otherwise, they interpret the sign relative to its location and are then steered into the corresponding direction. This simulation framework was also combined with the head-mounted display “Oculus Rift” to let experiment participants find their way in the Virtual Reality environment.
Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle and Bernhard Nebel.
Lazy Evaluation and Subsumption Caching for Search-Based Integrated Task and Motion Planning.
Proceedings of the IROS workshop on AI-based robotics.
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State of the art classical planning systems can efficiently solve large symbolic problem instances. Applying classical planning techniques to robotics is possible by in- tegrating geometric reasoning in the planning process. The problems that are solvable in this way are significantly smaller than purely logical formulations as many costly geometric calculations are requested by a planner. Therefore we aim to avoid those calculations while preserving correctness.
We address this problem with efficient caching techniques. Subsumption caching avoids costly computations by caching geometric queries and beyond answering the same queries also considers less or more constrained ones. Additionally, we describe a lazy evaluation technique that pushes applicability checks for successor states performing geometric queries to a later point. As we are interested in the performance of our planner not as a standalone component, but as part of an intelligent robotic system, we evaluate those techniques embedded in an integrated system during real-world mobile manipulation experiments.
Tim Niemueller, Nichola Abdo, Andreas Hertle, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Wolfram Burgard and Bernhard Nebel.
Towards Deliberative Active Perception using Persistent Memory.
Proceedings of the IROS workshop on AI-based robotics.
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Task coordination for autonomous mobile service robots typically involves a substantial amount of background knowledge and explicit action sequences to acquire the relevant information nowadays. We strive for a system which, given a task, is capable of reasoning about task-relevant knowledge to automatically determine whether that knowledge is sufficient. If missing or uncertain, the robot shall decide autonomously on the actions to gain or improve that knowledge. In this paper we present our baseline system implementing the foundations for these capabilities. The robot has to analyze a tabletop scene and increase its object type confidence. It plans motions to observe the scene from multiple perspectives, combines the acquired data, and performs a recognition step on the merged input.
Alper Aydemir, Andrzej Pronobis, Moritz Göbelbecker and Patric Jensfelt.
Active Visual Object Search in Unknown Environments Using Uncertain Semantics.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (4), pp. 986-1002. 2013.
Christian Dornhege, Alexander Kleiner and Andreas Kolling.
Coverage Search in 3D.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Safety Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR).
Andreas Hertle and Christian Dornhege.
Efficient Extensible Path Planning on 3D Terrain Using Behavior Modules.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR).
Bernhard Nebel, Christian Dornhege and Andreas Hertle.
How Much Does a Household Robot Need To Know In Order To Tidy
Up Your Home?
AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems.
AAAI Press 2013.
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Although planning for the tasks a household robot has to perform appears to be easy, there exists the problem that the robot is usually uncertain about the state of the household when starting to plan. For example, when getting the order of tidying up the kitchen, the robot does not know what objects it will have to put away and whether there are actually any objects that need to be put away. Furthermore, while sensing operations can provide more information about the environment, things can go wrong when executing an action.
In this paper, we try to identify conditions under which classical planning can be used in a replanning loop in order to solve the planning problem in nondeterminis- tic partially observable open domains. In particular, we will define completeness and soundness of replanning with respect to nondeterministic planning and we will identify a PSPACE-checkable condition that guarantees soundness.
Christian Becker-Asano, Severin Gustorff, Kai Oliver Arras, Kohei Ogawa, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Bernhard Nebel.
Robot embodiment, operator modality, and social interaction in tele-existence: a project outline.
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction, pp. 79-80.
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This paper outlines our ongoing project, which aims to investigate the effects of robot embodiment and operator modality on an operator’s task efficiency and concomitant level of copresence in remote social interaction. After a brief introduction to related work has been given, five research questions are presented. We discuss how these relate to our choice of the two robotic embodiments “DARYL” and “Geminoid F” and the two operator modalities “console interface” and “head-mounted display”. Finally, we postulate that the usefulness of one operator modality over the other will depend on the type of situation an operator has to deal with. This hypothesis is currently being investigated empirically using DARYL at Freiburg University.
Christian Dornhege and Andreas Hertle.
Integrated Symbolic Planning in the Tidyup-Robot Project.
AAAI Spring Symposium - Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI II.
AAAI Press 2013.
Christian Dornhege and Alexander Kleiner.
A Frontier-Void-Based Approach for Autonomous Exploration in 3D.
Advanced Robotics 27 (6). 2013.
Kai M. Wurm, Christian Dornhege, Cyrill Stachniss, Bernhard Nebel and Wolfram Burgard.
Coordinating Heterogeneous Teams of Robots using Temporal Symbolic Planning.
Autonomous Robots. 2013.
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(Online; DOI)
The efficient coordination of a team of heterogeneous robots is an important requirement for exploration, rescue, and disaster recovery missions. In this paper, we present a novel approach to target assignment for heterogeneous teams of robots. It goes beyond existing target assignment algorithms in that it explicitly takes symbolic actions into account. Such actions include the deployment and retrieval of other robots or manipulation tasks. Our method integrates a temporal planning approach with a traditional cost-based planner. The proposed approach was implemented and evaluated in two distinct settings. First, we coordinated teams of marsupial robots. Such robots are able to deploy and pickup smaller robots. Second, we simulated a disaster scenario where the task is to clear blockades and reach certain critical locations in the environment. A similar setting was also investigated using a team of real robots. The results show that our approach outperforms ad-hoc extensions of state-of-the-art cost-based coordination methods and that the approach is able to efficiently coordinate teams of heterogeneous robots and to consider symbolic actions.
Christian Becker-Asano and Hiroshi Ishiguro.
Intercultural Differences in Decoding Facial
Expressions of the Android Robot Geminoid F.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research 1 (3), pp. 215-231. 2012.
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As android robots become increasingly sophisticated
in their technical as well as artistic design, their
non-verbal expressiveness is getting closer to that of real
humans. Accordingly, this paper presents results of two
online surveys designed to evaluate a female android's facial
display of five basic emotions. Being interested in
intercultural differences we prepared both surveys in English,
German, as well as Japanese language, and we not only found
that in general our design of the emotional expressions
"fearful" and "surprised" (...)
Stefan Kohlbrecher, Karen Petersen, Gerald Steinbauer, Johannes Maurer, Peter Lepej, Suzana Uran, Rodrigo Ventura, Christian Dornhege, Andreas Hertle, Raymond Sheh and Johannes Pellenz.
Community-Driven Development of Standard Software Modules for Search and Rescue Robots.
Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR).
Christian Becker-Asano, Kai Oliver Arras, Bernhard Nebel and Hiroshi Ishiguro.
The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Social Tele-Embodiment.
IROS 2012 Workshop on Human-Agent Interaction.
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This paper outlines our approach to explore the impact of using two different robotic embodiments on an oper- ators ability to convey emotional and conversational nonverbal signals to a distant interlocutor. Although a human’s ability to produce and interpret complex, dynamic facial expressions is seen as an important factor for human-human social interac- tion, it remains controversial in humanoid/android robotics, whether recreating such expressiveness is really worth the technical challenge, or not. In fact, one way to avoid the risk of giving rise to uncanny feelings in human observers is to follow an abstract design for humanoid robots. This question is also relevant in the context of mediated interaction using tele-operation technology, as soon as robotic embodiments are involved. Thus, this paper presents our current project, in which we are comparing the efficiency of transmitting nonverbal signals by means of “Daryl” featuring an abstract, mildly humanized design, against that of “Geminoid F”, which features a highly anthropomorphic design. The ability of both of these robots to convey emotions by means of body movements has been successfully evaluated before, but using this ability to transmit nonverbal signals during remote conversation and comparing the resp. efficiencies has not yet been done.
Stephanie Embgen, Matthias Luber, Christian Becker-Asano, Marco Ragni, Vanessa Evers and Kai Oliver Arras.
Robot-Specific Social Cues in Emotional Body Language.
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN'12), pp. 1019-1025.
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Humans use very sophisticated ways of bodily emotion expression combining facial expressions, sound, gestures and full body posture. Like others, we want to apply these aspects of human communication to ease the interaction between robots and users. In doing so we believe there is a need to consider what abstraction of human social communicative behaviors is appropriate for robots. The study reported in this paper is a pilot study to not offer simulated emotion but to offer an abstracted robot version of emotion expressions (...)
Andreas Hertle, Christian Dornhege, Thomas Keller and Bernhard Nebel.
Planning with Semantic Attachments: An Object-Oriented View.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI).
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In recent years, domain-independent planning has been applied to
a rising number of real-world applications. Usually, the
description language of choice is PDDL. However, PDDL is not
suited to model all challenges imposed by real-world
applications. Dornhege et al. proposed semantic attachments to
allow the computation of Boolean fluents by external processes
called modules during planning. To acquire state information
from the planning system a module developer must perform manual
requests through a callback interface which is both
inefficient and error-prone.
In this paper, we present the Object-oriented Planning Language
OPL, which incorporates the structure and advantages of modern
object-oriented programming languages. We demonstrate how a
domain-specific module interface that allows to directly access
the planner state using object member functions is automatically
gen- erated from an OPL planning task. The generated
domain-specific interface allows for a safe and less error-prone
implementation of modules. We show experimentally that this
interface is more efficient than the PDDL-based module interface
of TFD/M.
Bernhard Nebel.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 45-47.
Springer 2012.
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Each practically meaningful service robot has a set of skills such as sensing and interpreting its environment, manipulating objects, moving around or communicating with humans. However, even if all these skills are implemented, there is still the problem of applying the right skill - or the right combination of skills - at the right point in time. One way to address this issue is to employ an action planner.
Paul-Gerhard Plöger, Kai Pervölz, Christoph Mies, Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Component Based Architecture for an Intelligent Mobile Manipulator.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 19-42.
Springer 2012.
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We describe the development of an architecture for the DESIRE technology demonstrator based on principles of classical component based software engineering. The architecture is directly derived from the project requirements and resides on the concept of an Autonomous Component utilizing a smart feedback value called WishLists. This return type is able to provide expert advice about the reasons of occurring failures and give hints for possible recovery strategies. This is of key importance to advance towards robustness. The integration of an AI task planner allows the realization of higher flexibility, dependability and capability during task execution and may resolve conflicts between occurring WishLists. Furthermore the necessity of a central system-state model (Eigenmodel), which represents the current state and configuration of the whole system at runtime, is explained and illustrated. We conclude with some lessons learned.
Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Proactive Continual Planning -- Deliberately Interleaving Planning and Execution in Dynamic Environments.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 65-75.
Springer 2012.
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In order to behave intelligently, artificial agents must be able to deliberatively plan their future actions. Unfortunately, realistic agent environments are usually highly dynamic and only partially observable, which makes planning computationally hard. For most practical purposes this rules out planning techniques that account for all possible contingencies in the planning process. However, many agent environments permit an alternative approach, namely continual planning, i. e. the interleaving of planning with acting and sensing.
This article presents a principled approach to continual planning that describes why and when an agent should switch between planning and acting. The resulting continual planning algorithm enables agents to deliberately postpone parts of their planning process and instead actively gather missing information that is relevant for the later refinement of the plan. To this end, the algorithm explictly reasons about the knowledge (or lack thereof) of an agent and its sensory capabilities. In order to enable proactive information gathering we introduce the concept of assertions into our planning language, i.e. abstract actions that can substitute yet unformed subplans in early planning phases.
To study our continual planning approach empirically we have developed MAPSIM, a simulation environment that automatically builds multiagent simulations from planning domain descriptions. In MAPSIM, agents can thus not only plan, but also execute their plans, perceive their environment, and interact with each other.While obviously such a simulation does not capture many aspect of a physical robot environment, it can be used for rapid prototyping of planning models for such environments.
Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Continual Multiagent Planning.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 77-97.
Springer 2012.
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In this article, we extend the Continual Planning approach presented in the preceding article to multiagent settings. In principle, the presence of other agents increases the dynamics and uncertainty of an environment. As a result, planning in such domains becomes computationally much harder. We argue, however, that collaborative agents can overcome this complexity by proactively striving to exchange knowledge and collaborating on subproblems. The article gives an overview about the planning language MAPL that enables agents to explicitly reason about their own and others’ sensory and communicative capabilities, their beliefs and mutual beliefs, and about the necessary conditions for joint behaviour. Based on this, we describe the Continual Collaborative Planning algorithm (CCP), a distributed algorithm for autonomous agents planning and acting in multiagent worlds. We then present empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our approach in a prototypical highly-dynamic multiagent system. Finally we discuss in depth several possible applications, e.g. the use of CCP in Human-Robot Interaction and in a robot able to extend its domain knowledge on-the-fly, i.e. while acting in the environment.
Christian Dornhege, Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller, Sebastian Trüg, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Semantic Attachments for Domain-Independent Planning Systems.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 99-115.
Springer 2012.
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Solving real-world problems using symbolic planning often requires a simplified formulation of the original problem, since certain subproblems cannot be represented at all or only in a way leading to inefficiency. For example, manipulation planning may appear as a subproblem in a robotic planning context or a packing problem can be part of a logistics task. In this paper we propose an extension of PDDL for specifying semantic attachments. This allows the evaluation of grounded predicates as well as the change of fluents by externally specified functions. Furthermore, we describe a general schema of integrating semantic attachments into a forward-chaining planner and report on our experience of adding this extension to the planners FF and Temporal Fast Downward. Finally, we present some preliminary experiments using semantic attachments.
Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich and Bernhard Nebel.
Task Planning for an Autonomous Service Robot.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.),
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments, pp. 117-124.
Springer 2012.
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In the DESIRE project, an autonomous robot capable of performing service tasks in a typical kitchen environment has been developed. The overall system consists of various loosely coupled subcomponents providing particular features like manipulating objects or recognizing and interacting with humans. To bring all these subcomponents together to act as monolithic system, a high-performance planning system has been implemented. In this paper, we present this system’s basic architecture and some advanced extensions necessary to cope with the various challenges arising in dynamic and uncertain environments like those a real world service robot is usually faced with.
Erwin Prassler, Johann Marius Zöllner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hägele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul-Gerhard Plöger and Ulrich Reiser (eds.).
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments.
Volume 76 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics.
Springer 2012.
Christian Becker-Asano.
Affective Computing Combined with Android Science.
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz Vol. 25, pp. 245-250. 2011.
Christian Dornhege and Alexander Kleiner.
A Frontier-Void-Based Approach for Autonomous Exploration in 3D.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR).
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We consider the problem of an autonomous robot searching for objects in unknown 3d space. Similar to the well known frontier-based exploration in 2d, the problem is to determine a minimal sequence of sensor viewpoints until the entire search space has been explored. We introduce a novel approach that combines the two concepts of voids, which are unexplored volumes in 3d, and frontiers, which are regions on the boundary between voids and explored space. Our approach has been evaluated on a mobile platform equipped with a manipulator searching for victims in a simulated USAR setup. First results indicate the real-world capability and search efficiency of the proposed method.
Alexander Kleiner, Dali Sun and D. Meyer-Delius.
ARMO: Adaptive Road Map Optimization for Large Robot Teams.
Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
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Autonomous robot teams that simultaneously dispatch transportation tasks are playing more and more an important role in present logistic centers and manufacturing plants. In this paper we consider the problem of robot motion planning for large robot teams in the industrial domain. We present adaptive road map optimization (ARMO) that is capable of adapting the road map in real time whenever the environment has changed. Based on linear programming, ARMO computes an optimal road map according to current environmental constraints (including human whereabouts) and the current demand for transportation tasks from loading stations in the plant. For detecting dynamic changes, the environment is describe by a grid map augmented with a hidden Markov model (HMM). We show experimentally that ARMO outperforms decoupled planning in terms of computation time and time needed for task completion.
Alexander Kleiner, A. Kolling, K. Sycara and M. Lewis.
Hierarchical Visibility for Guaranteed Search in Large-Scale Outdoor Terrain.
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS). 2011.
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Searching for moving targets in large environments is a challenging task that is relevant in several problem domains, such as capturing an invader in a camp, guarding security facilities, and searching for victims in large-scale search and rescue scenarios. The guaranteed search problem is to coordinate the search of a team of agents to guarantee the discovery of all targets. In this paper we present a self-contained solution to this problem in 2.5D real-world domains represented by digital elevation models (DEMs). We introduce hierarchical sampling on DEMs for selecting heuristically the close to minimal set of locations from which the entire surface of the DEM can be guarded. Locations are utilized to form a search graph on which search strategies for mobile agents are computed. For these strategies schedules are derived which include agent paths that are directly executable in the terrain. Presented experimental results demonstrate the performance of the method. The practical feasibility of our approach has been validated during a field experiment at the Gascola robot training site where teams of humans equipped with iPads successfully searched for adversarial and omniscient evaders. The field demonstration is the largest-scale implementation of a guaranteed search algorithm to date.
Q. Hamp, L. Reindl and Alexander Kleiner.
Lessons Learned from German Research for USAR.
Proc. of the IEEE Int. Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR).
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We present lessons learned in USAR research within the framework of the German research project I-LOV.
After three years of development first field tests have been carried out by professionals such as the
Rapid Deployment Unit for Salvage Operations Abroad (SEEBA). We present results from evaluating search
teams in simulated USAR scenarios equipped with newly developed technical search means and digital data input terminals developed in the I- LOV project.
In particular, the bioradar, a ground-penetrating radar system for the detection of humanoid movements, a semi-active video probe for rubble pile exploration of more than 10 m length, and the decision support system FRIEDAA were evaluated and compared with conventional search methods. Results of this evaluation indicate that the developed technologies foster advantages in USAR, which are discussed in this paper.
D. Meyer-Delius, M. Beinhofer, Alexander Kleiner and W. Burgard.
Reducing the Ambiguity in the Environment by Placing Artificial Landmarks to Improve Mobile Robot Localization.
Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
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Robust and reliable localization is a fundamental prerequisite for successful robot navigation. Although there exist many solutions to the localization problem, environments can be inherently ambiguous so that different robot locations cannot to be distinguished using the sensors of the robot. This is particularly critical in comercial environments, for example in warehouses, containing long corridors and symmetric structures. This ambiguity makes localization approaches more likely to diverge or even prevent the pose of the robot from being uniquely estimated at all. In this paper we propose the utilization of artificial landmarks to reduce the inherent ambiguity in the environment, and present an efficient, localization-oriented approach to landmark placement. Our approach provides us with both the location and number of landmarks to be placed in order to improve the localization performance of the robot in a given environment. Experimental results show that by intelligently placing the landmarks we can improve the localization performance of the robot.
Danijel Skocaj, Matej Kristan, Alen Vrecko, Marko Mahnic, Miroslav Janicek, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, Marc Hanheide, Nick Hawes, Thomas Keller, Michael Zillich and Kai Zhou.
A system for interactive learning in dialogue with a tutor.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011).
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In this paper we present representations and mechanisms that
facilitate continuous learning of visual concepts in dialogue
with a tutor and show the implemented robot system. We present
how beliefs about the world are created by processing visual
and linguistic information and show how they are used for
planning system behaviour with the aim at satisfying its
internal drive -- to extend its knowledge. The system
facilitates different kinds of learning initiated by the human
tutor or by the system itself. We demonstrate these principles
in the case of learning about object colours and basic shapes.
Alper Aydemir, Moritz Göbelbecker, Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö and Patric Jensfelt.
Plan-based Object Search and Exploration Using Semantic Spatial Knowledge in the Real World.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR 2011).
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In this paper we present a principled planner based
approach to the active visual object search problem in unknown
environments. We make use of a hierarchical planner that combines
the strength of decision theory and heuristics. Furthermore, our
object search approach leverages on the conceptual spatial
knowledge in the form of object cooccurences and semantic place
categorisation. A hierarchical model for representing object
locations is presented with which the planner is able to perform
indirect search. Finally we present real world experiments to show
the feasibility of the approach.
Moritz Göbelbecker, Alper Aydemir, Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö and Patric Jensfelt.
A Planning Approach to Active Visual Search in Large Environments.
Proceedings of the AAAI-11 Workshop on Automated Action Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots (PAMR).
Workshop version of the ECMR11 paper "Plan-based Object Search and Exploration Using Semantic Spatial Knowledge in the Real World".
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In this paper we present a principled planner based
approach to the active visual object search problem in unknown
environments. We make use of a hierarchical planner that combines
the strength of decision theory and heuristics. Furthermore, our
object search approach leverages on the conceptual spatial
knowledge in the form of object co-occurrences and semantic place
categorisation. A hierarchical model for representing object
locations is presented with which the planner is able to perform
indirect search. Finally we present real world experiments to show
the feasibility of the approach.
Marc Hanheide, Charles Gretton, Richard Dearden, Nick Hawes, Jeremy Wyatt, Andrzej Pronobis, Alper Aydemir, Moritz Göbelbecker and Hendrik Zender.
Exploiting Probabilistic Knowledge under Uncertain Sensing for Efficient Robot Behaviour.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011).
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Robots must perform tasks efficiently and reliably
while acting under uncertainty. One way to achieve efficiency is to
give the robot common-sense knowledge about the structure of the
world. Reliable robot behaviour can be achieved by modelling the
uncertainty in the world probabilistically. We present a robot system
that combines these two approaches and demonstrate the improvements in
efficiency and reliability that result. Our first contribution is a
probabilistic relational model integrating common-sense knowledge
about the world in general, with observations of a particular
environment. Our second contribution is a continual planning system
which is able to plan in the large problems posed by that model, by
automatically switching between decision-theoretic and classical
procedures. We evaluate our system on object search tasks in two
different real-world indoor environments. By reasoning about the
trade-offs between possible courses of action with different
informational effects, and exploiting the cues and general structures
of those environments, our robot is able to consistently demonstrate
efficient and reliable goal-directed behaviour.
A. Kolling, Alexander Kleiner, M. Lewis and K. Sycara.
Computing and Executing Strategies for Moving Target Search.
Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
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We address the problem of searching for moving targets in large outdoor environments represented by height maps. To solve the problem we present a complete system that computes from an annotated height map a graph representation and search strategies based on worst-case assumptions about all targets. These strategies are then used to compute a schedule and task assignment for all agents. We improve the graph construction from previous work and for the first time present a method that computes a schedule to minimize the execution time. For this we consider travel times of agents determined by a path planner on the height map. We demonstrate the entire system in a real environment with an area of 700,000m2 in which eight human agents search for two intruders using mobile computing devices (iPads). To the best of our knowledge this is the first demonstration of a search system applied to such a large environment.
R. Kümmerle, B. Steder, Christian Dornhege, Alexander Kleiner, G. Grisetti and W. Burgard.
Large Scale Graph-based SLAM using Aerial Images as Prior Information.
Autonomous Robots 30, pp. 25-39. 2011.
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The problem of learning a map with a mobile robot has been intensively studied in the past and is usually referred to as the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem. However, most existing solutions to the SLAM problem learn the maps from scratch and have no means for incorporating prior information. In this paper, we present a novel SLAM approach that achieves global consistency by utilizing publicly accessible aerial photographs as prior information. It inserts correspondences found between stereo and three-dimensional range data and the aerial images as constraints into a graph-based formulation of the SLAM problem. We evaluate our algorithm based on large real-world datasets acquired even in mixed in- and outdoor environments by comparing the global accuracy with state-of-the-art SLAM approaches and GPS. The experimental results demonstrate that the maps acquired with our method show increased global consistency.
Christian Dornhege, Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel.
Integrating Task and Motion Planning Using Semantic Attachments.
24th AAAI Workshop: Bridging the Gap Between Task and Motion Planning.
AAAI Press 2010.
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Solving real-world problems using symbolic planning often requires a simplified formulation of the original problem, since certain subproblems cannot be represented at all or only in a way leading to inefficiency. For example, manipulation planning may appear as a subproblem in a robotic planning context or a packing problem can be part of a logistics task. In this paper we propose an extension of PDDL for specifying semantic attachments. This allows the evaluation of grounded predicates, the change of fluents and the calculation of durations by externally specified functions. Furthermore, we describe a general schema of integrating semantic attachments into forward-chaining planning systems and report on our experience of adding this extension to the planner Temporal Fast Downward. Finally, we present some preliminary experiments using semantic attachments.
Wei Mou and Alexander Kleiner.
Online Learning Terrain Classification for Adaptive Velocity Control.
Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics
(SSRR 2010).
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Safe teleoperation during critical missions, such as urban search and rescue and bomb disposal, requires careful velocity control when different types of terrain are found in the scenario. This can particularly be challenging when mission time is limited and the operator’s field of view affected.
This paper presents a method for online adapting robot velocities according to the terrain classification from vision and laser readings. The classifier adapts itself to illumination variations, and can be improved online given feedback from the operator.
Nick Hawes, Marc Hanheide, Kristoffer Sjöö, Alper Aydemir, Patric Jensfelt, Moritz Göbelbecker, Michael Brenner, Hendrik Zender, Pierre Lison, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayov, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and Michael Zillich.
Dora The Explorer: A Motivated Robot.
Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010).
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Dora the Explorer is a mobile robot with a sense of
curios- ity and a drive to explore its world. Given an incomplete
tour of an indoor environment, Dora is driven by internal
motivations to probe the gaps in her spatial knowledge. She
actively explores regions of space which she hasn't previously
visited but which she expects will lead her to further unex-
plored space. She will also attempt to determine the cate- gories
of rooms through active visual search for functionally important
objects, and through ontology-driven inference on the results of
this search.
Andreas Kolling, Alexander Kleiner, Michael Lewis and Katia Sycara.
Solving Pursuit-Evasion Problems on Height Maps.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2010)
Workshop: Search and Pursuit/Evasion in the Physical World: Efficiency, Scalability, and Guarantees
(WSPE ICRA 2010).
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In this paper we present an approach for a pursuit-evasion problem that considers a 2.5d environment
represented by a height map. Such a representation is particularly suitable for large-scale outdoor
pursuit-evasion. By allowing height information we not only capture some aspects of 3d visibility but
can also consider target heights. In our approach we construct a graph representation of the environment
by sampling points and their detection sets which extend the usual notion of visibility. Once a graph
is constructed we compute strategies on this graph using a modification of previous work on graph-searching.
This strategy is converted into robot paths that are planned on the height map by classifying the terrain
appropriately. In experiments we investigate the performance of our approach and provide examples
including a map of a small village with surrounding hills and a sample map with multiple loops and
elevation plateaus. Experiments are carried out with varying sensing ranges as well as target and sensor
heights. To the best of our knowledge the presented approach is the first viable solution to 2.5d
pursuit-evasion with height maps.
Daniel Maier and Alexander Kleiner.
Improved GPS Sensor Model for Mobile Robots in Urban Terrain.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA 2010), pp. 4385-4390.
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Autonomous robot navigation in outdoor scenarios gains increasing importance
in various growing application areas. Whereas in non-urban domains such as deserts
the problem of successful GPS-based navigation appears to be almost solved,
navigation in urban domains particularly in the close vicinity of buildings is
still a challenging problem. In such situations GPS accuracy significantly drops
down due to multiple signal reflections with larger objects causing the so-called multipath error.
In this paper we contribute a novel approach for incorporating multi- path errors into the conventional
GPS sensor model by analyzing environmental structures from online generated point clouds. The approach
has been validated by experimental results conducted with an all- terrain robot operating in scenarios
requiring close- to-building navigation.
Presented results show that positioning accuracy can significantly be improved within urban domains.
Michael Brenner, Christian Plagemann, Bernhard Nebel, Wolfram Burgard and Nick Hawes.
Planning and Failure Detection.
Henrik Iskov Christensen, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and Jeremy L. Wyatt (eds.),
Cognitive Systems, pp. 223-264.
Springer 2010.
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The capacity for planful behavior is one of the major characteristics of an intelligent agent. When acting in realistic environments, however, reasoning about how to achieve one’s goals is complicated significantly, both by the limited perceptions of the agent and the high dynamics of the environment, especially when other intelligent agents are present. Fortunately, when acting continuously in such an environment, agents can actively try to reduce their uncertainties, for example by deliberative exploration, cooperation with others, and monitoring of failures.
Alexander Kleiner and Christian Dornhege.
Mapping for the Support of First Responders in Critical Domains.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (JINT), pp. 1-29. 2010.
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In critical domains such as urban search and rescue (USAR), and bomb disposal, the deployment of teleoperated robots is essential to reduce the risk of first responder personnel. Teleoperation is a difficult task, particularly when controlling robots from an isolated safety zone. In general, the operator has to solve simultaneously the problems of mission planning, target identification, robot navigation, and robot control. We introduce a system to support teleoperated navigation with real-time mapping consisting of a two-step scan matching method that re-considers data associations during the search. The algorithm processes data from laser range finder and gyroscope only, thereby it is independent from the robot platform. Furthermore, we introduce a user-guided procedure for improving the global consistency of maps generated by the scan matcher. Globally consistent maps are computed by a graph-based maximum likelihood method that is biased by localizing crucial parts of the scan matcher trajectory on a prior given geo-tiff image. The approach has been implemented as an embedded system and extensively tested on robot platforms designed for teleoperation in critical situations, such as bomb disposal. Furthermore, the system was evaluated in a test maze by first responders during the Disaster City event in Texas 2008.
Sören Schwertfeger, Adam Jacoff, Chris Scrapper, Johannes Pellenz and Alexander Kleiner.
Evaluation of Maps using Fixed Shapes: The Fiducial Map Metric.
Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS), pp. 344-351.
NIST 2010.
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Mapping is an important task for mobile robots. Assessing the quality of those maps is an open topic. A new approach on map evaluation is presented here. It makes use of artificial objects placed in the environment named "Fiducials". Using the known ground-truth positions and the positions of the fiducials identified in the map, a number of quality attributes can be assigned to that map. Depending on the application domain those attributes are weighed to compute a final score. During the 2010 NIST Response Robot Evaluation Exercise at Disaster City an area was populated with fiducials and different mapping runs were performed. The maps generated there are assessed in this paper demonstrating the Fiducial approach. Finally this map scoring algorithm is compared to other approaches found in literature.
A. Kolling, Alexander Kleiner, M. Lewis and and K. Sycara.
Pursuit-Evasion in 2.5d based on Team-Visibility.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS 2010), pp. 4610-4616.
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In this paper we present an approach for a pursuit-evasion problem that considers a 2.5d environment represented by a height map. Such a representation is particularly suitable for large-scale outdoor pursuit-evasion, captures some aspects of 3d visibility and can include target heights. In our approach we construct a graph representation of the environment by sampling points and computing detection sets, an extended notion of visibility. Moreover, the constructed graph captures overlaps of detection sets allowing for a coordinated team-based clearing of the environment with robots that move to the sampled points. Once a graph is constructed we compute strategies on it utilizing previous work on graph-searching. This is converted into robot paths that are planned on the height map by classifying the terrain appropriately. In experiments we investigate the performance of our approach and provide examples including a sample map with multiple loops and elevation plateaus and two realistic maps, one of a village and one of a mountain range. To the best of our knowledge the presented approach is the first viable solution to 2.5d pursuit-evasion with height maps.
Dali Sun, Alexander Kleiner and and C. Schindelhauer.
Decentralized Hash Tables For Mobile Robot Teams Solving Intra-Logistics Tasks.
Proceedings of the 9th Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2010), pp. 923-930.
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Although a remarkably high degree of automation has been reached in production and intra-logistics nowadays, human labor is still used for transportation using handcarts and forklifts. High labor cost and risk of injury are the undesirable consequences. Alternative approaches in automated warehouses are fixed installed conveyors installed either overhead or floor-based. The drawback of such solutions is the lack of flexibility, which is necessary when the production lines of the company change. Then, such an installation has to be re-built. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of decentralized teams of autonomous robots performing intra-logistics tasks using distributed algorithms. Centralized solutions suffer from limited scalability and have a single point of failure. The task is to transport material between stations keeping the communication network structure intact and most importantly, to facilitate a fair distribution of robots among loading stations. Our approach is motivated by strategies from peer-to-peer-networks and mobile ad-hoc networks. In particular we use an adapted version of distributed heterogeneous hash tables (DHHT) for distributing the tasks and localized communication. Experimental results presented in this paper show that our method reaches a fair distribution of robots over loading stations.
Marc Gissler, Christian Dornhege, Bernhard Nebel and Matthias Teschner.
Deformable Proximity Queries and their Application in Mobile Manipulation Planning.
Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2009), pp. 79-88.
AAAI Press 2009.
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We describe a proximity query algorithm for the exact minimum distance computation between arbitrarily shaped objects. Special characteristics of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm are employed in various stages of the algorithm. In the first stage, they are used to search for sub-mesh pairs whose convex hulls do not intersect. In the case of an intersection, they guide a recursive decomposition. Finally, they are used to derive lower and upper distance bounds in non-intersecting cases. These bounds are utilized in a spatial subdivision scheme to achieve a twofold culling of the domain. The algorithm does not depend on spatial or temporal coherence and is, thus, specifically suited to be applied to deformable objects. Furthermore, we describe its embedding into the geometrical part of a mobile manipulation planning system. Experiments show its usability in dynamic scenarios with deformable objects as well as in complex manipulation planning scenarios.
Alexander Kleiner, Chris Scrapper and Adam Jacoff.
RoboCupRescue Interleague Challenge 2009: Bridging the gap between Simulation and Reality.
Proceedings of the Int. Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems
(Permis 2009), pp. 123-129.
NIST 2009.
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Teleoperation is a difficult task, particularly when
controlling robots from an isolated operator station.
In general, the operator has to solve nearly blindly the problems of mission
planning, target identification, robot navigation, and robot control at the same time.
The goal of the proposed system is to support teleoperated navigation
with real-time mapping.
We present a novel scan matching technique that re-considers data
associations during the search, enabling robust pose estimation even under
varying roll and pitch angle of the robot enabling mapping
on rough terrain.
The approach has been implemented as an embedded system and extensively tested
on robot platforms designed for teleoperation in critical situations, such as bomb
the system has been evaluated in a test maze by first responders during
the Disaster City event in Texas 2008.
Finally, experiments conducted within different environments show that
the system yields comparably accurate maps in real-time when
compared to higher sophisticated offline methods, such as Rao-Blackwellized SLAM.
Alexander Kleiner and Christian Dornhege.
Operator-Assistive Mapping in Harsh Environments.
IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics
(SSRR 2009), pp. 1-6.
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Teleoperation is a difficult task, particularly when
controlling robots from an isolated operator station.
In general, the operator has to solve nearly blindly the problems of mission
planning, target identification, robot navigation, and robot control at the same time.
The goal of the proposed system is to support teleoperated navigation
with real-time mapping.
We present a novel scan matching technique that re-considers data
associations during the search, enabling robust pose estimation even under
varying roll and pitch angle of the robot enabling mapping
on rough terrain.
The approach has been implemented as an embedded system and extensively tested
on robot platforms designed for teleoperation in critical situations, such as bomb
the system has been evaluated in a test maze by first responders during
the Disaster City event in Texas 2008.
Finally, experiments conducted within different environments show that
the system yields comparably accurate maps in real-time when
compared to higher sophisticated offline methods, such as Rao-Blackwellized SLAM.
Rainer Kümmerle, Bastian Steder, Christian Dornhege, Michael Ruhnke, Giorgio Grisetti, Cyrill Stachniss and Alexander Kleiner.
On Measuring the Accuracy of SLAM Algorithms.
Autonomous Robots 27 (4), pp. 387-407. 2009.
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In this paper, we address the problem of creating an objective benchmark for evaluating SLAM approaches. We propose a framework for analyzing the results of a SLAM approach based on a metric for measuring the error of the corrected trajectory. This metric uses only relative relations between poses and does not rely on a global reference frame. This overcomes serious shortcomings of approaches using a global reference frame to compute the error. Our method furthermore allows us to compare SLAM approaches that use different estimation techniques or different sensor modalities since all computations are made based on the corrected trajectory of the robot.
We provide sets of relative relations needed to compute our metric for an extensive set of datasets frequently used in the robotics community. The relations have been obtained by manually matching laser-range observations to avoid the errors caused by matching algorithms. Our benchmark framework allows the user to easily analyze and objectively compare different SLAM approaches.
Geert-Jan Kruijff and Michael Brenner.
Phrasing Questions.
AAAI Spring Symposium on Agents that Learn from Human Teachers.
Wolfram Burgard, Cyrill Stachniss, Giorgio Grisetti, Bastian Steder, Rainer Kümmerle, Christian Dornhege, Michael Ruhnke, Alexander Kleiner and Juan D. Tardos.
A Comparison of SLAM Algorithms Based on a Graph of Relations.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009), pp. 2089-2095.
IEEE 2009.
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In this paper, we address the problem of creating
an objective benchmark for comparing SLAM approaches.
We propose a framework for analyzing the results of SLAM
approaches based on a metric for measuring the error of the
corrected trajectory. The metric uses only relative relations
between poses and does not rely on a global reference frame.
The idea is related to graph-based SLAM approaches in
the sense that it considers the energy needed to deform the
trajectory estimated by a SLAM approach to the ground
truth trajectory. Our method enables us to compare SLAM
approaches that use different estimation techniques or different
sensor modalities since all computations are made based on the
corrected trajectory of the robot. We provide sets of relative
relations needed to compute our metric for an extensive set
of datasets frequently used in the SLAM community. The
relations have been obtained by manually matching laser-range
observations. We believe that our benchmarking framework
allows the user an easy analysis and objective comparisons
between different SLAM approaches.
Rainer Kümmerle, Bastian Steder, Christian Dornhege, Alexander Kleiner, Giorgio Grisetti and Wolfram Burgard.
Large Scale Graph-based SLAM using Aerial Images as Prior Information.
Proceedings of 2009 Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS 2009).
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To effectively navigate in their environments and accurately
reach their target locations, mobile robots require a globally
consistent map of the environment. The problem of learning a map
with a mobile robot has been intensively studied in the past and
is usually referred to as the simultaneous localization and
mapping (SLAM) problem. However, existing solutions to the SLAM
problem typically rely on loop-closures to obtain global
consistency and do not exploit prior information even if it is
available. In this paper, we present a novel SLAM approach that
achieves global consistency by utilizing publicly accessible
aerial photographs as prior information. Our approach inserts
correspondences found between three-dimensional laser range
scans and the aerial image as constraints into a graph-based
formulation of the SLAM problem. We evaluate our algorithm based
on large real-world datasets acquired in a mixed in- and outdoor
environment by comparing the global accuracy with
state-of-the-art SLAM approaches and GPS. The experimental
results demonstrate that the maps acquired with our method show
increased global consistency.
Dali Sun, Alexander Kleiner and T. M. Wendt.
Multi-Robot Range-Only SLAM by Active Sensor Nodes for Urban Search and Rescue.
Robocup 2008: Robot Soccer World Cup XII, pp. 318-330.
Springer 2009.
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To jointly map an unknown environment with a team of autonomous robots is a challenging problem, particularly in large environments, as for example the devastated area after a disaster. Under such conditions standard methods for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) are difficult to apply due to possible misinterpretations of sensor data, leading to erroneous data association for loop closure. We consider the problem of multi-robot range-only SLAM for robot teams by solving the data association problem with wireless sensor nodes that we designed for this purpose. The memory of these nodes is utilized for the exchange of map data between multiple robots, facilitating loop-closures on jointly generated maps. We introduce RSLAM, which is a variant of FastSlam, extended for range-only measurements and the multi-robot case. Maps are generated from robot odometry and range estimates, which are computed from the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication). The proposed method has been extensively tested in USARSim, which serves as basis for the Virtual Robots competition at RoboCup, and by real-world experiments with a team of mobile robots. The presented results indicates that the approach is capable of building consistent maps in presence of real sensor noise, as well as to improve mapping results of multiple robots by data sharing.
Geert-Jan Kruijff, Michael Brenner and Nick Hawes.
Continual Planning for Cross-Modal Situated Clarification in
Human-Robot Interaction.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robots and
Human Interactive Communication
(RO-MAN 2008).
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Current robots do not fully understand the world they are
situated in, including what humans talk to them about. A fundamental
problem in robotics is thus how a robot can clarify such a lack of
understanding. This paper addresses the question of how a robot can
create a plan for resolving a need for clarification. This paper
characterizes situated clarification as an information need which may
arise in any sensory-motoric modality interpreting the situated
context of the robot, or any deliberative modality referring to that
context. The paper then focuses on how, once a clarification need has
been identified, the robot can create a plan in which one or more
modalities are involved in resolving it. Modalities are involved on
the basis of the types of information they can provide. These
information types are identified in the ontologies the modalities use
to interconnect their content with content of other modalities
("information fusion"). We take a continual approach to planning and
execution monitoring. This provides the abiltity to re-plan depending
on modality availability and success in resolving (part of) a
clarification need. We illustrate our implementation of this approach
with several examples from our system.
Armin Hornung and Dapeng Zhang.
On-Line Detection of Rule Violations in Table Soccer.
Andreas R. Dengel, Karsten Berns, Thomas M. Breuel, Frank
Bomarius and Thomas R. Roth-Berghofer (eds.),
Proceedings of the 31st Annual German Conference on AI (KI 2008), pp. 217-224.
Springer-Verlag 2008.
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In table soccer, humans can not always thoroughly observe fast actions
like rod spins and kicks. However, this is necessary in order to
detect rule violations for example for tournament play. We describe an
automatic system using sensors on a regular soccer table to detect
rule violations in realtime. Naive Bayes is used for kick
classication, the parameters are trained using supervised learning. In
the on-line experiments, rule violations were detected at a higher
rate than by the human players. The implementation proved its
usefulness by being used by humans in real games and sets a basis
for future research using probability models in table soccer.
Dapeng Zhang and Armin Hornung.
A Table Soccer Game Recorder.
Video Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2008).
Nice, France 2008.
and Video.
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Our table soccer robot can already challenge even professional
human players. Next, the robot should play games by using
human-like skills. As a foundation of this research, our table
soccer game recorder can save and replay games played by
humans. This video shows the construction and functionality of
the recording system.
We use three types of sensors mounted on a regular game table.
The movement of a game rod is measured by an optical distance
sensor. Its turning is observed by a magnetic rotary encoder.
Two laser measurement systems are synchronized to determine
the position of the ball. The raw sensor data is smoothed by
an approach using multi-model Kalman filter. We developed
several software modules for the system. The modules provide a
basis for the future research.
Dapeng Zhang.
Robot Plays Table-Soccer.
Proc. of Dagstuhl Seminar (08372), Computer Science in Sport - Mission and Methods 2008.
Presentation (in .ppt) .
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Our research focuses on learning approaches with robot KiRo. KiRo is
a table soccer robot which can challenge even advanced human
players. Previously, we developed a method using learning by imitation, by
which KiRo can automatically acquire the demonstrated actions. Recently, we
constructed a game-recorder which collects data from the human-played games.
The in-process work is about explaining the recorded data, which is to
classify and to evaluate human's skills. A brief overview of the previous
work is addressed, and the perspective is discussed.
Thilo Weigel and Bernhard Nebel.
Tischfußball: Mensch versus Computer.
Informatik Spektrum 31, pp. 323-332. 2008.
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Table soccer is much simpler than real soccer. Nevertheless, one
faces the same challenges as in all other robotics domains. Sensors
are noisy, actions must be selected under time pressure and the
execution of actions is often less than perfect.
KiRo and StarKick are two systems that have been built to play this
game against humans. These systems are interesting because they are
the first computerized physical games that are played on a level
competitive with experienced humans. Furthermore, these systems enable
us to evaluate different AI techniques in context, e.g., action
selection methods, as is shown in the paper.
Dapeng Zhang, Bernhard Nebel and Armin Hornung.
Switching Attention Learning - A Paradigm for Introspection and Incremental Learning.
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics
and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS 2008), pp. 99-104.
Linz, Austria 2008.
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Humans improve their sport skills by eliminating one recognizable
weakness at a time. Inspired by this observation, we
define a learning paradigm in which different learners can
be plugged together. An extra attention model is in charge
of iterating over them and chosing which one to improve
next. The paradigm is named Switching Attention Learning
(SAL). The essential idea is that improving one model in the
system generates more "improvement space" for the others.
Using SAL, an application for tracking the game ball in a
table soccer game-recorder is implemented. We developed
several models and learners which work together in the SAL
framework, producing satisfying results in the experiments.
The related problems, advantages, and perspective of the
switching attention learning are discussed in this paper.
Alexander Kleiner, G. Steinbauer and F. Wotawa.
Towards automated online diagnosis of robot navigation software.
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), pp. 159-170.
Springer 2008.
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Control software of autonomous mobile robots comprises a number of software modules that typically interact in a very complex way. Their proper interaction and the robustness of each single module strongly influences the safety during navigation in the field. Particularly in unstructured environments, unforeseen situations are likely to occur, causing erroneous behaviors of the robot. The proper handling of such situations requires an understanding of cause and effect within the complex interactions of the system. In this paper we present an approach which is able to automatically derive a model of the communication behavior within a component-orientated control software. The model can be used for online diagnosis in order to increase system robustness during runtime. We demonstrate model learning and system diagnosis on three different robot systems which were controlled by software modules communicating based on the widely used IPC (Inter Process Communication) standard. The demonstrated learning and diagnosis was carried out without any a priori knowledge about the systems.
Christian Dornhege and Alexander Kleiner.
Fully autonomous planning and obstacle negotiation on rough terrain using behavior maps.
Video Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS 2007).
San Diego, California 2007.
Dapeng Zhang and Bernhard Nebel.
Recording and Segmenting Table Soccer Games -- Initial Results.
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Skill Science 2007
2007), pp. 193-195.
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Robot KiRo can play one side of a table soccer game autonomously.
Our recent research focuses on learning from and acting against
human actions. Therefore recording and segmenting games played by
humans are motivated. In this paper, the construction of a table
soccer game recorder is sketched. An intuitive segmenting
algorithm is implemented to explore the properties of the recorded
data. A segmentation approach using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) is
Michael Brenner.
Situation-Aware Interpretation, Planning and Execution of User Commands by Autonomous Robots.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robots and
Human Interactive Communication
(ROMAN 2007).
Jeju, Korea 2007.
Nick Hawes, Aaron Sloman, Jeremy Wyatt, Michael Zillich, Henrik Jacobsson, Geert-Jan Kruijff, Michael Brenner, Gregor Berginc and Danijel Skocaj.
Towards an Integrated Robot with Multiple Cognitive Functions.
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI 2007).
Vancouver, Canada 2007.
Christian Dornhege and Alexander Kleiner.
Behavior maps for online planning of obstacle negotiation and climbing on rough terrain.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS 2007), pp. 3005-3011.
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To autonomously navigate on rough terrain is a challenging problem for mobile robots, requiring the ability to decide whether parts of the environment can be traversed or have to be bypassed, which is commonly known as Obstacle Negotiation (ON). In this paper, we introduce a planning framework that extends ON to the general case, where different types of terrain classes directly map to specific robot skills, such as climbing stairs and ramps. This extension is based on a new concept called behavior maps, which is utilized for the planning and execution of complex skills. Behavior maps are directly generated from elevation maps, i.e. two-dimensional grids storing in each cell the corresponding height of the terrain surface, and a set of skill descriptions. Results from extensive experiments are presented, showing that the method enables the robot to explore successfully rough terrain in real-time, while selecting the optimal trajectory in terms of costs for navigation and skill execution.
Alexander Kleiner and R. Kümmerle.
Genetic MRF model optimization for real-time victim detection in Search and Rescue.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS 2007), pp. 3025-3030.
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One primary goal in rescue robotics is to deploy a team of robots for coordinated victim search after a disaster. This requires robots to perform subtasks, such as victim detection, in real-time. Human detection by computationally cheap techniques, such as color thresholding, turn out to produce a large number of false-positives. Markov Random Fields (MRFs) can be utilized to combine the local evidence of multiple weak classifiers in order to improve the detection rate. However, inference in MRFs is computational expensive. In this paper we present a novel approach for the genetic optimizing of the building process of MRF models. The genetic algorithm determines offline relevant neighborhood relations with respect to the data, which are then utilized for generating efficient MRF models from video streams during runtime. Experimental results clearly show that compared to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classifier, the optimized MRF models significantly reduce the false-positive rate. Furthermore, the optimized models turned out to be up to five times faster then the non-optimized ones at nearly the same detection rate.
Alexander Kleiner and Christian Dornhege.
Real-time Localization and Elevation Mapping within Urban Search and Rescue Scenarios.
Journal of Field Robotics 24, pp. 723-745. 2007.
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Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) is a time critical task. Rescue teams have to explore a large terrain within a short amount of time in order to locate survivors after a disaster. One goal in Rescue Robotics is to have a team of heterogeneous robots that explore autonomously, or partially guided by an incident commander, the disaster area. Their task is to jointly create a map of the terrain and to register victim locations, which can further be utilized by human task forces for rescue. Basically, the robots have to solve autonomously in real-time the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), consisting of a continuous state estimation problem and a discrete data association problem. Extraordinary circumstances after a real disaster make it very hard to apply common techniques. Many of these have been developed under strong assumptions, for example, they require polygonal structures, such as typically found in office-like environments. Furthermore, most techniques are not deployable in real-time. In this paper we propose real-time solutions for localization and mapping, which all have been extensively evaluated within the test arenas of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). We specifically deal with the problems of vision-based pose tracking on tracked vehicles, the building of globally consistent maps based on a network of RFID tags, and the building of elevation maps from readings of a tilted Laser Range Finder (LRF). Our results show that these methods lead under modest computational requirements to good results within the utilized testing arenas.
Dapeng Zhang and Bernhard Nebel.
Learning a Table Soccer Robot a New Action Sequence by Observing and Imitating.
Proceedings of the Third Artificial Intelligence for
Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE
2007), pp. 61-67.
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Star-Kick is a commercially available and fully automatic
table soccer (foosball) robot, which plays table
soccer games against human players on a competitive
level. One of our research goals is to learn this table
soccer robot skillful actions similar to a human player
based on a moderate number of trials. Two independent
learning algorithms are employed for learning a
new lock and slide-kick action sequence by observing
the performed actions and imitating the relative actions
of a human player. The experiments with Star-Kick
show that an effective action sequence can be learned
in approximately 20 trials.
S. Balakirsky, S. Carpin, Alexander Kleiner, M. Lewis, A. Visser, J. Wang and V.A. Ziparo.
Towards heterogeneous robot teams for disaster mitigation: Results and Performance Metrics from Robocup Rescue.
Journal of Field Robotics 24, pp. 943-967. 2007.
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Urban Search And Rescue is a growing area of robotic research. The RoboCup Federation has recognized this, and has created the new Virtual Robots competition to complement its existing physical robot and agent competitions. In order to successfully compete in this competition, teams need to field multi-robot solutions that cooperatively explore and map an environment while searching for victims. This paper presents the results of the first annual RoboCup Rescue Virtual competition. It provides details on the metrics used to judge the contestants as well as summaries of the algorithms used by the top four teams. This allows readers to compare and contrast these effective approaches. Furthermore, the simulation engine itself is examined and real-world validation results on the engine and algorithms are offered.
V.A. Ziparo, Alexander Kleiner, L. Marchetti, A. Farinelli and and D. Nardi.
Cooperative Exploration for USAR Robots with Indirect Communication.
Proceedings of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous
Vehicles (IAV 2007).
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To coordinate a team of robots for exploration is a challenging problem, particularly in unstructured areas, as for example post-disaster scenarios where direct communication is severely constrained. Furthermore, conventional methods of SLAM, e.g. those performing data association based on visual features, are doomed to fail due to bad visibility caused by smoke and fire. We use indirect communication (based on RFIDs), to share knowledge and use a gradient-like local search to direct robots towards interesting areas. To share a common frame of reference among robots we use a feature based SLAM approach (where features are RFIDs). The approach has been evaluated on a 3D simulation based on USARSim.
Vittorio Ziparo, Alexander Kleiner, Bernhard Nebel and Daniele Nardi.
RFID-Based Exploration for Large Robot Teams.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2007), pp. 4606-4613.
Rome, Italy 2007.
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To coordinate a team of robots for exploration is a challenging problem, particularly in large areas as for example the devastated area after a disaster. This problem can generally be decomposed into task assignment and multi-robot path planning. In this paper, we address both problems jointly. This is possible because we reduce significantly the size of the search space by utilizing RFID tags as coordination points.
The exploration approach consists of two parts: a stand-alone distributed local search and a global monitoring process which can be used to restart the local search in more convenient locations. Our results show that the local exploration works for large robot teams, particularly if there are limited computational resources. Experiments with the global approach showed that the number of conflicts can be reduced, and that the global coordination mechanism increases significantly the explored area.
Geert-Jan Kruijff and Michael Brenner.
Modelling Spatio-Temporal Comprehension in Situated Human-Robot Dialogue as Reasoning About Intentions and Plans.
AAAI Spring Symposium on Intentions.
Michael Brenner, Nick Hawes, John Kelleher and Jeremy Wyatt.
Mediating Between Qualitative and Quantitative Representations for
Task-Orientated Human-Robot Interaction.
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2007).
Hyderabad, India 2007.
Alexander Kleiner, Christian Dornhege and Dali Sun.
Mapping disaster areas jointly: RFID -Coordinated SLAM by Humans and Robots.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security
and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2007), pp. 1-6.
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We consider the problem of jointly performing SLAM by humans and robots in Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) scenarios. In this context, SLAM is a challenging task. First, places are hardly re-observable by vision techniques since visibility might be affected by smoke and fire. Second, loop-closure is cumbersome due to the fact that firemen will intentionally try to avoid performing loops when facing the reality of emergency response, e.g.USAR, while they are searching for victims. Furthermore, there might be places that are only accessible to robots, making it necessary to integrate humans and robots into one team for mapping the area after a disaster. In this paper, we introduce a method for jointly correcting individual trajectories of humans and robots by utilizing RFID technology for data association. Hereby the poses of humans and robots are tracked by a PDR (Pedestrian Dead Reckoning), and slippage sensitive odometry, respectively. We conducted extensive experiments with a team of humans, and a human-robot team within a semi-outdoor environment. Results from these experiments show that the introduced method allows to improve single trajectories based on the joint graph, even if they do not contain any loop.
H. Kenn and Alexander Kleiner.
Towards the Integration of Real-Time Real-World Data in Urban Search and Rescue Simulation.
MobileResponse, pp. 106-115.
Springer 2007.
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The coordinated reaction to a large-scale disaster is a challenging research problem. The Robocup rescue simulation league addresses this research problem but is currently lacking an interface to real-world real-time data to test the validity of both simulation and simulated reactions. In this paper, we describe a wearable-computing-based real world interface to the Robocup Resuce simulation software and provide some updated results of preliminary evaluations.
Alexander Kleiner and Dali Sun.
Decentralized SLAM for Pedestrians without direct Communication.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS 2007), pp. 1461-1466.
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We consider the problem of Decentralized Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (DSLAM) for pedestrians in the context of Urban Search And Rescue (USAR). In this context, DSLAM is a challenging task. First, data exchange fails due to cut off communication links. Second, loop-closure is cumbersome due to the fact that fireman will intentionally try to avoid performing loops, when facing the reality of emergency response, e.g. while they are searching for victims. In this paper, we introduce a solution to this problem based on the non-selfish sharing of information between pedestrians for loop-closure. We introduce a novel DSLAM method which is based on data exchange and association via RFID technology, not requiring any radio communication. The approach has been evaluated within both outdoor and semi-indoor environments. The presented results show that sharing information between single pedestrians allows to optimize globally their individual paths, even if they are not able to communicate directly.
Alexander Kleiner, Johann Prediger and Bernhard Nebel.
RFID Technology-based Exploration and SLAM for Search And Rescue.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2006), pp. 4054-4059.
Beijing, China 2006.
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Robot search and rescue is a time critical task, i.e.
a large terrain has to be explored by multiple robots within
a short amount of time. The efficiency of exploration depends
mainly on the coordination between the robots and hence on the
reliability of communication, which considerably suffers under
the hostile conditions encountered after a disaster. Furthermore,
rescue robots have to generate a map of the environment which
has to be sufficiently accurate for reporting the locations of
victims to human task forces. Basically, the robots have to
solve autonomously in real-time the problem of Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping (SLAM).
This paper proposes a novel method for real-time exploration
and SLAM based on RFID tags that are autonomously distributed
in the environment. We utilized the algorithm of Lu
and Milios [8] for calculating globally consistent maps from
detected RFID tags. Furthermore we show how RFID tags can
be used for coordinating the exploration of multiple robots.
Results from experiments conducted in the simulation and
on a robot show that our approach allows the computationally
efficient construction of a map within harsh environments, and
coordinated exploration of a team of robots.
Alexander Kleiner, Christian Dornhege, Rainer Kuemmerle, Michael Ruhnke, Bastian Steder, Bernhard Nebel, Patrick Doherty, Mariusz Wzorek, Piotr Rudol, Gianpaolo Conte, S. Durante and D. Lundstrom.
RoboCupRescue - Robot League Team RescueRobots Freiburg (Germany), Team Description Paper.
CDROM Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '05.
Bremen, Germany 2006.
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This paper describes the approach of the RescueRobots Freiburg team,
which is a team of students from the University of Freiburg that originates from
the former CS Freiburg team (RoboCupSoccer) and the ResQ Freiburg team
(RoboCupRescue Simulation). Furthermore we introduce linkMAV, a micro aerial
vehicle platform.
Our approach covers RFID-based SLAM and exploration, autonomous detection
of relevant 3D structures, visual odometry, and autonomous victim identification.
Furthermore, we introduce a custom made 3D Laser Range Finder (LRF) and a
novel mechanism for the active distribution of RFID tags.
Alexander Kleiner and Vittorio Ziparo.
RoboCupRescue - Simulation League Team RescueRobots Freiburg (Germany), Team Description Paper.
CDROM Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '06.
Bremen, Germany 2006.
Christian Dornhege and Alexander Kleiner.
Visual Odometry for Tracked Vehicles.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2006).
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Localization and mapping on autonomous robots typically requires a good pose estimate, which is hard to acquire if the vehicle is tracked. In this paper we describe a solution to the pose estimation problem by utilizing a consumer-quality camera and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The basic idea is to continuously track salient features with the KLT feature tracker over multiple images taken by the camera and to extract from the tracked features image vectors resulting from the robot's motion. Each image vector is taken for a voting that best explains the robot's motion. Image vectors vote according to a previously trained ^\m2102tile coding^\m2112 classificator that assigns to each possible image vector a translation probability. Our results show that the proposed single camera solution leads to sufficiently accurate pose estimates of the tracked vehicle.
Alexander Kleiner, N. Behrens and H. Kenn.
Wearable computing meets multiagent systems: A real-world interface for the RoboCupRescue simulation platform.
First International Workshop on Agent Technology for Disaster Management at AAMAS06, pp. 116-123.
AAMAS Press 2006.
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One big challenge in disaster response is to get an overview over the degree of damage and to provide this information, together with optimized plans for rescue missions, back to teams in the field. Collapsing infrastructure, limited visibility due to smoke and dust, and overloaded communication lines make it nearly impossible for rescue teams to report the total situation consistently. This problem can only be solved by efficiently integrating data of ^\m2102many^\m2112 observers into a single consistent view. A Global Positioning System (GPS) device in conjunction with a communication device, and sensors or simple input methods for reporting observations, offer a realistic chance to solve the data integration problem. We propose preliminary results from a wearable computing device, acquiring disaster relevant data, such as locations of victims and blockades, and show the data integration into the RoboCupRescue Simulation platform, which is a benchmark for MAS within the RoboCup competitions. We show exemplarily how the data can consistently be integrated and how rescue missions can be optimized by solutions developed on the RoboCupRescue simulation platform. The preliminary results indicate that nowadays wearable computing technology combined with MAS technology can serve as a powerful tool for Urban Search and Rescue (USAR).
Thilo Weigel, Klaus Rechert and Bernhard Nebel.
Behavior Recognition and Opponent Modeling for Adaptive Table Soccer Playing.
U. Furbach (ed.),
KI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 28th Annual German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 335-350.
Springer-Verlag 2005.
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We present an approach for automatically adapting the behavior of an autonomous table soccer robot to a human opponent player. For this, basic actions are recognized as they are performed by the human player and charac- teristic action observations are used to establish a model of the opponent. Based on the model, the opponent’s playing skills are classified with respect to different levels of expertise and its particular offensive and defensive skills are assessed. In response to the knowledge about the opponent, the robot adapts the veloci- ties at which it attacks and defends in order to provide entertaining games for a wide range of human players with different playing skills. Experiments on two different table soccer robots validate our approach.
Alexander Kleiner, Michael Brenner, Tobias Braeuer, Christian Dornhege, Moritz Göbelbecker, Matthias Luber, Johann Prediger, Joerg Stueckler and Bernhard Nebel.
Successful Search and Rescue in Simulated Disaster Areas.
Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '05.
Osaka, Japan 2005.
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RoboCupRescue Simulation is a large-scale multi-agent simulation
of urban disasters where, in order to save lives and minimize damage, rescue
teams must effectively cooperate despite sensing and communication limitations.
This paper presents the comprehensive search and rescue approach of the ResQ
Freiburg team, the winner in the RoboCupRescue Simulation league at RoboCup
Specific contributions include the predictions of travel costs and civilian lifetime,
the efficient coordination of an active disaster space exploration, as well as
an any-time rescue sequence optimization based on a genetic algorithm.
We compare the performances of our team and others in terms of their capability
of extinguishing fires, freeing roads from debris, disaster space exploration, and
civilian rescue. The evaluation is carried out with information extracted from
simulation log files gathered during RoboCup 2004. Our results clearly explain
the success of our team, and also confirm the scientific approaches proposed in
this paper.
Alexander Kleiner, Bastian Steder, Christian Dornhege, Daniel Hoefler, Daniel Meyer-Delius, Johann Prediger, Joerg Stueckler, Kolja Glogowski, Markus Thurner, Matthias Luber, Michael Schnell, Rainer Kuemmerle, Timothy Burk, Tobias Braeuer and Bernhard Nebel.
RoboCupRescue - Robot League Team RescueRobots Freiburg (Germany), Team Description Paper.
CDROM Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '05.
Osaka, Japan 2005.
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This paper describes the approach of the RescueRobots Freiburg team.
RescueRobots Freiburg is a team of students from the university of Freiburg, that
originates from the former CS Freiburg team (RoboCupSoccer) and the ResQ
Freiburg team (RoboCupRescue Simulation).
Due to the high versatility of the RoboCupRescue competition we tackle the three
arenas by a a twofold approach: On the one hand we want to introduce robust
vehicles that can safely be teleoperated through rubble and building debris while
constructing three-dimensional maps of the environment. On the other hand we
want to introduce a team of autonomous robots that quickly explore a large terrain
while building a two-dimensional map. This two solutions are particularly wellsuited
for the red and yellow arena, respectively. Our solution for the orange arena
will finally be decided between these two, depending on the capabilities of both
approaches at the venue.
In this paper, we introduce some preliminary results that we achieved so far from
map building, localization, and autonomous victim identification. Furthermore
we introduce a custom made 3D Laser Range Finder (LRF) and a novel mechanism
for the active distribution of RFID tags.
1 Introduction
RescueRobots Freiburg is a team of students from the university of Freiburg. The team
originates from the former CS Freiburg team[6], which won three times the RoboCup
world championship in the RoboCupSoccer F2000 league, and the ResQ Freiburg team[2],
which won the last RoboCup world championship in the RoboCupRescue Simulation
league. The team approach proposed in this paper is based on experiences gathered at
RoboCup during the last six years.
Due to the high versatility of the RoboCupRescue competition we tackle the three
arenas by a twofold approach: On the one hand we want to introduce a vehicle that
can safely be teleoperated through rubble and building debris while constructing threedimensional
maps of the environment. On the other hand we want to introduce an autonomous
team of robots that quickly explore a large terrain while building a twodimensional
map. This two solutions are particularly well-suited for the red and yellow
arena, respectively. Our solution for the orange arena will finally be decided between
these two, depending on the capabilities of both approaches at the venue.
Michael Brenner, Nanda Wijermans, Timo Nuessle and Bart de Boer.
Simulating and Controlling Civilian Crowds in Robocup Rescue.
Osaka, Japan 2005.
Winner of the RoboCupRescue Infrastructure Competition 2005.
Thilo Weigel.
KiRo -- A Table Soccer Robot Ready for the Market.
Künstliche Intelligenz Heft 01/05. 2005.
Bernhard Nebel, Thilo Weigel and Joachim Koschikowski.
Tischfußball, Hockey oder dergleichen und Verfahren zur
automatischen Ansteuerung der an Stangen angeordneten
Spielfiguren eines Tischspielgeräts für Fußball-, Hockey- oder
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt Patent DE 102 12 475. 2005.
Thilo Weigel, Dapeng Zhang, Klaus Rechert and Bernhard Nebel.
Adaptive Vision for Playing Table Soccer.
S. Biundo, T. Frühwirth and G. Palm (eds.),
KI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 424-438.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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For real time object recognition and tracking often color-based methods
are used. While these methods are very ecient, they usually dependent
heavily on lighting conditions. In this paper we present a robust and ecient
vision system for the table soccer robot KiRo. By exploiting knowledge about
invariant characteristics of the table soccer game, the system is able to adapt to
changing lighting conditions dynamically and to detect relevant objects on the table
within a few milliseconds. We give experimental evidence for the robustness
and efficiency of our approach.
Moritz Tacke, Thilo Weigel and Bernhard Nebel.
Decision-Theoretic Planning for Playing Table Soccer.
S. Biundo, T. Frühwirth and G. Palm (eds.),
KI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 213-225.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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Table soccer (also called foosball) is much simpler than real soccer.
Nevertheless, one faces the same challenges as in all other robotics domains.
Sensors are noisy, actions must be selected under time pressure and the execution
of actions is often less than perfect. One approach to solve the action selection
problem in such a context is decision-theoretic planning, i.e., identifying the action
that gives the maximum expected utility. In this paper we present a decisiontheoretic
planning system suited for controlling the behavior of a table soccer
robot. The system employs forward-simulation for estimating the expected utility
of alternative action sequences. As demonstrated in experiments, this system
outperforms a purely reactive approach in simulation. However, this superiority
of the approach did not extend to the real soccer table.
Bernhard Nebel.
Formal Methods in Robotics.
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 9th European Conference (JELIA 2004), p. 4.
Springer-Verlag 2004.
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(Online; DOI)
AI research in robotics started out with the hypothesis that logical modelling and reasoning plays a key role. This assumption was seriously questioned by behaviour-based and “Nouvelle AI” approaches. The credo by this school of thinking is that explicit modelling of the environment and reasoning about it is too brittle and computationally too expensive. Instead a purely reactive approach is favoured.
Bernhard Nebel and Yulia Babovitch-Lierler.
When Are Behaviour Networks Well-Behaved?
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), pp. 672-676.
IOS Press 2004.
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Agents operating in the real world have to deal with a
constantly changing and only partially predictable environment and
are nevertheless expected to choose reasonable actions quickly. This
problem is addressed by a number of action-selection mechanisms.
Behaviour networks as proposed by Maes are one such mechanism,
which is quite popular. In general, it seems not possible to predict
when behaviour networks are well-behaved. However, they perform
quite well in the robotic soccer context. In this paper, we analyse the
reason for this success by identifying conditions that make behaviour
networks goal converging, i.e., force them to reach the goals regardless
of the details of the action selection scheme. In terms of STRIPS
domains one could talk of self-solving planning domains.
Timo Nuessle, Alexander Kleiner and Michael Brenner.
Approaching Urban Disaster Reality: The ResQ Firesimulator.
Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '04.
Lisbon, Portugal 2004.
Alexander Kleiner, Michael Brenner, Tobias Braeuer, Christian Dornhege, Moritz Göbelbecker, Matthias Luber, Johann Prediger and Joerg Stueckler.
ResQ Freiburg: Team Description and Evaluation, Team Description Paper, Rescue Simulation League.
CDROM Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '04.
Lisbon, Portugal 2004.
Erik Schulenburg, Thilo Weigel and Alexander Kleiner.
Self-Localization in Dynamic Environments based on Laser and Vision
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'03), pp. 998-1004.
Las Vegas, USA 2003.
Alankar Karol, Bernhard Nebel, Christopher Stanton and Mary-Anne
Case Based Game Play in the RoboCup Four-Legged League: Part
I The Theoretical Model.
RoboCup Symposium 2003, pp. 739-747.
Padova, Italy 2003.
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Robot Soccer involves planning at many levels, and in this paper we develop high level planning strategies for robots playing in the RoboCup FourLegged League using case based reasoning. We develop a framework for developing and choosing game plays. Game plays are widely used in many team sports e.g. soccer, hockey, polo, and rugby. One of the current challenges for robots playing in the RoboCup Four-Legged League is choosing the right behaviour in any game situation. We argue that a flexible theoretical model for using case based reasoning for game plays will prove useful in robot soccer. Our model supports game play selection in key game situations which should in turn significantly advantage the team.
Alexander Kleiner and Thorsten Buchheim.
A Plugin-Based Architecture For Simulation In The F2000 League.
Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '03.
Padova, Italy 2003.
Bernhard Nebel.
The Philosophical Soccer Player.
Proceedings of the Eights International Conference on Principles and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-02), p. 631.
Dr. Ansgar Bredenfeld and Thilo Weigel.
Kickende Computer.
c't 13/2002, p. 86. 2002.
Markus Jäger and Bernhard Nebel.
Dynamic Decentralized Area Partitioning for Cooperating Cleaning Robots.
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If multiple cleaning robots are used to cooperatively clean a larger
room, e.g., an airport, the room must be partitioned among the
robots. This paper describes a dynamic and decentralized method to
partition a certain area among multiple robots. The area is divided
into polygons, which are allocated by the robots. After a robot has
allocated a certain polygon, it is responsible for cleaning the
polygon. The method described in this paper does not need any global
synchronization and does not require a global communication network.
Alexander Kleiner, Markus Dietl and Bernhard Nebel.
Towards a Life-Long Learning Soccer Agent.
Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '02.
Fukuoka, Japan 2002.
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One problem in robotic soccer (and in robotics in general) is to adapt
skills and the overall behavior to a changing environment and to hardware
improvements. We applied hierarchical reinforcement learning in an SMDP
framework learning on all levels simultaneously. As our experiments show,
learning simultaneously on the skill level and on the skill selection level
is advantageous since it allows for a smooth adaption to a changing
environment. Furthermore, the skills we trained turn also out to be quite
competitive when run on the real robotic players of the players of our
CS Freiburg team.
Bernhard Nebel.
Helfer aus dem Stadion.
Gehirn & Geist Nr. 1/2002, pp. 6-8. 2002.
Bernhard Nebel.
Fußball und Künstliche Intelligenz: Vom Denken zum Handeln.
Künstliche Intelligenz Heft 1/02. 2002.
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Nachdem die deutsche Nationalelf sich schließlich doch noch für die Teilnahme an der Weltmeisterschaft qualifiziert hat, ist der KI-Forschergemeinde eine große Bürde abgenommen worden. Es sind jetzt nicht mehr nur die deutschen Roboterfußballspieler, die nächstes Jahr die deutsche Fußballehre im Land der aufgehenden Sonne verteidigen müssen.
Aber wie kommt es, dass sich ernsthafte Forscher mit einem Spiel wie Fußball auseinandersetzen? Wir wollen hier versuchen, eine Antwort auf diese Frage zu finden.
Thilo Weigel and Bernhard Nebel.
KiRo - An Autonomous Table Soccer Player.
Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium '02.
Fukuoka, Japan 2002.
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This paper presents the table soccer game as a new domain for the
research in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence. A
system capable of playing table soccer on a competitive level and in
a fully autonomous way is described. It can serve a human both as a
teammate and an opponent but also allows for matches between two
artificial players. As the presented system can be utilized for
various purposes it is an attractive innovation for research,
education and entertainment.
Thilo Weigel, Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Markus Dietl, Alexander Kleiner and Bernhard Nebel.
CS Freiburg: Coordinating Robots for Successful Soccer Playing.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 18 (5), pp. 685-699. 2002.
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Robotic soccer is a challenging research domain because many
different research areas have to be addressed in order to create a
successful team of robot players. This paper presents the CS
Freiburg team, the winner in the middle size league at RoboCup
1998, 2000 and 2001. The paper focuses on multi-agent coordination
for both perception and action. The contributions of this work are
new methods for tracking ball and players observed by multiple
robots, team coordination methods for strategic team formation and
dynamic role assignment, a rich set of basic skills allowing to
respond to large range of situations in an appropriate way, an
action selection method based on behavior networks as well as a
method to learn the skills and their selection. As demonstrated by
evaluations of the different methods and by the success of the team,
these methods permit the creation of a multi-robot group, which is
able to play soccer successfully. In addition, the developed methods
promise to advance the state of the art in the multi-robot field.
Reinhard Moratz and Bernhard Nebel.
Sichtweisen der kognitiven Robotik.
Künstliche Intelligenz 15 (3), p. 71. 2001.
Minoru Asada, Tucker Balch, Raffaelo D'Andrea, Masahiro
Fujita, Bernhard Hengst, Gerhard Kraetzschmar, Pedro Lima, Nuno
Lau, Henrik Lund, Daniel Polani, Paul Scerri, Satoshi Tadokoro, Thilo Weigel and Gordon Wyeth.
RoboCup-2000: The Fourth Robotic Soccer World Championships.
AI Magazine 22 (1), pp. 11-38. 2001.
Markus Dietl, Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Bernhard Nebel.
Cooperative Sensing in Dynamic Environments.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2001).
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This work presents methods for tracking
objects from noisy and unreliable data taken by a team of robots. We
develop a multiobject tracking algorithm based on Kalman filtering
and a singleobject tracking method involving a combination of Kalman
filtering and Markov localization for outlier detection. We apply
these methods in the context of robot soccer for robots participating
in the middlesize league and compare them to a simple averaging
method. Results including situations from real competition games are
Markus Dietl, Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Bernhard Nebel.
CS Freiburg: Global View by Cooperative Sensing.
International RoboCup Symposium 2001.
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Global vision systems as found in the small size league are prohibited
in the middle size league. This paper presents methods for creating a
global view of the world by cooperative sensing of a team of
robots. We develop a multiobject tracking algorithm based on Kalman
filtering and a singleobject tracking method involving a combination
of Kalman filtering and Markov localization for outlier detection. We
apply these methods for robots participating in the middlesize league
and compare them to a simple averaging method. Results including
situations from real competition games are presented.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Thilo Weigel and Bernhard Nebel.
A Fast, Accurate, and Robust Method for Self-Localization in
Polygonal Environments Using Laser-Range-Finders.
Advanced Robotics 14 (8), pp. 651-668. 2001.
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Self-localization is important in almost all robotic tasks. For playing an
aesthetic and effective game of robotic soccer, self-localization is a
necessary prerequisite. When we designed our robotic soccer team for
participating in robotic soccer competitions, it turned out that all
existing approaches did not meet our requirements of being fast, accurate,
and robust. For this reason, we developed a new method, which is presented
and analyzed in this paper. This method is one of the key components and is
probably one of the explanations for the success of our team in national and
international competitions. We present also experimental evidence that our
method outperforms other self-localization methods in the RoboCup
Guido Isekenmeier, Bernhard Nebel and Thilo Weigel.
Evaluation of the Performance of CS Freiburg 1999 and CS
Freiburg 2000.
International RoboCup Symposium 2001.
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One of the questions one may ask when following research in robotic soccer
is whether there is a measurable progress over the years in the robotic
leagues. While everybody who has followed the games from 1997 to 2000 would
agree that the robotic soccer players in the F2000 league have improved
their playing skills, there is no hard evidence to justify this opinion. We
tried to identify a number of criteria that measure the ability to play
robotic soccer and analyzed all the games CS Freiburg played at RoboCup 1999
and 2000. As it turns out, for almost all criteria, there is a statistically
significant increase for CS Freiburg and the opponent teams
demonstrating that the level of play has indeed increased from 1999
to 2000.
Markus Jäger and Bernhard Nebel.
Decentralized Collision Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, and
Deadlock Resolution for Multiple Mobile Robots.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2001).
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This paper describes a method for coordinating the independently
planned trajectories of multiple mobile robots to avoid collisions and
deadlocks among them. Whenever the distance between two robots drops
be low a certain value, they exchange information about their planned
trajectories and determine whether they are in danger of a
collision. If a possible collision is detected, they monitor their
movements and, if necessary, insert idle times between certain
segments of their trajectories in or der to avoid the collision.
Deadlocks among two or more robots occur if a number of robots block
each other in a way such that none of them is able to continue along
its trajectory without causing a collision. These deadlocks are
reliably detected. After a deadlock is detected, the trajectory
planners of each of the involved robots are successively asked to plan
an alternative trajectory until the deadlock is resolved. We use a
combination of three fully distributed algo rithms to reliably solve
the task. They do not use any global synchronization and do not
interfere with each other.
Bernhard Nebel.
Cooperating Physical Robots: A Lesson in Playing Robotic
M. Luck, V. Marik, O. Stepankova and R. Trappl (eds.),
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications, pp. 404-414.
Springer-Verlag 2001.
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Having a robot that carries out a task for you is certainly of some help.
Having a group of robots seems to be even better because in this case the
task may be finished faster and more reliably. However, dealing with a
group of robots can make some problems more difficult. In this paper we
sketch some of the advantages and some problems that come up when
dealing with groups of robots. In particular, we describe techniques
as they have been developed and tested in the area of robotic soccer.
Thilo Weigel, Willi Auerbach, Markus Dietl, Burkhard Dümler, Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Kornel Marko, Klaus Müller, Bernhard Nebel, Boris Szerbakowski and Maximilian Thiel.
CS Freiburg: Doing the Right Thing in a Group.
P. Stone, G. Kraetzschmar and T. Balch (eds.),
RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, pp. 52-63.
Springer-Verlag 2001.
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The success of CS Freiburg at RoboCup 2000 can be attributed to an
effective cooperation between players based on sophisticated soccer
skills and a robust and accurate self-localization method. In this
paper, we present our multi-agent coordination approach for both,
action and perception, and our rich set of basic skills which allow
to respond to a large range of situations in an appropriate way.
Furthermore our action selection method based on an extension to
behavior networks is described. Results including statistics from CS
Freiburg final games at RoboCup 2000 are presented.
Thilo Weigel, Alexander Kleiner, Florian Diesch, Markus Dietl, Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Bernhard Nebel, Patrick Stiegeler and Boris Szerbakowski.
CS Freiburg 2001.
International RoboCup Symposium 2001.
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The CS Freiburg team has become F2000 champion the third time in the
history of RoboCup. The success of our team can probably be
attributed to its robust sensor interpretation and its team play. In
this paper, we will focus on new developments in our vision system,
in our path planner, and in the cooperation component.
Thilo Weigel, Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Bernhard Nebel, Klaus Müller and Markus Dietl.
CS Freiburg: Sophisticated Skills and Effective Cooperation.
Proc. European Control Conference (ECC-01).
Porto, Portugal 2001.
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The success of CS Freiburg at RoboCup 2000 can be attributed
to a robust and accurate perception approach and an effec
tive cooperation between players based on sophisticated soc
cer skills. In this paper, we present our multiagent coordi
nation approach for both, action and perception, and our rich
set of basic skills which allow to respond to a large range of
situations in an appropriate way. Furthermore, our action se
lection method based on an extension to behavior networks is
described. Results including statistics from CS Freiburg final
games at RoboCup 2000 are presented.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Thilo Weigel and Bernhard Nebel.
Fast, Accurate, and Robust Self-Localization in the RoboCup Environment.
Manuela M. Veloso, Enrico Pagello and Hiroaki Kitano (eds.),
RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III, pp. 304-317.
Springer 2000.
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Self-localization is important in almost all robotic tasks. For playing an aesthetic and effective game of robotic soccer, self-localization is a necessary prerequisite. When we designed our robotic soccer team for RoboCup’98, it turned out that all existing approaches did not meet our requirements of being fast, accurate, and robust. For this reason, we developed a new method, which is presented and analyzed in this paper. We additionally present experimental evidence that our method outperforms other methods in the RoboCup environment.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Wolfgang Hatzack, Immanuel Herrmann, Bernhard Nebel, Frank Rittinger, Augustinus Topor and Thilo Weigel.
The CS Freiburg Team: Playing Robotic Soccer Based on an
Explicit World Model.
AI Magazine 21 (1), pp. 37-46. 2000.
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Robotic soccer is an ideal task to demonstrate new techniques and to explore
new problems. Moreover, problems and solutions can be easily communicated
because soccer is a well-known game. Our intention in building a robotic
soccer team and participating in RoboCup'98 was, first of all, to
demonstrate the usefulness of the self-localization methods we have
developed. Secondly, we wanted to show that playing soccer based on an
explicit world model is much more effective than other methods. Thirdly, we
intended to explore the problem of building and maintaining a global team
world model. As has been demonstrated by the performance of our team, we
were successful on the first two points. Moreover, robotic soccer gave us
the opportunity to study problems in distributed, cooperative sensing.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Bernhard Nebel and Christian Reetz.
CS Freiburg: Architektur und Aktionsauswahl im
Proc. AMS-2000.
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Roboterfußball ist ein wissenschaftliches
anspruchsvolles Forschungsproblem, das erfordert, Probleme aus den
Bereichen Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz und Multi-Agenten-Systeme zu
lösen und die Lösungen in einem System zu integrieren, um ein
erfolgreiches Roboterfußballteam zu kreieren. In diesem Papier
beschreiben wir die Schlüsselkomponenten des CS Freiburg
Teams. Dabei fokussieren wir auf die Selbstlokalisation und
Objekterkennungsmethoden und die Integration aller Information in ein
globales Weltmodell. Basierend auf diesem Weltmodell werden dann
Aktionsselektion, Pfadplanung und Kooperation realisiert. Das
resultierende System ist äußerst erfolgreich und hat bisher lediglich
ein Spiel in einem Wettbewerb verloren.
Bernhard Nebel and Thilo Weigel.
The CS Freiburg 2000 Team.
Fourth International Workshop on RoboCup.
Melbourne, Australia 2000.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Thilo Weigel and Bernhard Nebel.
Fast, Accurate, and Robust Self-Localization in Polygonal
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '99).
Kyongju, Korea 1999.
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(preliminary version; PDF)
Self-localization is important in almost all robotic tasks. For playing an
aesthetic and effective game of robotic soccer, self-localization is a
necessary prerequisite. When we designed our robotic soccer team for
RoboCup'98, it turned out that all existing approaches did not meet our
requirements of being fast, accurate, and robust. For this reason, we
developed a new method, which is presented and analyzed in this paper. We
additionally present experimental evidence that our method outperforms
other methods in the RoboCup environment.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Wolfgang Hatzack, Immanuel Herrmann, Bernhard Nebel, Frank Rittinger, Augustinus Topor, Thilo Weigel and Bruno Welsch.
The CS Freiburg Robotic Soccer Team: Reliable
Self-Localization, Multirobot Sensor Integration, and Basic Soccer
M. Asada (ed.),
RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II, pp. 93-108.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1999.
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Robotic soccer is a challenging research domain because problems in
robotics, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems and real-time
reasoning have to be solved in order to create a successful team of
robotic soccer players. In this paper, we describe the key
components of the CS Freiburg team. We focus on the
self-localization and object recognition method based on using laser
range finders and the integration of all this information into a
global world model. Using the explicit model of the environment
built by these components, we have implemented path planning, simple
ball handling skills and basic multi-agent cooperation. The
resulting system is a very successful robotic soccer team, which has
not lost any game yet.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Wolfgang Hatzack, Immanuel Herrmann, Bernhard Nebel, Frank Rittinger, Augustinus Topor and Thilo Weigel.
Reliable Self-Localization, Multirobot Sensor Integration,
Accurate Path-Planning and Basic Soccer Skills: Playing an
Effective Game of Robotic Soccer.
Nineth International Conference on Advanced Robotics
(ICAR 1999).
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Robotic soccer is a challenging research domain because problems in
robotics, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems and real-time
reasoning have to be solved in order to create a successful team of
robotic soccer players. In this paper, we describe the key
components of the CS Freiburg team. We focus on the
self-localization and object recognition method based on using laser
range finders and the integration of all this information into a
global world model. Using the explicit model of the environment
built by these components, we have implemented path planning, simple
ball handling skills and basic multi-agent cooperation. The
resulting system is a very successful robotic soccer team, which has
not lost any official game yet.
Bernhard Nebel, Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Wolfgang Hatzack.
The CS Freiburg '99 Team.
Third International Workshop on RoboCup.
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Based on the design of the CS Freiburg team, which participated successfully
in Robocup'98, we developed a new team of robotic soccer players. While the
hardware components and software architecture remained mainly unchanged, we
invested some effort to improve the sensor data gathering and
interpretation, the tactical components and the behavior-based control
module. The main goal is to enable the players to act in a truly cooperative
style which leads, for instance, to passing the ball from one player to
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox and Kurt Konolige.
An Experimental Comparison of Localization Methods.
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS 98).
Victoria, Canada 1998.
Bernhard Nebel, Wolfgang Hatzack, Thilo Weigel, Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Immanuel Herrmann, Frank Rittinger and Augustinus Topor.
CS Freiburg's Participation at RoboCup'98: The World
Champions in Robotic Soccer.
AI Communications 11, pp. 243-248. 1998.
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Robotic soccer is a challenging research domain that can be used to
explore new problems and to demonstrate new techniques. We
participated in RoboCup'98 in order to explore the problems of
cooperation in multi-robot-systems and to demonstrate our
self-localization techniques based on laser range finders. In this
paper we sketch the main technical points of our team, give a
description of the process of developing our team before and during
the competition, and describe how we viewed the competition in general.
Sebastian Thrun, Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Dieter Fox, Wolfram Burgard and Benjamin J. Kuipers.
Integrating Topological and Metric Maps for Mobile Robot
Navigation: A Statistical Approach.
Proceedings of the 15th National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI-98).
Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Bernhard Nebel.
Navigation mobiler Roboter mit Laserscans.
Autonome Mobile Systeme 1997 (AMS'97), pp. 36-47.
Springer-Verlag 1997.
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Es wird ein Verfahren zur Erstellung einer topologischen Karte aus
Laserscandaten für die Navigation mobiler Roboter beschrieben. Aus
einem Satz sich korrekt überdeckender 360 Grad Scans wird ein
Sichtbarkeitsgraph erstellt, wobei Knoten Scanpositionen und Kanten
die relative Anzahl gemeinsamer Scanpunkte (genannt Sichtbarkeit)
repräsentieren. Aus der Sichtbarkeit und der Distanz der
Scanpositionen wird eine subjektive Wahrscheinlichkeit für die
Befahrbarkeit zwischen den Scanpositionen berechnet. Durch Annahme
von Unabhängigkeit der berechneten Wahrscheinlichkeiten wird mittels
uniformer Kostensuche ein möglichst kurzer und sicher befahrbarer Pfad
bestimmt. Das Verfahren wurde auf einem Pioneer-1-Roboter mit
SICK-Laserscanner implementiert und erprobt. Für die Navigation zu
jedem Zwischenziel entlang des Pfades wurde ein gitterbasierter
lokaler Wegeplaner verwendet. Dadurch konnte ein hoher Grad an
Robustheit erlangt werden. Das System ist in der Lage
unvorhergesehenen Hindernissen auszuweichen, nicht passierbare Wege zu
erkennen und alternative Wege zu finden.
Jens-Steffen Gutmann and Christian Schlegel.
AMOS: Comparison of Scan Matching Approaches for
Self-Localization in Indoor Environments.
Proceedings of the First Euromicro Workshop on Advanced
Mobile Robots (EUROBOT '96), pp. 61-68.
Moritz Graf, Thorsten Engesser and Bernhard Nebel.
A Symbolic Sequential Equilibria Solver for Game Theory Explorer (Demo Track).
Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2024).
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We present the first implemented symbolic solver for sequential equilibria in general finite imperfect information games.
Moritz Graf, Thorsten Engesser and Bernhard Nebel.
Symbolic Computation of Sequential Equilibria.
Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2024).
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The sequential equilibrium is a standard solution concept for extensive-form games with imperfect information that includes an explicit representation of the players' beliefs. An assessment consisting of a strategy and a belief is a sequential equilibrium if it satisfies the properties of sequential rationality and consistency.
Our main result is that both properties together can be written as a finite set of polynomial equations and inequalities. The solutions to this system are exactly the sequential equilibria of the game. We construct this system explicitly and describe an implementation that solves it using cylindrical algebraic decomposition. To write consistency as a finite system of equations, we need to compute the extreme directions of a set of polyhedral cones. We propose a modified version of the double description method, optimized for this specific purpose. To the best of our knowledge, our implementation is the first to symbolically solve general finite imperfect information games for sequential equilibria.
Olga Speck, Rafael Horn, David Speck and Johannes Gantner and Philip Leistner.
Biomimetics meets Sustainability.
Bionik: Patente aus der Natur. Tagungsbeiträge zum 9. Bionik-Kongress in Bremen, pp. 81-91.
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(PDF; Online)
Sustainable development is a challenge that needs to be tackled by social
consensus. Learning from nature is linked to the hope of learning from
biological solutions that have extraordinary qualities. One focus of the
publication is to refine the discussion about technology-derived and
biology-derived developments by taking descriptive, normative and
emotional aspects into consideration. Descriptive aspects are presented on
the basis of a straightforward classification tool (decision tree) to clearly
describe, distinguish and identify biology-derived and technology-derived
A further focus of the article is the presentation of the concept of bioinspired sustainability and the presentation of an evaluation tree for Bioinspired Sustainability Assessment (BiSA).
Barbara Kuhnert, Felix Lindner, Martin Mose Bentzen and Marco Ragni.
Perceived Difficulty of Moral Dilemmas Depends on Their Causal Structure: A Formal Model and Preliminary Results.
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society CogSci 2017.
Olga Speck, David Speck, Rafael Horn and Johannes Gantner and Klaus Peter Sedlbauer.
Biomimetic bio-inspired biomorph sustainable? An attempt to classify and clarify biology-derived technical developments.
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics (B&B) 12 (1), p. 011004. 2017.
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(PDF; Online)
Over the last few decades, the systematic approach of knowledge transfer from biological concept
generators to technical applications has received increasing attention, particularly because marketable
bio-derived developments are often described as sustainable. The objective of this paper is to
rationalize and refine the discussion about bio-derived developments also with respect to
sustainability by taking descriptive, normative and emotional aspects into consideration. In the
framework of supervised learning, a dataset of 70 biology-derived and technology-derived developments
characterised by 9 different attributes together with their respective values and assigned to one
of 17 classes was created. On the basis of the dataset a decision tree was generated which can be used as
a straightforward classification tool to identify biology-derived and technology-derived developments.
The validation of the applied learning procedure achieved an average accuracy of 90.0%. Additional
extraordinary qualities of technical applications are generally discussed by means of selected biologyderived
and technology-derived examples with reference to normative (contribution to sustainability)
and emotional aspects(aesthetics and symbolic character). In the context of a case study from the
building sector, all aspects are critically discussed.
Malte Schilling, Stefan Kopp, Sven Wachsmuth, Britta Wrede, Helge J. Ritter, Thomas Brox, Bernhard Nebel and Wolfram Burgard.
Towards a Multidimensional Perspective on Shared Autonomy.
2016 {AAAI} Fall Symposia.
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(Online; PDF; PDF)
Shared Autonomy in the traditional sense focuses on the degree of user intervention in the control of artificial systems. We propose to broaden this notion to allow for more interactive scenarios. This requires a shift away from the single system perspective towards the interaction, the participating agents and the cooperation as such. Such a view on the interaction of autonomous agents has to be based on a more fine-grained understanding. Therefore, we extend a differentiation of autonomy into three different levels to interactive tasks as a starting point for a multidimensional perspective on shared autonomy. In particular, we want to point out how this allows for flexible interaction patterns and the negotiation of changing roles in ongoing cooperation.
Marius Lindauer, Rolf-David Bergdoll and Frank Hutter.
An Empirical Study of Per-instance Algorithm Scheduling.
Proceedings of the 10th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference
(LION 10), pp. 253-259.
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Algorithm selection is a prominent approach to improve a system’s performance by selecting a well-performing algorithm from a portfolio for an instance at hand. One extension of the traditional algorithm selection problem is to not only select one single algorithm but a schedule of algorithms to increase robustness. Some approaches exist for solving this problem of selecting schedules on a per-instance basis (e.g., the Sunny and 3S systems), but to date, a fair and thorough comparison of these is missing. In this work, we implement Sunny’s approach and dynamic schedules inspired by 3S in the flexible algorithm selection framework flexfolio to use the same code base for a fair comparison. Based on the algorithm selection library (ASlib), we perform the first thorough empirical study on the strengths and weaknesses of per-instance algorithm schedules. We observe that on some domains it is crucial to use a training phase to limit the maximal size of schedules and to select the optimal neighborhood size of k-nearest-neighbor. By modifying our implemented variants of the Sunny and 3S approaches in this way, we achieve strong performance on many ASlib benchmarks and establish new state-of-the-art performance on 3 scenarios.
Thomas Keller and Florian Geißer.
Better Be Lucky Than Good: Exceeding Expectations in MDP Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI
AAAI Press 2015.
Erratum: On page 7, we mention that the results at IPPC
would have differed by "-0.09", "+0.04" and "+0.05", which should
read "-0.009", "+0.004" and "+0.005" instead.
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We introduce the MDP-Evaluation Stopping Problem, the
optimization problem faced by participants of the International
Probabilistic Planning Competition 2014 that focus on their own
performance. It can be constructed as a meta-MDP where actions
correspond to the application of a policy on a base-MDP, which
is intractable in practice. Our theoretical analysis reveals
that there are tractable special cases where the problem can be
reduced to an optimal stopping problem. We derive approximate
strategies of high quality by relaxing the general problem to an
optimal stopping problem, and show both theoretically and
experimentally that it not only pays off to pursue luck in the
execution of the optimal policy, but that there are even cases
where it is better to be lucky than good as the execution of a
suboptimal base policy is part of an optimal strategy in the
Tim Schulte and Thomas Keller.
Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Classical Planning.
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2014)
(SoCS 2014).
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Successful heuristic search planners for satisficing planning like FF or LAMA
are usually based on one or more best first search techniques. Recent research
has led to planners like Arvand, Roamer or Probe, where novel techniques like
Monte-Carlo Random Walks extend the traditional exploitation-focused best first
search by an exploration component. The UCT algorithm balances these
contradictory incentives and has shown tremendous success in related areas of
sequential decision making but has never been applied to classical planning
yet. We make up for this shortcoming by applying the Trial-based Heuristic Tree
Search framework to classical planning. We show how to model the best first
search techniques Weighted A* and Greedy Best First Search with only three
ingredients: action selection, initialization and backup function. Then we use
THTS to derive four versions of the UCT algorithm that differ in the used
backup functions. The experimental evaluation shows that our main algorithm,
GreedyUCT*, outperforms all other algorithms presented in this paper,
both in terms of coverage and quality.
Matthias Westphal and Julien Hué.
A Concise Horn Theory for RCC8.
Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'14).
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(Translation Script; TAR.GZ)
RCC8 is a well-known constraint language for expressing and reasoning
about spatial knowledge.
We state a simple and concise Horn theory for RCC8
analogous to the ORD-Horn theory for temporal reasoning.
This theory allows for expressing RCC8
and retains tractability of
the well-known Horn reduct of RCC8.
it is much more adequate
for practical purposes
in the area of logic programming
and surpasses previous attempts.
Julien Hué, Matthias Westphal and Stefan Wölfl.
Towards a new semantic for Possibilistic Answer Sets.
Proceedings of Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI'14).
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(Springer Online; DOI)
Possibilistic Answer Set Programming is an extension of the standard ASP
framework that allows for attaching degrees of certainty to the rules in
ASP programs. In the literature, several semantics for such PASP-programs
have been presented, each of them having particular strengths and
In this work we present a new semantics that employs so-called
iota-answer sets, a solution concept introduced by Gebser et al.~(2009), in
order to find solutions for standard ASP programs with odd cycles or
auto-blocking rules. This is achieved by considering maximal subsets of a
given ASP program for which answer sets exist. The main idea of our work is
to integrate iota-semantics into the possibilistic framework in such a way
that degrees of certainty are not only assigned to atoms mentioned in
the answer sets, but also to the answer sets themselves.
Our approach gives more satisfactory solutions and avoids
counter-intuitive examples arising in the other approaches.
We compare our approach to existing ones and present a translation into the
standard ASP framework allowing the computation of solutions by existing
Matthias Westphal, Julien Hué and Stefan Wölfl.
On the scope of Qualitative Constraint Calculi.
Proceedings of Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI'14).
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(Springer Online; DOI)
Qualitative constraint calculi are a special kind of relation algebras
defined by Ligozat and Renz for reasoning about binary constraints.
Although this approach is known to be limited it has prevailed in the
area of qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning.
In this paper we revisit the definition of these calculi, contrast it
with alternative approaches, and analyze general properties. Our
results indicate that the concept of qualitative constraint calculi is
both too narrow and too general: it disallows different approaches, but
its setup already enables arbitrarily hard problems.
Florian Geißer, Thomas Keller and Robert Mattmüller.
Past, Present, and Future: An Optimal Online Algorithm for Single-Player GDL-II Games.
Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014), pp. 357-362.
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In General Game Playing, a player receives the rules of an unknown game and
attempts to maximize his expected reward. Since 2011, the GDL-II rule language
extension allows the formulation of nondeterministic and partially observable
games. In this paper, we present an algorithm for such games, with a focus on
the single-player case. Conceptually, at each stage, the proposed Norns algorithm
distinguishes between the past, present and future steps of the game. More
specifically, a belief state tree is used to simulate a potential past that
leads to a present that is consistent with received observations. Unlike other
related methods, our method is asymptotically optimal. Moreover, augmenting the
belief state tree with iteratively improved probabilities speeds up the
process over time significantly.
As this allows a true picture of the present, we additionally present an
optimal version of the well-known UCT algorithm for partially observable
single-player games. Instead of performing hindsight optimization on a
simplified, fully observable tree, the true future is simulated on an
action-observation tree that takes partial observability into account. The
expected reward estimates of applicable actions converge towards the true
expected rewards even for moves that are only used to gather information. We
prove that our algorithm is asymptotically optimal for single-player games and
POMDPs and support our claim with an empirical evaluation.
Felix Burkhardt, Christian Becker-Asano, Edmon Begoli, Roddy Cowie, Gerhard Fobe, Patrick Gebhard, Abe Kazemzadeh, Ingmar Steiner and Tim Llewellyn.
Application of EmotionML.
5th Intl. Workshop on Emotion, Social Signals, Sentiment & Linked Open Data (ES^3LOD), pp. 1-5.
Christian Becker-Asano, Felix Ruzzoli, Christoph Hölscher and Bernhard Nebel.
A Multi-Agent System based on Unity 4 for Virtual Perception and Wayfinding.
Transportation Research Procedia 2, pp. 425-455. 2014.
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We developed a multi-agent system that is based on the game engine Unity 4 and allows simulating three-dimensional (3D) way- finding behavior of up to 600 airport passengers at a simulation rate of 60 Hz on an average gaming PC. Virtual 3D perception algorithms are implemented so that the agents dynamically check their respective surroundings for visible signs. Each sign is annotated with the direction of one or more exits and with meta-information such as its readability. Thus, based on findings derived from cognitive science experiments, the agents are modeled to sometimes misinterpret this information. Otherwise, they interpret the sign relative to its location and are then steered into the corresponding direction. This simulation framework was also combined with the head-mounted display “Oculus Rift” to let experiment participants find their way in the Virtual Reality environment.
A. M. Rosenthal-von der Pütten, N. C. Krämer, Christian Becker-Asano, K. Ogawa, S. Nishio and H. Ishiguro.
The uncanny in the wild. Analysis of unscripted human-android interaction in the field.
Intl. Journal of Social Robotics 6 (1), pp. 67-83. 2014.
Matthias Westphal, Julien Hué, Stefan Wölfl and Bernhard Nebel.
Transition Constraints: A Study on the Computational Complexity of Qualitative Change.
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13), pp. 1169-1175.
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(Online; PDF)
Many formalisms discussed in the literature on
qualitative spatial reasoning are designed for expressing static spatial constraints only. However,
dynamic situations arise in virtually all applications
of these formalisms, which makes it necessary to
study variants and extensions involving change.
This paper presents a study on the computational
complexity of qualitative change. More precisely,
we discuss the reasoning task of finding a solution to a temporal sequence of static reasoning
problems where this sequence is subject to additional transition constraints. Our focus is primarily on smoothness and continuity constraints: we
show how such transitions can be defined as relations and expressed within qualitative constraint
formalisms. Our results demonstrate that for point-based constraint formalisms the interesting fragments become NP-complete in the presence of continuity constraints, even if the satisfiability problem
of its static descriptions is tractable.
Matthias Westphal, Julien Hué and Stefan Wölfl.
On the Propagation Strength of SAT Encodings for Qualitative Temporal Reasoning.
Proceedings of International Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'13).
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(Translation Script; TAR.GZ)
Several studies in Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
discuss translations of the satisfiability problem on qualitative
constraint languages into propositional SAT.
Most of these encodings focus on compactness, while propagation strength
is seldom discussed.
In this work, we focus on temporal reasoning with the Point Algebra and
Interval Algebra.
We understand all encodings as a combination of propagation and
We first give a systematic analysis of existing propagation approaches
for these constraint languages.
They are studied and ordered with respect to their propagation strength
and refutation completeness for classes of input instances.
Secondly, we discuss how existing encodings can be derived from
such propagation approaches.
We conclude our work with an empirical evaluation which shows that the
ORD-encoding by Nebel and Bürckert performs better than more recently suggested encodings.
Thomas Keller and Malte Helmert.
Trial-based Heuristic Tree Search for Finite Horizon MDPs.
Proceedings of the 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making
(RLDM 2013), pp. 101-105.
Extended abstract of the ICAPS 2013 paper by the same name.
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Dynamic programming is a well-known approach for solving MDPs. In
large state spaces, asynchronous versions like Real-Time Dynamic
Programming (RTDP) have been applied successfully. If unfolded
into equivalent trees, Monte-Carlo Tree Search algorithms are a
valid alternative. UCT, the most popular representative, obtains
good anytime behavior by guiding the search towards promising
areas of the search tree and supporting non-admissible
heuristics. The global Heuristic Search algorithm AO* finds
optimal solutions for MDPs that can be represented as acyclic
AND/OR graphs.
Despite the differences, these approaches actually have much in
common. We present the Trial-based Heuristic Tree Search (THTS)
framework that subsumes these approaches and distinguishes them
based on only five ingredients: heuristic function, backup
function, action selection, outcome selection, and trial
length. We describe the ingredients that model RTDP, AO* and UCT
within this framework, and use THTS to combine attributes of these
algorithms step by step in order to derive novel algorithms with
superior theoretical properties. We merge Full Bellman and
Monte-Carlo backup functions to Partial Bellman backups, and gain
a function that both allows partial updates and a procedure that
labels states when they are solved. DP-UCT combines attributes and
theoretical properties from RTDP and UCT even though it differs
from the latter only in the used Partial Bellman backups. Our main
algorithm, UCT* adds a limited trial length to DP-UCT to inherit
the global search behavior of AO*, which ensures that parts of the
state space that are closer to the root are investigated more
thoroughly. The experimental evaluation shows that both DP-UCT and
UCT* are not only superior to UCT, but also outperform P ROST, the
winner of the International Probabilistic Planning Competition
(IPPC) 2011 on the benchmarks of IPPC 2011.
Johannes Löhr, Johannes Aldinger, Stefan Winkler and Georg Willich.
Automated Planning for Earth Observation Spacecraft under Attitude
Dynamical Constraints.
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt
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Agile Earth observation missions continuously require a large
amount of planning during the spacecraft's observations. Beside
priorities of the observation sites, especially the agility
constraints of the satellite are important to be taken into
account during the planning process. This is due to the body-fixed
instrument's line of sight, requiring the whole satellite to point
to the observation sites while scanning. Scanning a sequence of
observation sites leads to complex slew maneuvers which must not
exceed the satellite's actuator capacities, attitude constraints
or maximum angular rates. Additionally, the regions of interest
may change over time, making it necessary to adapt and optimize
the observation sequence continuously. An automated process is
required to efficiently handle this task. We present a planning
algorithm to sequence an arbitrarily distributed set of
observation patches to a feasible observation plan, considering
priority criteria of the observation sites and agility constraints
of the satellite.
Kiril Kiryazov, Robert Lowe, Christian Becker-Asano and Marco Randazzo.
The Role of Arousal in Two-Resource Problem Tasks for Humanoid Service Robots.
Proc. IEEE Intl. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN'13).
Christian Becker-Asano, Dali Sun, Corinna N. Scheel, Brunna Tuschen-Caffier and Bernhard Nebel.
Analyzing for emotional arousal in HMD-based head movements during a virtual emergency.
Intl. Workshop on Emotion and Computing in conj. with KI2013.
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This paper reports on results of a statistical analysis of human players' head-movements. Forty-one participants were asked to cope with an unexpected emergency in a virtual parking lot. Before the virtual reality exposure began, half of the participants watched an emotion-inducing movie clip and the other half an emotionally neutral one. The analysis of the acquired questionnaire data reveals, however, that this emotion induction method seems to have been rather ineffective. Thus, it is not surprising that only very weak between group effects are found when analyzing for differences in head movements around the emergency event. In general, horizontal head movement speed is found to be on average significantly faster during the first fifteen seconds directly after the emergency event as compared to just before and another fifteen seconds later. These findings are in line with previous results of an analysis of the acquired physiological data, further substantiating the conclusions drawn.
Christian Becker-Asano, Philip Stahl, Marco Ragni, Jean-Claude Martin, Matthieu Courgeon and Bernhard Nebel.
An affective virtual agent providing embodied feedback in the paired associate task: system design and evaluation.
Proc. of the 13th. Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2013), pp. 406-415.
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An affective, virtual agent is presented that acts as a teacher in the classical paired associate task. It is explained, why and how the virtual agent framework MARC was combined with the cognitive architecture ACT-R, the affect simulation architecture WASABI, and the voice-synthesis module OpenMARY. The agent's affective feedback capabilities are evaluated through an empirical study, in which participants had to solve association tasks. We expected that (1) the presentation of the task by a (neutral) virtual agent would change a learner's performance and that (2) the additional simulation and expression of emotions would impact a learner's performance as well. Finally, we discuss reasons for the lack of statistically significant differences as well as planned future application scenarios of our affective agent framework.
Patrick Eyerich and Malte Helmert.
Stronger Abstraction Heuristics Through Perimeter Search.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS13).
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Perimeter search is a bidirectional search algorithm consisting
of two phases. In the first phase, a limited regression search
computes the perimeter, a region which must necessarily
be passed in every solution. In the second phase, a heuristic
forward search finds an optimal plan from the initial state to
the perimeter.
The drawback of perimeter search is the need to compute
heuristic estimates towards every state on the
perimeter in the forward phase. We show that this limitation can
be effectively overcome when using pattern database
(PDB) heuristics in the forward phase.
The combination of perimeter search and PDB heuristics has been
considered previously by Felner and Ofek for solving combinatorial
puzzles. They claimed that, based on theoretical considerations and
experimental evidence, the use of perimeter search in this context
offers "limited or no benefits". Our theoretical and experimental
results show that this assessment should be revisited.
Johannes Löhr, Patrick Eyerich, Stefan Winkler and Bernhard Nebel.
Domain Predictive Control Under Uncertain Numerical State
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS13).
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In planning, hybrid system states consisting of logical and
numerical variables are usually assumed to be completely
known. In particular, for numerical state variables full
knowledge of their exact values is assumed. However, in real
world applications states are results of noisy measurements and
imperfect actuators. Therefore, a planned sequence of state
transitions might fail to lead a hybrid system to the desired
goal. We show how to propagate and reason about uncertain state
information directly in the planning process, enabling hybrid
systems to find plans that satisfy numerical goals with
predefined confidence.
Thomas Keller and Malte Helmert.
Trial-based Heuristic Tree Search for Finite Horizon MDPs.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2013), pp. 135-143.
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Dynamic programming is a well-known approach for solving
MDPs. In large state spaces, asynchronous versions like
Real-Time Dynamic Programming have been applied successfully. If
unfolded into equivalent trees, Monte-Carlo Tree Search
algorithms are a valid alternative. UCT, the most popular
representative, obtains good anytime behavior by guiding the
search towards promising areas of the search tree. The Heuristic
Search algorithm AO∗ finds optimal solutions for MDPs that can
be represented as acyclic AND/OR graphs.
We introduce a common framework, Trial-based Heuristic Tree
Search, that subsumes these approaches and distinguishes them
based on five ingredients: heuristic function, backup function,
action selection, outcome selection, and trial length. Using
this framework, we describe three new algorithms which mix these
ingredients in novel ways in an attempt to combine their
different strengths. Our evaluation shows that two of our
algorithms not only provide superior theoretical properties to
UCT, but also outperform state-of-the-art approaches
Nicole C. Krämer, Stefan Kopp, Christian Becker-Asano and Nicole Sommer.
Smile and the world will smile with you-The effects of a virtual agent's smile on users’ evaluation and behavior.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 71 (3), pp. 335-349. 2013.
Julien Hué and Matthias Westphal.
Revising Qualitative Constraint Network: Definition and Implementation.
Internationial Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp. 548-555.
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Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning is a
central topic in Artificial Intelligence. In particular, it is aimed at
application scenarios dealing with uncertain information and thus
needs to be able to handle dynamic beliefs. This makes merging
and revision of qualitative information important topics. While
merging has been studied extensively, revision which describes
what is happening when one learns new information about a
static world has been overlooked. In this paper, we propose to
fill the gap by providing two revision operations for qualitative
calculi. In order to implement these operations, we give algo-
rithms for revision and analyze the computational complexity of
these problems. Finally, we present an implementation of these
algorithms based on a qualitative constraint solver and provide
an experimental evaluation.
Julien Hué, Matthias Westphal and Stefan Wölfl.
An automatic decomposition method for qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning.
International Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp. 588-595.
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Qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning is a
research field that studies relational, constraint-based formalisms
for representing, and reasoning about, spatial and temporal
information. The standard approach for checking consistency is
based on an exhaustive representation of possible configurations
between three entities, the so-called composition tables. These
tables, however, encode semantic background knowledge in a
redundant way, which becomes a size and efficiency issue, when
the composition table needs to be grounded as done in SAT
encodings of problem instances. In this paper, we present a
new framework that allows for decomposing composition tables
into logically simpler parts, while preserving logical equivalence,
e.g., the decomposition in start- and end-points for Allen’s
Interval Calculus. We show that finding such decompositions
is an NP-complete problem and present a SAT-based method to
generate decompositions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our
decomposition method on SAT encodings of problem instances,
and present a reasoning system built on decompositions that
compares favorably with state-of-the-art solvers.
Birgit Kleim, Thomas Ehrig, Corinna Scheel, Christian Becker-Asano, Bernhard Nebel and Brunna Tuschen-Caffier.
Bewältigungsverhalten in Notfallsituationen aus klinisch-psychologischer Perspektive.
Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 41 (3), pp. 166-179. 2012.
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(Online; DOI)
Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, eine aktuelle Übersicht zu Annahmen und Befunden zu geben, die Hinweise darauf geben, welche Reaktionen bzw. welches Verhalten für die Bewältigung von Notfällen oder traumatischen Erlebnissen hilfreich bzw. gesundheitsförderlich sind. Ließen sich konkrete Aspekte von Bewältigungsverhalten während traumatischer Situationen identifizieren, die besonders adaptiv in Bezug auf die psychische bzw. psychobiologische Anpassung sind, so könnte dieses Wissen perspektivisch zur Entwicklung von Präventions- und Trainingsmaßnahmen genutzt werden. Der Beitrag beschreibt einleitend Traumareaktionen, psychische Traumafolgestörungen und deren Prävalenzraten und gibt eine knappe Übersicht über Prädiktoren für psychische Störungen in Folge traumatischer Erlebnisse. Im Unterschied zu dem Beitrag von Becker-Nehring, Witschen und Bengel (in diesem Heft) fokussiert unser Beitrag vor allem auf die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung als Traumafolgestörung und auf Bewältigungsverhalten während einer Notfallsituation. Bewältigungsverhalten während und nach einer traumatischen Situation kann zum Teil auch im Forschungslabor experimentell untersucht werden, indem z. B. Methoden der Virtuellen Realität genutzt werden. Dies ist ein weiterer Fokus des Beitrags.
Corinna N. Scheel, Birgit Kleim, Julian Schmitz, Christian Becker-Asano, Dali Sun, Bernhard Nebel and Brunna Tuschen-Caffier.
Psychophysiologische Belastungsreaktivität nach einem simulierten Feuer in einer Parkgarage.
Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 41 (3), pp. 180-189. 2012.
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(Online; DOI)
Theoretischer Hindergrund: Bewältigungsverhalten in Notfallsituationen wird meistens retrospektiv erfasst oder ist aufgrund der Verschiedenheit der Notfallsituationen schlecht vergleichbar. Methoden der Virtuellen Realität (VR) ermöglichen die Erfassung von Verhaltensparametern und psychophysiologischen Belastungsreaktionen während eines belastenden Ereignisses und erlauben zudem das standardisierte Wiederholen für mehrere Personen. Fragestellung: Ziel unserer Studie war es, ein neues Notfallszenario (Feuer in einer Parkgarage) in VR zu entwickeln und zu testen, ob sich anhand dessen substanzielle psychische und physiologische Belastungsreaktionen induzieren lassen. Methode: Mehrfach im Untersuchungsablauf wurden das emotionale Erleben und physiologische Parameter erhoben. Ergebnisse: Das VR Szenario führte bei den teilnehmenden Probanden sowohl zu subjektiven als auch zu physiologischen Veränderungen im Sinne einer Stressinduktion. Das von uns entwickelte Szenario erscheint daher brauchbar, Verhaltensstrategien und Bewältigungsverhalten in Notfallsituationen zu simulieren. Schlussfolgerungen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der VR-Methode mit Blick auf klinisch-psychologische Implikationen werden diskutiert.
Johannes Löhr, Bernhard Nebel and Stefan Winkler.
Planning Based Autonomous Lander Control.
Proceedings of the Astrodynamics Specialist Conference (AIAA/AAS 2012).
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(Online; DOI)
Safe landing of spacecraft on extraterrestrial surfaces implies a
number of challenges. The main issue is to precisely initiate
coasting, braking and landing maneuvers to safely land at a desired
landing zone. Meanwhile, the increasing information level about the
landing environment has to be processed and the landing trajectory
eventually adapted in order to avoid hazardous situations. In this
paper these time critical tasks are performed by Domain Predictive
Control. It has been developed to guide dynamic systems into desired
goal states by flexibly reordering atomic actions using planning
algorithms from artificial intelligence. Here, the method is applied
to autonomously adapt control commands and associated landing
trajectories with respect to the changing environmental knowledge.
Simulation results show the feasibility of this new approach and
reveal issues which should be subject to future research.
Jens Witkowski and David C. Parkes.
A Robust Bayesian Truth Serum for Small Populations.
Proceedings of the 26th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012).
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Peer prediction mechanisms allow the truthful elicitation of
private signals (e.g., experiences, or opinions) in regard to a
true world state when this ground truth is unobservable. The
original peer prediction method is incentive compatible for any
number of agents n ≥ 2, but relies on a common prior, shared by
all agents and the mechanism. The Bayesian Truth Serum (BTS)
relaxes this assumption. While BTS still assumes that agents
share a common prior, this prior need not be known to the
mechanism. However, BTS is only incentive compatible for a
large enough number of agents, and the particular number of
agents required is uncertain because it depends on this private
prior. In this paper, we present a robust BTS for the
elicitation of binary information which is incentive compatible
for every n ≥ 3, taking advantage of a particularity of the
quadratic scoring rule. The robust BTS is the first peer
prediction mechanism to provide strict incentive compatibility
for every n ≥ 3 without relying on knowledge of the common
prior. Moreover, and in contrast to the original BTS, our
mechanism is numerically robust and ex post individually
Thomas Keller and Patrick Eyerich.
PROST: Probabilistic Planning Based on UCT.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2012), pp. 119-127.
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We present PROST, a probabilistic planning system that is based
on the UCT algorithm by Kocsis and Szepesvari (2006), which has
been applied successfully to many areas of planning and acting
under uncertainty. The objective of this paper is to show the
application of UCT to domain-independent probabilistic planning,
an area it had not been applied to before. We furthermore
present several enhancements to the algorithm, including a
method that is able to drastically reduce the branching factor
by identifying superfluous actions. We show how search depth
limitation leads to a more thoroughly investigated search space
in parts that are influential on the quality of a policy, and
present a sound and polynomially computable detection of reward
locks, states that correspond to, e.g., dead ends or goals. We
describe a general Q-value initialization for unvisited nodes in
the search tree that circumvents the initial random walks
inherent to UCT, and leads to a faster convergence on
average. We demonstrate the significant influence of the
enhancements by providing a comparison on the IPPC benchmark
Johannes Löhr, Patrick Eyerich, Thomas Keller and Bernhard Nebel.
A Planning Based Framework for Controlling Hybrid Systems.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS
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The control of dynamic systems, which aims to minimize the
deviation of state variables from reference values in a contin-
uous state space, is a central domain of cybernetics and con-
trol theory. The objective of action planning is to find
feasible state trajectories in a discrete state space from an
initial state to a state satisfying the goal conditions, which
in principle ad- dresses the same issue on a more abstract
level. We combine these approaches to switch between dynamic
system charac- teristics on the fly, and to generate control
input sequences that affect both discrete and continuous state
variables. Our approach (called Domain Predictive Control) is
applicable to hybrid systems with linear dynamics and
discretizable inputs.
Salem Benferhat, Julien Hué, Sylvain Lagrue and Julien Rossit.
Merging Interval-Based Possibilistic Belief Bases.
International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM), pp. 447-458.
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Julien Hué, Mariette Sérayet, Pierre Drap, Odile Papini and Eric Würbel.
Underwater Archaeological 3D Surveys Validation within the Removed Sets Framework.
Benchmarks and Applications of Spatial Reasoning (BASR), pp. 39-46.
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Jens Witkowski and David C. Parkes.
Peer Prediction without a Common Prior.
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC 2012).
Supersedes the SC'11 paper "Peer Prediction with Private Beliefs".
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Reputation mechanisms at online opinion forums, such as Amazon
Reviews, elicit ratings from users about their experience with
different products. Crowdsourcing applications, such as image
tagging on Amazon Mechanical Turk, elicit votes from users as to
whether or not a job was duly completed. An important property
in both settings is that the feedback received from users
(agents) is truthful. The peer prediction method introduced by
Miller et al. [2005] is a prominent theoretical mechanism for
the truthful elicitation of reports. However, a significant
obstacle to its application is that it critically depends on the
assumption of a common prior amongst both the agents and the
mechanism. In this paper, we develop a peer prediction mechanism
for settings where the agents hold subjective and private
beliefs about the state of the world and the likelihood of a
positive signal given a particular state. Our shadow peer
prediction mechanism exploits temporal structure in order to
elicit two reports, a belief report and then a signal report,
and it provides strict incentives for truthful reporting as long
as the effect an agent’s signal has on her posterior belief is
bounded away from zero. Alternatively, this technical
requirement on beliefs can be dispensed with by a modification
in which the second report is a belief report rather than a
signal report.
Alexander Kleiner, Bernhard Nebel and V.A. Ziparo.
A Mechanism for Dynamic Ride Sharing based on Parallel Auctions.
Proc. of the 22th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
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Car pollution is one of the major causes of green- house emissions, and traffic congestion is rapidly becoming a social plague. Dynamic Ride Sharing (DRS) systems have the potential to mitigate this problem by computing plans for car drivers, e.g. commuters, allowing them to share their rides. Ex- isting efforts in DRS are suffering from the problem that participants are abandoning the system after repeatedly failing to get a shared ride. In this paper we present an incentive compatible DRS solution based on auctions. While existing DRS systems are mainly focusing on fixed assignments that minimize the totally travelled distance, the presented approach is adaptive to individual preferences of the participants. Furthermore, our system allows to tradeoff the minimization of Vehicle Kilometers Travelled (VKT) with the overall probability of successful ride-shares, which is an important feature when bootstrapping the system. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present a DRS solution based on auctions using a sealed-bid second price scheme.
Christian Becker-Asano, Dali Sun, Birgit Kleim, Corinna Scheel, Brunna Tuschen-Caffier and Bernhard Nebel.
Outline of an Empirical Study on the Effects of Emotions on Strategic Behavior in Virtual Emergencies.
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, pp. 508-517.
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The applicability of appropriate coping strategies is important in emergencies or traumatic experiences such as car accidents or human violence. In this context, emotion regulation and decision making are relevant. However, research on human reactions to traumatic experiences is very challenging and most existing research uses retrospective assessments of these variables of interest. Thus, we are currently developing and evaluating novel methods to investigate human behavior in cases of emergency. Virtual reality scenarios of emergencies are employed to enable an immersive interactive engagement (e.g., dealing with fire inside a building) based on the modification of Valve’s popular Source 2007 game engine.
This paper presents our ongoing research project, which aims at the empirical investigation of human strategic behavior under the influence of emotions while having to cope with virtual emergencies.
Christian Becker-Asano.
Invited Commentary: On Guiding the Design of an Ill-defined Phenomenon.
International Journal of Synthetic Emotions Vol. 2 (2), pp. 66-67. 2011.
Jens Witkowski, Sven Seuken and David C. Parkes.
Incentive-Compatible Escrow Mechanisms.
Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2011).
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The most prominent way to establish trust between buyers and sellers on online auction sites are reputation mechanisms. Two drawbacks of this approach are the reliance on the seller
being long-lived and the susceptibility to whitewashing. In this paper, we introduce so-called escrow mechanisms that avoid these problems by installing a trusted intermediary
which forwards the payment to the seller only if the buyer acknowledges that the good arrived in the promised condition.
We address the incentive issues that arise and design an escrow mechanism that is incentive compatible, efficient, interim individually rational and ex ante budget-balanced. In
contrast to previous work on trust and reputation, our approach does not rely on knowing the sellers' cost functions or the distribution of buyer valuations.
Johannes Löhr and Stefan Winkler.
Comparison of Periodic System Lifting Techniques for Robust Stability Analysis of Magnetic Spacecraft Attitude Control Systems.
Proceedings of the Guidance Navigation and Control Conference (AIAA/GNC 2011).
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Magnetic attitude control is a common method for low Earth orbit spacecraft.
Verification of nominal (yes/no), and even more important, robust attitude stability
of such systems is of significant importance for any real mission. Considering
nadir-oriented operation, the linearized closed-loop attitude dynamics equations
lead to a linear time periodic system. While nominal stability can be obtained from
Floquet-Theory, robust stability analysis via standard μ-Analysis requires lifting
procedures to convert the linear time periodic into a linear time invariant system. Two
of those lifting procedures are compared in this paper: (1) "Fast Discretization",
which is based on a "sample and hold" view on the periodic state space matrices,
and (2) "Frequency Lifting" based on Fourier series expansion. Both methods are
applied to a theoretic linear time periodic example from literature and magnetic spacecraft
attitude control. The comparison focus' on applicability for real satellite missions.
Hans-Jörg Peter, Rüdiger Ehlers and Robert Mattmüller.
Synthia: Verification and Synthesis for Timed Automata.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
(CAV 2011), pp. 649-655.
Springer-Verlag 2011.
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We present Synthia, a new tool for the verification and
synthesis of open real-time systems modeled as timed
automata. The key novelty of Synthia is the underlying
abstraction refinement approach that combines the efficient
symbolic treatment of timing information by difference bound
matrices (DBMs) with the usage of binary decision diagrams
(BDDs) for the discrete parts of the system description. Our
experiments show that the analysis of both closed and open
systems greatly benefits from identifying large relevant and
irrelevant system parts on coarse abstractions early in the
solution process. Synthia is licensed under the GNU GPL and
available from our website.
Cai Zhongjie, Dapeng Zhang and Bernhard Nebel.
Playing Tetris Using Bandit-Based Monte-Carlo Planning.
Proceedings of AISB 2011 Symposium: AI and Games (AISB 2011).
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Tetris is a stochastic, open-ended board game. Existing artificial
Tetris players often use different evaluation functions and plan for
only one or two pieces in advance. In this paper, we developed an
artificial player for Tetris using the bandit-based Monte-Carlo
planning method (UCT).
In Tetris, game states are often revisited. However, UCT does not keep
the information of the game states explored in the previous planning
episodes. We created a method to store such information for our player
in a specially designed database to guide its future planning
process. The planner for Tetris has a high branching factor. To
improve game performance, we created a method to prune the planning
tree and lower the branching factor.
The experiment results show that our player can successfully play
Tetris, and the performance of our player is improved as the number of
the played games increases. The player can defeat a benchmark player
with high probabilities.
Sebastian Kupferschmid and Martin Wehrle.
Abstractions and Pattern Databases: The Quest for Succinctness and Accuracy.
Parosh A. Abdulla and K. Rustan M. Leino (ed.),
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
2011), pp. 276-290.
Springer-Verlag 2011.
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Directed model checking is a well-established technique for
detecting error states in concurrent systems efficiently. As
error traces are important for debugging purposes, it is
preferable to find as short error traces as possible. A wide
spread method to find provably shortest error traces is
to apply the A* search algorithm with distance heuristics
that never overestimate the real error distance. An important
class of such distance estimators is the class of
pattern database heuristics, which are built on
abstractions of the system under consideration. In this paper,
we propose a systematic approach for the construction of
pattern database heuristics. We formally define a concept to
measure the accuracy of abstractions. Based on this technique,
we address the challenge of finding abstractions that are
succinct on the one hand, and accurate to produce informed
pattern databases on the other hand. We evaluate our approach
on large and complex industrial problems. The experiments show
that the resulting distance heuristic impressively advances
the state of the art.
Dapeng Zhang and Bernhard Nebel.
Feature Induction of Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields - A Study Based on a Simulation.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2011).
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Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) is a probabilistic framework for labeling sequential data. Several approaches
were developed to automatically induce features for CRFs. They have been successfully applied in
real-world applications, e.g. in natural language processing. The work described in this paper was originally
motivated by processing the sequence data of table soccer games. As labeling such data is very time consuming,
we developed a sequence generator (simulation), which creates an extra phase to explore several basic
issues of the feature induction of linear-chain CRFs. First, we generated data sets with different configurations
of overlapped and conjunct atomic features, and discussed how these factors affect the induction. Then, a
reduction step was integrated into the induction which maintained the prediction accuracy and saved the computational
power. Finally, we developed an approach which consists of a queue of CRFs. The experiments
show that the CRF queue achieves better results on the data sets in all the configurations.
Brunna Tuschen-Caffier, Birgit Kleim, Christian Becker-Asano, Dali Sun, Bernhard Nebel and Corinna Scheel.
Bewältigungsverhalten in virtuellen Notfallsituationen.
7. Workshop Kongress für Psychologie und Psychotherapie.
Christian Becker-Asano, Dali Sun, Birgit Kleim, Corinna N. Scheel, Brunna Tuschen-Caffier and Bernhard Nebel.
CoVE: Coping in Virtual Emergencies.
Workshop on Emotion and Computing - Current Research and Future Impact, p. 1.
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The applicability of appropriate coping strategies is important in emergencies or traumatic experiences such as car accidents or human violence. However, research on human reactions to traumatic experiences is very challenging and most existing research uses retrospective assessments of these variables of interest. Thus, we are currently developing and evaluating novel methods to investigate human behavior in cases of emergency. Virtual Reality (VR) scenarios of emergencies are employed to enable an immersive interactive engagement (e.g., dealing with fire inside a building) based on the modification of Valve’s popular Source 2007 game engine.
Preliminary results of a first empirical study (cp. Figure 1) suggest that our VR scenario has a similar fear-inducing effect as a short movie clip (Becker- Asano, Sun, Kleim, Scheel, Tuschen-Caffier, and Nebel, 2011), which previously has been evaluated to induce fear. In addition, the neutral VR experiences during the training sessions did never elicit fear in our participants, letting us conclude that the interactively presented emergency itself was indeed the fear eliciting factor in the experimental sessions. In the long run, we aim at a more detailed analysis that includes the personality questionnaire and physiological data, which will be analyzed in correlation with the trajectories of the participants in the VR emergency.
Dapeng Zhang, Cai Zhongjie and Bernhard Nebel.
Playing Tetris Using Learning by Imitation.
Proceedings of the 11th annual European Conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games (GAMEON 2010).
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Tetris is a stochastic and open-end board game. Several
artificial players were developed to automatically play Tetris.
These players perform well in single games. In this paper,
we developed a platform based on an open source project for
game competitions among multiple players. We develop an
artificial player employed learning by imitation, which is novel
in Tetris. The imitation tasks of playing Tetris were mapped
to a standard data classification problem. The experiments
showed that the performance of the player can be significantly
improved when our player acquires similar game skills as those
of the imitated human. Our player can play Tetris in diverse
ways by imitating different players, and has chances to defeat
the best-known artificial player in the world. The framework
supports incremental learning because the artificial player can
find stronger players and imitate their skills.
Martin Wehrle and Sebastian Kupferschmid.
Context-Enhanced Directed Model Checking.
Jaco van de Pol and Michael Weber (eds.),
Proceedings of the 17th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Software
(SPIN 2010), pp. 88-105.
Springer-Verlag 2010.
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Directed model checking is a well-established technique to
efficiently tackle the state explosion problem when the aim is
to find error states in concurrent systems. Although directed
model checking has proved to be very successful in the past,
additional search techniques provide much potential to
efficiently handle larger and larger systems. In this work, we
propose a novel technique for traversing the state space based
on interference contexts. The basic idea is to preferably
explore transitions that interfere with previously applied
transitions, whereas other transitions are deferred
accordingly. Our approach is orthogonal to the model checking
process and can be applied to a wide range of search methods.
We have implemented our method and empirically evaluated its
potential on a range of non-trivial case studies. Compared to
standard model checking techniques, we are able to detect
subtle bugs with shorter error traces, consuming less memory
and time.
Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich and Bernhard Nebel.
Task Planning for an Autonomous Service Robot.
Rüdiger Dillmann, Jürgen Beyerer, Uwe Hanebeck and Tanja Schultz (eds.),
Proceedings on the 33rd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2010), pp. 358-365.
Springer-Verlag 2010.
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In the DESIRE project an autonomous robot capable of performing service tasks in a typical kitchen environment has been developed. The overall system consists of various loosely coupled subcomponents providing particular features like manipulating objects or recognizing and interacting with humans. To bring all these subcomponents together to act as monolithic system, a high-performance planning system has been implemented. In this paper, we present this system’s basic architecture and some advanced extensions necessary to cope with the various challenges arising in dynamic and uncertain environments like those a real world service robot is usually faced with.
Rüdiger Ehlers, Robert Mattmüller and Hans-Jörg Peter.
Combining Symbolic Representations for Solving Timed Games.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems
(FORMATS 2010), pp. 107-121.
Springer-Verlag 2010.
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We present a general approach to combine symbolic state space
representations for the discrete and continuous parts in the
synthesis of winning strategies for timed reachability
games. The combination is based on abstraction refinement
where discrete symbolic techniques are used to produce a
sequence of abstract timed game automata. After each
refinement step, the resulting abstraction is used for
computing an under- and an over-approximation of the timed
winning states. The key idea is to identify large relevant and
irrelevant parts of the precise weakest winning strategy
already on coarse, and therefore simple, abstractions. If
neither the existence nor nonexistence of a winning strategy
can be established in the approximations, we use them to guide
the refinement process. Based on a prototype that combines
binary decision diagrams and difference bound matrices, we
experimentally evaluate the technique on standard benchmarks
from timed controller synthesis. The results clearly
demonstrate the potential of the new approach concerning
running time and memory consumption compared to the classical
on-the-fly algorithm implemented in UPPAAL-Tiga.
Malte Helmert and Gabriele Röger.
Relative-Order Abstractions for the Pancake Problem.
Helder Coelho, Rudi Studer and Michael Wooldridge (eds.),
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI
2010), pp. 745-750.
IOS Press 2010.
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The pancake problem is a famous search problem where the
objective is to sort a sequence of objects (pancakes)
through a minimal number of prefix reversals
(flips). The best approaches for the problem are based
on heuristic search with abstraction (pattern database)
heuristics. We present a new class of abstractions for the
pancake problem called relative-order abstractions.
Relative-order abstractions have three advantages over the
object-location abstractions considered in previous
work. First, they are size-independent, i.e., do not
need to be tailored to a particular instance size of the
pancake problem. Second, they are more compact in that
they can represent a larger number of pancakes within
abstractions of bounded size. Finally, they can exploit
symmetries in the problem specification to allow
multiple heuristic lookups, significantly improving search
performance over a single lookup. Our experiments show that
compared to object-location abstractions, our new techniques
lead to an improvement of one order of magnitude in runtime
and up to three orders of magnitude in the number of generated
Malte Helmert.
Landmark Heuristics for the Pancake Problem.
Ariel Felner and Nathan Sturtevant (eds.),
Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Combinatorial
Search (SoCS 2010), pp. 109-110.
AAAI Press 2010.
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We describe the gap heuristic for the pancake problem,
which dramatically outperforms current abstraction-based
heuristics for this problem. The gap heuristic belongs to a
family of landmark heuristics that have recently been
very successfully applied to planning problems.
Jens Witkowski.
Truthful Feedback for Sanctioning Reputation Mechanisms.
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2010).
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For product rating environments, similar to that of Amazon
Reviews, it has been shown that the truthful elicitation of
feedback is possible through mechanisms which pay buyer
reports contingent on the reports of other buyers. We study
whether similar mechanisms can be designed for reputation
mechanisms at online auction sites where the buyers'
experiences are partially determined by a strategic seller. We
show that this is impossible for the basic setting. However,
introducing a small prior belief that the seller is a
cooperative commitment player leads to a payment scheme with a
truthful perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
Hans-Jörg Peter and Robert Mattmüller.
Component-based Abstraction Refinement for
Timed Controller Synthesis.
Theodore P. Baker (ed.),
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS 2009), pp. 364-374.
IEEE Computer Society 2009.
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We present a novel technique for synthesizing controllers for
distributed real-time environments with safety requirements.
Our approach is an abstraction refinement extension to the
on-the-fly algorithm by Cassez et al. from 2005. Based on
partial compositions of some environment components, each
refinement cycle constructs a sound abstraction that can be
used to obtain under- and over-approximations of all valid
controller implementations. This enables (1) early
termination if an implementation does not exist in the
over-approximation, or, if one does exist in the
under-approximation, and (2) pruning of irrelevant moves in
subsequent refinement cycles. In our refinement loop, the
precision of the abstractions incrementally increases and
converges to all specification-critical components.
We implemented our approach in a prototype synthesis tool and
evaluated it on an industrial benchmark. In comparison with
the timed game solver UPPAAL-Tiga, our technique outperforms
the nonincremental approach by an order of magnitude.
Bahareh Badban, Stefan Leue and Jan-Georg Smaus.
Automated Predicate Abstraction for Real-Time Models.
Axel Legay and Azadeh Farzan (ed.),
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems
(INFINITY 2009), pp. 36-43.
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We present a technique designed to automatically compute predicate
abstractions for dense real-timed models represented as networks of
timed automata. We use the CIPM algorithm in our previous work which
computes new invariants for timed automata control locations and
prunes the model, to compute a predicate abstraction of the model. We
do so by taking information regarding control locations and their
newly computed invariants into account.
Dapeng Zhang, Cai Zhongjie, Chen Kefei and Bernhard Nebel.
A Game Controller Based on Multiple Sensors.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Tochnology (ACE 2009).
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A digital game is normally controlled by hand. Playing such
a game requires only minimum hand movements. Rather
than being easy and comfortable, this game controller is designed
to be physically taxing for the players. It consists of
several sensors, which makes a game more lively and forces
the users to be more physically active. By using different
mapping methods, one game can be played in several ways.
The statistics gathered from the experiments show that even
though the quality of control on the chosen fighting game is
not as high as with a normal joystick, the developed controller
is still preferred by most of the participants. It induces
much more movement than a normal joystick.
Jie Bao, Uldis Bojars, Tanzeem Choudhury, Li Ding, Mark Greaves, Ashish Kapoor, Sandy Louchart, Manish Mehta, Bernhard Nebel, Sergei Nirenburg, Tim Oates, David L. Roberts, Antonio Sanfilippo, Nenad Stojanovic, Kristen Stubbs, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz, Katherine M. Tsui and Stefan Wölfl.
Reports of the AAAI 2009 Spring Symposia.
AI Magazine. 2009.
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(Online; DOI)
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with Stanford University's Department of Computer Science, was pleased to present the 2009 Spring Symposium Series, held Monday through Wednesday, March 23-25, 2009, at Stanford University. The titles of the nine symposia were Agents That Learn from Human Teachers, Benchmarking of Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning Systems, Experimental Design for Real-World Systems, Human Behavior Modeling, Intelligent Event Processing, Intelligent Narrative Technologies II, Learning by Reading and Learning to Read, Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0, and Technosocial Predictive Analytics. The goal of the Agents That Learn from Human Teachers symposium was to investigate how we can enable software and robotics agents to learn from real-time interaction with an everyday human partner. The aim of the Benchmarking of Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning Systems symposium was to initiate the development of a problem repository in the field of qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning and identify a graded set of challenges for future midterm and long-term research. The Experimental Design symposium discussed the challenges of evaluating AI systems. The Human Behavior Modeling symposium explored reasoning methods for understanding various aspects of human behavior, especially in the context of designing intelligent systems that interact with humans. The Intelligent Event Processing symposium discussed the need for more AI-based approaches in event processing and defined a kind of research agenda for the field, coined as intelligent complex event processing (iCEP). The Intelligent Narrative Technologies II AAAI symposium discussed innovations, progress, and novel techniques in the research domain. The Learning by Reading and Learning to Read symposium explored two aspects of making natural language texts semantically accessible to, and processable by, machines. The Social Semantic Web symposium focused on the real-world grand challenges in this area. Finally, the Technosocial Predictive Analytics symposium explored new methods for anticipatory analytical thinking that provide decision advantage through the integration of human and physical models.
Jens Witkowski.
Eliciting Honest Reputation Feedback in a Markov Setting.
Proceedings of the 21th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009).
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Recently, online reputation mechanisms have been proposed that
reward agents for honest feedback about products and services
with fixed quality. Many real-world settings, however, are
inherently dynamic. As an example, consider a web service that
wishes to publish the expected download speed of a file
mirrored on different server sites. In contrast to the models
of Miller, Resnick and Zeckhauser and of Jurca and Faltings,
the quality of the service (e.g., a server's available
bandwidth) changes over time and future agents are solely
interested in the present quality levels. We show that
hidden Markov models (HMM) provide natural generalizations of
these static models and design a payment scheme that elicits
honest reports from the agents after they have experienced the
quality of the service.
Moritz Göbelbecker and Christian Dornhege.
Realistic Cities in Simulated Environments - An Open Street Map to Robocup Rescue Converter.
Online-Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Synthetic Simulation
and Robotics to Mitigate Earthquake Disaster (SRMED 2009).
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A general problem when developing large scale disaster simulation environments is to acquire GIS data.
In this work, we tackle the problem of map generation from public sources.
Usually the major problem is not only the data conversion itself, but to get access to the data at all.
We solve this problem by using the website OpenStreetMap.org, that provides mapping data for the whole world in a wiki-style concept, as our source of data,
thus being able to generate maps for almost any city.
The data is converted to the format required by the Robocup Rescue Simulation System, enabling simulations
on various real-world scenarios.
Jörg Hoffmann, Piergiorgio Bertoli, Malte Helmert and Marco Pistore.
Message-Based Web Service Composition, Integrity
Constraints, and Planning under Uncertainty: A New
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 35, pp. 49-117. 2009.
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Thanks to recent advances, AI Planning has become the
underlying technique for several applications. Figuring
prominently among these is automated Web Service Composition
(WSC) at the "capability" level, where services are
described in terms of preconditions and effects over
ontological concepts. A key issue in addressing WSC as
planning is that ontologies are not only formal vocabularies;
they also axiomatize the possible relationships between
concepts. Such axioms correspond to what has been termed
"integrity constraints" in the actions and change
literature, and applying a web service is essentially a belief
update operation. The reasoning required for belief update is
known to be harder than reasoning in the ontology itself. The
support for belief update is severely limited in current
planning tools.
Our first contribution consists in identifying an interesting
special case of WSC which is both significant and more
tractable. The special case, which we term forward
effects, is characterized by the fact that every
ramification of a web service application involves at least
one new constant generated as output by the web service. We
show that, in this setting, the reasoning required for belief
update simplifies to standard reasoning in the ontology
itself. This relates to, and extends, current notions of
"message-based" WSC, where the need for belief update is
removed by a strong (often implicit or informal) assumption of
"locality" of the individual messages. We clarify the
computational properties of the forward effects case, and
point out a strong relation to standard notions of planning
under uncertainty, suggesting that effective tools for the
latter can be successfully adapted to address the former.
Furthermore, we identify a significant sub-case, named
strictly forward effects, where an actual compilation
into planning under uncertainty exists. This enables us to
exploit off-the-shelf planning tools to solve message-based
WSC in a general form that involves powerful ontologies, and
requires reasoning about partial matches between concepts. We
provide empirical evidence that this approach may be quite
effective, using Conformant-FF as the underlying planner.
Alexander Schimpf, Stephan Merz and Jan-Georg Smaus.
Construction of Büchi Automata for LTL Model Checking Verified in Isabelle/HOL.
Stefan Berghofer and Tobias Nipkow and Christian
Urban and Makarius Wenzel (ed.),
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics
(TPHOLs 2009), pp. 424-439.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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We present the implementation of a translation of LTL formulae into
automata in Isabelle/HOL, which is an essential component of LTL
model checking algorithms. In automaton-based model checking, we
have a system modelled as a transition system and a correctness
property stated as a temporal (in our case: LTL) formula.
Such a formula can be translated into a (generalised) Büchi
automaton that accepts precisely those behaviours allowed by the
formula. Checking correctness of the system thus amounts to a
language inclusion property between the two automata. We implemented
a standard translation algorithm due to Gerth et al. The
correctness and termination of our implementation is shown in
Isabelle/HOL, and executable code is generated using the
Isabelle/HOL code generator.
Stefan Ratschan and Jan-Georg Smaus.
Finding Errors of Hybrid Systems by Optimising
an Abstraction-Based Quality Estimate.
Catherine Dubois (ed.),
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tests And Proofs
(TAP 2009), pp. 153-168.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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We present an algorithm for falsifying safety properties of hybrid
systems, i.e., for finding a trajectory to an unsafe state. The
approach is to approximate how close a point is to being an initial
point of an error trajectory using a real-valued quality function, and
then to use numerical optimisation to search for an optimum of this
function. The function is computed by running simulations, where
information coming from abstractions computed by a verification
algorithm is exploited to determine whether a simulation looks
promising and should be continued or cancelled. This information
becomes more reliable as the abstraction becomes more refined. We thus
interleave falsification and verification attempts.
Bahareh Badban, Stefan Leue and Jan-Georg Smaus.
Automated Invariant Generation for the Verification
of Real-Time Systems.
Andrew Ireland and Laura Kovács (ed.),
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
Invariant Generation
(WING 2009).
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We present an approach to automatically generating invariants for timed automata
models. The CIPM algorithm that we propose first computes new invariants
for timed automata control locations taking their originally defined invariants
as well as the constrains on clock variables
imposed by incoming state transitions into account. In doing
so the CIPM algorithm also prunes idle transitions, which are transitions that can never
be taken, from the automaton. We discsuss a prototype implementation of the
CIPM algorithm as well as some initial experimental results.
Stefan Ratschan and Jan-Georg Smaus.
Finding Errors of Hybrid Systems by Optimising
an Abstraction-Based Quality Estimate.
Tarmo Uustalu and Jüri Vain (ed.),
Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory
(NWPT 2008), pp. 72-74.
Martin Wehrle, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Andreas Podelski.
Transition-based Directed Model Checking.
Stefan Kowalewski and Anna Philippou (eds.),
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Tools and
Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS
2009), pp. 186-200.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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Directed model checking is a well-established technique that
is tailored to fast detection of system states that violate a
given safety property. This is achieved by influencing the
order in which states are explored during the state space
traversal. The order is typically determined by an abstract
distance function that estimates a state's distance to a
nearest error state. In this paper, we propose a general
enhancement to directed model checking based on the evaluation
of state transitions. We present a schema,
parametrized by an abstract distance function, to evaluate
transitions and propose a new method for the state space
traversal. Our framework can be applied automatically to a
wide range of abstract distance functions. The empirical
evaluation impressively shows its practical potential.
Apparently, the new method identifies a sweet spot in the
trade-off between scalability (memory consumption) and short
error traces.
Michael Brenner and Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova.
A Continual Multiagent Planning Approach to Situated
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of
Dialogue (LonDial
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Situated dialogue is usually tightly integrated with behavior
planning, physical action and perception. This paper presents an
algorithmic framework, Continual Collaborative Planning (CCP), for
modeling this kind of integrated behavior and shows how CCP agents
naturally blend physical and communicative actions. For experiments
with conversational CCP agents we have developed MAPSIM, a software
environment that can generate multiagent simulations from formal
multiagent planning problems automatically. MAPSIM permits comparison
of CCP-based dialogue strategies on a wide range of domains and
problems without domain-specific programming. Despite their
linguistic capabilities being limited MAPSIM agents can already
engage in fairly realistic situated dialogues. Our ongoing work is
taking this approach from simulation to real human-robot interaction.
Thomas Keller and Sebastian Kupferschmid.
Automatic Bidding for the Game of Skat.
Andreas R. Dengel, Karsten Berns, Thomas M. Breuel, Frank
Bomarius and Thomas R. Roth-Berghofer (eds.),
Proceedings of the 31st Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2008), pp. 95-102.
Springer-Verlag 2008.
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In recent years, researchers started to study the game of Skat.
The strength of existing Skat playing programs is definitely the
card play phase. The bidding phase, however, was treated quite
poorly so far. This is a severe drawback since bidding abilities
influence the overall playing performance drastically. In this
paper we present a powerful bidding engine which is based on a
k-nearest neighbor algorithm.
Jan-Georg Smaus and Jörg Hoffmann.
Relaxation Refinement: A New Method to Generate Heuristic
Doron Peled and Michael Wooldridge (eds.),
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence
(MoChArt 2008), pp. 147-165.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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In artificial intelligence, a relaxation of a problem
is an overapproximation whose solution in every state of an
explicit search provides a heuristic solution distance estimate.
The heuristic guides the exploration, potentially shortening the
search by exponentially many search states. The big question is
how a good relaxation for the problem at hand should be derived.
In model checking, overapproximations are called
abstractions, and abstraction refinement is a
powerful method developed to derive approximations that are
sufficiently precise for verifying the system at hand.
In our work, we bring these two paradigms together. We pioneer
the application of (predicate) abstraction refinement for the
generation of heuristic functions that are intelligently adapted
to the problem at hand. We investigate how an abstraction
refinement process for generating heuristic functions should
differ from the process used in the verification context. We do
so in the context of DMC of timed automata. We obtain a variety
of interesting insights about this approach.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Martin Wehrle, Bernhard Nebel and Andreas Podelski.
Faster than Uppaal?
A. Gupta and S. Malik (eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Aided
Verification (CAV 2008), pp. 552-555.
Springer-Verlag 2008.
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It is probably very hard to develop a new model checker that
is faster than Uppaal for verifying correct timed automata. In
fact, our tool Mcta does not even try to compete with Uppaal
in this (i.e., Uppaal's) arena. Instead, Mcta is geared
towards analyzing incorrect specifications of timed automata.
It returns (shorter) error traces faster.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Jörg Hoffmann and Kim G. Larsen.
Fast Directed Model Checking via Russian Doll Abstraction.
C. R. Ramakrishnan and J. Rehof (eds.),
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Tools and
Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2008), pp. 203-217.
Springer-Verlag 2008.
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Directed model checking aims at speeding up the search for bugs
in a system through the use of heuristic functions. Such a
function maps states to integers, estimating the state's
distance to the nearest error state. The search gives a
preference to states with lower estimates. The key issue is how
to generate good heuristic functions, i.e., functions that guide
the search quickly to an error state. An arsenal of heuristic
functions has been developed in recent years. Significant
progress was made, but many problems still prove to be
notoriously hard. In particular, a body of work describes
heuristic functions for model checking timed automata in Uppaal,
and tested them on a certain set of benchmarks. Into this
arsenal we add another heuristic function. With previous
heuristics, for the largest of the benchmarks it was only just
possible to find some (unnecessarily long) error path. With
the new heuristic, we can find provably shortest error paths for
these benchmarks in a matter of seconds. The heuristic
function is based on a kind of Russian Doll principle, where the
heuristic for a given problem arises through using Uppaal itself
for the complete exploration of a simplified instance of the
same problem. The simplification consists in removing those
parts from the problem that are distant from the error property.
As our empirical results confirm, this simplification often
preserves the characteristic structure leading to the error.
Henning Dierks, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Kim G. Larsen.
Automatic Abstraction Refinement for Timed Automata.
Jean-François Raskin and P. S. Thiagarajan (eds.),
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems
(FORMATS 2007), pp. 114-129.
Springer-Verlag 2007.
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We present a fully automatic approach for counterexample guided
abstraction refinement of real-time systems modelled in a subset
of timed automata. Our approach is implemented in the Moby/RT
tool environment, which is a CASE tool for embedded system
specifications. Verification in Moby/RT is done by constructing
abstractions of the semantics in terms of timed automata which
are fed into the model checker Uppaal. Since the abstractions
are over-approximations, absence of abstract counterexamples
implies a valid result for the full model. Our new approach
deals with the situation in which an abstract counterexample is
found by Uppaal. The generated abstract counterexample is used
to construct either a concrete counterexample for the full model
or to identify a slightly refined abstraction in which the found
spurious counterexample cannot occur anymore. Hence, the
approach allows for a fully automatic abstraction refinement
loop starting from the coarsest abstraction towards an
abstraction for which a valid verification result is found.
Nontrivial case studies demonstrate that this approach computes
small abstractions fast without any user interaction.
Silvia Richter, Malte Helmert and Charles Gretton.
A Stochastic Local Search Approach to Vertex Cover.
Proceedings of the 30th Annual German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI 2007), pp. 412-426.
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We introduce a novel stochastic local search algorithm for the
vertex cover problem. Compared to current exhaustive search
techniques, our algorithm achieves excellent performance on a
suite of problems drawn from the field of biology. We also
evaluate our performance on the commonly used DIMACS benchmarks
for the related clique problem, finding that our approach is
competitive with the current best stochastic local search
algorithm for finding cliques. On three very large problem
instances, our algorithm establishes new records in solution
Jan-Georg Smaus.
On Boolean Functions Encodable as a Single Linear Pseudo-Boolean
Pascal Van Hentenryck and Laurence Wolsey (eds.),
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming
for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2007), pp. 288-302.
Springer 2007.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Klaus Dräger, Jörg Hoffmann, Bernd Finkbeiner, Henning Dierks, Andreas Podelski and Gerd Behrmann.
UPPAAL/DMC - Abstraction-based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking.
Orna Grumberg and Michael Huth (eds.),
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tools
and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2007), pp. 679-682.
Springer-Verlag 2007.
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Uppaal/DMC is an extension of Uppaal that provides generic
heuristics for directed model checking. In this approach, the
traversal of the state space is guided by a heuristic function
which estimates the distance of a search state to the nearest
error state. Our tool combines two recent approaches to design
such estimation functions. Both are based on computing an
abstraction of the system and using the error distance in this
abstraction as the heuristic value. The abstractions, and thus
the heuristic functions, are generated fully automatically and
do not need any additional user input. Uppaal/DMC needs less
time and memory to find shorter error paths than Uppaal's
standard search methods.
Malte Helmert, Robert Mattmüller and Sven Schewe.
Selective Approaches for Solving Weak Games.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2006), pp. 200-214.
Springer-Verlag 2006.
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Model-checking alternating-time properties has recently
attracted much interest in the verification of distributed
protocols. While checking the validity of a specification in
alternating-time temporal logic (ATL) against an explicit
model is cheap (linear in the size of the formula and the
model), the problem becomes EXPTIME-hard when symbolic
models are considered. Practical ATL model-checking therefore
often consumes too much computation time to be tractable.
In this paper, we describe a novel approach for ATL
model-checking, which constructs an explicit weak model-checking
game on-the-fly. This game is then evaluated using heuristic
techniques inspired by efficient evaluation algorithms for
To show the feasibility of our approach, we compare its
performance to the ATL model-checking system MOCHA on some
practical examples. Using very limited heuristic guidance, we
achieve a significant speedup on these benchmarks.
Jan-Georg Smaus.
Representing Boolean Functions as Linear Pseudo-Boolean
CP 2006 Workshop on the
Integration of SAT and CP techniques.
Jörg Hoffmann, Jan-Georg Smaus, Andrey Rybalchenko, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Andreas Podelski.
Using Predicate Abstraction to Generate Heuristic Functions in
Stefan Edelkamp and Alessio Lomuscio (eds.),
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence
(MoChArt 2006), pp. 51-66.
Springer-Verlag 2006.
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We focus on checking safety properties in networks of extended
timed automata, with the well-known Uppaal system. We show how
to use predicate abstraction, in the sense used in model
checking, to generate search guidance, in the sense used in
Artificial Intelligence (AI). This contributes another family
of heuristic functions to the growing body of work on
directed model checking. The overall methodology
follows the pattern database approach from AI: the
abstract state space is exhaustively built in a pre-process,
and used as a lookup table during search. While typically
pattern databases use rather primitive abstractions ignoring
some of the relevant symbols, we use predicate
abstraction, dividing the state space into equivalence
classes with respect to a list of logical expressions
(predicates). We empirically explore the behavior of the
resulting family of heuristics, in a meaningful set of
benchmarks. In particular, while several challenges remain
open, we show that one can easily obtain heuristic functions
that are competitive with the state-of-the-art in directed
model checking.
Stefan Ratschan and Jan-Georg Smaus.
Verification-Integrated Falsification of Non-deterministic Hybrid
Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of
Hybrid Systems (ADHS
Sebastian Kupferschmid and Malte Helmert.
A Skat Player Based on Monte Carlo Simulation.
H. Jaap van den Herik, Paolo Ciancarini and H. H. L. M. Donkers (eds.),
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Computer and Games (CG 2006), pp. 135-147.
Springer-Verlag 2006.
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We apply Monte Carlo simulation and alpha-beta search to the
card game of Skat, which is similar to Bridge, but
different enough to require some new algorithmic ideas besides
the techniques developed for Bridge. Our Skat-playing program
integrates well-known techniques such as move ordering
with two new search enhancements. Quasi-symmetry
reduction generalizes symmetry reductions, popularized by
Ginsberg's Partition Search algorithm, to search states which
are "almost equivalent". Adversarial heuristics
generalize ideas from single-agent search algorithms like A* to
two-player games, leading to guaranteed lower and upper bounds
for the score of a game position. Combining these techniques
with state-of-the-art tree search algorithms, our program
determines the game-theoretical value of a typical Skat hand
(with perfect information) in 10 milliseconds.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Jörg Hoffmann, Henning Dierks and Gerd Behrmann.
Adapting an AI Planning Heuristic for Directed Model Checking.
Antti Valmari (ed.),
Proceedings of the 13th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Software
(SPIN 2006), pp. 35-52.
Springer-Verlag 2006.
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There is a growing body of work on directed model checking,
which improves the falsification of safety properties by
providing heuristic functions that can guide the search
quickly towards short error paths. Techniques
of this kind have also been made very successful in the area of
AI Planning. Our main technical contribution is the adaptation
of the most successful heuristic function from AI Planning to
the model checking context, yielding a new heuristic for
directed model checking. The heuristic is based on solving an
abstracted problem in every search state. We adapt the
abstraction and its solution to networks of communicating
automata annotated with (constraints and effects on) integer
variables. Since our ultimate goal in this research is to also
take into account clock variables, as used in timed automata,
our techniques are implemented inside Uppaal. We run
experiments in some toy benchmarks for timed automata, and in
two timed automata case studies originating from an industrial
project. Compared to both blind search and some previously
proposed heuristic functions, we consistently obtain
significant, sometimes dramatic, search space reductions,
resulting in likewise strong reductions of runtime and memory
Jörg Hoffmann and Sebastian Kupferschmid.
A Covering Problem for Hypercubes.
Leslie Pack Kaelbling and Alessandro Saffiotti (eds.),
Poster Proceedings of the 19th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2005), pp. 1523-1524.
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We introduce a new NP-complete problem asking if a "query"
hypercube is (not) covered by a set of other "evidence"
hypercubes. This comes down to a form of constraint reasoning
asking for the satisfiability of a CNF formula where the
logical atoms are inequalities over single variables, with
possibly infinite variable domains. We empirically investigate
the location of the phase transition regions in two random
distributions of problem instances. We introduce a solution
method that iteratively constructs a representation of the
non-covered part of the query cube. In particular, the method
is not based on backtracking. Our experiments show that the
method is, in a significant range of instances, superior to the
backtracking method that results from translation to SAT, and
application of a state-of-the-art DP-based SAT solver.
Markus Büttner.
Enhanced Prefetching- and Caching Strategies for Single and Multi-Disk Systems.
Alexander Kleiner.
Game AI: The shrinking gap between computer games and AI systems Ambient Intelligence.
Ambient Intelligence:The evolution of technology, communication and cognition towards the future of human-computer interaction. 2005.
Jan-Georg Smaus.
Termination of Logic Programs Using Various Dynamic Selection Rules.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Logic Programming (ICLP'04).
Bernd Becker, Markus Behle, Fritz Eisenbrand, Martin Fränzle, Marc Herbstritt, Christian Herde, Jörg Hoffmann, Daniel Kröning, Bernhard Nebel, Ilia Polian and Ralf Wimmer.
Bounded Model Checking and Inductive Verification of
Hybrid Discrete-continuous Systems.
Proceedings GI/ITG/GMM-Workshop Methoden und
Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von
Schaltungen und Systemen, pp. 65-75.
Kaiserslautern 2004.
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We present a concept to signicantly advance the state of the art for bounded
model checking (BMC) and inductive verication (IV) of hybrid discrete-continuous
systems. Our approach combines the expertise of partners coming from dierent
domains, like hybrid systems modeling and digital circuit verication, bounded planning and heuristic search, combinatorial optimization and integer programming. After sketching the overall verication
ow we present rst results indicating that the
combination and tight integration of dierent verication engines is a rst step to
pave the way to fully automated BMC and IV of medium to large-scale networks of
hybrid automata.
Günther Görz and Bernhard Nebel (eds.).
Künstliche Intelligenz.
Fischer, Frankfurt/Main 2003.
Gerhard Lakemeyer and Bernhard Nebel (eds.).
Exploring AI in the New Millenium.
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco 2002.
Bernhard Nebel (ed.).
Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI 2001).
Morgan Kaufmann, Seattle, Washington, USA 2001.
Bernhard Nebel.
Ranking? Publikationen, Zitate, Drittmittelprojekte und Promotionen an
deutschen Informatikfakultäten im Spiegel des WWW.
Informatik-Spektrum 24 (4), pp. 234-249. 2001.
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Will man etwas über die wissenschaftliche
Produktivität einer Fakultät in Erfahrung bringen, kann man
Indikatoren wie Anzahl von Publikationen, aktuelle Veröffentlichungen
in internationalen Fachzeitschriften, Anzahl von Zitaten, Anzahl von
Promotionen und Anzahl und Umfang von Drittmittelprojekten versuchen
zu bestimmen. Mittlerweile ist im World Wide Web so viel
Information vorhanden, dass die Bestimmung dieser Indikatoren keinen
großen Aufwand erfordert und problemlos nachvollziehbar ist. In diesem
Artikel werden die Resultate einer Auswertung zur Bestimmung der
Indikatoren für die deutschen Informatik-Fakultäten, -Fachbereiche und
-Institute beschrieben, die auf im WWW frei zugänglichen Quellen
Gerhard Brewka, Christopher Habel and Bernhard Nebel (eds.).
KI-97: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 21st Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Volume 1303 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1997.
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This volume contains the invited contributions, accepted papers and poster presentations of the 21st German Annual Intelligence Conference, KI-97, held in Freiburg, Sept. 9-12, 1997.
Yannis Dimopoulos, Saso Dzeroski and Antonis Kakas.
Integrating Explanatory and Descriptive Learning in ILP.
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'97), pp. 900-906.
Bernhard Nebel.
Artificial Intelligence: A Computational Perspective.
G. Brewka (ed.),
Principles of Knowledge Representation, pp. 237-266.
CSLI Publications 1996.
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Although the computational perspective on cognitive tasks
has always played a major role in Artificial Intelligence, the
interest in the precise determination of the computational costs
that are required for solving typical AI problems has grown only
recently. In this paper, we will describe what insights a
computational complexity analysis can provide and what methods are
available to deal with the complexity problem.