
Computer Science Theory I - Lectures

Nr. Date Topic Slides Recordings Last Change
1. Tu, 03.05.2011
We, 04.05.2011
Introduction (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
(Recording 3)
2. Tu, 10.05.2011
We, 11.05.2011
Tu, 17.05.2011
Search Trees (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
3. Tu, 17.05.2011
We, 18.05.2011
Tree traversal analysis (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
4. Tu, 24.05.2011
We, 25.05.2011
Balanced trees AVL (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
5. Tu, 31.05.2011 AVL trees delete (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
6. Tu, 31.05.2011
We, 01.06.2011
Hashing (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
7. Tu, 07.06.2011 Hashing: Chaining (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
8. Tu, 07.06.2011 Hashing: Open Addressing (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
9. We, 08.06.2011 Dynamic tables (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
10. Tu, 21.06.2011
We, 22.06.2011
Randomized algorithms (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
11. Tu, 28.06.2011
We, 29.06.2011
Text search (Screen)
(6up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
12. We, 29.06.2011
Tu, 05.07.2011
Edit distance (Screen)
(6up for print)
(Recording 1)
Recording 2
13. Tu, 05.07.2011 Programming Languages and Software Engineering: Basic Terms (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
14. We, 06.07.2011
Tu, 12.07.2011
PLSE: Abstract Data Types (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
15. We, 13.07.2011
Tu, 19.07.2011
PLSE: The Word Problem (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
16. Tu, 19.07.2011 PLSE: Unification (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
17. We, 20.07.2011 Databases: Introduction (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
18. Tu, 26.07.2011
We, 27.07.2011
Databases: Relational Algebra (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
19. Tu, 26.07.2011
We, 27.07.2011
Tu, 02.08.2011
Databases: Relational Calculus (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
20. Tu, 02.08.2011 Databases: Formal Design (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1
21. We, 03.08.2011 Revision (Screen)
(4up for print)
Recording 1

Watching the Recordings

To watch the recordings you need the Lecturnity-Player.

Windows: After installing the player, .lpd-files can be played by double-clicking or by starting the player and opening the files via the dialogue.

Linux / Mac: The java-based Player is started by:
java -jar LECTURNITY_Player.jar <.lpd-file>

Recordings given in parentheses are missing due to technical problems. Sorry!