Manuela Ortlieb Publikationen
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David Speck, Manuela Ortlieb und Robert Mattmüller.
Necessary Observations in Nondeterministic Planning.
Proceedings of the 38th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(KI 2015).
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An agent that interacts with a nondeterministic environment can
often only partially observe the surroundings. This necessitates
observations via sensors rendering more information about the
current world state. Sensors can be expensive in many regards
therefore it can be essential to minimize the amount of sensors
an agent requires to solve given tasks. A limitation for sensor
minimization is given by essential sensors which are always
required to solve particular problems. In this paper we present
an efficient algorithm which determines a set of necessary observation
variables. More specifically, we develop a bottom-up algorithm which
computes a set of variables which are always necessary to observe,
in order to always reach a goal state. Our experimental results show
that the knowledge about necessary observation variables can be used
to minimize the number of sensors of an agent.
Jonas Thiem, Robert Mattmüller und Manuela Ortlieb.
Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement for POND Planning.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2015 Workshop on Model Checking and Automated Planning (MOCHAP 2015).
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Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) allows to
gradually refine a problem definition until the required detail
for a solution is present. We propose the use of CEGAR to
demonstrate unsolvability of a planning problem while avoiding a
search through the whole state space. This allows a sensor
minimization algorithm for partially observable
non-deterministic (POND) planning problems to determine the
definitive unsolvability notably faster, which is a necessary
part of current approaches of computing the minimal sensor
variable set. We determine from our empirical results that while
the presented algorithm causes some slowdown for solvable
problems, the unsolvability is determined at a much greater
speed with this novel approach.
Robert Mattmüller, Manuela Ortlieb und Erik Wacker.
Minimizing Necessary Observations for Nondeterministic Planning.
Proceedings of the 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014).
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Autonomous agents interact with their environments via sensors and actuators.
Motivated by the observation that sensors can be expensive, in this paper we
are concerned with the problem of minimizing the amount of sensors an agent
needs in order to successfully plan and act in a partially observable
nondeterministic environment. More specifically, we present a simple greedy
top-down algorithm in the space of observation variables that returns an
inclusion minimal set of state variables sufficient to observe in order to
find a plan. We enhance the algorithm by reusing plans from earlier iterations
and by the use of functional dependencies between variables that allows the
values of some variables to be inferred from those of other variables. Our
experimental evaluation on a number of benchmark problems shows promising
results regarding runtime, numbers of sensors and plan quality.
Andreas Hertle, Christian Dornhege, Thomas Keller, Robert Mattmüller, Manuela Ortlieb und Bernhard Nebel.
An Experimental Comparison of Classical, FOND and Probabilistic Planning.
Proceedings of the 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014), S. 297-308.
Springer 2014.
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Domain-independent planning in general is broadly applicable to a wide range of tasks.
Many formalisms exist that allow to describe different aspects of realistic problems.
Which one is best is not clear as usually more expressiveness comes with a cost in
planning time. Under the assumption that hard guarantees are not required, users are
faced with a decision between multiple approaches. In this work we study the effect of
nondeterministic action outcomes. As a generic model we use a probabilistic description
in the form of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). We define abstracting translations
into a classical planning formalism and fully observable nondeterministic (FOND)
planning. Our goal is to give insight into how state-of-the-art systems perform on
different MDP planning domains. We evaluate those MDPs by running state-of-the-art
planning systems on the abstracted formalisms.
Manuela Ortlieb und Robert Mattmüller.
Pattern-Database Heuristics for Partially Observable Nondeterministic Planning.
Proceedings of the 36th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2013).
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(slides; PDF)
Heuristic search is the dominant approach to classical
planning. However, many realistic problems violate classical
assumptions such as determinism of action outcomes or full
observability. In this paper, we investigate how - and how
successfully - a particular classical technique, namely informed search
using an abstraction heuristic, can be transferred to
nondeterministic planning under partial observability. Specifically,
we explore pattern-database heuristics with automatically generated
patterns in the context of informed progression search for strong
cyclic planning under partial observability. To that end, we discuss
projections and how belief states can be heuristically assessed
either directly or by going back to the contained world states, and
empirically evaluate the resulting heuristics internally and
compared to a delete-relaxation and a blind approach.
From our experiments we can conclude that in terms of
guidance, it is preferable to represent both nondeterminism and
partial observability in the abstraction (instead of relaxing them),
and that the resulting abstraction heuristics significantly
outperform both blind search and a delete-relaxation approach where
nondeterminism and partial observability are also relaxed.
Silvan Sievers, Manuela Ortlieb und Malte Helmert.
Efficient Implementation of Pattern Database Heuristics for Classical Planning.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2012), S. 105-111.
AAAI Press 2012.
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Despite their general success in the heuristic search community, pattern database (PDB)
heuristics have, until very recently, not been used by the most successful classical
planning systems.
We describe a new efficient implementation of pattern database heuristics within the
Fast Downward planner. A planning system using this implementation is competitive with
the state of the art in optimal planning, significantly improving over results from
the previous best PDB heuristic implementation in planning.
Robert Mattmüller, Manuela Ortlieb, Malte Helmert und Pascal Bercher.
Pattern Database Heuristics for Fully Observable Nondeterministic Planning.
Ronen Brafman, Héctor Geffner, Jörg Hoffmann und Henry Kautz (Hrsg.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS 2010), S. 105-112.
AAAI Press 2010.
(Abstract einblenden)
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(slides; PDF)
When planning in an uncertain environment, one is often
interested in finding a contingent plan that prescribes
appropriate actions for all possible states that may be
encountered during the execution of the plan. We consider the
problem of finding strong and strong cyclic plans for fully
observable nondeterministic (FOND) planning problems. The
algorithm we choose is LAO*, an informed explicit state search
algorithm. We investigate the use of pattern database (PDB)
heuristics to guide LAO* towards goal states. To obtain a
fully domain-independent planning system, we use an automatic
pattern selection procedure that performs local search in the
space of pattern collections. The evaluation of our system on
the FOND benchmarks of the Uncertainty Part of the
International Planning Competition 2008 shows that our
approach is competitive with symbolic regression search in
terms of problem coverage and speed.