

Vollständige Liste der Publikationen

Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen (letzte 12 Monate):

(Alle Abstracts einblenden) (Alle Abstracts ausblenden)

  • Bernhard Nebel.
    The Computational Complexity of Multi-Agent Pathfinding on Directed Graphs.
    Artificial Intelligence. 2024.
    (Abstract einblenden) (Preprint; PDF) (Online; DOI)

  • Moritz Graf, Thorsten Engesser und Bernhard Nebel.
    A Symbolic Sequential Equilibria Solver for Game Theory Explorer (Demo Track).
    In Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024). 2024.
    (Abstract einblenden)

  • Moritz Graf, Thorsten Engesser und Bernhard Nebel.
    Symbolic Computation of Sequential Equilibria.
    In Proceedings of the 23rd Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024). 2024.
    (Abstract einblenden)

  • Stefano Ardizzoni, Irene Saccani, Luca Consolini, Marco Locatelli und Bernhard Nebel.
    An Algorithm with Improved Complexity for Pebble Motion/Multi-Agent Path Finding on Trees.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 79. 2024.
    (Abstract einblenden) (Online; DOI)