
Felix Lindner – Publikationen

Die Liste enthält meine Publikationen seit 2016. Eine vollständige Liste meiner Publikationen ist hier verfügbar.

(Alle Abstracts einblenden) (Alle Abstracts ausblenden)


  • Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmüller und Bernhard Nebel.
    Evaluation of the Moral Permissibility of Action Plans.
    Artificial Intelligence 287. 2020.
    (Abstract einblenden) (PDF)


  • Felix Lindner, Barbara Kuhnert, Laura Wächter und Katrin Möllney.
    Perception of Creative Responses to Moral Dilemmas by a Conversational Robot.
    In Proc. ICSR 2019. 2019.

  • Felix Lindner und Katrin Möllney.
    Extracting Reasons for Moral Judgments under Various Ethical Principles.
    In Proceedings of KI 2019. 2019.

  • Hanna Stellmach und Felix Lindner.
    Perception of an Uncertain Ethical Reasoning Robot.
    Journal of Interactive Media 18(1). 2019.

  • Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmüller und Bernhard Nebel.
    Moral Permissibility of Action Plans.
    In Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19). 2019.
    (Abstract einblenden) (PDF)


  • Laura Wächter und Felix Lindner.
    An Explorative Comparison of Blame Attributions to Companion Robots Across Various Moral Dilemmas.
    In Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2018). 2018.

  • Barbara Kuhnert, Felix Lindner, Martin Mose Bentzen und Marco Ragni.
    Causal Structure of Moral Dilemmas Predicts Perceived Difficulty of Making a Decision.
    In Proceedings of the KogWis 2018 (Extended Abstract). 2018.

  • Martin Mose Bentzen, Felix Lindner, Louise Dennis und Michael Fisher.
    Moral Permissibility of Actions in Smart Home Systems.
    In Proceedings of the FLoC 2018 Workshop on Robots, Morality, and Trust through the Verification Lens (Extended Abstract). 2018.

  • Hanna Stellmach und Felix Lindner.
    Perception of an Uncertain Ethical Reasoning Robot: A Pilot Study.
    In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2018. 2018.
    (Abstract einblenden)

  • Felix Lindner und Martin Mose Bentzen.
    A Formalization of Kant's Second Formulation of the Categorical Imperative.
    In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems (DEON). 2018.
    (Abstract einblenden)

  • Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmüller und Bernhard Nebel.
    Moral Permissibility of Action Plans.
    In Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on EXplainable AI Planning (XAIP). 2018.
    (Abstract einblenden) (PDF)

  • Glenda Hannibal und Felix Lindner.
    Transdisciplinary Reflections on Social Robotics in Academia and Beyond.
    In Proceedings of Robo-Philosophy 2018. 2018.


  • Felix Lindner, Martin Mose Bentzen und Bernhard Nebel.
    The HERA Approach to Morally Competent Robots.
    In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017). 2017.
    (Abstract einblenden) (PDF)

  • Barbara Kuhnert, Marco Ragni und Felix Lindner.
    The Gap between Human's Attitute towards Robots in General and Human's Expectation of an Ideal Everyday Life Robot.
    In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017). 2017.

  • Felix Lindner, Laura Wächter und Martin Mose Bentzen.
    Discussions About Lying with an Ethical Reasoning Robot.
    In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017). 2017.

  • Felix Lindner und Carola Eschenbach.
    An Affordance-Based Conceptual Framework for Spatial Behavior of Social Robots.
    In Raul Hakli und Johanna Seibt (Hrsg.), Sociality and Normativity for Robots --- Philosophical Inquiries into Human-Robot Interactions. Springer International Publishing 2017.

  • Barbara Kuhnert, Felix Lindner, Martin Mose Bentzen und Marco Ragni.
    Perceived Difficulty of Moral Dilemmas Depends on Their Causal Structure: A Formal Model and Preliminary Results.
    In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society CogSci 2017. 2017.

  • Felix Lindner und Martin Mose Bentzen.
    The Hybrid Ethical Reasoning Agent IMMANUEL.
    In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2017), Late-Breaking Report. 2017.
    (Abstract einblenden) (PDF)


  • Felix Lindner.
    How To Count Multiple Personal-Space Intrusions in Social Robot Navigation.
    In Proceedings of the Robo-Philosophy Conference 2016. 2016.
    (Abstract einblenden)

  • Felix Lindner.
    A Model of a Robot's Will Based on Higher-Order Desires.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016). 2016.
    (Abstract einblenden)

  • Felix Lindner.
    A Social Robot's Knowledge About Territories in Public Space.
    In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Public Space Human-Robot Interaction (PubRob 2016). 2016.
    (Abstract einblenden)