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Principles of AI Planning - Evaluation



  • 1x not specified
  • 5x German
  • 1x Jordanian

Study program: Computer Science as

  • 3x Master of Science, 2. Semester
  • 4x Master of Science, 8. Semester

Nominations for the teaching awards

  • 3x Dr. Helmert
  • 3x Prof. Dr. Nebel

I would like to nominate Dr. Helmert for the teaching award. My reason:

  • "Dr. Helmert spends a lot of effort to explain the material and simplify it and his slides are very understandable."
  • "He is well-motivated and makes sure that the students understand. The course is enjoyable."
  • "Why not?"

I would like to nominate Prof. Dr. Nebel for the teaching award. My reason:

  • "He is well-motivated and makes sure that the students understand. The course is enjoyable."
  • "Why not?"

Questions about the lecture

How would you rate the lecturer's overall performance? (Dr. Helmert)

[Abbildung 1]
very bad bad average good very good

How would you rate the lecturer's overall performance? (Prof Dr. Nebel)

[Abbildung 2]
very bad bad average good very good

Is the content of the lecture well-structured?

[Abbildung 3]
not at all rather badly average well very well

How valuable is the accompanying material?

[Abbildung 4]
not helpful not very
average helpful very helpful

How do you feel about this lecture?

[Abbildung 5]
not very
adequate challenged overstrained

How do you evaluate the quantity of material taught in this course?

[Abbildung 6]
not enough little average much too much

How many hours a week do you invest in this course?

[Abbildung 7]
0 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-19 20-24 25-29 >29

What do you like about this course?

  • "Dozenten geben sich viel Mühe / sind motiviert. Oft gute, anschauliche Beispiele auf den Folien"
  • "I like that it is very well organized and everyone is cooperative in case one has a question and explanationand the subject is interesting."
  • "The new perspective I gained about planning problems and the difficulties and challenges involved"

What do you not like so much about this course?

  • "Als Vorlesungssprache war deutsch angekündigt, wegen 1-2 Personen auf Englisch gewechselt."

Any suggestions how to improve this course?

  • "Recordings"
  • "An official recording would be helpful"

Questions about the tutorial

How difficult are the exercises?

[Abbildung 8]
too easy easy adequate difficult very difficult

Are the tutorials a good addition to the lecture?

[Abbildung 9]
not at all not very average good very good

How well does the tutor explain and answer questions?

[Abbildung 10]
very badly badly average well very well

Is the group size of the tutorial ok?

[Abbildung 11]
too small small adequate big too big

Your feedback concerning the exercises and the tutorial:

  • "Die Musterlösungen zu bekommen finde ich gut."
  • "Gut finde ich die Projekte und Aufgaben bei denen Algorithmen etc. praktisch angewandt werden."
  • "100% der Blätter korrekt für 1 Ponuspunkt ziemlich hoch bzw. zu hoch, um Anreiz/Motivation darzustellen, die Blätter zu machen."
  • "Projekte sind gut!"