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Game Theory - Overview

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel and Dr. Robert Mattmüller.
Lectures will start on 11 May.


Game Theory is concerned with rational decision making to reach ones own goals. In particular, it is about interplay and conflicts between goals of different players, i.e., about the question in which way the knowledge of other players' goals influences ones own behavior. In this course, the following types of games are studied:

  • Strategic games
  • Extensive games

We will introduce formalizations as well as solution concepts and algorithms for finding solutions.

Furthermore, the course is concerned with the mechanism design problem, i.e., with the question how a social system should be designed such that all participants have an incentive to promote social welfare.


For this course, no particular prerequisites are required. It is aimed both at Master's students and at third year Bachelor's students. Students with computer science as their minor subject are also welcome.

Bachelor's and Master's students in computer science can get credit points for this lecture as a specialization course in the area of cognitive technical systems. The exams will take place during the semester break after the lecture period.

This course is worth 6 ECTS credits.

Exercises and Exam Admission Prerequisites

During the semester there will be weekly theoretical exercise sheets and sporadic practical exercises and didactic web-based experiments in game theory. To complete the practical exercise sheets, Python 3 foundations are assumed. For the "Studienleistung" it is necessary to reach at least 50% of the marks from all exercises (theoretical, practical, web-based experiments).

All exercises except for the web-based experiments can and should be worked on in groups of three students. Larger groups and copied solutions or other types of plagiarism will not be accepted and will, on repetition, lead to disqualification from the final exam.


Lecture slides, homework assignments, a bibliography, and possibly lecture recordings will be made available via ILIAS.

The ILIAS course room will be opened on May 8, 2020.

Lecture recordings and slides can be found in ILIAS and are intended to be consumed asynchronously. On Fridays at 14:15, there will be virtual meetings (synchronous) where the instructors will be available to answer questions about the material of the present week, and where, additionally, the homework assignments handed in the previous week will be discussed.

More details regarding the virtual meetings will be provided soon via email through HISInOne and via ILIAS.

We will attempt to make all students registered for the course via HISInOne members of the ILIAS course room automatically. If you are registered via HISInOne, but do not have access to the ILIAS course room by May 11, 2020, please let us know.