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Seminar: Ethics of AI - Timetable

The schedule is subject to change.

Time Title
July 26, R101 (Breisacher Tor)
9:00 A1: Machines as artificial moral agents
9:30 A2: Machines as artificial moral patients
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 A3: Are there robot rights?
11:00 A4: Should robots have no rights?
11:30 B2: Cultural differences in the perception of a domestic robot‘s behavior
12:00 Lunch
13:00 B3: Cultural differences in the perception of an autonomous car‘s behaviour
13:30 C1: Descriptive aspects of human moral reasoning and decision-making under consideration of cognitive theories
14:00 C2: Influence of emotions and value judgments on moral decision-making
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 C3: How people apply different moral norms to human and robot agents
15:30 D1: What is machine ethics?
16:00 D2: Programming and implementing ethics in machines
16:30 Coffee break
17:00 D3: Embedding ethics in robot architectures
17:30 D4: Utilitarian machines
July 27, R101 (Breisacher Tor)
9:30 D5: Kantian machines
10:00 E1: Responsibility
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 63 Jahre Künstliche Intelligenz: Bilanz und Perspektiven (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel)
13:00 Lunch
13:30 E2: Trust
14:00 F1: User autonomy
14:30 F2: Biases in machine learning
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 B1: Dataset diversity in emotion detection
16:00 F3: Autonomous weapons systems
16:30 F4: Autonomous cars
17:00 G1: Explainable AI

For each topic, we reserved a slot of 30 minutes, out of which

  • 20 minutes are intended for the main presentation,
  • 10 minutes are intended for discussion and feedback and include context switching between presentations.