Sebastian Kupferschmid Publications
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Sebastian Kupferschmid and Martin Wehrle.
Abstractions and Pattern Databases: The Quest for Succinctness and Accuracy.
Parosh A. Abdulla and K. Rustan M. Leino (ed.),
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
2011), pp. 276-290.
Springer-Verlag 2011.
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Directed model checking is a well-established technique for
detecting error states in concurrent systems efficiently. As
error traces are important for debugging purposes, it is
preferable to find as short error traces as possible. A wide
spread method to find provably shortest error traces is
to apply the A* search algorithm with distance heuristics
that never overestimate the real error distance. An important
class of such distance estimators is the class of
pattern database heuristics, which are built on
abstractions of the system under consideration. In this paper,
we propose a systematic approach for the construction of
pattern database heuristics. We formally define a concept to
measure the accuracy of abstractions. Based on this technique,
we address the challenge of finding abstractions that are
succinct on the one hand, and accurate to produce informed
pattern databases on the other hand. We evaluate our approach
on large and complex industrial problems. The experiments show
that the resulting distance heuristic impressively advances
the state of the art.
Martin Wehrle and Sebastian Kupferschmid.
Context-Enhanced Directed Model Checking.
Jaco van de Pol and Michael Weber (eds.),
Proceedings of the 17th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Software
(SPIN 2010), pp. 88-105.
Springer-Verlag 2010.
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Directed model checking is a well-established technique to
efficiently tackle the state explosion problem when the aim is
to find error states in concurrent systems. Although directed
model checking has proved to be very successful in the past,
additional search techniques provide much potential to
efficiently handle larger and larger systems. In this work, we
propose a novel technique for traversing the state space based
on interference contexts. The basic idea is to preferably
explore transitions that interfere with previously applied
transitions, whereas other transitions are deferred
accordingly. Our approach is orthogonal to the model checking
process and can be applied to a wide range of search methods.
We have implemented our method and empirically evaluated its
potential on a range of non-trivial case studies. Compared to
standard model checking techniques, we are able to detect
subtle bugs with shorter error traces, consuming less memory
and time.
Sebastian Kupferschmid.
Directed Model Checking for Timed Automata.
Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität,
Freiburg, Germany 2009.
Martin Wehrle, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Andreas Podelski.
Transition-based Directed Model Checking.
Stefan Kowalewski and Anna Philippou (eds.),
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Tools and
Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS
2009), pp. 186-200.
Springer-Verlag 2009.
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Directed model checking is a well-established technique that
is tailored to fast detection of system states that violate a
given safety property. This is achieved by influencing the
order in which states are explored during the state space
traversal. The order is typically determined by an abstract
distance function that estimates a state's distance to a
nearest error state. In this paper, we propose a general
enhancement to directed model checking based on the evaluation
of state transitions. We present a schema,
parametrized by an abstract distance function, to evaluate
transitions and propose a new method for the state space
traversal. Our framework can be applied automatically to a
wide range of abstract distance functions. The empirical
evaluation impressively shows its practical potential.
Apparently, the new method identifies a sweet spot in the
trade-off between scalability (memory consumption) and short
error traces.
Thomas Keller and Sebastian Kupferschmid.
Automatic Bidding for the Game of Skat.
Andreas R. Dengel, Karsten Berns, Thomas M. Breuel, Frank
Bomarius and Thomas R. Roth-Berghofer (eds.),
Proceedings of the 31st Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2008), pp. 95-102.
Springer-Verlag 2008.
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In recent years, researchers started to study the game of Skat.
The strength of existing Skat playing programs is definitely the
card play phase. The bidding phase, however, was treated quite
poorly so far. This is a severe drawback since bidding abilities
influence the overall playing performance drastically. In this
paper we present a powerful bidding engine which is based on a
k-nearest neighbor algorithm.
Martin Wehrle, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Andreas Podelski.
Useless Actions are Useful.
Jussi Rintanen, Bernhard Nebel, J. Christopher Beck and Eric Hansen (eds.),
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automated
Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2008), pp. 388-395.
AAAI Press 2008.
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Planning as heuristic search is a powerful approach to solving
domain independent planning problems. In recent years, various
successful heuristics and planners like FF, LPG, Fast Downward
or SGPlan have been proposed in this context. However, as
heuristics only estimate the distance to goal states, a
general problem of heuristic search is the existence of
plateaus in the search space topology which can cause the
search process to degenerate. Additional techniques like
helpful actions or preferred operators that evaluate the
"usefulness" of actions are often successful strategies to
support the search in such situations.
In this paper, we introduce a general method to evaluate the
usefulness of actions. We propose a technique to enhance
heuristic search by identifying "useless" actions that are
not needed to find optimal plans. In contrast to helpful
actions or preferred operators that are specific to the FF
and Causal Graph heuristic, respectively, our method can be
combined with arbitrary heuristics. We show that this
technique often yields significant performance improvements.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Martin Wehrle, Bernhard Nebel and Andreas Podelski.
Faster than Uppaal?
A. Gupta and S. Malik (eds.),
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Aided
Verification (CAV 2008), pp. 552-555.
Springer-Verlag 2008.
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It is probably very hard to develop a new model checker that
is faster than Uppaal for verifying correct timed automata. In
fact, our tool Mcta does not even try to compete with Uppaal
in this (i.e., Uppaal's) arena. Instead, Mcta is geared
towards analyzing incorrect specifications of timed automata.
It returns (shorter) error traces faster.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Jörg Hoffmann and Kim G. Larsen.
Fast Directed Model Checking via Russian Doll Abstraction.
C. R. Ramakrishnan and J. Rehof (eds.),
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Tools and
Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2008), pp. 203-217.
Springer-Verlag 2008.
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Directed model checking aims at speeding up the search for bugs
in a system through the use of heuristic functions. Such a
function maps states to integers, estimating the state's
distance to the nearest error state. The search gives a
preference to states with lower estimates. The key issue is how
to generate good heuristic functions, i.e., functions that guide
the search quickly to an error state. An arsenal of heuristic
functions has been developed in recent years. Significant
progress was made, but many problems still prove to be
notoriously hard. In particular, a body of work describes
heuristic functions for model checking timed automata in Uppaal,
and tested them on a certain set of benchmarks. Into this
arsenal we add another heuristic function. With previous
heuristics, for the largest of the benchmarks it was only just
possible to find some (unnecessarily long) error path. With
the new heuristic, we can find provably shortest error paths for
these benchmarks in a matter of seconds. The heuristic
function is based on a kind of Russian Doll principle, where the
heuristic for a given problem arises through using Uppaal itself
for the complete exploration of a simplified instance of the
same problem. The simplification consists in removing those
parts from the problem that are distant from the error property.
As our empirical results confirm, this simplification often
preserves the characteristic structure leading to the error.
Henning Dierks, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Kim G. Larsen.
Automatic Abstraction Refinement for Timed Automata.
Jean-François Raskin and P. S. Thiagarajan (eds.),
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems
(FORMATS 2007), pp. 114-129.
Springer-Verlag 2007.
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We present a fully automatic approach for counterexample guided
abstraction refinement of real-time systems modelled in a subset
of timed automata. Our approach is implemented in the Moby/RT
tool environment, which is a CASE tool for embedded system
specifications. Verification in Moby/RT is done by constructing
abstractions of the semantics in terms of timed automata which
are fed into the model checker Uppaal. Since the abstractions
are over-approximations, absence of abstract counterexamples
implies a valid result for the full model. Our new approach
deals with the situation in which an abstract counterexample is
found by Uppaal. The generated abstract counterexample is used
to construct either a concrete counterexample for the full model
or to identify a slightly refined abstraction in which the found
spurious counterexample cannot occur anymore. Hence, the
approach allows for a fully automatic abstraction refinement
loop starting from the coarsest abstraction towards an
abstraction for which a valid verification result is found.
Nontrivial case studies demonstrate that this approach computes
small abstractions fast without any user interaction.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Klaus Dräger, Jörg Hoffmann, Bernd Finkbeiner, Henning Dierks, Andreas Podelski and Gerd Behrmann.
UPPAAL/DMC - Abstraction-based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking.
Orna Grumberg and Michael Huth (eds.),
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tools
and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2007), pp. 679-682.
Springer-Verlag 2007.
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Uppaal/DMC is an extension of Uppaal that provides generic
heuristics for directed model checking. In this approach, the
traversal of the state space is guided by a heuristic function
which estimates the distance of a search state to the nearest
error state. Our tool combines two recent approaches to design
such estimation functions. Both are based on computing an
abstraction of the system and using the error distance in this
abstraction as the heuristic value. The abstractions, and thus
the heuristic functions, are generated fully automatically and
do not need any additional user input. Uppaal/DMC needs less
time and memory to find shorter error paths than Uppaal's
standard search methods.
Jörg Hoffmann, Jan-Georg Smaus, Andrey Rybalchenko, Sebastian Kupferschmid and Andreas Podelski.
Using Predicate Abstraction to Generate Heuristic Functions in
Stefan Edelkamp and Alessio Lomuscio (eds.),
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence
(MoChArt 2006), pp. 51-66.
Springer-Verlag 2006.
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We focus on checking safety properties in networks of extended
timed automata, with the well-known Uppaal system. We show how
to use predicate abstraction, in the sense used in model
checking, to generate search guidance, in the sense used in
Artificial Intelligence (AI). This contributes another family
of heuristic functions to the growing body of work on
directed model checking. The overall methodology
follows the pattern database approach from AI: the
abstract state space is exhaustively built in a pre-process,
and used as a lookup table during search. While typically
pattern databases use rather primitive abstractions ignoring
some of the relevant symbols, we use predicate
abstraction, dividing the state space into equivalence
classes with respect to a list of logical expressions
(predicates). We empirically explore the behavior of the
resulting family of heuristics, in a meaningful set of
benchmarks. In particular, while several challenges remain
open, we show that one can easily obtain heuristic functions
that are competitive with the state-of-the-art in directed
model checking.
Sebastian Kupferschmid and Malte Helmert.
A Skat Player Based on Monte Carlo Simulation.
H. Jaap van den Herik, Paolo Ciancarini and H. H. L. M. Donkers (eds.),
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Computer and Games (CG 2006), pp. 135-147.
Springer-Verlag 2006.
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We apply Monte Carlo simulation and alpha-beta search to the
card game of Skat, which is similar to Bridge, but
different enough to require some new algorithmic ideas besides
the techniques developed for Bridge. Our Skat-playing program
integrates well-known techniques such as move ordering
with two new search enhancements. Quasi-symmetry
reduction generalizes symmetry reductions, popularized by
Ginsberg's Partition Search algorithm, to search states which
are "almost equivalent". Adversarial heuristics
generalize ideas from single-agent search algorithms like A* to
two-player games, leading to guaranteed lower and upper bounds
for the score of a game position. Combining these techniques
with state-of-the-art tree search algorithms, our program
determines the game-theoretical value of a typical Skat hand
(with perfect information) in 10 milliseconds.
Sebastian Kupferschmid, Jörg Hoffmann, Henning Dierks and Gerd Behrmann.
Adapting an AI Planning Heuristic for Directed Model Checking.
Antti Valmari (ed.),
Proceedings of the 13th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Software
(SPIN 2006), pp. 35-52.
Springer-Verlag 2006.
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There is a growing body of work on directed model checking,
which improves the falsification of safety properties by
providing heuristic functions that can guide the search
quickly towards short error paths. Techniques
of this kind have also been made very successful in the area of
AI Planning. Our main technical contribution is the adaptation
of the most successful heuristic function from AI Planning to
the model checking context, yielding a new heuristic for
directed model checking. The heuristic is based on solving an
abstracted problem in every search state. We adapt the
abstraction and its solution to networks of communicating
automata annotated with (constraints and effects on) integer
variables. Since our ultimate goal in this research is to also
take into account clock variables, as used in timed automata,
our techniques are implemented inside Uppaal. We run
experiments in some toy benchmarks for timed automata, and in
two timed automata case studies originating from an industrial
project. Compared to both blind search and some previously
proposed heuristic functions, we consistently obtain
significant, sometimes dramatic, search space reductions,
resulting in likewise strong reductions of runtime and memory
Jörg Hoffmann and Sebastian Kupferschmid.
A Covering Problem for Hypercubes.
Leslie Pack Kaelbling and Alessandro Saffiotti (eds.),
Poster Proceedings of the 19th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2005), pp. 1523-1524.
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We introduce a new NP-complete problem asking if a "query"
hypercube is (not) covered by a set of other "evidence"
hypercubes. This comes down to a form of constraint reasoning
asking for the satisfiability of a CNF formula where the
logical atoms are inequalities over single variables, with
possibly infinite variable domains. We empirically investigate
the location of the phase transition regions in two random
distributions of problem instances. We introduce a solution
method that iteratively constructs a representation of the
non-covered part of the query cube. In particular, the method
is not based on backtracking. Our experiments show that the
method is, in a significant range of instances, superior to the
backtracking method that results from translation to SAT, and
application of a state-of-the-art DP-based SAT solver.
Sebastian Kupferschmid.
Entwicklung eines Double-Dummy Skat Solvers mit einer Anwendung für verdeckte Skatspiele.
Diploma thesis,
Freiburg, Germany 2003.
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In dieser Diplomarbeit werden Monte Carlo Simulation und
Alpha-Beta-Suche auf das Skatspiel angewendet. Das entwickelte
Skatprogramm integriert bekannte Techniken wie z. B.
Zuganordnung (move ordering) mit zwei neuen Sucherweiterungen.
Quasi-Symmetrie-Reduktion ist eine Generalisierung von M.
Ginsbergs Partition Search, die es erlaubt ähnliche
Zustände als symmetrisch anzusehen. Desweiteren wird eine
Technik zur schnellen Vorwärtssuche vorgestellt, die Ideen aus
dem Gebiet der heuristischen Suche in den Kontext von
Zweipersonenspielen transferiert. Die Kombination dieser
Techniken zusammen mit einem modernen Algorithmus zur Baumsuche
ermöglicht es den spieltheoretischen Wert einer typischen
Skathand (mit vollständigem Weltwissen) in 10 Millisekunden zu