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Seminar: Handlungsplanung und Modelchecking - Themen
1. Symbolisches Model-Checking und Planen mit BDDs
Jerry R. Burch, Edmund M. Clarke, Kenneth L. McMillan, David L. Dill and L. J. Hwang. 1990.
Symbolic model checking: 10^20 states and beyond.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 1990), 1-33. -
Alessandro Cimatti, Marco Roveri and Paolo Traverso. 1998.
Strong planning in non-deterministic domains via model checking.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS 1998), 36-43.
Betreuung: Dr. Robert Mattmüller
Bearbeitung: Falko Stenzel
Kommentar: Huifeng Gan
2. ATL-Model-Checking
Rajeev Alur, Thomas A. Henzinger and Orna Kupferman. 2002.
Alternating-time temporal logic.
Journal of the ACM 49(5):672-713. -
Wojciech Jamroga. 2004.
Strategic planning through model checking of ATL formulae.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2004), 879-884.
Betreuung: Dr. Robert Mattmüller
Bearbeitung: Huifeng Gan
Kommentar: Falko Stenzel
3. Konformantes Planen als symbolisches Model-Checking
Alessandro Cimatti and Marco Roveri. 2000.
Conformant planning via symbolic model checking.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 13:305-338.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel
Bearbeitung: Martin Senk
Kommentar: entfällt
4. Komplexe Ziele beim nicht-deterministischen Planen
Marco Pistore and Moshe Y. Vardi. 2007.
The planning spectrum -- One, two, three, infinity.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 30:101-132.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel
Bearbeitung: offen
Kommentar: offen
5. Abstraction Refinement
Edmund M. Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu and Helmut Veith. 2000.
Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2000), 154-169. -
Edmund M. Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu and Helmut Veith. 2003.
Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for symbolic model checking.
Journal of the ACM 50(5):752-794.
Betreuung: Dr. Sebastian Kupferschmid
Bearbeitung: Christoph Betz
Kommentar: Derya Yavuz
6. Realzeitautomaten
Johan Bengtsson and Wang Yi. 2003.
Timed automata: Semantics, algorithms and tools.
Lectures on Concurrency and Petri Nets 2003, 87-124.
Betreuung: Dr. Sebastian Kupferschmid
Bearbeitung: Derya Yavuz
Kommentar: Christoph Betz
7. Bounded Model Checking
Armin Biere, Alessandro Cimatti, Edmund M. Clarke and Yunshan Zhu. 1999.
Symbolic model checking without BDDs.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 1999), 193-207. -
Ofer Strichman. 2000.
Tuning SAT checkers for bounded model checking.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2000), 480-494.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
Bearbeitung: offen
Kommentar: offen
8. Planen als Erfüllbarkeitsproblem
Henry A. Kautz and Bart Selman. 1992.
Planning as satisfiability.
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 1992), 359-363. -
Henry A. Kautz and Bart Selman. 1996.
Pushing the envelope: Planning, propositional logic and stochastic search.
Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 1996), 1194-1201.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
Bearbeitung: Jens Zettelmeyer
Kommentar: Martin Senk
9. Handlungsplanung: Komplexität
Tom Bylander. 1994.
The computational complexity of propositional STRIPS planning.
Artificial Intelligence 69(1-2):165-204. -
Kutluhan Erol, Dana S. Nau and V. S. Subrahmanian. 1995.
Complexity, decidability and undecidability results for domain-independent planning.
Artificial Intelligence 76(1-2):65-88.
Betreuung: Dr. Gabriele Röger
Bearbeitung: entfällt
Kommentar: entfällt
10. Heuristisches Planen: h^m und h^add
Blai Bonet and Héctor Geffner. 2001.
Planning as heuristic search.
Artificial Intelligence 129(1-2):5-33. -
Patrik Haslum and Héctor Geffner. 2000.
Admissible heuristics for optimal planning.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS 2000), 140-149.
Betreuung: Dr. Gabriele Röger
Bearbeitung: offen
Kommentar: offen
11. Heuristisches Planen: FF
Jörg Hoffmann and Bernhard Nebel. 2001.
The FF planning system: Fast plan generation through heuristic search.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 14:253-302.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Malte Helmert
Bearbeitung: offen
Kommentar: offen
12. Heuristisches Planen: Musterdatenbanken
Patrik Haslum, Adi Botea, Malte Helmert, Blai Bonet and Sven Koenig. 2007.
Domain-independent construction of pattern database heuristics for cost-optimal planning.
Proceedings of the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2007), 1007-1012. -
Stefan Edelkamp. 2001.
Planning with pattern databases.
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Planning (ECP 2001), 13-24. -
Patrik Haslum, Blai Bonet and Héctor Geffner. 2005.
New admissible heuristics for domain-independent planning.
Proceedings of the 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2005), 1194-1201.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Malte Helmert
Bearbeitung: offen
Kommentar: offen