Robotics Laboratory - Overview
Organizers: Dr. Alexander Kleiner and Dr. Christian Dornhege
Time and Location
First meeting: Monday, April 27th 2009 15:00 c.t.
Time: Will be decided with the students
Location: RoboCup room, building 082 (Mensa); entrance through the blue
The laboratory provides motivated students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge on the development of autonomous agents in the context of RoboCup. This includes topic from the areas of Artificial Intelligence, image/sensor processing, real time systems and control engineering. For a more detailed description of RoboCup, have a look at the official homepage
Please have a look to the following links for getting an idea about our activities:
- RescueRobots Freiburg in the RoboCupRescue Robot League
- RescueRobots Freiburg in the RoboCupRescue Simulation League
- Sick Robot Day 2007
Students participating in this laboratory have to choose from some introduced projects. In this context, they will learn how robots perceive their environment, decide which actions to execute, and how to execute them reliably. They will have to give short presentations during the laboratory to share their experiences with other students in the group. Finally, they have to hand in a short report of their project. Some of the proposed projects are listed on the project page.
Sick Robot Day 2007 | RoboCupRescue Robot League |
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Since all of our existing software is written in C/C++, programming experience is absolutely necessary. Additionally, it would be useful if students are familiar with some techniques from the area of Artificial Intelligence, image processing or control engineering.
We are particularly interested in students that intend to continue their work within a RoboCup team. They might also get the opportunity to participate in international competitions. To reach this goal, however, we expect a high degree of motivation and time investment.