
Seminar: Advanced Topics in AI Planning - Organization

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel, Dr. Robert Mattmüller.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Robert Mattmüller.

Time and Place

Block seminar: Saturday/Sunday, July 18/19, 2015 in building 101, HS 026.

Topic assignment: The topics were briefly presented during the kickoff meeting (PDF slides of kickoff meeting). The assignment of topics to students is now available.

Paper due date: July 4, 2015, 23:59 Uhr CEST

Presentation slides due date: July 11, 2015, 23:59 Uhr CEST

Please make sure to honour the due dates. In case of late submissions of papers or slides, we will lower the grade by one step per day (e.g., from 2.3 to 2.7).


In the lecture on AI Planning many basic techniques and algorithms were discussed, but we lacked the time to study a larger number of advanced techniques. We want to make up for this in the present seminar. Previous knowledge in AI Planning is advantageous, but not a formal prerequisite for the participation in this seminar.

The material will be presented and discussed by the participants in the form of oral presentations.

Prerequisites and ECTS Credits

To obtain ECTS credits, the participants have to

  • give an oral presentation of about 25 minutes,
  • hand in a written paper of about 10 to 12 pages about their topic,
  • give a brief (5 minute) oral short commentary about another topic after the oral presentation on the same topic, and
  • be present throughout the whole seminar.
Papers, presentations etc. can be either in German or in English. For oral contributions, English is preferred.

The talks, papers, commentaries and active participation will be graded. Please note that you have to register for this course via HISInOne in order to receive ECTS credits.

The paper should be prepared using LaTeX and be about 10 to 12 pages long. You will find commented examples that you may use as a guideline for structuring your paper in our seminar guide. There, you will also find further hints on how to prepare and give a seminar talk.