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Seminar: Automatenkonstruktionen im Model Checking - Themen
A. Logiken
A.1. An Introduction to Model Checking
Stephan Merz. 2008.
An Introduction to Model Checking (PDF)
in Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Systems.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
A.2. Presburger Arithmetik
Felix Klaedtke. 2004.
On the Automata Size for Presburger Arithmetic (PDF)
in 19th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. -
Felix Klaedtke. 2008.
Bounds on the automata size for Presburger arithmetic (PDF)
in ACM Trans. Comput. Log..
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
Bearbeitung: Sebastian Dufner
Kommentar: Felix Atmanspacher
A.3. Reelle Arithmetik
Jochen Eisinger and Felix Klaedtke. 2006.
Don't Care Words with an Application to the Automata-Based Approach for Real Addition (PDF)
in 18th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
A.4. Alternating-time Temporal Logic
Rajeev Alur, Thomas A. Henzinger, and Orna Kupferman. 2002.
Alternating-time temporal logic (PDF)
Journal of the ACM 49(5): 672-713, 2002.
Betreuung: Dr. Stefan Wölfl
Bearbeitung: Luminous Fennell
Kommentar: Fabian Wenzelmann
B. Automaten
B.1. Reasoning about Infinite Computation Paths
A.P. Sistla and Moshe Vardi and Pierre Wolper. 1987.
Reasoning about Infinite Computation Paths (PDF)
in Proceedings of the 24th IEEE FOCS (1983).
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
B.2. On Complementing Nondeterministic Büchi Automata
A.P. Sistla and Moshe Vardi and Pierre Wolper. 2003.
On Complementing Nondeterministic Büchi Automata (PDF)
in 12th CHARME Conference.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
Bearbeitung: Stephanie Embgen
Kommentar: Sebastian Dufner
B.3. Fast LTL to Büchi Automata Translation
Paul Gastin and Denis Oddoux. 2001.
Fast LTL to Büchi Automata Translation (PDF)
in 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification.
Betreuung: Dr. Alexander Schimpf
B.4. Linear-Time Temporal Logic and Büchi Automata
Madhavan Mukund. 1997.
Linear-Time Temporal Logic and Büchi Automata (PDF)
in Winter School on Logic and Computer Science, Indian Statistical Institute.
Betreuung: Dr. Alexander Schimpf
Bearbeitung: Eugen Sawin
Kommentar: Luminous Fennell
B.5. Antichains: Enhanced Model Checking
Laurent Doyen and Jean-Francois Raskin. 2007.
Improved Algorithms for the Automata-Based Approach to Model-Checking (PDF)
in 13th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. -
Martin De Wulf and Laurent Doyen and Nicolas Maquet and Jean-Francois Raskin. 2008.
Antichains: Alternative Algorithms for LTL Satisfiability and Model-Checking (PDF)
in 14th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan-Georg Smaus
B.6. Optimizing Büchi Automata
Kousha Etessami and Gerard J. Holzmann. 2000.
Optimizing Büchi Automata (PDF)
in 11th International Conference on Concurrency Theory.
Betreuung: Dr. Alexander Schimpf
C. Bezug zu Isabelle/HOL
C.1. LTL to Büchi Translation à la Gerth et al.
Rob Gerth and Doron Peled and Moshe Y. Vardi and Pierre Wolper. 1995.
Simple on-the-fly automatic verification of linear temporal logic (PDF)
in 15th International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification. -
Alexander Schimpf and Stephan Merz and Jan-Georg Smaus. 2009.
Construction of Büchi Automata for LTL Model Checking Verified in Isabelle/HOL (PDF)
in 22nd International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics.
Betreuung: Dr. Alexander Schimpf
Bearbeitung: Christian Schilling
Kommentar: Stephanie Embgen
C.2. Weak Alternating Automata in Isabelle/HOL
Stephan Merz. 2000.
Weak Alternating Automata in Isabelle/HOL (PDF)
in 13th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics.
Betreuung: Dr. Alexander Schimpf
C.3. Isabelle/HOL und Presburger Arithmetik
Stefan Berghofer and Markus Reiter. 2009.
Formalizing the Logic-Automaton Connection (PDF)
in 22nd International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics.
Betreuung: Dr. Alexander Schimpf
D. Spiele
D.1. Introduction to Infinite Games
Erich Grädel, Wolfgang Thomas, and Thomas Wilke (Hrsg.). 2002.
Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games. Chapter 1: ω-Automata (PDF)
. -
Erich Grädel, Wolfgang Thomas, and Thomas Wilke (Hrsg.). 2002.
Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games. Chapter 2: Infinite Games (PDF)
Betreuung: Dr. Stefan Wölfl
Bearbeitung: Felix Atmanspacher
Kommentar: Christian Schilling
D.2. Timed Games and an Application to Automated Planning
Franck Cassez, Alexandre David, Emmanuel Fleury, Kim G. Larsen and Didier Lime. 2005.
Efficient On-the-fly Algorithms for the Analysis of Timed Games (PDF)
in 16th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR). -
Y. Abdeddaim, E. Asarin, M. Gallien, F. Ingrand, C. Lesire, and M. Sighireanu. 2006.
Planning Robust Temporal Plans: A Comparison Between CBTP and TGA Approaches (PDF)
in 16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS).
Betreuung: Dr. Robert Mattmüller
Bearbeitung: Fabian Wenzelmann
Kommentar: Daniel Jäckle
E. Bezug zur Künstlichen Intelligenz
E.1. LTL Model Checking and an Application to Planning with Temporally Extended Goals
Rob Gerth and Doron Peled and Moshe Y. Vardi and Pierre Wolper. 1995.
Simple on-the-fly automatic verification of linear temporal logic (PDF)
in 15th International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification. -
Jorge A. Baier and Sheila McIlraith. 2006.
Planning with Temporally Extended Goals using Heuristic Search (PDF)
in 16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS).
Betreuung: Dr. Robert Mattmüller
E.2. Automata-based Heuristics in Directed Model Checking
Klaus Dräger, Bernd Finkbeiner, and Andreas Podelski. 2006.
Directed Model Checking with Distance-preserving Abstractions (PDF)
in 13th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software.
Betreuung: Dr. Robert Mattmüller
Bearbeitung: Daniel Jäckle
Kommentar: Eugen Sawin