
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - Evaluation



  • 6x German
  • 1x Indian

Study program: Computer Science as

  • 3x Master of Science, 2. Semester
  • 2x Bachelor of Science, 6. Semester
  • 1x Diplom (major), 9. Semester
  • 1x Diplom (major), 12. Semester

Questions about the lecture

How would you rate the lecturer's overall performance? (Dr. Wölfl)

[Abbildung 1]
very bad bad average good very good

How would you rate the lecturer's overall performance? (Dr. Helmert)

[Abbildung 2]
very bad bad average good very good

How would you rate the lecturer's overall performance? (Prof. Nebel)

[Abbildung 3]
very bad bad average good very good

Is the content of the lecture well-structured?

[Abbildung 4]
not at all rather badly average well very well

How valuable is the accompanying material?

[Abbildung 5]
not helpful not very
average helpful very helpful

How do you feel about this lecture?

[Abbildung 6]
not very
adequate challenged overstrained

How do you evaluate the quantity of material taught in this course?

[Abbildung 7]
not enough little average much too much

How many hours a week do you invest in this course?

[Abbildung 8]
0 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-19 20-24 25-29 >29

What do you like about this lecture?

  • "It is challenging. Good exercise to my brain. "
  • "ausgedruckte Folien, erleichtern das Lernen. "
  • "Guter Überblick über die verschiedenen Bereicht von AI. Ausgedruckte Folien am Anfang jeder VL. "

What do you not like so much about this course?

  • "Not sure how it will be useful "
  • "Vorlesung Freitag 14-16 "
  • "Sprache in englisch macht alles etwas schwieriger. "
  • "Die Folien sind sehr "dicht" im Sinne des Inhalts, was sie oft etwas kompliziert macht."

Any suggestions how to improve this course?

  • "A little basic revision would be very useful. "
  • "Ich denke das Sommersemester ist zu kurz für die Vorlesung. "
  • "Aufzeichnungen wären ab und an nützlich wenn man sich bei Teilen der Vorlesung nicht mehr sicher ist um das dann nochmals anzuhören. Konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele (aus der Praxis) würden den Stoff manchmal verständlicher machen als nur die Theorie. "

Questions about the tutorial

How difficult are the exercises?

[Abbildung 9]
too easy easy adequate difficult very difficult

Are the tutorials a good addition to the lecture?

[Abbildung 10]
not at all not very average good very good

How well does the tutor explain and answer questions?

[Abbildung 11]
very badly badly average well very well

Is the group size of the tutorial ok?

[Abbildung 12]
too small small adequate big too big

Your feedback concerning the exercises and the tutorial:

  • "Excellent. "
  • "Ausführliche Musterlösungen sind gut; Extreme Schwankungen im Schwierigkeitsgrad zwischen einzelnen Aufgaben/Blättern. "
  • "es gab nur eine Gruppe... "
  • "zum Teil sehr große Varianz im Schwierigkeitsgrad innerhalb eines Blatts"