
Michael Brenner

Michael Brenner

I have left the research group for Foundations of Artificial Intelligence!

Michael Brenner attended Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg, Germany, majoring in Computer Science (minor subject: Cognitive Psychology) from 1995 to 1998. In 1998 he enrolled in the DEA de Sciences Cognitives at LIMSI in Paris, France, and obtained a Master's Degree in Cognitive Science in fall 1999. He then came back to Freiburg, first as a member of the Graduate Program on Human and Machine Intelligence, then as a university assistant in the Artificial Intelligence Research Group headed by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel.

Research Interests

Michael is interested in multiagent systems, AI planning, knowledge representation and human-computer interaction. His PhD work is about multiagent planning and plan execution in dynamic environments.

Michael is team leader of ResQ Freiburg, a multiagent research team participating in the RoboCup Rescue Simulation competition, which is part of the international RoboCup initiative. In 2004, ResQ Freiburg, then co-lead by Dr. Alexander Kleiner and Michael Brenner, became world champion in the Rescue Simulation league.

In the EU-funded project CoSy, he is working on continual planning techniques in multiagent settings, and collaborative planning between humans and robots.

Michael was also a member of the IPP Planning project. In 1997, IPP won the ADL track of the first international planning systems competition.


Michael was chair of the AAAI-02 Workshop on Planning with and for Multiagent Systems in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on July 28/29, 2002.
He was coorganizer of the 9th German Autumn School on Cognitive Science in Freiburg, September 2000.

Michael chaired the Rescue Simulation League at RoboCup German Open 2005.  He is a member of the Technical Committee of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation league of RoboCup 2005 in Osaka, Japan.


Seminar Gruppenaktionen in dynamischen, unsicheren Umgebungen (SS 05)
Seminar Theorie und Praxis autonomer Systeme (SS 04)
Übungen zur Vorlesung AI Planning (SS 04)
Übungen zur Vorlesung Theoretische Informatik (WS 03/04)
Software-Praktikum RoboCupRescue (SS 03)
Übungen zur Vorlesung Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (SS 03)
Blockseminar Spiele, Spieltheorie und Multiagentensysteme (SS 03)
Übungen zur Vorlesung Informatik 1 (WS 02/03)
Software-Praktikum RoboCupRescue (SS 02)
Seminar Multiagent Systems (WS 00/01)
